While playing on the actual cartridge, I encountered a glitch once while levelling up on metal slimes, but I'm not sure if I can recreate it. I had a pilgrim who did 20+ damage to a slime that was not a critical hit. He was equipped with a zombie slasher, so I was wondering if perhaps it had something to do with the weapon's bonus. But it could've been something different altogether. Anyway, this probably isn't even helpful at all, as criticals and poison needle strikes are probably manipulated easier, and the zombie slasher isn't a drop.
Also, I was curious... it was stated that the combat options are not easy to change... are drop items and level up stats the same way then?
That's cool. I just happened to stumble on another thread here where adelikat said you didn't have to reset anyways, but just get certain items, etc. Pretty cool, I never knew that. Disregard my above post, I guess.
Your run looks pretty sweet. I have a small list of thoughts and questions that I jotted down, but I need to rewatch the video and make sense of it before I lay 'em on you. Chances are they won't be of any help (one was about the wing of wyvern to Burland though, so you never know).
Aside from the random generation problems, there is one thing that I wonder about. To get the yellow orb, don't you have to save your game and reset? Like for the merchant's town to grow. I know you can step back and forth into it a couple times, but there comes a point where I think you need to reset. Is there a way around this? Death? Staying at an inn? Are any of these emulators able to record a reset anyways?
Getting a sword of malice would take awhile since you have to talk to your boss, wait for someone to show up and sell it to you. Then later you have to wing back and forth to buy and sell them. It may not seem like it but buying 14 items takes a very long time but it does (about 4 seconds per item).
I guess I just thought it would be a cool factor if you walked right in and the first customer sold the sword. I don't know if that can happen though.
As far as Keelon, you don't get it in chp 4 and when you return in chp 5, you can't use it because you have to be able to open the door in order to activate the glitch.
Whoops, that's right. Well, what other places might it be useful? Necrosaro's castle? Esturk's castle?
You need the final key to get to the screen with metal babbles.
Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I leveled up there outside the gate before, but the random encounter with babbles was really low (much lower than inside). Not that it matters, I agree with the defeats at the lowest levels possible.
So are there six convenient medals, at this point? I don't know where most of them are.
paraphrased from an FAQ:
-In the old ship in Konenber (must be before the lighthouse trip)
-In Taloon's ship (must be before it sets sail)
-Mintos next to the well
-On the ground at the shrine East of Mintos
-In house near seaside village
-In the cannon in seaside village
-Center Island in Riverton
-And two in Stancia
I just kind of wonder if all the little detours will make the prize worthwhile. And the sword of miracles is dropped by the Infernus Shadow much later, which is a mandatory battle anyways.
About the casino, I would love to see some fine poker like you mentioned. But the odds of being dealt a Royal Flush (even including the joker) I estimate are about 325,000 to 1. Now, being able to draw again would make it more likely, but only about four times more likely. So I don't know if those odds could be manipulated in a timely fashion, but it would be damn cool to see.
I registered here just to tell you how awesome this is. I had checked out the previous authors attempt, but was sad when he didn't continue it.
This was great though, so far. I only watched it briefly (on my lunchbreak at work), and I skipped through some parts, but I was wondering a couple things:
-When Taloon is collecting the King's request, is it possible for him to walk only one step and encounter? Or would this throw off the random of the drop item?
-I never did the King's request (when not time attacking) because it took a while. Instead, I'd do one of the tricks on that page you linked to, where I'd get the sword of malice at the first shop, not sell it, and later buy a bunch and sell them with Neta. I'd suppose you tried that angle and it took too long?
-That door trick on that page is intriguing. Would it be of any benefit at Keeleon castle? It would be wild if somehow you could get in there without having to have Orin, although I'd be curious as to what would happen when you need to escape and Orin fends the guards off. It's probably not possible even.
Those are just some quick things off the top of my head. I might be able to think of some things later on if I watch in more detail.
Can't wait until your next version.