Yes, though i used a slightly different strat than itspersonnal did, and saved a few frames, still it can be improved by a bit.
You can't dash off the other side in order to face the right direction to the door, because you can't get the right angle for the dash.
Oh if you mean the first targets, it doesn't matter which direction you do, as long as you scan onto the scanpost as early as the game let's you and walk into the right position to get warped into the cutscene.
So, in this topic i'll post all kind of questions i have about dtm files, hacking, options, issues and other stuff about dolphin and how to create TAS videos or how to hack things and read some code of the games and what not.
So, i'll start up with 2 little questions here:
1. How do people know how many re-records they've used? can i still figure out how many i used even after i finished my TAS?
2. How do i continue working on a DTM file? or do i use multiple DTM files?
So, basically i did a little TAS here: The only problem i have, is sound issues, whatever.
Basically, what i did is setting a state at the last frame of the video, i ended the movie (closed the game window) at the same frame, though now how do i continue working on that DTM file? Or do i actually make a new one, or do i load the state and pause the game and start recording? Or uuh... Well how i do that, i guess you got my point. Thanks for your help :)
I know, i did that to prevent desyncing, but now if i turn on that option the graphic bug disappears and its desyncing again for some reason.
Edit:ais523 wrote:
There are a couple of other cutscenes that save in-game time to not skip, because the skips were buggy. One that comes to mind is the one with Ridley flying overhead in Phendrana (skipping it before a certain point affects Samus' spawn position).
Was actually not talking about those kind of cutscenes, those wouldnt affect you when you dont have ng+ because you don't skip them in any% anyways.
Also you wouldn't skip a cutscene when you pick up ice beam too, because that makes you able to switch to it before the textbox appears. which saves approximately half a second.
the problem with ng+ is that skippable cutscenes are rquired to have faster strats/glitches to work so yeah, doing a TAS with that would be stupid (actually going to get my savefile, just beat omega pirate) In my head theres 2 places where cutscene skips would affect the gameplay, omega pirate and parasite queen, those would probably waste ingame time.
Link to video
Thanks andy!
I went ahead and made a small test video.
Slightly higher resolution than you have on a GC, anti laisng x2 for quality improvement. First time i actually rerecorded a DTM file. Some graphic issues, some sound issues, but finally it stops desyncing. Let's see how this proceeds. Also as far as i know loading times are fixed on dolphin 4.0-1592 and above, i'm using 4.0-1694. Doing a TAS without loading time would not only be unfair to other players but also change up game strategies, therefore change up the game and making it not acceptable, though i would still do this, because this would be one hell of a watch. Therefore, fixing loading times is a big step in the right direction. If it continues going well like this, i might be able to do a first full game TAS. Also, now that i'm using DTM files this is way less work, this only took me like 5 minutes and i never used TAS inputs before. (my old method took more than 20 minutes for this and it was like 10 frames slower than this one) Pretty sure this is perfect so far since i think it used the same amount of frames itspersonnal had up to this point, all that matters is that you hit the final scan at the first frame possible, the rest is just all about getting into the zone to get warped in the cutscene and holding L till the scan finishes.
I was messing around with the EFB-copy options for 4 hours yesterday, but i couldnt get it to not desync. Since im sick of messing around it, i just want to do my first TAS with the quality shown in the video, quite annoying to have a glitched scan visor, but what can you do... Sound issues could probably be improved by a bit, i'm using Open AL sound with a 40ms latency to filter out sound issues. It was much worse using the other sound options since they don't use that latency feature (it was cutting out really horrible everywhere) Though i wasn't sure what that latency option does, so i was kinda scared to put it up too high, would be nice if someone could explain me what it does, and if i should actually put it higher or not. If it desyncs your audio i think i shouldnt put it over like half a second, 'cause unsynced audio sucks.
I have not really "improved" much in the couple last weeks, i just improved my time and consistency. I'm pretty sure, if i did a segmented run, i would get below an hour, because my problem isn't knowlege at all (i'm even sometimes giving miles some advice at movement stuff, i know exactly how movement works, which is also why i would consider that'd i be a potential good TASer of this) I also thought about some TAS strats in theory before, which will probably be quite impressive, though a really good TAS would take YEARS to complete, cause of the rediculous possibilities of this game, i mean you can move the morph ball in 255 directions, which ALL influence it, the boost ball has several mechanics with speed and aswell recharging time. Also you can recharge it instantly by going off the ground so thats gonna be BAAAD to optimize, just a little tunnel will probably take DAYS of work. My problem is execution, because i'm not practiced very well, which i don't have at TASing. I only did runs for a couple weeks and got 1:11, which other people only got after doing any% for like a year, and it's a really bad run i can tell you. For instance, Cosysrs got 1:13, after playing for like 9 months i think, and got a pretty lucky 1:09 after that, i've gotten 1:11 twice and a few 1:12-1:14's in the last couple weeks, so you can see, that i'm defenitly capeable of getting much lower. (my sum of best is 1:05, and i can't think of any split that is optimized and im using like 20 splits) Also yeah, my cpu isnt even going over 50% when i run dolphin. (and record? im not sure) I think i can dump with a lossless codec now even. I'm pretty optimistic, if it does really not desync throughout the entire run, theres gonna be a fullgame TAS soon. I actually did a small TAS up to PQ yesterday, though i was being stupid and forgot to hit a little checkbox, which causes some graphic bugs but for some reason it doesn't desync if i check it. (I'll probably do a fullgame TAS in just a couple weeks, considering a decent TAS up to PQ only took me 2 hours to complete, which took me days with my old recording method) Though, don't expect anything optimized for now, that's really difficult to do, think about how you control samus with dolphin, theres probably millions and millions of very precise inputs required in order to do a kinda optimized TAS of this game.
i gave it a shot using 4.0-1636; seem to not desync anymore, fixed audio issues mostly, recording video works perfectly fine now.
Making good progress for just one day.
so: Fixing audio completely and getting a higher performance would be awesome, how is miles running the game at 60 fps almost constantly, even though his computer isnt better than mine? (hes streaming metroid prime on dolphin and it seems to run really good for him)
I mean, its not NEEDED for doing a tas, but it would certainly help, since im still having some audio issues. (maybe that'd also prevent possible desync problems)
What dolphin should i use for metroid prime? I used 4.0-707, though i didnt get full fps with it, the audio was bad and my dtm's do desync. (or it just completely crashes for no apparent reason)
I'd like to start doing some TASes of this. (been running it for years, so i know how movement works)
Because you have to know the game and it's physics to make a proper run and i don't think theres many people who actually do that. (i only know itspersonnal, ptorflaxendrosis, miles, t3 and me who could probably do a proper tas of this)
though, first i need to be able to properly work with dtm's and get everything to work, so testing would make sence.
So; what dolphin version shall i use?
What patch shall i download?
My PC specs should be good enough to run dolphin at it's max speed (nvidia geforce 580 gtx, 12gb ram, 3.3x6 ghz cpu....)
Thanks for your help, hopefully this is gonna work better than my last attempt i tried TASing this.
Heres some of my old work (pretty shitty, part of that was cause i was not very good at the game and part of it was cause my dolphin didnt work well):
thats pretty sad
i knew that i cannot submit it
i record everything with fraps and than i must edit the video with a complicated way :S
but i barely got it to run and i got MASSIVE problems recording it with a DTM
i record it all with fraps in fullscreen mode
i play with a 360 controller and xpadder an keybord to controller emulation programm
that makes it possible to put savestates on a controller which makes tassing a lot easier for me.
saving savestate one is made by pushing the right controll stick loading state one by pressing the left control stick.
state two is made by pressing the start button and loading state two by pressing the back button.
theres also a crash savety savestate (saving on state 3 and loading it from dolphin after the restart) for me.^^
i use this when state 1 AND 2 are crashing rarely state 3 crashes too if that happens i have state 4 on the last item i collected.
i also saved state 8 and 7 on tallon IV for future runs which arent totally used to show speed like 20% attempts or the 21% speedrun which will be the most impressive runs from me.
and im pretty sure there is no dash in the run which is slower than just walking -_-.
ok back to states:
i put it on R1 because you dont need it for metroid prime.
normally i could easly dump my audio and put it in the video but dolphin is extremely buggy for my sound :( i tried a version on an tutorial on youtube but that was even worse.
good luck for your next tasses petrie i cant wait for more.
if i had not shoot with the power beam the one mushroom would not explode dunno why. but yeah there are a few minor mistakes
but i dont think that you saw them because the real mistakes can only been seen in slow motion i wasted a bit time because i bended a few dashes not perfectly and i forgot an R jump to save a bit time.
all over i lost around 1.3 seconds in the after frigate part no problem...
i think the answer is yes because the first powerbomb you'll collect in a tas is near to the ice spreader.
this trick isnt confirmed yet but i will test it once i collected the plasma beam.
you also can use the ice spreader in a few fights for example the invisible drone which also save time because you can luck manipulate a few missiles.
new goal for tas: 55 minutes
for "perfect" tas: 53 minutes
not sure how much time new dashes will save maybe.. 7minutes?
means it will come around 48 or something we'll see
and bio spark: you mustn't go to see the speed of rolling or jumping you will not be able to see this in game code because rolling goes straight,but it gets slowed down in like 70% of the rooms because of the sloppy grounds of metroid prime.
also jumping doesnt go straight,means that you'll have to time every room.
and yea this boost stacking still makes my head hurt because i think it is possible on nearly every room and that would save huge amounts of time if it's used right
i'll try to use everyone of it i can find <.<
but yea i have no real idea of it i really wish to know more about it because it really confuses me...
video about booststacking:
i would be happy if someone would beat my run but i really dont know who will be that person and yeah i will improve my tas runs more and more thats the best way to get the best run because in metroid prime are still tons of improvements that are unknown a run which has an old route/older,less speedtricks (and im sure it will get old fast) will be slower in no time so i dont waste my time for a run which gets old just before its finished.
i dont know what you mean with obsoleted because there arent currently any tas's of prime and im pretty sure it is harder than it sounds to beat my one (of course when its finished). y i should make a "perfect" or very good played run when it is slower than a "sloppy" but with using more speedtricks played/faster run anyway? doesnt makes sence for me.
so yea while tassing prime you must be sure to use every speedtrick and i think no one will ever complete it that good so this little frame saving isnt important at all maybe in 50 years. lol
So...your run has a known improvement, and you're going to just ignore it? >.>
yes because i dont want to spend months for the first part i dont care so much for a perfect speedrun which anyway will never exist.
i just want to see what could be nearly possible and find new speedtricks ect.
counting that "room time" exactly is harder than it sounds because a tas will look a bit faster than any console run because you must calculate the faster loadings and you'll mostly have not that much time to prepare for the next room ect. another reason why a tas would look awesome!
that with this 3 shots diddnt cost any frame yea i unmorphed around 3 frames later i know but in the end it changes less than a single frame because my speed was a tiny bit slower/ i acclerated slower metroid prime is more precise than a frame...
another reason why a "perfect" tas is impossible.
to the run speed on 0:57 yea youre right it may saves a very tiny amount of time....
but i think maybe a frame or something and the scan dash started very early and saved much time because i combined it with bunnyhop that alone cost me 30 minutes to make and around 500 re records!
so yea while tassing prime you must be sure to use every speedtrick and i think no one will ever complete it that good so this little frame saving isnt important at all maybe in 50 years. lol
1:19 was definitly the fastest possible because the door was loading anyway and the morph ball is definitly the fastest way to load the door there.
the aiming at the beginning was not a problem at all i just "waited" for getting into the room where the cutscene triggers because when im too far away from this scan point i will not be spawned to it to save a nother small amount of time. the only problems in this run is clearly the large movement mistakes. Sparky said that to me and i think he means the wrong used scan dashes and a few L-jumpes i may forgot,not sure at all he said he found a lot of mistakes and personally i believe him.
i dont know what you mean with missed shots...
1:23 does not leave an matter because in slow-motion you can clearly see that the scan visor already scans while the "aim-bot" is locking on.
not sure what you mean with adjusting much. <.<but>4 seconds compared to WR
but yeah one more thing to say: before i will start tallon IV and stuff im looking for a pretty optimized frigate im not sure if im good enough for getting a such good time...
maybe someone of you can send it and the Video in 720p or better in 1080p somehow too me that would be pretty nice and it also would save a lot work for me because i cant use frame by frame. :\
the main thing is that you can use the save state on any run you want <.<
so the frigate is very important for me.
Yeah petrie i see a lot of problems in TASing Metroid Prime that perfect <.<
i started one myself and now im pretty sure that no-one from us will get so close to perfect speedrun...
i think you'll not fix so much on frame perfect things.
im sure the first recorded TAS of metroid prime will be FAR away from perfect!
i think you must make more than one tas's.
here the result it costs me 6 hours of work:
and here is a weird bug which makes prime TAS's much harder:
so we have not to talk about TASing we just have to start it ...
btw i watched your TASes on youtube and yeah they far away from perfect too expect the omega pirate fight and the frozen peak thing.
and seriously there are tons of unknown speedtricks...
i wish you the best of luck and i will try to support you as good as i can :)