Posts for benkodaniel

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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Ah that's right, and Power MegaMan punches through most shields, so it would be worth testing whether switching to Rush Power for just the charge-up time would be helpful in getting through shielded enemies faster!
Yammato Spear pierces through all types of shields, and it doesn't even need to charge up.
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Mothrayas wrote:
Zipping isn't lag based.
I know, but I meant the "instant stage clear" in MM1 and the unusual screen transitions(the ones in Air and Bubbleman's stage) in 2 are lag-based.
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I think that's a great idea to TASing all of the complete works games thanks to the instant weapon switching, remixed music and lagless gameplay. A lot of things in MM1 and 2 are lag-based, so TASing the CW versions would cause a very different experience! Yes vote for the idea, even if this run could be done better.
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kuja killer wrote:
I personally post on a japanese 2ch log for megaman rom-hacking that i've been apart of for a few years, and the people there always catch on to any english rom hacks within a day or two that may have popped up somewhere on the internet.
Do you mean a new Megaman romhack have been released at almost every day?? Can you give me a link on this one?
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With today's technology and programming knowledge, it's easy to make a 2D game without glitches, but back in the day it was way harder. There won't be game breaking glitches like in the NES games. Different age, different hardware. Lots of bugs in Mega Man 2 for example, are lag-based, there's no lag in consoles like Wii & 360 & PS3.
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This was an early build of the game, there's no way to do this in the final version.
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kuja killer wrote:
false, 'fraid it wont work. the ceiling to ground level is far too low to make it, it may look like you can pass it, but i assure you it wont work. .
[URL=][/URL] Pretty much doable.
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kuja killer wrote:
the screen with the metool where ya gotta use water sheild, cause there's seriously no way to get past that metool by the time you walk up to it cause it'll still always be under it's shell. So water sheild has to be used to get rid of it while it's active earlier.
Rush Jet will solve this. Use RJ to fly over the metool.
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Sorry if it has been mentioned before, but I can't find it anywhere. So my question is: I've seen that Rush sometimes just disappears without bringing up the weapon select screen, so how to cancel him?
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