... I'm so addicted to hacking -_-
7E0004 = current P1 buttons
7E0008 = Newly pressed P1 buttons
7E082A = currently selected category column (0-5)
7E082B = currently selected dollar row (0-4)
7E0871,X = Bitmask: Already selected dollar rows for this category (100 = bit 0, 200 = bit 1, etc) (The game handles this mask REALLY strangely)
7E086B = Round number? Daily double count?
7E088F,X = DD Category
7E0891,X = DD Row
7FFFFE = RNG seed
RNG routine is at 008593:
$00/8593 08 PHP
$00/8594 C2 20 REP #$20
$00/8596 AF FE FF 7F LDA $7FFFFE
$00/859A F0 03 BEQ $03
$00/859C 0A ASL A
$00/859D 90 03 BCC $03
$00/859F 49 87 1D EOR #$1D87
$00/85A2 8F FE FF 7F STA $7FFFFE
$00/85A6 85 02 STA $02
$00/85A8 28 PLP
$00/85A9 48 PHA
$00/85AA 68 PLA
$00/85AB 6B RTL
So let's see... it runs the RNG and ANDs it with 7 until it gets a number less than 5, then puts that in for the first DD row. It then runs the RNG again, AND #$03, adds that with the other row's position +1, and if the result is over 4 it subtracts 5.
To parse the results of the logic, the two Daily Doubles cannot be in the same dollar row. So no, you can't get both on $200, but you could get one on $200 and one on $400. You'll want to watch 7E0891 and 7E0892 and retry till one is 00 and the other is 01, I guess.
Resetting the categories will change daily double location, but so will simply delaying a single frame sometime.
And while I'm at it!
7E08A6,X = Correct answer (unless you have ASCII memorized this is probably kinda useless... but values over 60 are unnecessary characters - you can drop them without penalty. 5C is \ which means alternative answers)
00AF7A contains the answer-check routine. This may take a while to disassemble....
Values over 60 in 08A6 look like they are COMPLETELY ignored...? They still modify a few bits I don't know the purpose of though.
Spaces in the answer are also completely ignored I think.
It will ignore any bad matches in the text if you have extra letters the correct solution doesn't have, so you can add as many letters as you like.
I think, to be considered correct, you have to have ALL of the characters of the answer (except spaces and lowercase(values above 60 hex or 96 decimal)) (or an alternative answer) in your answer sequentially, but again you can add whatever you like in between characters.