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This debate won't continue into anything constructive if we don't lay down rules or at least key points to rely instead of what we are tried and trying to do. (couldn't find good sources from officially recognized institutes, sorry) 0. Let me recap my own research first: - There were much more different opinions than exactly matching views so far in the thread. Sheet: - I've tried my best to differentiate the most common views and challenge the rules through defining the problem: why it's a problem, who could intervent the problem, how to intervent it. As you can see on the 2nd page of the sheet linked above, the conclusion is: - We don't have official informations of these closed systems (consoles), nor the softwares (video games) we TAS. This means we have to define ourselves a set of rules with seemingly arbitrary ones (Arbitrary is defined as something that is determined by judgment or whim and not for any specific reason or rule). - The primary problem of this is that TASing a video game is definitely wasn't an expected nor intended to support this activity by the console/video game developers. There were many defenses implemented against misuse by hackers, crackers, reverse engineers, pirates, etc. - The secondary problem is edit: how we should define these. We have many users in the community, TASers with varying knowledge and the staff themselves. Who should come up with rule changes? What should be required to accept or reject them? And in the end... will it match viewers expectations? 1. Ok, let's start with facts: A computer is a machine that can be programmed to accept data (input), process it into useful information (output), and store it away (in a secondary storage device) for safekeeping or later reuse. The processing of input to output is directed by the software but performed by the hardware. - Input devices accept data in a form that the computer can use; they then send the data to the processing unit. - The processor, more formally known as the central processing unit (CPU), has the electronic circuitry that manipulates input data into the information people want. The central processing unit executes computer instructions that are specified in the program. - Output devices show people the processed data-information in a form that they can use. - Storage usually means secondary storage. Secondary storage consists of devices, such as diskettes, which can store data and programs outside the computer itself. These devices supplement the computer's memory, which, as we will see, can hold data and programs only temporarily. - A general PC is a collection of unknown hardware with unknown software running on it. Consequently a PC game will need to be written to run well on a minimum-spec while also taking advantage of a higher end machine. Now let's go for consoles. - The term "video game console" is primarily used to distinguish a console machine primarily designed for consumers to use for playing video games, in contrast to arcade machines or home computers - A game console gives you a very specific set of hardware, running a very specific set of programs. 2. The problems revisited of this debate - TASVideos movie rules are written by multiple members of the higher staff. These rules seems to be perfectly in line of the goals stated: is committed to providing the best in tool-assisted speedruns and superhuman play. Our runs are held to high standards, and only high quality runs will be published on the site. We also prefer quality over quantity β€” a poor quality run will not be accepted whether it is a game new to the site or an improvement to a pre-existing run - In order to make a change in rules, we need someone from the higher staff because of: knowledge/experience of these various consoles and games before trying to define a new rule; coming up with a solution that serves the original goal of the site; someone with authenticity to drive/control this debate to get an official word of status. - Most TASers or simply users of the community don't have that deep knowledge/experience nor insight to these problematic techniques, so they might be not 100% sure they really meant what they wanted to say. - If we would draw a Venn diagram of currently allowed and the currently not allowed techniques, we will see fast that we have some arbitrary lines. Most of these cuts were rooted to the main problem surrounding the site in it's early days: People will outright say "this is cheating" because of the uninformed/uneducated and too powerful, nearly magical stuffs going on while they never had achieve this level of optimality/superplay themselves nor had an idea of this being a possibility. Well... conclusion? I don't know. I think I should draw at least the Venn diagram so we can see how many techniques allowed and disallowed has commonly shared keypoints that make the arbitrary cuts really arbitrary. Other than that, I think a "leader" is really needed. In the end, do we have a problem? Is this debate is useful for anyone (else besides me, trying to gain more access of potential techniques)?
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feos wrote:
Manipulations on the physical object of the cartridge are not input that the system was meant to recognize. It's not digital input. And it has to be digital, because you don't TAS resisters and transistors, you TAS the software image, the logic.
True for most of the platforms currently supported on TASVideos. And I also understand the "no transistor hack/spilling liquids/overclock to 9 THz" etc. I see that cartridge tilting is still far away beyond the scope of most users' expectations/authenticity whatever. With this argument, cartridge swapping is also off, but what would you say if there would be no physical problem while still doing something similar...? Let's see PSX (or CDs). Published video games comes on CD. The manual of PSX page 10 "Playing a game" has this (not word by word): - No need to turn off the console to switch CDs - PSX able to recognize if the game is original or is there any CDs in it. - PSX able to respond when pressing the open button, the CD will start to slow down and eventually stop (note: I hope the manual don't lie, but I don't really remember this feature... Easiest way of bypassing region locked games wouldn't be possible if this would be true, when you use a plastic to tell the console the lid is closed while it isn't...) - Usually explicitly told warnings that we use to not follow. So the console is "fully aware" of the basic states (empty, open, closed, real, fake). These are not digital input but they are meant to be recognized.
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I'm not really sure but I think "Uses level password" should be added or removed from [2059] SNES Mega Man X "password glitch" by FractalFusion in 16:56.88 too. From judgement notes of the latter: On the other hand, it abuses the password system, and while not actually using a password, the use is questionable.
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Thanks for the answers again TiKevin83 and Warp. TiKevin83: I understand that consoles are wildly vary, even the same products. Regarding closed system, I'm not really familiair with it. Also we don't know the whole aspects of each console, so I just currently using the mindset of "any port with input and output capabilities shall have a rule of allowed and/or not allowed activities". But there's a lot of ports and pressing a button is a lot more in real life. And again, how close is a closed system? I do think that disk drives and other devices waiting for to process data impacting the "whole" system should be enclosed there. Cart tilt: Yes, it doesn't have a value in the spirit of speedrunning, tool assisted or not, or even playing the game. But it's still a possible input from the consumer after trying to boot up his cartridge after blowing off his internal organs out for the chance of repairing it. Effectively increasing destruction, but then he can play the game finally, probably with minor side effects caused by doing things explicitly told to not do. DS error handling: just an example that it can be handled. Designing a software with limited interaction with the hardware is usually the case (for most of the consoles). Warp: You can do about it. At least that's why I'm also doing researches on this topic, trying to figure out TASers' opinion, participate in this "debate" etc. I don't assure anything, especially that we don't have a "unified" view of what is and what should be speedrunning nor the official intentions of video game and console developers towards the players.
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I could debate for years but I don't see how this should move the discussion forward. Tilting / swapping the cartridge doesn't modify the game. It will interfere the communication between the cartridge and the console. All the "modification" comes from this trick will exactly last the same time as if the cartridge/slot were dirty or one of the game writes over a specific address that the other game doesn't clears but relies on it. It isn't "saved" or written in to the cartridge. The former one is an indirect manipulation while the latter one is direct. And then there's memory corruption and other things like ACE that (edit:) could literally modify the game.
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^ This is a list of games that can be hacked using a specifically crafted files you have to download before hand. So this isn't really possible to pull off within a TAS movie. edit: as long as you can't start writing these programs while the TAS is running. Examples:
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Without the intent to nitpick/disaggreeing:
TiKevin83 wrote:
I think it helps to notice the need to define what the "closed system" is in which TASing takes place. Partially Disconnecting a cartridge: Cartridges are like components in modern computers, they're part of the closed environment in which to start any TAS. I don't see how allowing this would be viable.
You didn't really explained why you don't see it viable to allowing it. - But... "but in most cases systems have external ports that are designed to work with third party controllers cartridges which may or may not have the same limitations." - Another sentence from resetting that could fit the cartridge swapping, "even being told directly...". - Or from the next one, "if a certain console can contain dirty cartridge from the factory..." - The N64 was designed with this in mind, games were developed to use this feature but later they changed their mind. In the Nintendo 64 game Banjo-Tooie, Rare originally planned to create a feature where the player would intentionally hot swap Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie to transfer items between the two games (or, at least unlock new items in Banjo-Tooie from Banjo-Kazooie) called "Stop 'n' Swop". In development on the SGI Indy Workstations, the RAM lasted much longer, I think about seven seconds, from when the cartridge was removed to when the data would be purged. The SGI boxes turned out to be more powerful than the actual retail hardware, and in production a player would have less than one second to perform a successful hot swap. Thus, the feature was abandoned. - Nintendo DS able to recognize it. Newer systems, such as the Nintendo DS and above have code in place to gracefully handle improper cartridge removal. In fact, the original DS can actually run if a game is inserted improperly. If the contacts are dirty or blocked somehow, the system menu will load, and a GBA game or PictoChat can run without issue.
Swapping discs when not prompted: See above
Which one above?
Witnessing the ending without completing typically required objectives: this sounds like an entertainment value issue.
Not that simple. Think about ACE or the PokΓ©mon TAS. Simply starting (literally calling the subroutine of) the credits scene or just parts of it isn't the same as completing the game and witnessing the credits scene.
Getting a game beaten state in memory without witnessing the normal ending
Again, not jut entertainment. Even memory corruption can do this but then there will be nothing for the viewer to verify the speedrun finished the game.
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I could argue with the console being a closed system with all parts being an intended mechanic. The SNES (and other consoles with an) expansion port is not intended to abuse, see judge verdict @ #5447: Masterjun's SNES Super Mario World "expansion game end glitch" in 00:41.75 edit: I guess that's what you meant under drawing a line. Also we can't split categories because of the tier system. Some games will only have 1 TAS, so it's understandable to discuss this and somehow come up with a solution that everybody likes.
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My idea originally was to understand TASer's view and see how those tricks noted in this thread apply to those. However I can't find the correct words for a definition, mostly because they could be interpreted differently. I use the "developers intended/expected" because I'm trying to differentiate gameplay glitches from programming glitches. Expected by developers - Something they knew will happen and probably designed against misuse. (resetting while saving the game) Unexpected by developers - Something they didn't knew. (hardware bugs and quirks like NES DPCM glitch) Unintended developer mistake/error - Something that allows the player to abuse a glitch, which goes against the nature of the intended gameplay. Intended way by the developers' - Something they planned as the way of completing the game. Now you can see, that developers intention has an important role in understanding the game ending problem (Witnessing the ending without completing the normal game's objective & Getting a game beaten state in memory but without witnessing the normal ending).
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Warp wrote:
With many consoles, especially the older ones, this would be a rather simple thing to mandate: Controller button presses only, no other buttons on the console, or any other way of affecting the game. (If in some consoles it can be reset with the controller buttons, then that particular combination could be banned as well. Although I wouldn't lose much sleep if that particular console is made an exception. No big deal.)
Unfortunately no, it isn't that simple. As I said, without any exaggerations, probably half of all video games don't have an up to date manual especially not with walkthroughs or any standard to follow which would detail the developers/designers intended way to beat the game. Just a little list that's definitely missing in most of the manuals, only for older consoles: - A manual... yes, many video games were released with literally 0 information, example: NES Metal Force - Debug leftovers... developers never said you are not allowed to use it. Example: Genesis Kid Chameleon - What does "beating the game" requires / consists of. As you can see, vital informations missing in order to make this view as a standard. This could be only applied to games case by case. Edit: Forgot to say, I'm trying to explore these views with multiple different things.Like my forbiddentechs page, the compatibility and likeliness of TASVideos' published movies updating with an understandable tag. That's because I think there would be so many exceptions and we can't really settle down on a set of rules since wr didn't had a chance to try newer games and such... I guess it is inevitable to not go through all latest published movies and properly assign these, if someone would like to apply it.
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(work in progress post) According to the posts in this thread, here are the views/concerns divided to distint categories: (I simply choosed a name by the most information provided per view) (still thinking about what should be the format... 1 - Warp: Only intended and expected actions allowed that required for the gameplay While Warp mostly used different metaphors and terms, I believe the keypoint here is that all your actions are limited to interacting with the game through the way the developers intended it. - Resetting/Switching discs/Pullout, plug in controller/etc only if it's required but otherwise no (and never). Unfortunately this is nearly impossible to "consider" for video games in general, where your input actually becomes a variable that will be used for different calculations, ultimately ending up as a parameter for a set of codes that will be interpreted/processed by the platform. This only could work if all games (at least the ones published here) would have a 100% correct and detailed manual and walkthrough, which is absolutely not the case. 2 - "Only gameplay" - L+R/U+D is the developer's task to make a good design against misuse, so it's OK to abuse it. 3 - Bismuth's view - Art, Sculptures... freedom creativity as long as it's not dangerous... reword... 4 - MESHUGGAH/p4wn3r: Valid as long as it's technically possible and could have been defended against - L+R/U+D: Valid, just because normal controllers don't allow it doesn't mean it's impossible, it's all possible user input anyway, and some other controllers provide that functionality.
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Only watched first minute of the encode. Missing optimal air sliding and 2nd zip seems to be a very little slower than my old wip.
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Started collecting TASer's / people in this thread commenting on each technique. - Will use this list only to define at least 3-4 different views so I can iterate down my forbiddentechniques list through these. - Spreadsheet: - Color legend: Green: OK, Orange: Maybe/With conditions, Red: NO, White: Neutral/Undecided - Most of the answers weren't straightforward, so don't blame me for marking an answer as "YEAH DO IT xD!" when you actually just theorized about it.. edit: you will probably want to decrease font size (CTRL+MouseWheelDown) to get a bigger area of answers at a glance, and clicking on an answer to read someone's insight rather than finding the original post in this thread. edit2: it's actually done. will recheck colors (identifying the response's views) and then I try to write down the different, most popular views (seems to be 4 so far)
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Thanks Diman, will check out this weekend. In order to save time in this game, even 1 frame is enough because the subpixel positions can be refined and some levels (mostly before a boss) has 1-2 frame delay (pause un pause mostly) to influence bosses. Will update this post.
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My "speedrunning career" definitely started by finding SDA in the first place and having the opportunity to trying and recreate what I've read and saw from the published run's. Also the Half-Life thread made me to register to this community (TASVideos) and eventually become a TASer. So.. I would like to be constructive and help, but I really don't know what could the TASVideos community do for the SDA community. Nor what is your expectations about getting a solution with enough gains and minimal losses. What I don't really understand is that there are multiple RTA communities but it seems like they don't like each other. Did you tried to contact them again? Oh and extra notes about my problems with different RTA sites ( mostly: - So many invalid and out dated informations scattered - Inability to search for what you want (you want to check a crossplatform game's run on platform X? It's fucking impossible). - Way different rules and "verifications" that doesn't make any sense. Without any intend to attack, would like to ask, do you intend to continue your project detailed in this thread? Thread #14328: TASVideos Documentary Thread: Vital Info in 1st Post
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Ah, already forgot about this thread. 1. In case you don't know, I already started and having a page with good up-to-date informations listed down at Wiki: MESHUGGAH/ForbiddenTechniques I still favor p4wn3r's view. And I couldn't find any counter arguments or different approach for the opposite of these:
p4wn3r wrote:
Frankly, arguments as "the game should be played like X" are useless for TASing. It's just not how things work here, we already play games at extremely unrealistic conditions. We're definitely not interested in how things were intended to be, we're interested in how they are.
(I also checked all posts, no additional techniques were mentioned apart from what I already written down.) 2. I guess I should apologize for my last comments in this thread (page 3 bottom and next page few comments) that could read as me being too ignorant or demeaning. Sorry if anyone took it as a personal attack or thought I'm not listening to other opinions or any offense whatever. I would have some excuse but it's not important. I still waiting for a different view without flaws opposing my approaches written down (my comments and my forbidden techniques page). 3. Wulf2k: Hmm... I think you meant "A TAS that uses ACE as minimally as possible to skip some parts instead of using more ACE that requires more time". In this case, I don't really think. Since if you know that there is an ACE but it requires a lot of time, you will probably go with memory corruption. Now NES Battletoads cames to my mind. - #3356: feos & MESHUGGAH's NES Battletoads in 11:04.72: "but the target one is Level End (0x7F in address 0x3CD) that ends the level instantly with the same animation as in level 12. The exact work of this glitch wasn't studied as we had luck to get the fastest result without heavy debugging." - I've took the number 0x7F from AnS and others from feos and his co(mpany)'s docs. It turns out it was a coincidence. - #3690: TheZlomuS & DyLaX's NES Battletoads "Glitched" in 01:02.68: "but some objects need special attribute values, that aren't read from descriptor lines, but loaded other ways." - #3750: MESHUGGAH's NES Battletoads "Glitched" in 00:56.94: now since we know that we can do a lot more than just spawning an object, we use "more" memory corruption to end the game instead of just skipping 1 level.
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Looks like it will save time! - My few frames saves WIP that desyncs before 3rd level boss (lightning problem) User movie #13155260348751573 - According to the published TAS submission under Skipping Giantheads:
Only the first and second Giantheads aren't skipped, because we didn't have Super Werewolf there yet.
- So as far as I see, all it needs is jumping up the pipes right before the 2nd Gianthead would spawn @ 0:54 / 207 in-game time for the published TAS, or 1:10 / 198 in-game time in XTREMAL93's post.
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IIRC Upthorn was working on a terrain visualizer, not sure if it was him and was it for this particular game.
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And how is this relevant to pressing the reset button on platforms where the game execution halts, leading to corrupting the save file, which could be potentially used as code? Why a CD requires "ever going game execution without suspending even for a moment" while abusing "save games" (or more like resetting the game (edit: or even the console, where even minutes can be passed without ever getting to the "game code"...) at the right time while it tries to write it) are allowed to stop the game and as we know, even start from a said save game.
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That argument was... - first used it as an example of being a factor. Saved for referencing later for he CD stuff. - last one is just a warning. Not familiar with the game so I wrotr two example of possible outcome if audio changed without reencoding. So if I have a PC with 3 drives where thr game CD is in drive 1, then I don't need to comply wih the rule?
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First of all thank you for anwering again and sorry for "dissecting" the chat log. Somehow I need to present my arguments against another argument. A. Changing audio without reencoding: I am not familiar with the game, I just suppose there might be a difference (even if just 1 extra cpu cycle or mario becomes wario) with a different audio. B. According to your post above this... how do these are related to the PSX Monster Rancher (hope iirc) ? Any CD is just a user input,similar to audio. It's not our fault the game process some me data. Why the restrictions so hard then again? I insert the CD, no need to replicate if it would be contained in the 800 megabytes submission file.
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After rereading the chat logs with feos, let me write down again my problems divided to: 1. My notes only for this submission. 2. My notes for future submissions using audio. 1. The audio which is used as an input to progress the game is 100% not produced by the TASer in question. - Audio probably made by zeromus, uploaded in 2009. The two files (submission note link and zeromus' audio) checksum are the same. - (2019-04-03 17:54:19) feos: and it doesn't even need to be in the encode because the game doesn't output it <-- Just because it's not output, it still gets processed by the game. That is, different soundfiles might have different outcomes. Therefore it's a real factor in completing the game. 2. Regarding future submissions: - If a TASer want's to complete a game, he should at least use the same process as the game wants. Imagine completing a game released in 2010 but the audio used is from 1999. Imagine completing a game that act differently according to volume (for example PC Tonsil Terror). If the game waits for input from a microphone, than you shouldn't allowed to make a compressored audio sitting on 999 dB, in case if it's simply impossible to do with a microphone plugged in to a PC. Imagine a game acts differently according to various data of a sound (for example visualizers). - (2019-04-03 18:06:08) feos: also what point does "10GB cc zero song" prove? that we should ban 10GB cc zero songs in movies? I meant that as the above elaborated stuffs: Using an audio that made by someone else that probably impossible to replicate at bytes level (Try replicating a Jason Richardson solo). Using an audio that made before the game release / TAS / anything that related to the game and it's console's hardware. I could come up with more examples and write more details but I guess we already know these facts. I also understand we share different perspectives and I just don't know how to explain my view. So... I leave this here as it is now. edit: updated link, thanks fsvgm777
PhD in TASing πŸŽ“ speedrun enthusiast ❀🚷πŸ”₯ white hat hacker β–“ black box tester β–‘ censorships and rules...
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The #6033: NhatNM's PSX Monster Rancher 2 in 58:54.55 got rejected because: " we need an extra image to be created by hand so that it's not anything copyrighted. That would allow us to reproduce such an image freely anytime, as many times as needed, now and in the future, for the sake of replaying this movie." This movie uses a noise (someone blowing air in to a microphone). This audio was uploaded in 2010 probably by DeSMuMe authors. I'm not really sure about does this sound is: - non copyrighted - possible to reproduce the audio edit: - The audio probably made or at least uploaded by zeromus on 23:49, 12 December 2009) - Doesn't comply with point 1 and 2 of the rule Wiki: MovieRules.html#RomImageMustBeIntegral: "1. You need to use an image that's been generated specifically for the movie in question" - Not the case. "2. You need to provide clear instructions on how to recreate it" - Not the case.
PhD in TASing πŸŽ“ speedrun enthusiast ❀🚷πŸ”₯ white hat hacker β–“ black box tester β–‘ censorships and rules...
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Good TAS, goes straight to the defined objective. Yes vote. The rules of the game is as obnoxious as making a new rule "no oxygen intake" and throwing everyone in to jail for breathing. That is, I have a rule for punishing readers of this post so you are punished. And people like this for reasons... ?
PhD in TASing πŸŽ“ speedrun enthusiast ❀🚷πŸ”₯ white hat hacker β–“ black box tester β–‘ censorships and rules...
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[a comment about this movie] [head bonk noise played 30 times a second] [mario laser party 3] {end of comment}
PhD in TASing πŸŽ“ speedrun enthusiast ❀🚷πŸ”₯ white hat hacker β–“ black box tester β–‘ censorships and rules...