Posts for fuwafuwa

Post subject: Re: Movie published
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Even if you can't get the total collected arches down to 99, I think it'd be cooler to keep the arch count as low as possible for as long as possible.. as such, 1-6 could definitely be changed so as to avoid most/all of the arches you pick up while falling. A few other areas could probably be improved this way. Alternatively, since we 'know' that you'll have to get 1 bonus stage, it should be possible to get up to 20 more arches, which might allow you to make some better jumps in areas where you're avoiding picking up arches.
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mirror (ok, seems to work now): you need to have a LHA decompression utility (such as winrar, lharc, etc) to extract the file. Basically, what's happening is link stands on the left side of the screen, faces right and throws the boomerang. when the boomerang is about 3/4ths of the way across the screen (but before it's hit the wall) link blows the flute (facing left or right). he then gets picked up by the tornado while the boomerang returns. as he's crossing the screen, the boomerang hits him, knocking him out of the tornado. when he gets knocked out of the tornado, link's location on the minimap changes (typically, but not always, to the the next level location) but he remains in the same room.
Post subject: Re: Movie published
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Oh man. I can't believe I missed it in the previous attempt. Room 17: You hit an unnecessary flash panel. You only need to hit the first and 3rd panels; the 2nd (in the upper left) is unnecessary. Everything else is awesome; I even learned a few things for my own console runs. :)
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There are 3 places where you can pick up speed potions. Level 37 (the one currently taken), level 39 (which is a detour through a laggy level with narrow corridors), and level 75 (which is very late in the game). IIRC you can speed up level 39 slightly by bombing death instead of teleporting on top of him.. of course, this costs a potion. There are also issues with two players using the same teleporter -- you can't exit on the same square until the other player moves. This would further slow down the run, as players would have to wait for one another to enter/exit the teleporter before the next could enter. The screen stays focused on the middle-point between the two players, which can sometimes lead to issues when trying to exit from a specific teleporter. No, I'm pretty sure that a 2-player run would be slower than a 1-player run.
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There are two versions of Gauntlet out there -- the "unlicensed" Tengen black cart version, and the "Licensed" grey cart version. IIRC my Famtasia WIPs were done with the "Licensed" version. When I did a bit of testing on FCEU, I'd switched to the "Unlicensed" version for legal reasons (I own the black cart). anywho, level 10 and 20 both have a shootable wall next to the door. although i said i wasn't sure about 20, actually i think shooting the wall at 10 would be faster than picking up+using the key, whereas in 20, the key is on the route anyway, so it would take less time. (PS: Ignore the position of the character; what's important is the position of the hole in the wall. ;p) 24+78: i still think you can shave those frames off.. IIRC you can hold down start while it's fading in, and as soon as it finishes fading in, you can release and it'll start to fade out, without increasing the HP counter. it might not even save a frame, but it certainly looks more aesthetically pleasing to keep everything uniform. there might be a few other things in the middle (the invisible levels, etc), but i'd have to dig up my notes about what items are in which levels, to see what's "necessary" and what isn't.. given that i'm at work, and it's been 8+ months since i last looked at the game, i'm not in prime position to pick out improvements.
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my problems stemmed from using famtasia as the emulator.. .. and then when the modded FCEU came along, i'd already gotten tired of re-re-re-re-redoing the game, and was headed to japan for a semester abroad. my initial FCEU tests also happened to come back a few frames slower in certain levels than Famtasia, which I found unacceptable (i mean, if i know i can do level X in 1000 frames, why should i settle for 1010?). although i knew exits could be influenced by which frame you entered the room on, i never experimented with it; my desire had been to make a complete run in famtasia. some notes: level 20: is it faster to go to the right and through the door than it is to shoot the wall on the left (saving a key)? level 24: you could've pressed/released start faster to save yourself a frame or two while your power counted up from 819-820. level 28: why do you go through that route? in my run, it seemed to be faster to take the first 'up' path and just run through to the exit. IIRC you don't need to hit the tile to reach the exit. level 30: i'd've used a bomb to pass the slime if it wasn't in the proper position -- you'll get more bombs later. level 37: it seemed to me that it was faster to open the door and hit the tile right away, rather than walking up and around (up towards the speed potion). properly done, it should also save you a bomb. level 38: you *CAN* go diagonally between those two chests at the end. you just have to start pressing D+R at the right frame. level 78: see level 24. ;p the paths are dissimilar in many ways 'cause i based my famtasia run around getting all the hint rooms, while you skipped them all (which proved a hypothesis that i never tested; the codes are generated at the start of the game).. the number of keys and bombs picked up (and used) is, of course, essential to the run, and for the sheer amount of difference between the paths, it's not easy to compare them.
Post subject: Re: AD&D Pool of Radiance
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Kitsune wrote:
Anyone planning to TA this one? I would, but I've never beaten it, in spite of my many attempts at playing..
Doesn't the NES version have some lengthy pauses while loading into or leaving combat? I remember the combats being incredibly toned-down, as well. Planning out the necessary steps for the run could be mildly interesting, though. I don't remember how many quests you actually have to complete before you can go fight Tyranthraxus.. IIRC you have to do enough missions that one of the Phlan council goes renegade, because you'll find him later and he'll give a password necessary to get into the final hedge maze.
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Hamm wrote:
The wild warp really isn't much different than the reset codes for metroid or zelda.
The metroid/zelda reset codes are listed in at least some of the instruction booklets for those games (or, alternatively, could be extrapolated on the basis of "well, it worked for Z1, it should work for Z2"). AFAIK, the Crystalis code is not formally documented anywhere. That said, Crystalis would be a lot less enjoyable if you had to watch someone play through all of the events -- it's incredibly linear (and probably over 2x as long) without it.
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nitsuja wrote:
do you think the Excalibur / the Rat-tail side-quest / optional summons side-quests are really worth doing, time-wise?
Items: Excalibur is worthwhile because you can dupe it and give Edge the ability to repeatedly dart a 160 power weapon. Spoon is more powerful, but takes far too much time to acquire and can be used only once. The next most powerful weapon he'd have to dupe and dart would be (IIRC) the Gugnir spear, which is only half as strong. Edge doesn't need better swords because he's either using magic, or darting.. plus the Murasame/Masamune swords in the moon are guarded by monsters, which would slow the run down more than the additional damage might help. As for Summons: Rosa wouldn't have Wall when visiting the Summoned Monsters Cave (she gets it at level 34, IIRC), so it would be nearly impossible to pick up Asura. Leviathan is worthless, there's no need to pick him up either. Bahamut is a great spell for Rydia in the final area... but you have to kill Levi+Asura, as well as 3 Behemoths to get him. The additional time needed simply isn't worthwhile. The other summons are simply too weak. There's no need for adamant armor, because the winning condition for this game is "Can the party survive the mass-damage dealt?", which means HP is (ultimately) what decides whether the party wins or loses.
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Bisqwit wrote:
It's a clever strategy (probably - I don't know this game well), but I kept continuously asking myself, if an experienced player could duplicate this performance on a real console.
Looking at it on a per-area basis, I'd agree -- I think any individual experienced player can do what is done in the game, one area at a time. The complete run, naturally, would be impossible to accomplish on a console, but with enough effort you could probably come close. There are a number of jumps throughout the game that could be more precise; of course, the controls for the game are klunky, so it's already a feat to play as well as the movie shows.. still, improvements could be made. I think you made a few mistakes, too -- such as at the very beginning of the forest level, with the very first treetop you touch, causing you to slide left briefly.. wouldn't it be faster not to slide at all? (Slides, fwiw, appear to be slower than walking/running/full-speed jumping) In your earlier version, you had a shot that hit one of the final elementals for half its life. I don't think anything like that was in this one -- if it could be duplicated, it'd speed up the final boss significantly, as well.
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Bob Whoops wrote:
Also note that it is illegal to download them (although no one cares at all, especially if the show is not liscensed, which ToP is not)
The Japanese company "Media Factory" sent out C&D letters to a number of fansub groups (and an anime torrent listing site) telling them to stop subbing anything by them.. that just happened last month. In fact, I posit that most companies are *very* interested in protecting their IP (in this case, anime), but either are unaware of _specific_ groups doing the work, or are inconvenienced by the language barrier and choose not to make the effort because of it. If someone were to provide these companies with a well-written e-mail (in Japanese), pointing at the groups and individuals that are illegally redistributing their material, I'm 100% sure that they will act on it, because they have done so in the past. However, given that the reason fansubs exist is _because_ the audience can't speak Japanese, it seems highly improbable that anyone would actually have (a) enough Japanese fluency to write a formal letter to the companies, and (b) enough dislike of fansubbers to get their operations shut down. The American companies, naturally, won't protect anything until they firmly hold the rights to it -- after all, why waste money protecting something that another company might get? ... and then there's the French/German/Swedish/Spanish fansubbers that English-language fansub viewers wouldn't be aware of.. so once again, ignorance (and language) acts as a barrier, protecting the fansubber from the companies.
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Wow. The author clearly does not know how to play SimCity. Although we joke about the SimCity run on the IRC channel, and althoug this video "looks" fun, it's actually very, very very very very very very inefficient. I don't know if words can accurately describe how poorly-played this video was, from a _non-emulated_ standpoint. When you consider that the author USED emulation (and theoretically used tools), this video plunges into one of the least enjoyable demonstrations of skill I've ever seen. I'm not going to go out on a limb and say that I'm a SimCity master or anything (I never even unlocked marioland on my cart) but I think I have enough knowledge to be able to say what a good and bad SimCity run is.. and this is clearly bad. It doesn't achieve a remarkable goal (The video reaches a highly inefficient 150k, when 500k population should be the actual goal. It is nearly unachievable on most (all?) maps, and requires a good deal of planning). It wastes time scrolling (IIRC, game-time pauses while the red movement arrows are displayed). Menus and item selection are far from optimized, as anyone can see. From a design perspective, this city stinks and deserves the firebombing that the author supposedly gives it: The broken-donut design is a waste of space and money (at least 2 squares can be saved by removing the internal tracks; police and fire can function without tracks. Futhermore, ). To the best of my knowledge, buildings only need a single piece of track to 'connect' them to the transportation grid. If I was watching correctly, the author uses a residential-boosting gift in a commercial donut anyway. Oops. :p I'm not sure what's best for development; forest, trees, or parks. I know trees can raise property value; natural forest may or may not.. but the author clearly does not know any of this either. 2 Seaports? Airport *not* placed in the corner of the map? The author also shows a fundamental lack of understanding how pollution works, and how the edges of maps "eat" part of the pollution. Does the seaport even need to be near water? My sources point to "No". Okay, I guess I can imagine why one might want multiple stadiums... but stadiums are +residential, aren't they? not +commercial? The tracks connecting the seaport are also inefficient; proper planning would've allowed them to not wind all the way down there, saving space and time. Underwater track bending is unnecessary in this sort of run (and I think the author did it unintentionally anyway). Spend some time reading (or experimenting) to see how SimCity works, then try for a real run.
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Paulygon wrote:
For HP gains, classes have "strong" level-ups or "weak" ones. It's not possible to manipulate this, AFAIK.
Is this hardcoded in the game, or is it something that could be manipulated via name selection/character order? Can someone with more free time on their hands test and find out?
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Boco wrote:
Some of your gain rates are wrong.
Check out the Algorithm FAQ by BSiron (simply labeled as FAQ): Numbers for everything. Sadly, though, most stats don't mean a whole lot.. the biggest advantage is that you should be able to always force high-HP gains, which (by L15ish) would be on the order of 100+ HP per character (versus a normal game).
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To delve horribly off-topic, the difference between slow-down, frame-by-frame advance, saves and the "broken controller" feature is this: the 'regular' exploits (frame-by-frame, savestates, slow-down) work within the game's limitations. by advancing a single frame you can do all sorts of odd things (walking through enemies, jumping higher than allowed, not taking damage, etc) but you're just exploiting coding flaws. every feat performed by frame advances can be done legitimately on a regular nintendo with a regular controller.. in fact, i think many of us have DONE at least some of the flaws in some of the videos on a regular system. For the sake of "perfecting" a movie, the usage of tools such as slowdown really is inconsequential. However, using the L/R glitch is significantly more problematic, as it exploits a flaw beyond the game itself -- it exploits a flaw in the controller. It's not "cheating" like a game genie code, as it's not changing the game's values, but it's providing input that the NES never intended to accept. It's an oversight in coding, you might argue, but physically the controller (under normal working conditions) was unable to press two opposing directions simultaneously.. only when the controller was faulty did it become possible to press L/R simultaneously. That's why I don't like it. I also don't like seeing the graphics glitch like they do when it's used. ;p
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Highness wrote:
Woha! Nice glitch indeed. Why wasn't it used for the last run as it was known? I suppose there will be a new run where one really exploits this alot eh?
because, under normal circumstances, it's impossible to press left and right (or up and down) on the same controller simultaneously. it is, imo at least, closer to "cheating" than anything else done in the games, as it takes advantage of a "broken" controller (an external device) rather than working within the confines of the game itself. i suppose that people have their own preferences, but its use makes the videos less enjoyable for me.
Post subject: Re: Under 40 easily under 30, possibly
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blitzag wrote:
PS: It work on american version, don't know if it work on Japanese
The same sort of bug exists in Tiny Toons Adventures, and so there are _two_ separate AVIs available for it, one using the bug and one not using it.
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(going horribly off-topic, but...)
Terimakasih wrote:
I wonder that you are Japanese...?
「アニメマニア」知ってる?アメリカもカナダもいる。その奴らは「すごい」とか「かわいい」とか言う書くだが、その奴らは日本人じゃない、日本語知らない、日本の文化も分らない。 Do you know "Anime Mania"? They are in America and Canada as well. They speak and write "Sugoi!" and "Kawaii", but they aren't Japanese, they don't know Japanese, and they don't know Japanese culture. I think that most people here can only speak a few Japanese words. Some of us know a little more, although I don't think anyone here would call themselves "fluent".
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Highness wrote:
Hehe.. Will this movie get produced to AVI when it has gone final? It would take up some serious diskspace indeed. A normal movie that is compressed with Xvid takes about 700Mb per hour. But concidering the run that currently is out there is ~8 hour long. That would be 5600Mb compressed AVI in that quality. Woulden't even fit on a DVD. But you would want some decent quality in this video if you ask me. Would it be possible to just make a DVD-iso with as good as possible quality for it to fit on one disc?
Given that Actraiser is 1h08m and is only 226mb, it isn't as bad as you think it'll be.. but it's still gonna be huge.. for what will probably be a 5-6 hour run, that's still ~1gb. It'd be nice if it were reduced to ~650mb to fit on a single CD.. or alternatively, make a 2-disc run? :)
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TheAxeMan wrote:
Thanks for the breakdown of level reqs. Did some more experimenting and I think I have things planned out for a bit. Tried Stom again at 4 and couldn't.
Took about 30 seconds of constant button mashing to get him pinned at level 3, but it can be done, even at 100% speed.
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Howabout optimal 4x4 and 5x5 strategies? 16! and 25! are significantly larger than 9!, but i would think the symmetry of the board would help eliminate some of the possibilities...
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Jyzero wrote:
For the next part I have a big dilemma. I can get the runningshoes now but it takes 45 seconds. Vargas and Ultros will be easier and faster with this relic but I doubt that I'll save the whole 45 seconds.
Running shoes will probably benefit you in many more boss battles than just those two.. It depends, of course, on who you put the shoes on and how many battles they're in... but I think that ultimately the shoes will "pay for themselves", so I'd suggest getting'em.
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At least some people over on /. think it's a hoax. i'm inclined to agree -- it's just a publicity stunt. nothing to see here, move along, move along.
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Mazzic wrote:
Think we should go on? Is there something that needs improving?
2-1 (or whatever the sewer is) -- it might be a second or two faster to have the ninja at opposite ends of the snake-robot's room, rather than both of you guys running back and forth? 3-Boss -- Is it really faster to hit the boss while he's forming (particularly after he begins taking actual damage)? Doesn't he simply try to appear underneath you? Knowing that, wouldn't it be better to move to the edge of the screen and kill him so that his pieces will fly off quicker? Are you guys attempting to pick up healing potions? That might allow you to use the lightning bolt again on the later bosses, and although picking up potions might cost a second or two here, it'd probably more than make up for it later.
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KMFDManic wrote:
gauntlet is a great game...which character were you using anyways...most probably the elf...
naturally.. Elf has a speed of 5, and moves faster than his shots when moving horizontally or vertically. He moves as fast as his shots when moving diagonally. With the speed potion from level 37, he can move faster than his shots, even when moving diagonally.