Posts for Inzult

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Walker Boh wrote:
Bomb-Omb Battlefield: I think it's best to grab 100 coins with the star that requires the red hat (it might be possible without it, I don't know, but that would require several blasts from the cannon I think, which would be useless in a TAS).
If you collect every single coin not including the ones in the sky for the flying cap star, you can get 101. But that involves killing a whole slew of enemeis, running around all the posts, and essentially covering the whole level. I imagine would take a long time. I suggest getting this 100-coin star at the same time as the red coins star, since they cover pretty much the whole level anyway. One could kill any enemy which happens to be on the way, fire out of the canon used for the flying cap star once to get 10-15 coins. I can't remember if it's possible to get 3 coins at a time per coin ring, but I think it is. This would require the flying cap. 32 coins laying around & inside boxes 25 coins from running around posts 1 blue coin (koopa) 8 red coins 15 coins (ideal) from the sky 7 coins from enemeis =100 coins If running around posts is too slow, there are 16 potential remaining coins from enemeis. (12 bombombs, 11 goombas total). Which means one could run around 2 posts in stead of 5.
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I just watched this for like, the 6th time, but at 25% speed. Seeing exactly what's going on and having time to absorb it as its happening... just increased my amazement. Excellent.
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If I remember correctly, you just press a button after the credits have ended and it starts. It's been a while since I've played though.
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Yeah, it was pretty good, nice work and all. But I'd have liked to see the so-called 'channel x' done as well. I cound never pass that level :|
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I dno why i didn't say anything earlier, since I watched this a while back, but it's nice work dude.
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I was poking around gamefaqs, and I saw something interesting. I don't know if you guys are aware of it or not, but what the hell:
If you think Cid's Airship goes too slow, there's a way to give it an extra speed boost. Rapidly press the "B" button real fast 40 times. Then, you'll start to go really fast. Hold down "B" and you can keep going at this speed. It makes trips around the world A LOT easier!
And, for early money, how fesable is it to take on the guards in Phin? The amount of money needed for change could be gotten in as few as 2 fights.
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Omega wrote:
Actually, shields are useless in this game. Wearing them usually does not affect your defence, but it does tone down your attack power. Wearing heavy armor doesn't allow your vitality to build up, but it builds up your power instead.
Maybe it's different tin he FFO version then and I'm getting mixed up. Or my brain is too damaged to remember things. Or maybe the effect I was experiencing was because of heavy armor.
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I always thought that the leveling system in this game would make it impossible to clear with the same reckless abandon as in FF1. If you try to speed through the game, your defence probably would end up being low, which means a lot of curing, which means your cure spell would end up gaining levels. In theory. As I recall, boosting your max mp is one of the most tedious and irritating tasks in the history of all mankind. You'd have to drag out the fights long enough to use enough mp to actually get the game to give you a level. For this reason, perhaps some high level spells would be needed (or at least 1 high level spell--perhaps fire). Although with rerecords, you'd know exactly how many spells you'd have to use before you would gain a level. Also, I recall a lot of running back and forth across the world map to get the peices of information you needed with the 'ask' system. Some good planning for that is in order. Unfortunately, building up your weapons skill requires that you cancel and re-select 100 times at the higher levels. And you can only gain 1 level per fight. I don't remember if this is cut in half if you have two, say, swords equipped. Also also, I remember if you are wearing a sheild, your defence buils quicker, but your hp won't build as fast as a result. Or, at least, that ended up happening last time I played the game where one character had 2 weapons and 1 with a weapon and a sheild through the whole game. Knowing that, perhaps it's worth checking what would happen if you alternated between 2 weapons for building levels and a weapon & sheild for straight fighting. I think I'll run some tests when I get home this evening.
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TheAxeMan wrote:
In general, Ice Cave is best because I need to take extra steps to avoid wizards. The treasure rooms in Earth Cave are so far off the path that I don't know if they're feasible. Gurgu is a possibility, as there are some treasure rooms close to the path. Also, this is really an all-or-nothing deal, if I can't easily pick up all the items I need, it will be faster to just buy them all at once in Gaia.
There's only the one Heal potion in the Ice cave, as far as I know. But there is also a tent right next to the Ice Sheild, just before the hole that takes you to the room with the forced undead fight. The Gurgu volcano has a few heals and cabins, but they're all pretty out of the way. The closest object is a House on the floor before Kary's floor, roughly 30 steps (one way) out of the way in the right middle room. I am unsure if this will trigger a forced fight or not. There are 2 heals and 1 cabin in the big cluster of boxes on the 2nd floor, but there will more than likely be a forced fight or two along the way. In the earth cave, there's a house roughly 16 steps (one way) off the path on the 2nd floor, in the top right corner. Also, there is a tent on floor 3 In the bottom right 16 steps (one way) off the path. The Heal pot on this floor is quite a ways off in the room right above that. 43 steps, roughly (again, one way). There's also a cabin on floor 4, but it's miles off the path as well. Beyond that, it's up to Matoya and the Dwarf cave, as you said. The sea shrine is literally empty. There's a House & a Cabin in the mirage tower, but I think that's too late for what you're looking for. Hopefully, I didn't miscount the steps :P edit: here we go. This'll be way more accurate than my awful descriptions:
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TheAxeMan wrote:
As far as positives, I've mastered manipulating the NPC movement, so I won't have any bats in my way this time.
This excites me beyond the capacity for rational thought. May I ask how you pulled it off? I never looked into NPC movement myself.
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The new strategies are woorking out nicely. Looks hAwt! If you manage to squeeze things to under an hour, I will have sex with you. I know that's a motivator. And if it isn't, well, I promise not to have sex with you. And maybe italicise more words. But really, man. Nice job.
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TheAxeMan wrote:
Kraken should not be a problem as he has a 1/4 chance of essentially doing nothing.
Jesus, I didn't even think of that, but it's so obvious. It's amazing how you miss the little things. Even when they're big. Anyway, I watched the run. This thing is looking hotter all the time. Would it be possible to raid the treasure room in elfland while getting the mystic key before buying the silver sword to use the inn at that point? I mean; would that make the Lich fight quicker to the point of saving the time to walk there? Maybe not... I'm trying to think of ways around the Sahag fights and the Water fights in the sea shrine, but only the Mage staff comes to mind. And I'm not so sure that would even do the trick. You might have to look into using a power cycle, doing the Waterfall 1st and doing the Sea Shrine 1st to see what's the quickest.
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Back on the 2-member run debate, eh? This run has officially come full circle. After the Lich fight (assuming you're using the same old order for dungeons) you're set with just 1 character for boss battles. Confuse/beatdowns will ensue followed by Bane cheapness. Even if there is a better chance of having one of your characters strike first with 2 members, I imagine imputting 'run' an extra time for all those other battles would slow you down. I think that throwing 3 sacrifices to the Wizards/astos would afford you the flexibility to manipulate luck quickly during those fights. And you could use the Inn for the first time after that while getting the mysic key... which would hold you until Lich. Er. I need to split. I'll watch the wip later. Hooray for getting the internet back.
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Aww yea :D
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It would be pretty hot if it were better known how to affect the steps to encounter. Doing something like leaving a fiend's layer seems to change it, as pointed out by Paulygon after the Kraken fight in my demo video. That is all I know. Otherwise, I'd advise runing into imps or something (else that Paulygon noted) before getting into to the ToFR
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Just finished watching. That pretty well looks like how I was envisioning my own next version. Of course, the chest selection would of been slightly different (eg, I wasn't planning on getthing the copper bracelet). The only place to go from here is to work out all the bubbles. It seems to me that you should keep your mage staff/wizard staff on your fighter with the weakest weapon. You know, so you can deal more damage. You probably noticed this one, but when you do Kary, methinks you should park your airship on the same square where you appear when you exit the Volcano. You know, because walking is slower than airship travel. And definately make sure to use that mage staff any time it's more effective than attacking. Which would be often.
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Jesus, you're a fast worker. Then again, I was only doing like 15 minutes of video per sitting. I'm going to watch it later tonight and then probably say nothing of value later.
On an unrelated sidenote it just me, or is the first fight you encounter in the marsh cave always a group of 2-6 shadows, and ALWAYS an ambush? I went and looked at Inzult's video to make sure, and I've ran the prior 2 fights to entering the cave over and over again...and it always ends up the same result...???
I can't say that the first fight is always vs Shadows, but I can say that Shadows always strike first. When I was doing the movie, I could never avoid a monster-strikes-first fight vs Shadows. Which is irritating. Also, it occurs to me that the first time you enter elfland, you should do so from the top left house in stead of the top right. It saves, like, 2 steps on the overworld or something. No big deal, but... eh. Edit: Also also, it occurs to me that if you were to name your characters ABCD or something else where the letters are all beside each other, it wouldn't take any extra frames, and your characters could be differentiated. Unless you had the a button on turbo and could enter a letter per frame.... I never checked that out ;D
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If you are stealing my thunder, it's the slowest thunder ever. I'll watch the movie so far and see what I can see and get back to you. Edit: Looks pretty good. I have a question about the enemy strikes first fights; would it have been faster to manipulate luck in the previous fights? I know the enemy attacking round itself doesn't really take that long, so I imagine there would be cases where it would be faster to take the hits. If so, the way you handled the fights is good. Keep it up.
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Zurreco wrote:
There is already a 3 page thread for this game. Also, I am currently working on my eight version of the any% run. Most people agree that the 100% run will not be published. The password fight, although interesting, is apparently too vague to pique anyone's interest.
Seriously? Well, bless me bagpipes. In that case, I won't be worrying myself with this game. As an added bonus, I get to look like a noob asswad. Let the flaming commence!
Post subject: Demon's Crest
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I've been thinking about this game lately, and I wanted some opinions on it. As we all know, the only way to get to the true boss of the game is to get 100% of the items, beat the 3 phases of Phalanx, watch the credits, get the password, reset, enter that password and go take on the final final boss. However, there is an ending where you get very few/no items, pass a handful of bosses and take on only the 1st phase of the Phalanx fight. If I (or someone else) were to do an attack on this game, do you guys think it should be 100%, or just go for the quick way through and get the bad ending and all that?
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I'm having some computer trouble. When I turn on my computer, it refuses to work. But that was just recently. Before that, I just got lazy. But before that, I was busy, I swear. The next time I work on it, I'm starting from scratch, and I'm using fceu. But I'm not sure when that'll be; there's some stuff I have to take care of before I can think about a new comp. So as of right now, the current run is dead. Sorry D:
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I'm still pretty up in the air about the usefulness of class upgrades (opal gear would be pretty swell). But you don't need to get the upgrade after you go into the castle of ordeals. You could just get the zeus gauntlet and get out... I have argued against the class upgrade, and didn't use it in my current run, because the cons outweighed the pros. But the idea of unlimited lit2 casts is pretty tantilizing... ...and don't ask me why I didn't get the mage staff in my current run, because I don't know.
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nitsuja wrote:
Hadn't thought of this at all since Red Mages generally aren't that great, but with luck manipulation to give them optimal stat gains every level they might be almost as strong physically in addition to having decent attack magic. What about: Fighter - Red Mage - Fighter(dead) - Fighter(dead) ?
That's not bad, but I think it might be better to turn it around a little; Kill off one fighter at or around the Wizards to get the crown, and kill off the Red Mage at or around the Zombie Dragons in the Castle of Ordeals, as at that time one will have the Zeus Gauntlet to replace the red mage... Leaving 2 fighters, with the Gold Bracelet for the topmost one and lit2 for the other... ...of course, this means a bit of a side trip. Edit: Or else you could replace the RM with the mage staff from the sea shrine
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I intend on getting lit2 in the next run... I didn't get it in this run, because I wanted to buy FAST, and I didn't want to make 2 trips. And like the stubborn fool I am, I will press ahead. So n'yeah! And, yeah, 2 characters is probably optimal. 2 fighters with magic casting items would do the trick just nicely, until you get the bane sword, at which time, 1 character would be all you needed. And yeah, having 4 or 8 casts of lit2 would save time on 4 or 8 battles. But having dead characters means less people you have to go to "run" for. Which saves time on more than 4 or 8 battles. The only way to really get it both ways is to have RMs in stead of Fighters... which is definately worth considering. It's a lot to check out, and the only way to know for sure is to have 3 or 4 full runs of the game. As soon as I get the internet back on my computer, I'll post my new and improved bottle plan, Mart, you might find it useful. You know, for getting the bottle.
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Yeah, the preemptive/ambush battles are determined when you enter the last action by the last character, as axeman said. So very much is determined then. So very very much. I never bothered to worry about the steps to encounter (I'm not sure how it's manipulated; seems to be changed by deifferent events), nor did I worry about walking on only grass to minimize random encounters. In some situations, I imagine you could run into fewer fights (like, going to the bridge in your example) but I wasn't worrying about it. BSiron, from gamefaqs covers the steps to encounter and Patburns17 elaborates on it (and also gives the encounter list): but the steps to encounter, as I've found, isn't well known. In any case, helpful stuff. What party are you using, Mart? I'd like to know. And, best of luck to you. Your patience will be tried.