Posts for FitterSpace

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Here's the next level! This is Precious Cargo, an autoscroller level. I expected this one to be pretty boring, but I was surprised to find out how many ways there are to save time in this level. The most important one is the manipulation of traffic RNG. Generally speaking, Zoe (the driver) will avoid traffic when possible. She'll even drive in the oncoming lane or weave through traffic if necessary. That means I can pop the civilian cars' tires to position them just right and get Zoe to take the best possible lines throughout the level. I can also manipulate where the cars spawn by shooting, turning the camera in different ways, aiming, switching weapons, anything that's going to affect RNG, really. Overall, I'm quite happy with how this level turned out, and I don't think anybody's gonna beat this one any time soon. Link to video
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (471)
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Posts: 405 And so, it begins! I've started a new full-game TAS for this game, and I've already saved 19 seconds over the previous TAS thanks to a better understanding of the game's movement mechanics. I won't go into too much detail here, but essentially, most of the tricks you can think of from Quake 3: Arena also work here. Things like Bunny hopping, air strafing, grenade jumping, etc.
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Well, a lot has changed since the last post here was made. First, a couple of new people have picked up the game and really gone to town on its individual levels. Some people have even implemented strafe jumping into their runs, which is harder than it sounds, because you have to tap the jump button on the same frame you hit the ground, or else you'll lose speed. You can't buffer your jumps in this game like you can in Quake. Strafe jumping is also generally harder to do with a controller, so that makes it even more impressive to me. As far as TASing goes, I've always put off this game because I want to optimize the movement, and that's just not feasible with the tools Dolphin currently has. Dolphin 5.0 LUA is alright, but it means you're forced to use a really old version of Dolphin. Plus, I was never able to get its version of TAStudio to work properly. I've always done TASes with just the TAS input, frame advance, and savestates, but this game's movement is complex enough that I couldn't do it justice with just those tools. Thankfully, there is a development version of BizHawk that adds support for Dolphin, so you can TAS GameCube and Wii games with all of BizHawk's features. That means I can take my Dolphin 5.0 LUA scripts, rewrite them to support BizHawk, and I even get to use TAStudio. Today, I finished a TAS of the Bad Diplomacy mission. It's the shortest on-foot level in the game, and it's the one speedrunners have optimized the most. Despite that, this TAS crushes the world record by 6 seconds. That's a lot for a level this short. With that, I'm also happy to say that I am going to be starting a full-game Agent Under Fire TAS in the very near future.
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I like the screenshot that's on the publication better than the one I suggested originally. Good pick!
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I'm a big fan of the goal you've chosen here. All exits is fine, but getting all the dragon coins and moons really adds another layer to the gameplay. Oh, and the music in this hack is great. I also love that this TAS doesn't have very many glitches in it. I get tired of seeing Super Mario World TASes that spawn the goal tape early or constantly go through walls and floors. I think it helps that this hack resets your powerup state between levels, so there aren't many opportunities to abuse the cape powerup. If your goal was to show off what a talented community of rom hackers can do in an entertaining way, you've succeeded!
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GJTASer2018 wrote:
I wonder if the title that is in the game database is the result of a bad or inaccurate Romanization attempt...
I believe that's part of what happened. I can understand how they called it "Fong Shen Bang" because that's a little closer to how you would pronounce it, but I don't think that's the reason, since "Bang" isn't pronounced the way it's spelled in English, either. My only guess is that it was a mistake, or maybe it's a different system of romanization I'm not familiar with, since "Fong" doesn't mean anything as far as I know. That said, I still don't know where they got "Zhu Lu Zhi Zhan" from. All I know is that it says something along the lines of "The battle of Zhu Lu". What "Zhu Lu" means, I'm not sure. The only alternate title I can find a reference to online is "封神榜 伏魔三太子" (Fēngshénbǎng fú mó sān tàizǐ), which I think says "Feng Shen Bang", then something about three princes and conquering demons. If you google those symbols, a lot of Chinese articles will show up. Still, I can't find anything in the game, the manual, or the box that has the subtitle text.
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It synced up for me as well. Good stuff!
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Outpost: Bunker is next, and it's gonna be a crazy one.
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Andypanther is totally right. You can't be too hard on yourself about trying to TAS a game like this. Racing games are very difficult to optimize, so you can't aim for perfection if you want to get anything done. In my opinion, I think it would be best for you to give it your best shot at a few time trial TASes so you can familiarize yourself with the game. Don't worry too much about beating existing records. Instead, focus on completing some runs so you can see where you're able to improve them. I think it's much easier to learn how to improve upon a TAS that already exists than it is to make one from scratch. In this case, you'd be the one making the TAS you plan to improve later. When you do that, you'll see things you didn't notice during the making of the TAS that will seem obvious in hindsight. If you keep doing that, you'll improve quickly and eventually be able to make better TASes with less effort. In short, don't spend too much time trying to optimize individual corners. I think it's much better to TAS at a reasonable pace so you can finish what you start. Do some time trials, get more familiar with the game's mechanics, and learn from the mistakes that you made in your previous attempts. Also, be sure to talk to the game's community if it's still around. I'm sure the competitive community has a discord server somewhere if the game has any activity. They could also know about some obscure version differences that might help you.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (471)
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Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (471)
Joined: 3/30/2012
Posts: 405 I've started a new TAS that will obsolete the current published one. Check the description in the YouTube video for an in-depth explanation of what's going on.
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The Nightfire All Tokens TAS is DONE! I'll be streaming it with live commentary tomorrow at 2:00 PM CST (8:00 PM GMT), then it'll be up on YouTube right after that. Most of the TAS is already available to watch on YouTube, but I figured a live stream of it will still be pretty fun. I'll submit it to TASVideos once I've got my notes ready.
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Someone on discord sent me a binary of VoidSW for Linux about a year ago, that's how I tested it. Hopefully all you need to get VoidSW running is the GRP file for the game and eDuke32. That's something I'll test when I start dual booting. As for pkDuke3D, Apparently it's not available for Linux at the moment. Maybe one day it will be. A couple of people on the Build Engine speedrun discord have talked about trying to port it, but It's been a while since they posted that and I don't know what's going on with it today, if anything. Late last year, Pogokeen said something about third-party libs needing to be looked at, but that all goes a bit over my head.
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Dimon12321 wrote:
Dimon12321 wrote:
Alright then. Wish you luck! BTW, I noticed BuildGDX supports Shadow Warrior as well, but tasvideos doesn't say if the engine works fine or not. Would you please try it out on libTAS?
I got it launched, but looks like none of the games read input. VirtualBox also barely handles anything beyond regular surfing. Having "Native events" enabled lets some fantom mouse reading, but the keyboard is still off. "Prevent writing to disk" has to be on or Java Runtime won't deploy necessary libraries to run the game. Rest of the options doesn't seem to affect anything.
Ah, that's a shame. I was hoping GDX would work in libTAS. In the near future I'll be building a new PC and I'll dual-boot Linux, so I won't have to mess with virtual machines or WSL to get libTAS working. I'll try some games like Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior and see what I can come up with. At the very least, Shadow Warrior should work in voidSW since that port is based on eDuke32, which works in libTAS. I'm not sure about Duke Nukem 3D, though, since all the speedrunners use pkDuke3D. I assume it'll work but I can't say for sure until I try it. I want to try out a bunch of other games, too, just to see how they all work. A good chunk of my Steam library runs natively on Linux, which is nice. Also, I finished the first map in Zone 2 a few days ago, and I'm a little over halfway done with z2a2. Here's a video of z2a1 beaten in 8 seconds flat. Check the video description for how I did it.
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Link to video I've started working on a full-game Ion Fury TAS! Here is the first zone of seven.
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Wow, this is hilarious. I love how fast-paced everything is! I love that this version still has portal peeking. That's just awesome.
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feos wrote:
FitterSpace wrote:
I think as long as it plays better than you would expect a speedrunner to play in real time, it should be okay.
This could be hard to figure out. For acceptance for publication, we consider the movie rejectably sloppy if in a lot of places we can easily save a lot of time. For Playground, I'm thinking of "there should be no obviously visible sloppy play", and as long as it looks clean, it's fine.
I agree. That's kind of what I was getting at because I also thought about games that people haven't done speedruns of. I think as long as you look at the TAS and don't think "come on, even I could do better than that", then I think it's fine.
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I don't think the bar for optimization should be too high. I think as long as it plays better than you would expect a speedrunner to play in real time, it should be okay. That would open the door for a lot of these "LOTAD" runs you see every now and then, and potentially even human theory TASes of really hard challenges in games like Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Aside from that, I think having a pretty low bar for optimization would mean we would encourage people to spend less time worrying about frames and more time making entertaining videos.
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