Nach, I discovered your undocumented "-end-world-hunger", "-cutify-cat", and "-rant-about-some-stupid-crap-no-one-cares-about" options. It really does do everything anyone could want from a youtube uploader.
Edit: found a bug in "-end-world-hunger". I'm still hungry.
When I read the title what came to mind was an image of puzzle games where there's no hidden information - picture a sudoku game for instance, where the only thing a TAS can do is fill it in really fast or in creative patterns.
Yeah, that's exactly what I thought of too... But I was thinking more a sokoban style game.
I must say that back when I was a young lemmingling in lemming school they taught us the fundamental lemming rules:
1. No digging through steel
2. No digging the wrong way through one-way rocks
3. No digging upward through cielings
4. No building in midair
5. Fire is deadly
6. Chompers are deadly
7. No building bridges at anything less than a 45 degree angle
8. No timing your actions to perfectly coincide with what another lemming is doing
These rules are to be broken under no circumstances, not even for switchbacks on level 5, the oh-so-hard pits of level 10, or the diverting solid column of level 28. You, sir, are a disgrace to lemming kind, and you should be ashamed to have comported yourself in such a manner. I cannot bear to be called a lemming any longer now that I must share that classification with you. Now if you will excuse me, I intend to put myself out of this misery by jumping off a cliff.
Crap, I forgot I was a floater.
If we're going to be posting what does this do riddles, let us at least start off with some simple stuff.
[code c]
uint32_t f(uint32_t x)
What does f() do?
That's simple. Everyone knows that the square of a number is the same as the square of one less than that number times two minus the square of two less than that number plus 2. The part about checking whether it's greater than 1 is only there because the recursion has to know when to stop.
Now i have one:
[code c++]
template <typename T> T f(T x)
return x;
Good luck.
reminds me of how i had to change my screenname because some champion on some poker site was using the same name on that site and people assumed that that guy was me and i got like a million ims about it...
DeFender1031 "steal my name?!" i was always this name since i had internet (1999) no matter where i go, i did not sign up until i wanted to post various questions i had, this is only the short name i go by most other places i'm the secret defender; not related nor did i get the name from the comic book called secret defenders, if you really would like the name defender i would change mine only if the name secretdefender is available ask the moderator
I was kidding, and I like the name WITH the numbers actually, it's less likely to be taken already (as is the case here :P) I was just joking about the similarity between our names, no offense intended.
I don't care what your problem is, how dare you steal my name?! ;-)
EDIT - Actually... i see now that you joined 3 months before I did... soo... yeah... forget what i said... yeah.
balthazar? i thought melchior was reason, balthazar was time...
I just looked it up. you're right. Gaspar is Time and he ends up in the end of time., Melchior is Life and he ends up in 1000, and Belthasar is Reason and he ends up in 2300. Odd that it's not switched to be each one in his own thing's end.
Has anyone noticed how interesting it is that the Guru of Reason winds up at the end of time, the Guru of Time winds up at the end of life, and the Guru of Life winds up at the end of reason?
leaving boundaries? world wrapping? skipping bosses? sounds too complicated for me. I'm just going back to playing super metroid and to beat it the right way...
JXQ i got it. i've noticed that once i jump in mockball (full height or not) i have to keep bouncing or else i lose it on the ground. Is there a way not to lose it? (not that it matters one way or another, i can do a series of low jumps to keep it going, but just wondering.)
no, you misunderstand me. i already AM in mockball. I am going full speed. I need to jump to a not full height, but whenever i jump i go all the way up.
i need to make jumps not full height AFTER being in mockball for a while AND going full speed. JXQ does it at time=1:05:10 in his run, i just want to know howto do it.
i can't figure out how to jump to a lower height when in mockball at full speed. I press jump for two frames and i go up as high as can. I know there's a way to jump lower because JXQ did it in his run. Can someone explain what i'm doing wrong?
the metal hatches that close as you run towards them. JXQ got through them with the arm pumping trick, i can't. I can't send you an smv, for i use zsnes. if you want a zmv, i could accomodate.