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I have a TAS for Brain Lords half finished that I want someone to finish it for me, the rest of the run is the same as my last one but now instead of jumping all the time I walk, this is my last run https://youtu.be/fTmnj8SyLDM, this time the run is without the first skip so I actually do the first and second dungeons, those are done already
is anyone interested? please?
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Darkman425 wrote:
I feel like just opening all chests and getting all the optional fairies and skills in Brain Lord is good enough for full completion. All the other parts seem extraneous but that's up to you if you want to include them with all the extra routing and RNG manipulation that entails.
well, oppening all chests implies getting all keys and most of the items I just mentioned, for more completition all keys have to be used on the door they go into, a lot of them actually have to be used, there are just a few optional ones anyways, it is more routing to be done but I think it's important for the game to feel complete and also making it feel different than an all dungeons run
I frogot to mention getting all magic spells which some are not optional and the others you just have to buy from an npc or go into a room, get it and leave
about the gold as I said, I might not include it since it's just grinding and killing enemies as you pass by them, it might also be not RTA viable, something else that can be done is leveling up all fairies to level 20 (max), but that's also just grinding, it makes the game feel more complete but I don't know, might exlude it too
well I'll just make the tas and when I submit it, I'll list all the details, I hope the people from the non existing community will agree with my rules
also I will keep the rule to obtain and keep all armory, all weapons, fairies and unique items, that's a most in my perspective, maybe not the valuable items, those are kinda meh, excluding them can make room for inventory tweeks I guess
thanks for the answers
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feos wrote:
Having a discussion sounds like a good idea. Here's what we want from a full completion category (or any other standard category for that matter): Wiki: MovieRules#Standard
well, brain lord is an action rpg, inventory is limited to 48 slots so I can't keep a lot of stuff for 100%, my goal was to get all armor, all weapons, all fairies and all unique items, that's a total of 43 items, I'd like to include at least one of the valuable items that has no use other than selling, those are 4 different ones, leaving only 1 free space, there are also shields but those are 6 and excedes the space limit, and those are also consumables so I exclude them
for the rules I came up with I have to open all locked doors (to be oppened with a key) and open all chests, chests gives up items that some can be just discarded but other have to be used like the heart and source of powe which gives a permanent upgrade, I want to include having max gold wich might be a problem if this category eventually becomes runned RTA, there are more minor rules but I guess the last important rule is to defeat all bosses and the run ends when defeating the final one
one last thing, there is a key item for the story that you're supposed to trade and eventually get rid of, but using a glitch it can actually be kept, that would make up for the empty space in the inventory, but I'd like to make it optional since it's supposed to be an item you don't keep, it can also make future runs optimizable since keeping it requires a glitch to skip some stuff and almost making it a requirement to start from the 3rd dungeon, latter on maybe someone would like to start from the first and secon dungeons
so what do you think?
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hello, I want to make a 100% category for brain lord, the problem is that this game doesn't have any run on that category and there is not really a community for it, so my question is, should I just make my own rules and submit the TAS once finished or should I discuss first what the rules should be and then do the TAS? I don't really wanna make a tas just to have it declined because there were no actual rules other than the ones I came up with
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nymx wrote:
You can just upload the replacement movie file to the "User File" area and provide the link to it in this thread. Once you do so, I'll make the replacement.
alright, it should be on my profile for you to check once more, sorry for all the trouble
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my bad, I had a mod enabled that made dark rooms be bright as normal, I didn't double checked in a clean rom because everything went the same and honestly I was already tired and ancious for my tas to be acepted
that cheat might have been the problem, it might have influenced lag frames in some way, if not I'm not sure... I did fix it tho, do I have to send the file again or can you fix it for me? I literally just deleted 1 frames from 149310 to 149355, doesn't matter which one since there are no inputs there, let me know if you can fix it for me please, also let me know if that worked for you too, if not then there might be another problem
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ZoroarkGX wrote:
Additionally, I tried on another computer...thinking there might me something wrong with the one that I confirmed your run on. I also get the same desync.
If it is not desyncing on your end, then my only other option is to get a confirmation sync from another judge.
In my last run despoa checked the TAS, it might be a good idea to check with him, but let me check first, I'll give it a look
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nymx wrote:
Houston...we have a problem.
ZorarkGX, your inputs do not take the game all the way to the credits. Can you check and confirm your submission file? If you have a replacement, please upload it top the WIP area and inform me.
uhhhh can you tell me where does it stop? what rom are you using or where did you get it?
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Dimon12321 wrote:
Here's a temp encode:
Link to video
I'm not a fan of RPG speedruns and this one is relatively long, I didn't really enjoy it. Meh vote.
Your movie finishes at the very end, when the year of publishing shows up. Please, upload here an abridged version of your .bk2 file that ends at your last input in order to trigger the credits roll. It should become about 157600 frames in total. Maybe less.
If I got it right, the cutscene after the credits doesn't require any input from the player.
Also, you were using Bizhawk 2.9 which hasn't been released to public yet. For the future, please consider replaying your TASes on official release versions of your emulator. But this time it's fine. It plays back on Bizhawk 2.8.
Use an official release of an approved emulator. Development/interim builds are allowed if the resulting input file syncs on an official release, though use them with caution as sync is not guaranteed.
I don't know how I got bizhawk 2.9, I think it got upgrade it by itself or something, but thanks, I will consider all that next time
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CasualPokePlayer wrote:
I'm assuming then you're submitting a tasproj file. These have a limitation where they are not allowed to be submitted with a "greenzone" while (which can make them huge). It's easiest here to just open it in tastudio, go to File -> Export as bk2, then submit that bk2.
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Hello, I have a problem, my TAS movie file is about 800KB and when compressing to ZIP it only goes down to about 650KB, the Max size for submission is 500KB, what can I do?