Posts for mtbRc

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It was a wonderful TAS packed with new technology. Thank you very much. Vote is of course yes.
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Mothrayas wrote:
I just got around to watching it. Regarding entertainment, it's similar to All Bosses, if maybe a bit toned down. Considering All Bosses is one of my favorite TASes on the whole site, I would consider this a good thing. When I first started watching it, I felt a bit mixed. The route felt a bit awkward at times, entering rooms for the sake of entering rooms or making weird paths through larger rooms just so all the boxes were marked off. As it went on, however, it started to grow on me. I actually really liked seeing Burnt Paradise and Nation of Fools in this run, because in All Bosses they are skipped almost entirely. Buried Chamber was also nice to see because I'm pretty sure it's completely skipped in literally every other PoR run. Sticking around in areas for longer than usual also gave the OST some more time to shine at some parts, which helped for me. Then there were also gimmicks like the cars in the clock tower that otherwise are unseen that were fun to see here. So all in all, it was a very fun run to watch. As for whether it's publishable, there are various factors to consider. • We already have four PoR publications, as many as Super Metroid currently. • It's still very much comparable to All Bosses, but longer. We want to avoid having too many branches, or branches that are not sufficiently different enough from each other. • On the other hand, there are various parts of the game seen here that are not seen in any other PoR TAS, such as Buried Chamber. • The game has many, many things to count for full completion. Subweapons, spells, monster library, quests, items, bosses and so on - yet its percentage counter is determined solely by map fill and it is filled to 1000% here, so it would count as a valid full completion category for that reason. Essentially, this is the reverse of the Super Metroid situation, where items are counted for percentage but map fill is not. I'm not fully decided on it yet.
Right now, the link of Author's Encode has been fixed. sorry
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Personman wrote:
I don't really understand what makes this a joke submission. It seems like a legitimately optimized TAS that a lot of work went into, with a slightly unorthodox goal? Am I missing something?
As you said, the optimization and the route construction itself are the same as my other TAS. However, I feel that there is not much differentiation from all bosses tas. All similar TASs have been rejected in the past. However, I think it is not bad in terms of entertainment. I thought it would be an opportunity to submit from these circumstances. As you said, it may be slightly different from a joke. I'm sorry. おっしゃる通り最適化ならびにルート構築自体は私のその他のTASと同等に行っています。しかしall bosses tasとの差別化はあまり図れていないような気がしています。また、同種のTASは過去に全てRejectされています。しかしながらエンターテイメント性という意味では悪くないのではないかと思っています。これらの事情からsubmitするならこういった機会にと思っていました。おっしゃる通りちょっとジョークとは違うかもしれません。申し訳ないです。
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hellagels wrote:
Never seen the trick before that shortens the pause when collecting boss fights' orbs. Have you tested this trick in other Castlevania games?
Yes. Tested in DS three castlevania. The result is below. ・Dawn of Sorrow ...Yes ・Portrait of Ruin ...Yes ・Order of Ecclesia ...No Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin can be improved in most Branches.
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theripper999 wrote:
素早い返信ありがとうございます。 1) 分かりまっした。 2) 残念。 3) あ、だから一つの双子に集中。 4) 7:38 二番の鳥。 素晴らしい映画でした!ありがとう!mtbRcさんの他の映画を見なければ! ------------------ Thank you for the quick reply. 1) I understand. 2) That is unfortunate. 3) That explains why you focus on one twin. 4) 7:38 the second bird. Thank you for the great submission! I will need to watch your other movies! Yes vote.
Thank you for the vote. The answer to the fourth question 4) The four birds at 7:38 have different heights. And by this height, I use the Invulnerability of smash and jump properly. 投票ありがとうございました。4つめの質問の答えです 4) 7:38の鳥4匹は高さが異なります。そしてこの高さによって突進の無敵とジャンプを使い分けています。
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theripper999 wrote:
First I would like an edit of the post to say that in order to run the verification file you need the DeSmuME-0.9.9 for x86 not x64. x64 would not work on my Windows 10. Just for future reference. The verification file does indeed kill the massive amount of old axe armors to unlock the mode and this movie plays correctly. About 13 years ago when it first came out I sunk over 100 hundred hours into this sucker easy. I had beaten this same Old Axe Armor mode back in the day. I also nearly beat it on the Level 1 Cap on Hard, but I could not find how to get past Dracula second form's finger attack. At the time I was doing that there was no videos and a post or two questioned whether the level 1 Old Axe Armor mode was even beatable. Now there are videos of human players doing just that. So instead of this submission's no level cap and on Normal I would have liked to have seen this on Level 1 Cap and on Hard. Maybe for a future movie. I enjoyed seeming many of the techniques I had used back then used in this run. Holding Up to keep the axe constantly hitting the boss, and using the uppercut equivalent for the Old Axe Armor and smacking bosses repeatedly with the upheld axe. And you had quite a few tricks I never knew. The strange dash cancel horizontal movement is crazy looking and fast. Using the doll to change places and advance quicker is an interesting strategy that works well at some points. You use some sort of Invincibility frame technique to dash hit through enemies. Very nice. That 6:00 boss was defeated very handily enjoyed that a lot. You exit after killing those bosses really fast. After the medusa boss you exit immediately after it is killed so did not expect that 15:18. Awesome that you kill Dracula without even seeing the finger attack move! I have a couple questions. 1) On a couple parts instead using that invincibility dash hit move you do often to go through enemies you take hits at 11:32, 16:08, and 16:20. Is there some reason for those? 2) At 8:48 on this toad/lizard boss could it be possible to throw some axes at the end as you make your way to the door and have those finish off the boss instead? You might make the door faster. 3) 10:00 on this dual boss fight is there any way to hit both of them at once more often? Not sure if there is. 4) The birds in the academy are jumped over instead of hit. Is it faster that way?
Thank you for watching. I'll answer the question. 1) Take damage at 11:32, 16:08 and 16:20 is faster than invincibility dash. Also, the balance between HP and MP is also considered here. 2) I also thought about that. However, I gave up because of the following. 1. Movement is slow in water 2. Axe does not reach the toad/lizard boss when it comes out of the water 3) 10:00 on Dual boss can attack once more often at the same time. However, each HP is independent. And if one is set to 0, the battle is over. 4) What time is it a bird? I hope you can specify ご視聴頂きありがとうございました。質問に答えます。 1) 11:32と16:08と16:20のダメージ避けは突進の無敵時間を利用した避けより早いです。また、ここではHP残量とMP残量との兼ね合いも考慮しています。 2) 私もそれを考えました。しかし下記を理由に断念しました。 1. 水中では移動が遅くなる 2. 水中から出ると斧がボスに届かなくなる 3) 10:00の双子はもっと同時に頻繁に攻撃する事が可能です。しかしHPはそれぞれ独立しています。そして片方のHPを0にすれば戦闘終了となります。 4) どの時間の鳥ですか?指定して頂ければ幸いです。
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I've made WIP for this game before ->
According to it, this TAS can be improve only a little.
That is to use a shot that pressed UP and Down keys at the same time.
Although it is a Japanese version, I hope it will be helpful.
Emulator used Gens 11a.
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feos wrote:
mtbRc wrote:
It waits for judgment of judge. I chose the early clearable simply version. If it is not USA Version and will not Accept, it will remake there.
I think there's no need to redo anything. Especially if the only difference is damage. I'd also clear the branch name, because it's default, and there are no counterpart runs on other difficulties.
I agree with you. a ROM region does not change. Thank you very much.
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armor use of the stage5 (CLISTAL PILLOR) was fixed and it saved 132Frames. Since it stops at the floor to go up and down, armor is unnecessary. Moreover, it saved a little using armor of the durability 6. Can you replace the file ? -> ステージ5(CLISTAL PILLOR)でのアーマー使用を修正して132フレーム更新した。 上下する床で止まるのでアーマーが不要となる部分がある。 また、耐久性6のアーマーを使用して若干更新した。 ファイルを差し替えていただけますか?
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MrTickles wrote:
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mtbRc wrote:
Atma wrote:
mtbRc wrote:
 armer has the durability of 5.
Actually, depending on the frame you activate it, it can have a durability of 6.
oh, I did not know :-o.It is checked whether it can improve.
I found about 120F improve. I want me to set this submission to delay.
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Atma wrote:
mtbRc wrote:
 armer has the durability of 5.
Actually, depending on the frame you activate it, it can have a durability of 6.
oh, I did not know :-o.It is checked whether it can improve.
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mklip2001 wrote:
This was a pretty fun-looking "run right for justice" game. I like the boss fights. I'm not particularly familiar with the game, though, so I have two questions: 1) How does your health work? In Stages 4 and 5, you take hits but don't seem to lose health. This seems to be related to the color of your armor, but I couldn't figure out anything else. 2) If the USA version is harder than the Jap version, shouldn't a "hardest difficulty" run use the US version instead? TASVideos doesn't seem to have any clear precedent concerning version choice in this way...
I reply to your questions. 1) armer defends damage and knockback. armer has the durability of 5. Whenever it receives a damage once, it decreases one. The color of armer will be set to yellow if this is set to 1.knock back is not received between 2-5.Moreover, if set to 1, damage will defend, but knockback cannot be defended.damage and knockback are received when armer is not equipped. 2) It waits for judgment of judge. I chose the early clearable simply version. If it is not USA Version and will not Accept, it will remake there.
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Mothrayas wrote:
mtbRc wrote:
It is minor improvement version of this submision -> . Manticore room and Graham battle are improved. It's saved 12 frames. Can vbm be repraced?
Thank you.
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It is minor improvement version of this submision -> . Manticore room and Graham battle are improved. It's saved 12 frames. Can vbm be repraced?
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It's a glitch to be surprised... Voting yes
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scrimpeh wrote:
mtbRc wrote:
The glitch of the wall which can be destroyed. Link to video Can this be used?
This is incredible. Do you know how this is done? What emulator version was used to do this?
I do not know details, either. But, seemingly, a judgment will be out of order, if a way is returned after changing into the state of being visible the wall which breaks somehow.
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The glitch of the wall which can be destroyed. Can this be used?
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Mothrayas wrote:
mtbRc wrote:
Flying Armer battle and zipping were fixed finely. and were improvement 46Frames -> Is it substitutable?
Done; I replaced the submission file with the improvement.
I am very thankful to Mothrayas.
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Flying Armer battle and zipping were fixed finely. and were improvement 46Frames -> Is it substitutable?
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Mothrayas wrote:
chiharu wrote:
he updated the run today. sm20448765 have fun
Link to video Another half-minute saved. This game has now officially beaten Portrait of Ruin in shortness.
I'm sorry. It cancels. The updating version is submited in the near future.
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gocha wrote:
Though it's questionable about the goal choice, the run is well-optimized and it looks entertaining. I voted yes. 新作のご予定はありますか?期待しています!ヾ(>ヮ<*)
"はい。次は以前にテストランしたギャラリーオブラビリンスのリヒターモードを最適化しようかと考えています。SRAM作成用のdsmとしてこの全ボス討伐TASを利用する予定です。 それと、私もgochaさんの奪われた刻印TASが完成するのを期待しています!ヾ(>ヮ<*)" Yes. Next, I think that I wish I can optimize TAS of Portrait of Ruin which carried out the testrun before. This all bosses TAS is due to be used as dsm for SRAM creation. I am also making it expectation that gocha's Order of Ecclesia Shanoa TAS is completed XD.
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Mothrayas wrote:
Simply amazing. This is an incredibly nice run. Clear yes vote for me. The only thing that's questionable is the goal choice. Portrait of Ruin already has opportunities for a lot of categories, I'm not sure "all bosses" fits in too well with that. Doesn't make the run less amazing, though.
Yes. Although I would also like to look at 100%run, when it is considered as any%, we are anxious about a possibility that this will also become a repetition of an almost warp. Therefore, although it is necessary to impose goal choice of No Warp, it becomes very late to acquire High Speed in this case. In that case, it seemed that overall speediness is missing. If it was right, the result of having considered what kind of goal choice being imposed was all bosses. If it is this, the necessity of going to places various also with warp comes out, and high speed can also be acquired at an early stage. This is a reason for having carried out roundabout goal choice.
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sparky wrote:
I found 1 frame improvement in name entry screen. Anyway, this is a great run. Of course, I vote yes! By the way, I want you to submit your other Castlevania TASes. Especially, Portrait Of Ruin all Bosses and Richter mode!
It is that the improvement was in such a place... It is surprise. replace the file of name entry-> I am very thankful to sparky. BTW, PoR AllBoss TAS is due to submit in the near future. but Richter mode TAS is Very imperfect and savedata is also converted, it is due to remake. dsm of all boss which submited then is due to be used.
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mklip2001 wrote:
"YOU CAN'T HIT ME" reminds me of MC Hammer's "Can't Touch This". Given the moves that Albus has, that song is probably appropriate. Anyway, nice job! It's good to see a variety of moves used in boss battles. The fights are long enough that we can see the bosses's actions, yet they're still very fast-paced. Yes vote. EDIT: By the way, you credit "Mr. Gocha". I thought Gocha is female?
It corrected. gocha I am sorry ... I am sorry. I am not so good at English. a place wrong otherwise it is also although not found, please forgive.