More addresses
80457D50 - Charge counter
80457D68 - Bomb refill timer (the individual bomb timers are after this)
80DF3728 - Missile count (Your inventory is all around this location)
8100B0CC - Omega Pirate health
The charge counter starts at 0 when you fire your beam and counts up by 1/108 per frame. The damage of the charged shot is equal to the charge counter multiplied by the maximum damage of the charged beam. 62 frames is the earliest you can fire, yielding a shot with 57% of full damage.
Omega Pirate's health might not always be in the same location. It's not too hard to find, though, as it always starts at 600.0.
Anyways, having found the charge counter and at least one enemy's health, I can now update the damage table to be completely accurate.

The flamethrower has an oddly inconsistent damage output. I'll update this if I ever figure it out, but it seems low priority. The estimates from before should still be fairly accurate.
Also, while I haven't confirmed this, these values suggest that hard mode halves your damage output rather than doubling enemy HP.
I'll see what I can do about finding the ingame timer. That's probably going to be annoying though, as like just about everything else it's probably stored as a float.