Ok. I spend a few more minutes to read what I hadnt already read and tbh... There wanst anything that needed to be read cuz it was just crap that you didnt like. Things that are "neat" like graphical effects on your visor is just for fun and I dont give a crap if you have time to see them cuz you ignore them anyway, right? Steam on your visor... Learn to mind your surroundings and dont step into the fucking vent next time.
Play MP2 before saying anything about 3:rd person veiw or better.. Play Jet Force Gemeni. Cuz it doesnt work in 3:rd person veiw if you dont have something like a mouse to use as aim.
Seems that you were to angry with the so called flaws in the game that you forgot that it was a game and a game is made to be fun.
As for Omega Pirate and the X-ray visor, you can get there without the visor but you wont be able to kill him and you only need the visor on to damage him (if you know anything about the game that is (speed running is a nice example)).
You dont seem to be able to read in english either since what I said about counting on 1 hand is about the number of realistic features in the game, iow they are no more than 5.
You are running around underwater and whine about the game being dark.. Try to dive into the sea/lake and see how much you will see in there. I guess they dont have light everywhere you goo either if you go somewhere where people arent living.
Too much shit on the screen!? You tried to make a fun picture with things from TV, Commications programs and other games when the accual game's hud isnt that complicated. Its acually pretty small compared to other games.
The toggle through beams would be more annoying than the system as it is now if you accually knew what the game requires sometimes.
If you had the game your way it would be like this.. Enemies would be 10/10'' pixles and the screen would be completly empty of effects and once an enemy is dead it would be dead forever (which they arent in any other metroid game fyi). She would run around without a suit, this making the game end when Thaddius collapses. You really should sell the game and just forget that you ever put the disc into your gamecube cuz seriously this game isnt anything for you and you only seem more and more angry for every time you try to think about the game.
I myself dont "love" the game, as you seem to think. I'm not a big fan of some games and I spend my days playing MMORPG:s which require no skill at all when it comes to controlling your character and fast reflexes. I just accept Metroid prime as the game it is and I accually think its a fun game to play but I wouldnt go around saying that I love it. Could probably make a website as the one you made about MP2 instead cuz that game I really saw many flaws in.
Ok... You are allowed to say that the game sucks cuz it has some realistic features, not that you can't count 'em on one hand, but when I say that the game acually is good cuz it has some realistic features at all, I'm a total retard that dont know what I'm talking about.. Fair enough?
May I ask what Super Metroid has to do with Metroid Prime then, since I cant drag other games into this discussion? I really hope you know that the only things that has anything to do with eachother is "Metroid", "Samus Aran" and "Zebes". Other than that.. Nothing!
To add, you are the one that sez that games that are realistic isn't fun to play cuz if you want realistic things you'll walk out your front door.
I dont like the game "Sonic Heroes", and guess w00t?!?, I put the game back into it's folder and put it back on the shelf to wait some time and see if I might like it another time. Have I written a full webpage about it? No? Wonder why... I dont wanna expose myself as the retard I would be if I did.
About the widescreen thing... I dont even know if you realize that this game is made 2002.. A time when the eastern part of the world acually had the widescreen as "the thing to own", thus making the feature a natural thing in this game and the small fact that this game is acually made to play in widescreen, like 99% of all other games made after 2000.
I dont have to spend time reading your article cuz by reading the topic and some parts of it, I already know that it sez cuz I've read hundreds of them before. And yeah.. What about the acually good parts of the game? Not worth mentioning cuz that way it would seem like you acually enjoyed playing the game?
Response to paragraph 1: You're saying that the things Samus does in MP are realistic. Is this just to say them, or are you trying to use them as an argument that MP is a better game because of it? If the second case, please see the article and/or several previous posts.
Response to paragraph 2: I don't care about speedruns, I'm talking about actually playing the game. I don't want a cramped, cluttered view, but it's good to have essential information on screen somewhere - like, I dunno, above the screen perhaps?
I've "fast read" that article and most of it if find is complete bullcrap whine from someone who failed during the gameplay. If you wanna play complete unrealistic games, thats up to you but when someone makes a game and you dont like som parts of it, dont whine about the game being crap. I guess Counter-strike is a complete crap game then too cuz you can kill a player in 1 shot, in comparition to Unreal Tournament/Quake. Talking about the game here, not the players who play it.
I acually dont find any of your statments valid or your "article" cuz its all whine about a game that didnt fit you. Not gonna argue anymore cuz I dont see any point in it with your "cramped veiw". I would like to add 1 thing. Try widescreen.
I have a great idea and we'll see how much you are gonna complain later. We'll give you a motorcycle helmet and send you out to the mountains to explore some caves (no flashlight allowed). Then we'll see how light it is and how fast you can move your head. And when you are in the deepest areas of the caves, we send 10 hooligans after you with sticks and well try to see how many times you'll see your hand flash before your vision in a desperate attempt to defend yourself.
which, again, is based on the claim that "realistic" = "fun to play", which JXQ addressed several times. The situation you described doesn't sound fun to me, neither does playing a game doing the same.
if reality was fun, we wouldn't be playing games, right?
I stated beneth what you quoted that I wasnt serious and that my point was that the helmet/suit makes her movements stiff and the "hand to face" thing is a normal reaction to anyone that wants to defend himself/herself. I dont know if you've ever been in a fistfight but you will go down fast if you dont protect your face/abdomen. So I see her defending her face as a complety normal reaction to incomming physical blows. And I do not see any complaints about Samus "crouching together" when hit in super metroid (same thing acually but you arent veiwing the game from her veiw, thus making it less noticible).
Tub wrote:
TixFrix wrote:
About the user interface, watch SmilingJack's 22% hard mode run and see how well he would make it without the hud.
nobody said that the information in the HUD wasn't needed. On the contrary, JXQ specifically said that he wants the information. He just doesn't want the stupid view-obstructing graphical crap around the information. read before posting, thanks.
Iirc, you are the one that wanted the HUD/UI to be gone during speed runnings (this might be possible when playing it tas, but when doing it in realtime, its nearly impossible).
I have a great idea and we'll see how much you are gonna complain later. We'll give you a motorcycle helmet and send you out to the mountains to explore some caves (no flashlight allowed). Then we'll see how light it is and how fast you can move your head. And when you are in the deepest areas of the caves, we send 10 hooligans after you with sticks and well try to see how many times you'll see your hand flash before your vision in a desperate attempt to defend yourself.
This is nowhere serious but it kinda makes a point for all the crap you have written. She (samus) is not able to move very fast in that suit if her's, thus making the turning head thing in combat possible (would like to add that I wouldnt want to take my veiw of my enemy while fighting it if he was equiped with a rocket launcher).
About the user interface, watch SmilingJack's 22% hard mode run and see how well he would make it without the hud. He has 99 max hp and 5 missiles that he needs to keep track on all the time in order to know if he can manage a lava jump or not.
The light in MP2 is even less present than in the first game. I'm also gonna assume that you have played the players choice or PAL version of the game thus playing a version with less freedom on where you can go and what you can do (speedruns are not made from those versions).
About backtracking... When playing SM as intended by N R&D1, you will when going Kraid, Ice beam, Speed booster->Power bombs->Grapple beam->Phantoom->Maridia, you will go through the same damn orange brinstar shaft 5 times in 20 mins. GG!?
And least of all... You can never never never never compare a game made 1994 with a game made 2002. Its like compairing Super Mario World with Mario Sunshine.
They said on swedish television that before this last game they were 3 red cards away from a new record for tournament play and now they got 4 new. :) Dont know if the first one that was given in the first half of the game was included in this "3 to go" or if it made it "2 to go". Was acually a very fun game to watch when they behaved like kids.
The recording part of the SDA forum is nates territory. He has written every FAQ and stuff about recording on that site. He is also the one in charge of ripping peoples videos for that site. My goal is to do this without any depandace on SDA.
The reason I ask here is that you (compared to SDA) have a very good reputation when it comes to technical issues. The SDA forum is so big too and the post will probably be moved down very quick. And if that wasnt enough I will problaby only be linked to other threads that doesnt help me.
And besides that I have some personal disputes with Nate and his Metroid 2002 site. Currently banned from there. :)
Tried search function but didnt find anything.
I purchased a new PC system and went for a VIVO gfx to record gameplay instead of using a VCR since a NTSC system VCR is hard to get (would need a card too to capture later). Now I need a software for this task. Read through the FAQ on sda.com written by Nate but it didnt really give me a good answer (he only brags with his AIW card).
My question is if anyone of you people have any alternative to programs like Virtualdub to capture video with (no program was bundled with the card) and I have a pretty powerful computer to capture with so if they require some ram or CPU power that is not the problem. Any suggestions are welcome.
PC system used for this is a AMD64 3500+, 1 GB of PC3200 DDR RAM and a Sapphire X1800GTO VIVO card.