Screw any of the arguments, when the credits rolled on this run I laughed out loud before picking the mashed fragments of my mind up off the floor.
Yes, a thousand times yes.
I'd like to think that permissible input includes anything the developers of the hardware allowed/expected you to do when using said hardware. Just my 2c.
Surely that would also mean that you wouldn't allow pressing opposite directions at once like some TASs do (LoZ:ALTTP run for example); that wasn't expected since it isn't generally possible on an actual controller...
Given everything that's been said here... I'm starting to think that FMV skipping should be allowed but obviously since it isn't emulated it's kind of a moot point anyway.
My reasoning is thus: The game itself is still functioning fully, there's nothing being missing or altered from the original programming of the game. A missing disc is an input in much the same way as a hard reset is: an accepted feature of the console and is accounted for in the game.
... so yeah, if it can be emulated I think it should be in future runs. However, whether it will be implemented in future versions of PSXjin is entirely up for debate.
I was always under the impression that the point of this whole site was to see how fast a game's PROGRAMMING would allow it to be finished. Exploiting hardware bugs is beyond the bounds of what we do here in my opinion.
That said: I cannot wait for an encode of this run, I've been keeping track for ages and I'm so stoked for it...
The console definitely handles the disc swap properly, I've played through this game many times on PS1, PS2, PS3 and PSP and never had any issues with disc swapping at any point, I'd be willing to say I'm certain it's an emulation bug...
Given that DarkKobold has taken over the run and hasn't posted a WIP yet, I don't think there is one. Last time I checked he was still in the planning stages which, obviously, for a game like this will take a while.
Thanks a lot Highness! I've completed the first world/level. I'm just uploading it to YouTube now.
EDIT:Link to video
P.S the boss flickers during his mercy invincibility, which doesn't show up on YouTube. Just if you get skeptical during the part when I fight him.
The babes name is Moon-Unit? That's awesome, hahaha
Voted no, whether the hack is good or not doesn't really matter in a run this short.
I see absolutely no reason why this hack should be allowed to be published, at least not from this run. There is nothing in this run that you wouldn't see in a good SM64 run.
Here is my idea of a FFVII playaround:
Load from pre-made save file
The idea is just to cram as many super lucky moves and glitches in to one movie.
With a few small exceptions, only TASs started from power-on are accepted on this site.
I think we've accepted movies starting from save states before to be honest, even though it created a lot of discussions in the past. Here are some of them:
And this idea could probably be submitted as concept demo or something like that. I would probably not watch this submission though. Sounds rather pointless to me somehow, but then again, I'm not overly fond of this game. :D
Those are all basically "new game +" runs though or with new modes, I don't think just starting from a save state for the hell of it would be accepted.
That being said I would still like to see the run just because I think it would be cool to see.
I'm loving these WIPS (the fact that this is one of my favorite RPGs doesn't hurt). Out of curiosity though, do you plan on going for the good ending or the fast aka. bad ending? For what it's worth, I think I'll actually prefer the bad ending. I just like the boss fight (well technically it's one) in that scenario. :)
Nahhhh, good ending all the way, I want to see the boss taken down at TAS speeds, that jerk always gave me problems, haha
You'd have to play a card game (and generally late-game card players take much longer to take turns). You'd also have to use three heroes instead of just one Limit, AND he'd have to fight an extra boss to unlock the Item command in the final dungeon.
Not a bad idea, but timewise it's a loss.
Ahhh, I didn't think of all that; I was thinking mainly in terms of the card game not the extra boss battle. I think really using that strategy you could get away with only having one of the party be invulnerable since you only need to use on person's limits to finish off the rest of the fight but still, with the extra boss fight in the castle it's a dead-end.
I don't know exactly where the cards are located in the game but if you could somehow get a hold of either Gilgamesh or Laguna's card then you could refine them into heros or holy wars respectively, is that a viable way of cutting out Invincible Moon?
Edit: Just done a quick check, Gilgamesh's card is at the end of the CC Group sidequest so that's out but Ellone has Laguna's card when you meet her on the space station, I don't know if the time saving would be worth it but I think it's at least worth thinking about.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought, I'm not sure if I expect to see the Dragons at all in this run or not, I guess they could be useful for some of the bosses later in the run but before Super Combo turns up.
I don't know if anyone else remembers this iteration of the Bomberman series, I think it was one of the only ones on the Genesis/Megadrive.
Plot (copied from wiki):
The inhabitants of Bomber Planet lived in peace, protected by five spirits, until the evil Bagular and his robot army invaded. The Spirit Pictures, the source of the Spirits' magical power, were destroyed, splitting Bomber Planet into five pieces. Bomberman arrives to restore the Spirit Pictures and reassemble Bomber Planet.
It's a pretty standard bomberman game as far as I know and I would really love to see a run of this, I remember it from my younger days so much it would be a pretty epic nostalgia trip to see.
Super Combo isn't quite as straightforward as it is in BoF3. It takes longer to execute, as each slash is animated, and does less damage than the previous one.
I still reckon it's faster for the damage than the dragon abilities personally, even if you skip what you can the breath attack animations are really quite long...
From what I've seen on youtube the Super Combo is pretty much still the strongest ability in the game, especially if you combo into it from something else, I think if you abuse elemental weaknesses you should be able to demolish most things in pretty short order.