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WIP for mmxscript. I'm most likely going to add more stuff before the run is over, but I feel guilty letting it float around in Discord CDN hell. User movie #638709699427364327 A little preview of the "known improvements" section of our run. I worked really hard on this climb, but in addition to slightly longer knockbacks, I think my wall jump spacing is just not as good. Link to video I thought standard dashing might be faster than ride armor in Comma Chameleon's swamp, but it's not. Very close, though! Link to video
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You had me at "resp. malus"
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Yup! Take a look at the Wily 4 fight (22:11) vs. my earlier encoding attempt if you want a good example. So, maybe the name flicker_ender is a bit misleading. The flicker ender project ends sprite tearing and cutoff due to hardware limitations to get a clearer picture. That's it. I don't even disable i-frame flicker. My goal is to draw what the game is thinking. That said, I do have some flags that enable a static drawing order and disable i-frame flicker, among other things. I consider screen strobing to be a separate goal. flicker_ender, with the right settings, would be one component in making a photosensitive encode. And to be honest, the idea of that makes me nervous, because how do we vet it? Do we have a focus group? I would hate to fix obvious things based on my assumptions about epilepsy, only to learn that some detail I overlooked caused someone problems.
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Hmmm... How's this, then? I could make a photosensitive one, too. Link to video
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What are your thoughts on enhanced encodes? I'm not just talking about camhacks and graphics fixes, which bring the video from garbled to intelligible. I'm talking about encode enhancers: things that show behind-the-scenes info, or extend the console's capabilities. I ask because I have what I call a "flicker ender" for Mega Man 2, which I use for most uploads on my channel nowadays. It's like the "allow more than 8 sprites per scanline" option on steroids; it emulates the game's drawing routines with an infinite OAM to essentially create a magical "allow more than 64 sprites globally" option. I'm also sitting on an encode of Mega Man that shows the full length of the magnet beams in addition to fixing the garbled graphics. Malleo's Paper Mario: All Cards encode is another good example of what I'm talking about. I, for one, would love to see these sorts of encodes on the site.
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Link to video I reencoded this with mm2_flicker_ender. Works like a charm even with all the custom graphics. Looks like YHC already used "allow more than 8 sprites per scanline," but check out the boss fight at 18:48 for a good example of what this thing can do. It's like if you had a magical "allow more than 64 sprites globally" button. I bring this up because I'd like to ask if we could actually publish this with a flicker-ended encode. Of course I'd want to do it for vanilla rm2, and with some effort, I could use most of my code for most other Capcom games of the era (anything supported by Capcom Sprite Assembler).
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There are some improvements to the first two stages of this run, but CUI and I found them in mid/late January after he had already resynced the run on top of my blocky body glitch (walkies through blockies?). I have no intention of delaying or cancelling this submission to integrate these changes, but here's a ghost if you want to see: Link to video I'm going to add some details to the actual submission text within the next day or two, here. Was gonna do that tonight but I got hella confused by these extra improvements.
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Mikewillplays wrote:
The way this movie was improved on reminds me of how the Arkanoid TAS was improved
Ooh, I missed the 2023 movie for that! I certainly remember the 2019 one because it was my rival for rookie of the year... lmao. My approach of taking readings and generating a strategy to execute by hand is a bit different from what those guys accomplished. The only reverse engineering I did was to compute those meander frames and grade my solutions. I suppose my decision to ignore pen movement and miracle frames parallels Chef Steff's 8 angle approach.
saltthorn wrote:
I felt like maybe the movie's moment had passed, so I didn't bother posting it.
It is always a good moment for dinosaur coloring. Thanks for this! This is a really cool idea. To get at what's in my head, you'd have to do it on the freaky acid soaked versions, which I refuse to embed: (To be clear, I can embed them. I think your little website just doesn't allow image embedding) What does your approach say about 1 and 27 for this? You can find all my graphs here if you want to compare.
saltthorn wrote:
I don't recommend it, but it worked well enough for a proof of concept.
Pretty much my entire process for this movie, tbh.
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Quantizing to the nearest Super Mario Bros tile is insanely cool. Do you happen to have a VOD of your console sync attempts? Not that I have any remote ability to help, I just wanna see. I'm also curious about your $2002 false positive thing. If I'm understanding this correctly, since TASers can predict the future, you pump in an extra input each frame to tell your code what's going to happen?
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872 rerecords on 999 levels? I guess that means you have a 12.7% prediction rate on what the car will do. Neat! With hot dogs, sharks, and potatoes, there's a nice variety of gameplay here, and the music is really catchy and pleasant. At around level 438, I entered a sort of zen. I stopped seeing the individual levels and started to see the bigger picture. About Wario, TASing, video games... everything.
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Randomno wrote:
1976: Four color theorem solved by computer. 2024: Color a Dinosaur four color theorem solved by computer.
Damn, shoulda waited for the 50th anniversary!
CoolHandMike wrote:
The "background" having different colors on some of them like between the legs is a little jarring
I gotchu. Look, they can even be 3-colored!
FractalFusion wrote:
Last year, I had planned to make a script to find miracle frames (more like, find the click location that minimizes coloring time), but never got around to it. It probably wouldn't have helped, considering that click location is not the only factor determining the coloring time.
It might yet! I don't know if the surrounding colors really affect it, or if I was just getting confused by the pink/yellow discrepancy.
FractalFusion wrote:
The pixels in question: There might be a problem in considering the yellow and gray regions adjacent, considering the purple and pink regions at the same "corner" are equally as close! (The regions to which the four-color theorem apply shouldn't be considered touching at "corners".)
I dunno, don't they just look... touchy? This is kind of how I see it. But then again, if this isn't a corner, what is? How do you touch something less than 1 pixel? By the way, my code is online now, which includes all the graphs I created.
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Synced Rev A on FCEUX 2.3.0 and it saves 90 frames, + 1 from the menu tech.
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Something weird always happens with these things! I think you may be overestimating what my script really did for me. Let me walk you through the process.
  1. Manually TAS to the first gameplay input
  2. Use TASEditor autofire to generate a baseline of up mashing
  3. Sprinkle in some left and right presses to avoid obstacles without slowing down
  4. Use my script to verify that there were no errors in steps 2-3
So if I'm 30 frames late or whatever to the first gameplay input, that's on me. And I know you probably don't trust me after the toenail incident, but I promise you I am not that sloppy. Let me detail some of my test results. FCEUX 2.3.0 I have deeply personal reasons for not wanting to update my FCEUX past this version. Go ahead, ask me if I'm joking. If you look at my inputs, they are lag-perfect. 1007 is the first frame I can press up on the first level with my menuing. Your menuing only saves 1 frame. BizHawk 2.3.1 The version of BizHawk I happened to have. I swear this is a coincidence... I got the same 1007 start frame as I did on FCEUX 2.3.0 (not including your menu save). I tried your movie and it doesn't sync. BizHawk 2.9.1 I get a start frame of 1011. I loaded up your userfile, didn't sync. Huh? I saw a brief pop up that says something about "ROM hashes," sounds like nerd stuff! Probably best to ignore it. ----------------------------------------------- Nah jk, looks like you're using Rev A. I'm using the original release. I thought the ROM name was enough to clarify that (my other one is Action 52 (USA) (Rev A) (Unl).nes), but I probably should have put something in the version box. Sorry for the confusion. Let me rerun my tests on Rev A to confirm that these emulators aren't completely broken. FCEUX 2.3.0 Got a start frame of 989. Your menu thing saves 1 frame. BizHawk 2.3.1 Got a start frame of 998. Your menu thing only saves 1 frame. BizHawk 2.9.1 Got a start frame of 994. Your movie syncs, and indeed is 2 frames faster thanks to the menuing. I still get the hash warning, though... ------------------------------------------- I didn't have time to test past the first stage on all of these, but you get the idea. Still quite a bit of variance even up to that point. Is that normal for most games? Either way, it does seem like Rev A is legitimately faster, and your menuing tech is a legitimate save regardless of emulator or game revision.
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Oh boy, here comes Cabin to delay another Rockman 2 submission! I thought this looked familiar...and yep, I messed around with this a couple years ago. Link to video Did you happen to see McBobX's run? He never submitted it, but somehow I managed to get ahold of his movie file and make some comparisons on Liquidman's stage. Link to video My WIP is 79 frames ahead of you, most of which is due to your pausing maneuver at 0:30. In fact, even one pause seems to be a bit slower than just jumping to the left. You are 10 frames faster than Bob. But that's just Liquid; you saved like 20 seconds in Amulet! I really like your Clock climb as well. Link to video Aaaaand just for fun.
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I thought all games were timed power on to last input around here. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to mooch my way onto the authors list or anything, I'm just surprised to learn this. Is this sort of a legacy thing?
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Sorry Logan, but the way I see it, this is: Meong in 1:02.06 by warmCabin
  • Meong in 1:07.06 by LogansGamingRoom
We didn't collaborate. Not that I wouldn't! It's just, we didn't. I'm going to make a solo submission with my 1:02.06.
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I noticed this was submitted and published as a 20:01.37, but if you download the input file, it's still has the blank frames at the end making it a 20:01.94 (72235 frames). I can't tell what the frame count on the actual publication is, but I managed to trim it down to 72182 frames, which would be a 20:01.055. If I'm doing my math correctly, I think you guys only trimmed it to the 7-button flash at 72201.
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nymx wrote:
Can you please clarify? Are you saying that your TAS completes the entire game from power on, at 3730 frames? or are you calculating the frame between the menu and ending point?
LogansGamingRoom wrote:
warmCabin… would it be possible to resync meong from your proof of concept tas?
Yep, 3730, power on to last input. No sense just describing it, here's a userfile: User movie #638274530734989987. I was just about to submit it when I saw this one in the queue :/
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Shit, I was working on this one too. Found my own route that only takes 3730 frames. How do we handle this situation? As a matter of fact, the run I slipped into my full run test would be a 3734. Same route, but I had two autofire mishaps.
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Here you go. I found some good stuff in level 1, a fairly small thing in level 2, and absolutely nothing in level 3. User movie #638266238020257523
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Sorry man, I haven't had the time to look into this until just now. I'll post again later tonight with my findings.
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This isn't as far fetched as you might think. I have encountered two similar glitches in the past. 1. Zombie Anko Link to video This is an interesting bug where certain shrimps are assigned an incorrect "special pause type" in the data tables, which allows you to despawn an "item" sprite (sprites which are configured to permanently unload once destroyed) depending on the shrimp's action state. Crash Bomb walls are item sprites, but unfortunately, this glitch can only affect this one specific Anko. I didn't see any other sprites with bad special pause types when I first discovered this, but I can double check. 2. Practice Hack Jank Kuumba made a cool practice hack for the RTA community, it's really good. One of the features he implemented was a pause exit, but he did it by jumping straight to the menu code. This lead to a stack overflow bug where eventually return addressees would start overwriting important gameplay data...the first of which was always the solid sprite data, as used by crash walls. He fixed it in the latest version. I will update this post if I can find any clips of it. ----------------- My hypothesis is that you were playing with some janky translation patch that caused issues similar to the practice hack.
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nymx wrote:
Not sure how you want to proceed...but I am extending a chance for you to clean up these inputs. i would rather get this fixed, than have you redo a submission.
Thank you, I will take a look when I get back home this weekend. I should've done that in the first place before trusting my 5 year old inputs. Would you mind telling me where specifically you saved time?
LogansGamingRoom wrote:
as the creator of most of the action 52 tases so far, i approve. good work!
It's the Action Gamemaster himseelf! Couldn't just let you get 51/51 😎
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Me too. If you click on that "true form" link, doesn't it sound like the level 1 music on the triangle wave? Reverse engineering that sounds like torture. You might like Displaced Gamers' video on this game. He doesn't touch on this topic specifically but he does show some interesting stuff about the input processing.
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Last one, I promise. User movie #638255087602508378 Big thanks to FractalFusion for writing up those adjacency lists in the previous submission. I feel vindicated.
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