Posts for hero_of_the_day

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hey Cp, do you have any rough estimate on your final in-game time? Do you think 22 would be possible at this point? I've been crunching a lot of numbers lately for this game. I really think that the route I posted a few pages ago, might be the fastest for both in-game and realtime. Though some slight tweaks might need to be made.
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I would not mind if this obsoletes my run, due to the fact that it is blatantly out of date. However, I would like the any% glitchless category to remain on the site. Hopefully someone would be up for making a full run that does not abuse ANY skips via the pause menu or use of data corruption. Maybe even like bisqwit suggested, a run that completes all the side quests. A game this beautiful needs to be shown to it's fullest.
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Some crazy glitches going on in this run. It is hard to follow what is happening, but it is pretty cool looking and well optimized. Nice job inichi!
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Great run, man. There is a very high level of precision here. Metroid rooms look much cleaner now, and all the other little improvements are noticeable too. I was wondering if it would have been better to save the super missile you used on the first pirate during the escape, and used it on the 4th to last pirate instead of jumping over him. It's great to see another super metroid run on the workbench. Any plans on improving the any% real run? Haven't heard too much news from Kriole or Taco.
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I know that the spark mandrill heart tank can be collected a bunch of frames faster. After dashing off the left most ledge, a boomerrang can be fired upward that will grab the tank. You don't need to make X hug the wall to grab it.
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excellent run, dezbeast.
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that looks much cleaner than mine. Thanks for posting dezbeast.
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yeah best not to worry about the armadillo etank. odds are it would be exactly the same time even fully optimized :P but could you post your .smv of the trick optimized? I would like to see it just for fun.
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looking pretty awesome man! I had an idea for the e-tank in the armadillo stage. Might be faster, but I am not sure. check it out I think it is faster by a few frames based on comparing images. The set up required for this would be a pain though. The chameleon invincibility needs to be perfectly timed to wear off at the right frame so that X can switch weapons. May be worth looking into.
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Thanks for the update guys. Looking forward to both your runs. Hope you find time to finish them eventually.
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This forum has been kinda dead lately. Last I heard, there were 2 different any% runs being worked on. Anyone mind giving a progress update on their runs?
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It's a pretty rare occasion when a game I have never played can make for such an entertaining TAS. This game is very well suited for running, and you did a great job on it Cp. 9/9
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in regards to ferret's question, The boomerang can get that. I believe that is the method which was used in fractal's test run. fractal, yeah, I figured the loses from my route idea would out weigh the small gains. Thanks for breaking it down for me.
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I've been thinking about the 100% route, and I think I may have a pretty radical change. It is probably slower, but I figured it would be worth mentioning. First stage would be armored armadillo. The stage would be slower with the lack of leg upgrade, but I think the loss would not be substantial. Before getting to armored armadillo, X kills himself however many times are required to get the capsule to appear (I think 3), but leaving X with just a single life in the end (which will make sense later). Kill armored armadillo. Hopefully the fight can be done fast enough with just the x buster, if not the route probably fails. Next up go to chill penguin, get the leg upgrade. After getting the upgrade, commit suicide. Since you only have one life left, you can now go directly back to the stage select screen. The route can now diverge from here. Option 1 is to play every single boss in order of their weaknesses starting with launch octopus. Option 2 is to go and kill boomer kuwanger to get the incredibly useful boomerang. If it is faster to kill boomer with the homing torpedo, then this would need to be tested. Since option 2 seems to make more sense I would go with that. Kill boomer and get the boomerang. Next up kill launch octopus (you have the rolling shield at this point) and get the heart tank from his level while you're at it. Now that launch octopus is dead, the forest level will have water in it. Go to the forest and collect the heart tank and the chest upgrade. Kill chameleon with boomerang. Kill storm eagle next; having the chameleon sting should be helpful here. After eagle, kill the flame mammoth and collect the goods from his level. Now that you finally got the flame thrower, you can go back to chill penguin's stage and finish him off. You can also collect his heart tank too, due to having the flame. Take the shotgun ice and pwn sparkmandrill. Finally you can revisit armored armadillo's stage. Collect the hearth tank and the etank while here. The haduken capsule should now appear upon the very first visit, since you have previously been there 3 times. --------------------------- The benefit of this route is that the chill penguin "revisit" from the old route is drastically reduced. The route also allows more bosses to be fought with their weakness weapons. The negative side of this route is that the entire armadillo stage is played without the leg upgrade and the armadillo is killed with only the x buster. Any feedback would be welcomed.
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Twelvepack wrote:
Is this method faster then what was used in the video? It looks like it, but I have been wrong before. The video says you found this trick, but it really really looks like the video is faster then what was used in the run.
Yes it is about 1 second faster than what is done in the run. Saturn chose not to use this trick because he did not want to spoil it for his any% run. There are quite a few other time savers he intentionally left out of this run for the same reason. This is why he says the run is improvable by about 10 seconds. As for the run itself, I liked it. It does have a very high level of optimization, and shows off some nifty tricks that would only be needed in low% item conditions. As for publication, I am not too sure. Published or not, great job Saturn.
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Very nice run saturn. It almost makes me sad to see that the 14% run is no longer a category on this site. I liked how it felt like samus could not be stopped by anything in her way. Each room was handled pretty darn gracefully, in stark contrast to the clunky way in which the old 14% run was played. Drops were collected with such minimal delays, which is a key factor for maintaining the flow of a run. The only thing that bothered me was how many tricks you intentionally left out of this run; it seems kinda selfish and unnecessary imo. Some points I am curious about: What did you do differently in the ws attic? Was there some thing special, caused it looked like every other run except for the fact that you killed the hopper dude with missiles. In the ws basement, you showed off a pretty neat tech. Mockballing into the hole and laying a regular bomb instead of using a PB. Was it faster? Like namespoofer said, I think phantoon can be killed in a single round. I noticed a pretty big shortcut in the large acid rising room. Would be beneficial to an any% run. Nice find. Draygon fight was great. Proving the speed booster to not be needed here at all. Now you gotta find a way to 1 round this guy ;) I noticed a damage boost in the last metroid room, useful to other runs? I noticed a damage boost in the 4th escape sequence room, beneficial to other runs?
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I think the gain in kraid's area is way more than that. I think it is actually about 360 frames faster with the speed booster. Nice to hear you are using the route Kriole. I wish you guys luck with it.
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Why would you need to enter the menu twice? The ridley fight won't require a pause menu because the wave beam would be the only beam collected at that point. The only time the menu would be accessed is half way through the MB fight to turn off the ice beam.
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Yeah I realize that MB would be reason why the route does not work perfectly. The only way it would work is if you could get into tourian with a full 10 power bombs. As for ridley, I think that using the PB wave combo saves more time than you give credit for. 160x10=1600/60 is 26.5 seconds plus 3.5 more seconds to kill with 10 super missiles. The total fight is around 30 seconds long. Using the charge/wave/ice/spazer is takes 40 shots at exactly 1 second a shot. Including the 10 super missiles the fight would be about 44 seconds long. That is a 14 second difference right there. Now getting to ridley with 10 power bombs is not much of a delay. At most you would need to collect is 5, but it should actually be less than that. I estimate 3. The eye door room would only require a 2-3 second delay to fully fill all the power bombs and super missiles. If you could get to MB with 10 power bombs (seems pretty difficult), then the loss of time in the fight would be pretty minimal. Doing 900 damage every 120 frames would cut her HP in half within 20 seconds. The last 9,000 hp would take 50 seconds using charged/wave/ice shots. The net loss would be 10 seconds. The gain from ridley pretty much cancels out the loss from MB. The time spent getting the spazer is about 20 seconds longer than the time spent getting the LN power bomb pack. So the route is not completely insane, it just requires that the Power bombs be replenished before tourian.
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Cpadolf, Nicely done. I was starting to think that that tech would not be possible. Looks pretty smooth now. Tonski, I don't think that would would be any faster than simply running up closer to the hole and jumping down. The speed at which you CWJ off the edge is pretty low, and generally arm pumping can compensate for the time lost from stopping and landing. Saturn, You are pretty much correct. After reviewing how much time Cpadolf saved in kraid's lair with the speed booster (even more if you include the new kriole tech), it seemed like a logical choice. My idea was that the spazer should somehow be skipped, and Samus should go straight to norfair after getting the gravity suit. When in norfair, the ice beam is not collected early. It is saved for the trip out of norfair, which saves time due to having the speed booster for it. Anywho, on the way to collecting the speed booster, a visit to the pipe bugs can fully replenish both the energy and super missiles. I feel that the pipebug detour will be very minimal with good luck manipulation. After getting the speed booster, collect the missile pack and wave beam like normal and head down the LN. Now since there is 1 less etank, energy must be saved somehow (thanks to cpadolf the pillar spark is no longer needed) Saves a ton of energy. When Samus gets to the kago spike room, the PB pack can be collected with very little in-game and real time loses. On the way to ridley, you just need to pick up a couple Pb's and with 10 PB wave combos, that knocks off 12,000 of Ridley's hp the last 6,000 is owned by super missiles. Even with the realtime lag caused by the wave combo, I still think it would be marginally faster than using charged/spazer/ice/wave shots. Leave LN like normal and get the ice beam on the way. Go and kill kraid and get his etank. The rest of the maridia route would pretty much be the same. The only thing left to figure out is how to take care of mother brain. Without the spazer, it takes 40 more charged shots to kill her. If you collect the plasma it takes 40 less shots to kill her, but the plasma detour is ungodly long. Another possibility is to somehow refill the Pb's and then use a wave beam combo on her, but even that would not be enough for 18,000 hp. I cannot think of a good solution. Everything up until mother brain would work perfectly.
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The problem is not getting more speed. If you look at the smv I posted, I could have held the run button for much longer. The issue is that once your speed is too high, a CWJ becomes damn near impossible. I was thinking that if the right positioning was somehow found, the CWJ would be possible even with the much higher speed. As for your skree room idea, I am not sure if I exactly follow. Do you mind posting a picture or something of where you are talking about.
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I might have a slight time saver for the new any% run. In the pillar room in LN, it might be possible to blue suit through enough of the pillars to obsolete the spark method. Here is a method I made which gets through most of the pillars and uses a PB to clear the last 2. Unfortunately the PB does not clear the 'half' pillar at the end which means that a super short charge cannot be performed there. If... someone can manage to do the CWJ with a higher speed, you could walljump off the second pillar instead of the first which would put samus far enough into the room that a PB would clear the 'half' pillar also. This method would be much faster than the spark method (no cooldown, and no need to reverse direction to charge another spark). It also saves a huge amount of energy, which is vital for the any% route. ot - I am also thinking of a possibility for an entirely new any% route, but I need to figure out a few more kinks before it is feasible.
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Just a quick question for Cpadolf, Was the shinespark method of skipping the zebetites faster than the method using the screw attack? Anyway, I like seeing the game done without using the pause screen and with saving the animals. I wouldn't mind seeing this one published over the other.
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The script seems great, but for some reason I get an error when I try to run a large movie. For example when I try to run Cp's 100% run and use the script a message appears saying "attempt to compare number with boolean." When I use the script on a short demo movie or something, it works fine. edit: Well the error message seems like it has to do with using the lua script at the beginning of the game. If you turn it on later in the run it works..
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