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georgiek wrote:
Parpara palace can be completed after the Maze palace or even the 5th palace when links attack level is higher, killing horsehead faster.
I'm a bit fuzzy on the level up strategy that was settled on for this run, but I think changing what level Link's magic is in for palace 4 would throw a monkey wrench into things. It might not seem important but having to wait for, say, 2 more bars of magic to fill up at the end of palace 4 would probably negate a faster fight in palace 1. Plus we're down a level from palace 1, so the sword after palace 4 is going to be affected. but... It is possible to spawn a red ironknuckle out of the statues at the start of many of the palaces. And it is possible to leave the palace, return, and spawn a new red ironknuckle. This dosn't have anything to do with your suggestion, but I like thinking about 6-counts and might have to rewatch the run and ruminate while smoking a pipe or something. I sort of remember we had a time saving up+a get ruined because it threw off a 6-count that maybe could be fixed by just spawning 2 or 3 red ironknuckles at the start of a palace.
georgiek wrote:
the current run does (after cave nth of naboruu) walks to maze palace gets child, walks back to darunia (via not walking on the river) walks back to maze palace (repeating forced sequences) gets magic container, kills karock gets boots then restart seq. walks from north palace to level 5 an alternate run (may save frames) gets magic container gets boots from maze palace gets child (walk across river) get to darunia (via maze palace river) restart sequence ONCE reflect is gotten (no more 2 forced squares to backtrack outside darunia) walks to maze palace again, using the Ocean (outside naboruu) and River inside Maze of Maze palace Defeats Karock Walks via "river" to get out of palace. walks south straight to palace 5 can anyone test this
Unless I'm mistaken, all this really does to the overall run is add the walking out of Palace 4 from the boots room, and subtract walking through 2 forced battles near Darunia. Without doing any sort of deeper look, the steps on the overworld do sound a little shorter the way you're describing it; probably about half of the trip back from Darunia to the start of the maze and who knows, the overworld randomness could even be more favorable that way. But I don't think adding 8-ish sidescrolling rooms and one falling animation would make up for waiting around outside Darunia a second time and some overworld steps. I don't have my numbers any more, so I can't say for sure it's not worth a look but it doesn't seem like it would be. Anyway, the route and level up strategy probably aren't perfect, but I don't have means to test any more so feel free to give your ideas a try and compare it to our run. e: oh hey the screen shot is still from the old run
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Ver Greeneyes wrote:
I get the feeling I need to understand how the scrolling glitch works, at the least. Is there a Zelda II glitch page? (I did a quick search but nothing came up.. wish you could search through topics)
This post is probably the best technical explanation that exists right now.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Brute forcing an entire path is far, far more difficult than brute forcing a single room. You are essentially asking for an entire game to be bot'ed, which is an extremely difficult task.
I understand the magnitude of the request. One could potentially poke some part of the memory to get Link to start in, say, Thunderbird's Room and test falling to Dark Link's room for the sake of whittling down what's impossible. I don't know how to do that either.
Ver Greeneyes wrote:
How well are the game mechanics understood? From when you eventually landed it looked like a lot of memory corruption is involved - would it be possible to create a map of relevant areas along with locations of solid ground, i.e. for use in a C++ program? (would open up some other variants of brute forcing: backtracking and meet-in-the-middle) If the solid ground varies based on where you leave the previous room this (mapping them out) may not be feasible.
I'll just leave this here - wiki Personally, I don't understand a damn thing about that.
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Well, I've gotten link to spawn on solid ground coming in from the left in a couple of non-useful places, and gotten him to start on an elevator once in another non-useful place, so I am optimistic that this could happen in a useful place eventually.
DarkKobold wrote:
I am getting pretty good at Lua. Perhaps a script that just falls into DarkLink's room in various places would help? See if it is even possible?
I don't know thing one about Lua scripting. But as far as I'm concerned, anything that can test some aspect of this automagically is a good thing :) I can't think of any way to find a route there besides brute forcing it though...
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dave_dfwm wrote:
For now, would it be possible to try using death with this? After the beginning of the fall glitch, see if you can reach an enemy and have it kill you.
It's worth testing. If I had to guess, I'd say nothing of use happens, you'd respawn at the top of the screen outside the room as usual, but I've been wrong before. Of course, it'll take some doing. Getting enemies to appear before Link falls of the bottom of the screen will be tricky, and will probably require finding solid ground anyway. Maybe I can find some lava somewhere, but same thing, we'd need to find a way inside a room somewhere anyway. Now that I think about it, falling into Dark Link's room might not even be useful, since it's closed on the right and the top. Falling into Thunderbird's room might not be useful, as the right exit is gone... but who knows, maybe it's possible to fight Dark Link on the ceiling. Hmm... Well, I'll play around with it more. Edit: Oh, here's a brief FCM that should start you outside palace 7 with the falling glitch active if anyone wants to fall a lot.
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Well, I haven't talked about Zelda 2 in a while. Time to do that. Recently, I've been trying out crazy new ideas and what do you know? Some are working. Let's start with this little nugget: Youtube This began with an attempt to eliminate the JUMP spell. I was trying to find ways to get the game to let me into the room where we learn downstab. So I thought, well, why not push the screen scrolling glitch all the way, and try to fall onto the ledge with the door on it? Didn't work. Then it occured to me that it might be possible to make it to the final palace with the screen scrolling glitch pushed this far. And it is. And since it is, this not only could eliminate JUMP, but also downstab. And the handy glove. And the hammer. Getting the raft and getting the hammer are pretty comporable in terms of time, so this could feasibly cut out a lot of that normal gameplay people seem to dislike about Zelda 2. IF it is possible to fall to Dark Link's room and find solid ground. This is where you come in, guy who is smarter than me and knows about stuff about scripting. When Link falls off the bottom of the screen, there are small 'zones' that all point to different places. Like in palace 4, for example, when you fall down the far left of the hole, you appear on the far left in the next room. When you fall down the far right, you appear at the far right. And everywhere in between. Same rules are applying here, only Link is outside of the rooms to the right when he is spawned, and the zones are all pointing to lord only knows what. I think. If it is possible to create some sort of script that finds a path through the great palace, then it's worth refining the setup for this (there are roughly 3 routes that make sense, so it's easy enough for me to work that out). But I am no compu-whiz so I'd have to defer this aspect the run to someone else who can, uh, do it. So yeah. Anyone wanna make a Zelda 2 run? tl;dr does anyone who's smart at computers wanna help out If not, there are other routes that have occurred to me through screwing around with the game that require the much more reasonably testable left-scrolling glitch. I realized there's a way to warp back from Bagu's hut to Mido, which opens back up the possibility of using the raft in stead of the warp near the hammer. It's also possible that using the scrolling glitch even earlier to get the trophy/Jump spell could be faster than what's used in the published run. In any case, it's a lot of stuff to test, and using the falling glitch through the Great Palace seems like the best place to start.
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Yes. Hydlide. Something has come to my attention regarding the boss fight in the published movie: it's slow as hell. Apparently, it is possible to take down the final boss in one salvo, reducing the amount of time waiting for health to regenerate drastically. I'm under the impression that the added defence you get from the sheild makes this possible, and I skipped the sheild in the published run because I didn't notice a difference in the old tests I did. However, to truly improve the run properly, I would need the memory address(es) of the chest that holds the key. You see, it randomly puts the key into one of 8 chests. I managed to manipulate it into the second closest chest in the published run through trial and error, but it was a serious pain in the ass, and I'd prefer to be able to look at a number and know right away if I have it in the BEST spot. (knowing what trees the two tree fairies are in would help too, but isn't critical, as manipulating the first one takes too long to be useful and the second is in a "moving forest", so in stead it can be manipulated into walking towards you). Anyway, the point is finding the address(es) for the key chests is beyond my skill. I managed to find addresses for things like the chest graphics, but no luck finding anything useful. So I am asking you, TASvideos, for help. If you could point me in the right direction of how to go about finding what I need or if better yet (for me) someone could figure it out for my sorry ass, it would be much appreciated. As far as I know, the only things that affect the placemet of the key are what frame you start the game, and when/if you save and reload. I have found addresses for HP, EXP, MP, and all that lovely stuff. I'm going to spend some time reevaluating my leveling up strategy by comparing exciting things like experience/kill and enemy regeneration rates. Test if it is indeed the sheild that allows you to kill the boss in the quicker method. Then, much to your excitement I'm sure, it's time for me to get to work on an improvement.
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Paused wrote:
About half a bloody year ago, Inzult wrote:
Also here's a commentary.
Damn. I remember thinking when this was first published that I would wait for the commentary you were making. This is the first I have seen that you had finished it. Many thanks for the bump.
Actually, that was supposed to be deleted off my friend's space after about a month, so I was hoping someone would make a video for me so I could stick it on youtube, but none of those things happened. :)
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Hi bump :) I rewatched this today, and it occured to me that the movement I used after taking the first hit on the way to the hammer is probably suboptimal. Did a quick test, and what do you know, it's easy to do faster. I don't particularly feel like redoing this run, however, and I feel as if just hexing in one improved room at this point would be pretty lazy TASing on my part, so if someone wants a "free" obsoletion of a pretty tight movie, here's a starting point.
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Lovely run, I'm digging all the new uses for the tricks, and I haven't seen the screen wrapping glitch before. Heck yeah I was entertained.
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If it means anything, I, a dude who's been around for a while or whatever, found this run enjoyable. And I found the other run enjoyable. And for that matter, I've enjoyed all the Smash Bros. submitted runs that I've watched. Though I don't know that I've watched them all. And as such, I am voting yes for both. So I guess I'm an idiot or something. But I don't particularly care if they're published or not as I now have encodes, and that suits me just fine :) Thanks for the effort, Blaze.
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Congratulations, Axeman. Now I know what I'll be doing with my day off. Watching some dude play Fnal Fantasy. Thanks ;) e: Very nice manipulation. My only idea would be to use the top fighter vs the Wizards to get the crown, so you don't have to swap the short sword, but it's probably just as likely that that would take longer because of the change in manipulation. Anyway, I'm a votin' yes.
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The last couple(?) of versions of this movie have all felt the same to me. Yes, I did notice the route change in that one bowser level. But it didn't really feel any "faster" or "better" overall. I guess you could say that I am biased or whatever because my feelings are not based on the frame counter, but that's just how I feel. It's a good run and all. I was entertained. Probably about as entertained as when watching the other 0-star runs, anyway.
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Well, I liked it. Even though I wasn't sure what was going on.
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Well, it seems well done, but I can't help but think a 2-player version would be more entertaining. It's hurt a little bit by not feeling 'complete'. That's the game's fault, though. But yeah, I enjoyed it.
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Ah, I actually made a test run of 2-player game C a while back. It looked pretty cool, but sort of lacked goals. Even still, I figured a full run on mode B would be... well... boring. But it's just 4 minutes to run through all the stages? That's actually pretty surprising. I'll definately check this out when I get a chance! I'm interested.
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It looks pretty well optimized. I've been reluctant to work on this game because of how much of a pain in the ass it is to figure out the best use of Cutrus. There is a different route through Africa. Here's a quick unoptimized fcm I whipped up just now to show you. Did you know about it, and how does it compare to what you used? You wind up with the knife either way, so I'm not sure which is better, I never did get around to doing an exact comparison. It looks pretty close on the surface, though. But anyway, I did enjoy watching it. Nice work.
Post subject: Re: #1940: Inzult and Rising Tempest's NES Zelda II - The Ad
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Paused wrote:
NesVideoAgent wrote:
something about audio commentary to come, blah blah.
Any chance of update on that?
As far as I know, we still plan on recording one over skype at some point, but I've been pretty busy, and when I have been around, Rising Tempest has not been on, so I guess he's been pretty busy too. That said, we haven't done anything besides decide it would be cool to do.
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bkDJ wrote:
NDS_Emil wrote:
A any % run means that you run though the world with the minimum number of exits and defeat all the koopalings.
You keep using "any %"... I do not think it means what you think it means.
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Reading all this has brought me tons more joy than watching the old run ever did. And the run is cool as hell. Good work, dudes.
Aqfaq wrote:
alden wrote:
Now you need to figure out how to beat the game without even starting it :)
This brings up an "interesting" problem... What is your completion time, if you never start the game? Is it infinite frames or 0 frames or what? Like, when the other guys shout "Last guy on the hill is a fag!" and one of the guys never runs to the hill, is he a fag or not? (When I was a child, the guys never understood this problem and told me I was a fag anyway.)
This post is so nice, I'd like to see it twice. asside: frames/time(s)=60 (you know, approximately) If your final time was infinite frames, then we'd end up with 1=60 assuming the final time in seconds is also infinite—and I wouldn't want to do that to the universe!
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I'm confused about one thing: Is it even possible to reset an actual GBC?
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Dwedit wrote:
Any time where dying would skip a "Get item" animation?
Off the top of my head, the only places in the run where you can actually get hit while getting an item is palace 3, 4, and 5. The kid is a maybe, if the lizard man can catch up. Since we were already using fairy to get through key doors for the items and using the lizard man for the 6 count anyway it never really came up to test it out. So, I'm not even sure what would happen if you were killed while in the 'you got the item' pose. Or even what would happen if you were killed and your corpse pushed into the item by knockback (which may work for the hammer, maybe, if you can get an enemy to throw an axe just so). edit: Hypothetically speaking, I mean. For the kid, casting fairy is free since we're forced to look at our subscreen after getting reflect and we pick up a magic container shortly after. I don't expect it to be faster to not use fairy there.
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Lord Tom wrote:
death to save time (plus several examples)
We actually had discussed using death to save time. Dying to refill your magic meter is slower than just getting bag drops or keys or whatever along the way, unless there was a different route/leveling strategy that I can't think of that takes it into account. A free refill would be an advantage if it coincides with not having to backtrack, though. The rooms you mention where it would save time backtracking (maybe not the kid; you'd need an extra life to do all 4) are probably all true. Er, I think you don't get your lives back when you continue. Save and quit would probably work to refill your lives at the cost of extra frames. Could be tight. If you manage to take a hit that would kill you and be scrolled off the screen before you actually die, you get to run around with no life. That glitch could possibly be used if there is a 'uses death' run made. You know, for fun. If two hits are needed to die somewhere and if it's no slower than anything else. I actually can't remember why we decided not to use death to skip the backtracking on those rooms. Besides being a stylistic choice, I mean, I guess it sort of stops mattering once you take damage to save time. Maybe we erroniously thought it was slower. Or maybe I forgot to bring it up or decribed it poorly or something when we were deciding strategy. Or maybe I think we talked about it but really we didn't and I just thought about talking about it at some point because my memory is a bag of cocks. (or maybe it somehow IS slower and I'm not remembering something) That said, I'm not particularly interested in working on this again right now, and probably not for quite a while. tl;dr: It's a good idea, should be explored. By someone who isn't me. Ah, jacked by Jack.
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Thanks for the positive feedback so far, guys.
Aglar wrote:
Would it be possible to do an "all temple"-run while allowing the left/right - trick?
I was thinking a 100%/all items run would be the best way to do something like that. I'm far too lazy to actually make it, though.
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I went to journalism school and graduated with high honours. I now clean up asbestos.
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