Posts for TheThrillness

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lapogne36 wrote:
It doesn't work for me, so it definitely must be a compatibility issue (I only tested with psxjin but I assume it must be the same with PCSX-RR)
I really appreciate that. Thanks a lot for trying it and putting my mind at rest.
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Yeah I just obtained a redump 100% identical ISO and it still failed. Can anyone else see if they can get this game to work so then I know if it is my setup or the program is just bad?
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If it helps at all the game is perfectly playable on PCSX-Reloaded r79284 which I think is built similarly? That info and build from here:
Post subject: Can't load CD (psxjin has stopped working)
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I've tried like 6 different images and each time psxjin AND pcsx-rr just crash. The game is Policenauts. I've tried unpatched and English patched versions. Is this unsupported or something? My other games work.
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Me and Magnum66 decided to go back to RE4 glitch hunting some days ago. In order to test new sequence breaks it's far easier for us to have walk through walls with levitate/descend: See code "Levitate/Descend". I'm running the newest Dolphin and I can get the code to work (as I am walking through walls) but any idea how you levitate/descend from the instructions given? "code based on zits Right- set execution for levitate Left- set execution for descend Up- execute down- return" One of the main reasons for levitation is the 5-3 Ruins OoB just before you fight Krauser. The two levels you can OoB down from leave you either to high or to low to see if the door has an open prompt. You could use levitation to place yourself at door height and if the prompt is there you potentially have a Krauser skip if you could figure out how to lower/raise yourself like the 5-1 OoB. Basic walk through walls has also shown that you can entirely skip the mine cart and operate the lift. Magnum told me that years ago he used to talk to Derek and Derek somehow managed to drop down from a ledge at the beginning of 4-3 into a "blank" world. He could never replicate it though.
Post subject: Is this possible? PCSX2 question
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Me and my friend are trying to glitch Metal Gear Solid 3 and we have a really cool idea. If we can glitch past a gate we will be able to save many minutes on a speed run. We are however not sure if the game is actually loading the trigger at such an early stage. Instead of spending more days/weeks trying to find an out of bounds glitch, is it possible for anyone here to supply information on how I could use PCSX2 or some other tool to remove the collision box so we can test it out first? Basically to make the character walk through walls? Thanks
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I'll link Derrick (Magnum66) to this thread who did the 1:31 SS run with Chris. In fact the best segmented time is 1:29 from Davis but it was not entirely uploaded: A TAS should aim for a low 1:20 since loading times will be less. About the dog fight. I know one time Derrick was somehow able to manipulate the dogs so only one attacked and the other stayed still so you don't have to kill both.
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The new TAS has been done, go check it out! Now is the time to discuss getting faster. The main skip is obviously pal cards. I did some interesting testing. The game has a potential weakness here. I gamesharked myself all three pal cards that I could trigger at will by pressing r2 for hot card etc. I began my testing straight after losing the pal card and going back to the pal room after recollecting it. I entered the first pal card and got the cutscene. I gamesharked myself the cold and walked into the cutscene. I gamesharked myself the hot card and the liquid cutscene played! If there is some way to like "weapon glitch" different card values we might have a chance here. They didn't want you breaking this. You only have the gamesharked pal cards for like a second before it reverts back to normal but now we know going to other areas to get the long ass naomi codec for example has no bearing on game progression. You simply need to input the three cards however you can. Before you ask I did try just entering hot first, has to be in order unfortunately.
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Vg hc gb lbh. Gur znva tbny va svaqvat gurfr tyvgpurf jnf gb trg guvf tnzr fho 1 bssvpvnyyl ohg vs lbh ner qbvat vg gung jnl V thrff V jvyy arrq gb jnvg gvyy gur CP.... be ybbx ng Gjva Fanxrf...
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Some slight mistakes but nothing big. It definitely shows the route off so no complaints here. I know it is probably against TAS rules or something to leave a game unfinished with inputs but this game would be sub 1 hour (judging by the video it would be a low 59:xx) if you simply stopped input after skipping the ending codec since the "chained to fate" scene needs no input from the user to progress anyway.
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Sub 1:10 is possible. :)
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Grincevent wrote:
That's insane :D And I love how, after managing to skip the tower, you subtly show your satisfaction ^^ How much time did you guys try to solve that part, in the end?
Just solely on the comm tower was from about September 20th (when torture room oob was found) to now. Long breaks were taken in between though and occupied with other stuff like the wolf 2 skip. Total glitch time was approximately 6 months. We are actually now going to make a documentary of work carried out. :)
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I just tried it myself. You can make it even easier as if you just crawl into it and press x to get up, just equip psg1 and it will do the oob for you. This is slightly easier than the pressing x and direction method.
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There's no walls to stop you accessing the Commander room trigger. There can't be since we have to walk through the commander room trigger when the room is non loaded to have reached the bathroom and get "in bounds" again.
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I forgot to post this a few weeks ago because I've been busy with other stuff but basically I found a way to skip Gray Fox but it's near impossible to do on an actual speed run I would think.... which is why tas is handy. ;) The moment you get to floor in Nuke Building with Nikita, knock the guard out in the vicinity of the door so it never closes. Run and get Nikita then OoB out via desk and while you do that keep guard in the same area by throwing stun grenades. This will allow you to reach the commanders room. I guess you would need like at least 5 stun grenades though.
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Skipping hind fight is a weird one. As I said before, once you oob out the games mission log states you beat the hind when you reload. If you can find someway to progress after you go back down ladder you could trigger hind life but have no idea how to do that. Also about double c4 explosion I actually tried that later on after that stream. Nothing extra crazy happened. Also to actually clip in, you do the fpv glitch by unequipping a ration as you get hit by c4 (I don't think I even made a post about figuring that out). I then mash l1 and r1 and then mash triangle. That is only way to get Snake clipped in like video shows. As Magnum66 says I think it's more non explosion and not a real clip but if you get a precise angle it might work. Have to try everything. Also I relooked at a new area with l1 and r1 fpv viewing. You can get so far over the railing I show at 20 mins in:
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Got something I need to try more. Could still be a potential clip past the elevator. The best one I got was here:
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A medal to anyone that can work this glitch out at 37:10. Basically, we figured out that you can only get that fpv mode after you use your last ration or un equip ration but being able to throw an extra grenade or get to walk with Stinger is like... impossible. I have no ideas and have never been able to replicate it.
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Had a brief scare. I realized you never actually got the PAL card if you oob early so I wanted to see if the game would place the PAL card in the sewer later on. And.... it does. I beat the game using walk through walls to simulate comm tower oob and without optimization I landed a 1:08 run.
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Hah, thanks.
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The emulator is just normal pSX 1.13: Also I think I know why that worked. I had walk through walls on and walk through walls triggered when I went to the card door with guard as after the Meryll cut scene, I could walk OoB but not before. It might still be doable without walk through walls if you get it frame perfect where the guard can load the door and keep you out of bounds but still be enough to trigger the cut scene.
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No, the problem is we can't trigger the cut scene. If you trigger it, then everything is fine. This may help for you to understand. I thought I had it there. I maybe do but I can't replicate it from the save I used in the video so it must be near frame precision unless I am overlooking something. The first time I load, as you can see I have no walk through walls. I reload and unequip all items and card, I throw the guard and then I am able to like walk through the turns of the walls as if walk through walls got activated halfway in. Here is my save for pSX in video if you want to try yourself:
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It's not ever yet, Snake! We have a potential Nikita missile electrified floor and Gray Fox skip! Okay the back story. The stinger is looking impossible. So I decided to try walk through walls at different areas. I noticed that you could trigger the Meryll going to Mantis scene in the bathroom but you must satisfy what seems to be these conditions. 1. You must open the main hall door yourself for the cut scene trigger to load on the map. (guards going to toilet won't work but it shows the graphics) 2. You must pass through the girls bathroom door or at least be standing inside it. 3. Go to the usual place to activate the cut scene. I got this to work: The only thing stopping us is that you actually can't load the door in the corridor as you can't get back inside the map and only way to is walking to the commander room which is no door loading obviously and from there you can get inside the map but moment you use the card key, you get stuck in bounds. :( Get your thinking caps on!
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psxjin has given me no errors when running, weird. I am using but never did more than just run the game. A bit too complex for me to understand.