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Culden told me to use v0.989c to make ZSNES movies, why not just use ZSNES v1.36, or does that make the quality of my videos look crappy?
What ZSNES is best to use for recording?
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Ah. I fainlly managed to download it. Haven't seen it yet though...
Perhaps I should host this movie on my site as well, or do I need permission? Uh...
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Bisqwit, since I'm "active" in this forum, I might as well let you know that I'll put up some links to your page in my forum & site ( at the time... Allright for you if I do so, or will you go ballistic, eh?
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How does this re-recording thing work? Is it like I can "edit" my already recorded video, or?
Whenever ZSNES w/re-recording option available is released, will you, Bisqwit host the videos, or? By the way, nice job by managing all this. Good job.
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Culden, what videos have you recorded? I'm working on Super Punch-Out at the moment as it is the game I can get world records and show a quick way on how to beat those guys easily and quickly (without cheating, of course).
Wonder when that ZSNES will be ready...
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Bisqwit wrote:
Gunsmoke: I don't think it's interesting.
Bubble Bobble: Could be a little too long... Maybe two player movie would be interesting... but not long. 15 minutes of Bubble Bobble is the maximum one can be expected to watch. If it takes longer, it's too long.
Lolo series: Unsuitable. These games need brains, not reflexes. Watching someone else do the brainwork cancels all fun.
Turtles: Maybe someone will do that
Bigfoot: I've been thinking of that. It could be fun. I'm not sure. It's much more fun to _play_ though, than to watch.
So those japanese games that almost no one has ever heard about are more "interesting" than Gunsmoke? First of all, Gunsmoke _is_ a "classic" game here in Europe, that is something that you should know as well, since you live in my neighbour country and are into this NES video stuff. Besides, it's more interesting to watch a Gunsmoke timeattack than i.e. Atlantis timeattack video, it's fast and you've got to be quick there. So I fail to see why it's uninteresting. An addition to this, I am not critisizing the work people to for those timeattack videos, just critisizing your comment to my suggestion.
When it comes to Bubble Bobble, I've got to agree with you to a level... 2P mode would've been interesting, yes, especially if they kill the monsters very quickly and got some great effectivity... Oh well, doesn't matter to me really, I'm just suggesting after all.
Lolo... Yes, when I think again, it is not interesting to see such thing, but for some it might be a bit fun...
Turtles... Yes, that's going to be very itneresting to watch, even if it's 1P mode. I hope _someone_ can and will do it sometime...
Big Foot... Oh? Why not just do it? That would've been interesting to watch, the way you drive and the way you defeat your enemy.
Here's another suggestion;
- Snake Rattlle'n'Roll
That needs timing and flexibility. Especially for 2P mode.
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Ah, I see. So the ZSNES version out now does not support that, huh? That sucks for me then. I was going to make a Super Punch-Out movie (full + the fastest times I can do) + Turtles 4, for now...
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Michael, make timeattack movies out of these "classic" NES games;
[Edited by Bisqwit - I don't want the same topic be discussed in two threads. One is enough.]
(Yes, this post is on another topic as well, I just had to let MF know this as well, sorry for the "spam")
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Make timeattack movies out of these "classic" NES games;
- Gunsmoke
- Punch-Out (full movie)
- Bubble Bobble 1
- Bart Simpsons: Space Mutant
- Lolo (or was it Lulu?) 1, 2 and/or 3
- Turtles 1 and/or 2
- Big Foot
Movies out of these games would've been awesome to watch. Or does these games take too long to make?
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Hmm... so I need znes v. ?.989c to be able to record what I play, or? Is it like hitting a button and then it records what I play, or is there a bit more advanced than that? I'm so n00b at this, so yes, I need help, obviously.
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Just a question; How do you make movies out of SNES games? How? What do I need? Any special emulator that I should use for this?
I have some timeattacks that I could share, but I need help for the recording part. What you need to make SNES timeattack movies?