Posts for DrD2k9

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I just completed a TAS for this game right before I was directed to this forum topic by Samsara. I don't know why I didn't find it when searching before I started the TAS. I'll be submitting soon. It's a complete run of the 8-Day Olympic Mode attempting to finish as quickly as possible to reach the end-game cut scene. As this was the goal, I do not attempt the Exhibition Events. There are only subtle differences between days 1-4 and days 5-8 On days 1-4, I either attempted to just barely qualify or max score based on whichever will be faster. (i.e. Fouling to save time on jumps/throws and hitting all clay pigeons to save time on skeet.) On Days 5-8 I try to maintain a very fast speed but max the results to attain gold (with the exception of Pole Vault where I don't try to surpass 6m0 height as that is the max initial starting height and satisfactory for a gold medal). My apologies to Kung Knut. As mentioned earlier, I didn't find this topic until after I had completed my TAS. If you are still considering this game or in the process of working on it, perhaps your's could be more of an attempt for entertainment if you include the exhibition events. (Of course you are also welcome to try and best my time.) I'll reply here with a link to the submission once I get it submitted.
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So, I haven't had the opportunity to check this in a couple days. I feel like I missed some discussion that is no longer displayed. Can someone fill me in (even if it's by private message)? EDIT: Nevermind, I realized that the initial post was edited.
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So I braved 3D mode without glasses for about 15 minutes....yea...a video isn't happening unless someone else does it. Too much desync occurred as positions of both common enemies and moving stars changed. Jump positions and the first 3 boss battles seem to be intact though, suggesting that perhaps the other boss battles would be intact as well. While I still believe a comparable length video in 3D is possible with only changes in horizontal movement to avoid enemies and get stars, I have no desire to basically redo this entire game again.
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Ugh...I hadn't watched it all the way through in 3D mode (because I don't have the glasses and didn't want the resulting seizure). Kudos to you for suffering through even long enough to discover this. That being the case, I will strikeout that part of the description. Perhaps if I get ambitious I can tweak the input to work in 3D as well. I believe it could be possible without changing the total number of frames.
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Samsara: Thanks for the naming tips. I tend to err on the side of too much information than too little, so I apologize in advance if it happens again. I'll get more efficient as I learn and do more. Spikestuff: Thanks for the compliment as well as the earlier criticism, its a good learning tool. It's unlikely I'll ever do a hand input based video; using TASeditor input and frame advance just makes more sense to my brain when it comes to optimization.
Post subject: A mild defense & some general thoughts on optimal runs.
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Other than the speed trade-off to demonstrate the Nile glitch in Baby Moses, this is as optimal as I can get with my understanding of the game. But I don't claim to be the worlds greatest TASer either. As mentioned in the description, someone may be able to figure out luck manipulation during Noah's Ark and better my time. But isn't that's the point of this website and TASing in general? To continually try to improve on what others have already accomplished? Given that there are no other submissions containing either Noah's Ark or David & Goliath, let alone all three stories in succession; I would argue that this is the most optimal run currently known (again, aside from the Nile thing which is explained in the description). Could it be faster if I had just run right on Baby Moses? Sure, but that would not increase its entertainment value any more than doing the glitch as a demonstration lessens the entertainment value. I welcome others to try and best this time and/or figure out the luck manipulation. I have minimal programming background and couldn't follow the debugger code well enough to deduce the RNG; nor could I discover it by trial and error. I'd be open to collaboration on this aspect if that interests anyone. In my opinion (and this applies to any game, not just the one I did), if no other submission exists, the first video submitted is by default the most optimal run known. When that first submission is bested, then it is no longer the most optimal known. I, for one, would welcome improvements on any of my game times. I would feel a sense of accomplishment just knowing that my own work had at least some part in producing the fastest record (even if that's just as a starting point or as a challenge for others raise the bar).