Posts for chewan

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Not before 2.0 comes out :P
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Great.. In second quest -> Snow World without hookshot = can't even complete most of dungeons :(
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Nope. Beating Rauru's Ruins won't trigger it at least :/
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Yeah, well.. 3 times climbing the tower was more than enough :P I was lazy enough to not do the puzzle tho.
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As much fun as Parallel Tower in snow world offered, I don't want to climb it up again >_> Oh well, got the mirror though. I got two keys inside tower, is the remaining key in the light world's tower? Now I need to collect some keys again.. one from snow world and three from light world. EDIT: Where am I supposed to find 3rd dungeon (or jewel, doesn't really matter to me :P) in 2nd quest? Gotten both rods so far and some other fun stuff as one of first world keys and 1/2 magic.
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What thee... I was in that room and tried to bomb from exactly same location. It never worked.. I guess I try again.. Thanks :D EDIT: Whee, wandering around in Parallel Tower.. found something useless but little fun :P
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Dunno if this was supposed to be happen; I couldn't proceed at least so I had to load a save state. No big door key or anything used: This would have been triple post if I wouldn't be so lazy to make new one every time >_>. Anyway, both treasures gotten, both big keys and one extra small key (other one used for rupee room). Any help to find the boss?
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Yarr, finished it. I remembered to wait until floor tiles stopped flying... With those fireball statues, disappearing floor and few useless spikes.. fun fun fun. Luckily Moldorm got trapped to left wall :) Now I'm happily wandering around Nabooru's Hole. This one is fun. Lucky there's a Book of Mudora and I've memorized which holes I have already visited at. Anyway, what exactly triggers Super Bomb being available? Beating Ruto's Fortress?
Experienced Forum User
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Whaat.. where can I find such a map :o Acmlm forums?
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So that's how the puzzle with first box below question mark is done.. I've never solved it as it's been utterly hebrew to me until now. Nice job so far in the video!
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Heh, I haven't found the other one yet :p Then again I don't want to fight those minibosses again. But.. I'm little confused with Lost Woods directions. I've tried every single combination but doesn't work :/ EDIT: Since I'm too lazy to make a new post, I'll just edit this one. Anyway, I've beaten Rauru's Ruins, Darunia's Dungeon, Ruto's Fortress and Saria's Gardens. I am travelling now inside the actual dungeon of Impa's Ways but the teleporters are bringing me nowhere new place. Or am I supposed to fall down in somewhere to proceed?
Experienced Forum User
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Umm, is it just me or does Rauru's Ruins have one small key too much? I just grabbed the crystal and I had one key left.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/29/2005
Posts: 31 A screenie from Rauru's Ruins.. Umm.. were you supposed to push that block (the skull pot left from Link originally had a small key) right so you can grab the small key without using the big door key? Or was it planned that way? At least I got it that way, though I had to fight those annoying lanmolas. EDIT: Grr at BBCode.
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That reminds me, I never got Cane of Byrna from light world. Didn't excatly know where to get it :P Oh well, I'm in Rauru's Ruins right now (other dungeons still unfinished by the way). I have gotten a big chest key but cannot find a big door key (there are tons of big doors nearby). Tablet I've gotten already. I really do suck at exploring. I decided to go through this one because I got fed up with armos knights + spikes around the room + fireball statues -room. :> One armos knights-fight was more than enough.
Experienced Forum User
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Hmm.. Gotta try that tactic in Darunia's Dungeon. Thanks! I better watch your WIP as Impa's Way is way too confusing for me right now. :P
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Have to watch the whole run once you finish making it. I'm getting little frustrated in some dungeons; Darunia being nice example as I'm short of one small key. Oh, and any tips would be good for that one room with eyes above each door plus no room to dodge them as there are plenty of blocks. It's just before going to next floor which has the keydoor requiring small key. (Talking about in Darunia by the way) And... some help for Impa's Ways would be appreciated. I've found a tablet and one of the big keys (the one for big chest I think) already but I can't really proceed.. too many teleports going back to entrances and such.
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Ah, good :P Go for number 2. :)
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I'd like to see a run which just attempts to finish the game. I don't enjoy watching 100% runs too much. And about tablets/crystals/whatever, dunno if there's really any secret behind them besides collecting them all. Maybe author was just teasing :P Can't say anything for sure, though.
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According to author of this hack crystals do have some use, but they ain't necessary for completing the game.
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Problem fixed! Many thanks! Yeah, I did right-click and save it using that way.. I have never used microstorage before so didn't know you have to click it once to find the actual download link. Thanks again!
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The movie file won't work for some reason when I try to play it. It throws in the error message "file is in wrong format". :/ Anyone know how to fix this? There shouldn't be any problems in formats...
Experienced Forum User
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Whoa. Nice hack although I've only played up to past Guardhouse. Sneaking past guards in few rooms was somewhat challenge but overall it wasn't too hard. The complains about difficulty of Guardhouse is exaggeration (sp?)... And I'm not even an average player. Maybe the difficulty will increase quite a bit, we'll see :o Until now, it's been rather easy.
Experienced Forum User
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I think Willow would be rather tedious to watch. Tons of leveling up involved unless you can glitch yourself out from it :P
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As far as I know, Paul's secret stash is the only place where you can get one. And yeah, it was before whirlwind.
Experienced Forum User
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Eh, sorry ^^ I should have checked it beforehand. Didn't find it there as well. My apologies. So Castle Fynn is probably your earliest bet if you plan using Toad-spell (it's located in some chest but probably it's best to get one from Magicians). I haven't found a way to manipulate any random battles (as in when you want to encounter them or not) but there is a way to manipulate the monsters you fight (as in which monsters and how many of them) by going to menu and returning. Dunno if it helps though.