Posts for Blazier

Experienced Forum User
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Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/31/2011
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Great game. Great TAS. Yes vote.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/31/2011
Posts: 11
Voting yes. I was unconvinced at first, but by the end of the movie I was finding it pretty entertaining. "minimum buttons pressed" is perfectly descriptive enough for this category. For the other category, you could also consider "minimum button input".
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/31/2011
Posts: 11
Voting no. Sorry. I wouldn't mind seeing a TAS of this nature, but this just doesn't seem luck manipulated optimally enough.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/31/2011
Posts: 11
Having worked very closely with this game, I can say that the quality of this TAS is tremendous. I'm very happy to see the run completed.
Experienced Forum User
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Even if it changes, it should always be backwards-compatible. I believe so far only the header of the file has been changed. It's just had a few things added to it.
Experienced Forum User
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Posts: 11
Yeah. Packet spoofing is not TASing... It's just plain cheating.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/31/2011
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As of the latest Minecraft update, it now officially has an ending. In the end dimension when you kill the final boss -- the ender dragon -- the credits roll. So now Minecraft itself is runnable.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/31/2011
Posts: 11
How could you vote anything other than "Yes". A wonderful TAS. Well done.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/31/2011
Posts: 11
I'm enjoying this TAS. Please continue with it!
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/31/2011
Posts: 11
Just wanted to say fantastic work with all the IWBTG WIPs. Back when I played the game, when it was reasonably new, I remember being able to do a glitch on the last phase of the first form of the final boss. If you got his bullets to bounce in a certain way, they would do twice the damage. It was something like angled slightly up to hit the back wall, and then into him. It was really reproducible... and a common event for just playing the boss normally. I'm certain it would be faster if it hasn't been fixed. I'm sure other people would have come across this...?