Hey, Guanobowl... I don't know how can someone go past that first owl without a savestate!
Check out what appears in Zefiris editor:

Besides that, here's the faster way to get past that owl before the castle. (I had this idea a while after I posted the previous one... but I was too somnolent, and I thought you'd figure that by yourselves...)
That strategy might be helpful in other parts too, to skip undesired pop-ups.
(probably, you'll have to return from that point anyway, Guanobowl...because this trick works in the first owl too...)
To Acryte, and others who can't view the .m64,
It's pretty simple. Wihle you're running (right before the owl talk starts), pull out the slingshot and as soon as you can take out the deku stick (never stop running), now you try to wait (while running) the longer you can before pulling the slingshot again... etc...
It's just slingshot, deku stick, run, slingshot, deku stick, run...
If done properly, it's not possible to see the slingshot animation.. all you can see is the stick.
note: you can use slingshot and sword instead, but I think its slower, because he'll try to slash. That would be the available option for adult Link.