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I didn't know ever how Linux works, i just keep the same zip file thatr Nitsuja sent to me. Sorry. I talked few with Sami, but enough to convince me to do a V3 now. I'll start (again) as soon as possible.
Not more working on: DKC3 105% < Needs modified Nitsuja Snes9x+9, with reset recording.
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Edit: nevermind, I have it all worked out. I have the record stuff all sorted out now. I also took a look at the WIP, and almost immediatly it desynched
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Ok, after a little time, let's show the first WIP of my V3. Much hexedit has been done, and 90% of the run is equal the last version. Minor edits saved me 197 frames, and just because of Lazy, Barrel Shield Bust-up is on the WIP too, but incomplete. Lake Orangatanga V3 If hexedit works in Kremwood Forest like it works on Lake Orangatanga, maybe sunday i have finished it.
Not more working on: DKC3 105% < Needs modified Nitsuja Snes9x+9, with reset recording.
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What version ROM are you using?
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MrManNo1 wrote:
What version ROM are you using?
Donkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!] is the right version.
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Strange...that version keeps desynching on me. Only WIP1 timing should be checked, right? Edit: Ah...I accidentally opened the wrong SNES9X.
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Nice job so far. I really enjoyed what you've done. But I have a question: do you need all the grey coins to get 105%? Because, I noticed you missed one on the first level.
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fetofs wrote:
Bob A wrote:
A patch for what?
For the original Snes9x 1.43+ v9, probably.
If all you want to do is view the movies (if you can't use that binary) then you only need to apply the part of the patch that changes movie.cpp, which is a very simple change that should work on about any version (or platform) of Snes9x that has re-recording, and compile it. All it does is call S9xReset() when it sees a reset signal in the movie. The included binary is the result of applying the patch to v9 (forgot to use v10, sorry) but the patch can be applied to v10 easily enough for Wine support.
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MrManNo1 wrote:
Nice job so far. I really enjoyed what you've done. But I have a question: do you need all the grey coins to get 105%? Because, I noticed you missed one on the first level.
I need 55 Bear Coins to buy the mirror and the shell. I planned to finish this after K3 (The snow world), and at the same time do the Blizzard-Blue-Bazooka trades. Thanks for the feedback.
Not more working on: DKC3 105% < Needs modified Nitsuja Snes9x+9, with reset recording.
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I think I'm stupid, but I can't seem to get this to work. I have Snes9X v1.43+ v9 for Windows. I have Donkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!].smc It doesn't seem to be recognizing the reset. It follows through the full intro, when they're hanging on the twirly music box thing. I see in the input that you try to do the LRLRLRLR code, but it does nothing. Then it puts in AAAACC for a name and runs around on the boat for a while. Is there something I'm missing?
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Yes, the second part of Nibelung's sig.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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Aha. I was assuming that the default Snes9x+ v9 had reset recording built in. I'll pick up that version. EDIT: Dang...
mySQL: Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' on line 5 in /home/filexoom/public_html/includes/mysql.class.php
I'll try it from home, maybe work doesn't like me. :P
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Nibelung what's your current status on this run after your restart?
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Actually, i'm doing Bobbing Barrel Brawl. But some personal problems plus a PC upgrade to install Windows Vista made me pause the run for a while. Everyone who know me has seen that i wasn't ever logged on MSN last weeks.
Not more working on: DKC3 105% < Needs modified Nitsuja Snes9x+9, with reset recording.
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Ok, i'm still with my problems, but i find some time to TAS. Here's my new WIP: Kremwood Forest V3 -Barrel Shield Bust-up have a faster banana bonus. -Riverside Race was overall faster, and i could beat the 1 minute barrier. -Squeals on Wheels are less slope, and i have a better start on banana bonus. Roll on the Trapdoor don't make the fall slower, and have a good visual effect. So, i did. -Spring Spiders have the wrost bonus of my life (banana bonus). I'll remake it before enter in Mekanos,because all the rest of this world can be pasted without lose anything (except bird cave). -Bobbing Barrel Brawl have a very low background music, and Ellie is very slow, so the stage may be boring to view. -Archid is 17 frames slower than Sami. I give up to surpass him. Maybe i hexedit and paste his fight in this run. I will not give a date to next WIP... my time is very short now. Maybe i'll copy comicalflop and post a WIP per stage. ^^
Not more working on: DKC3 105% < Needs modified Nitsuja Snes9x+9, with reset recording.
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Your improvements are notable. You are moving much smoother than before. Keep up the good work.
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Hey, glad your back to working on this. I just watched the WIP and wow, its just awesome. Most of your Springin' Spiders level was incredibly well done; fast and entertaining. At the end of the level, however, it looked a little bit weird. The first thing was the getting hit by the green bee, I guess its the fastest way, but it looked odd for some reason. Second, right before the last bonus, you jump over a spider and use dixie's hover to get the bear coin before the bonus. I'm pretty sure you can hug the edge after the jump so you don't have to use dixie's float. The last thing was the banana bonus, but you already knew that. Also, I have no clue where you lost frames at the boss, it looked perfect to me, guess I'll look harder. Other than that, I think this run is pretty much as good as its gonna get. Hopefully you still have time to work on this run and to keep the quality as great as the first two worlds. Again, thanks for running this great game and good luck!
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from one DKC 100+% player to another, I think this is going really great. DCK3 is the slowest out of the series, but you are doing this game as fast as possible and it looks nice.
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Nibelung wrote:
I will not give a date to next WIP... my time is very short now. Maybe i'll copy comicalflop and post a WIP per stage. ^^
I feel completing each level is an accomplishment, and sometimes when I'm level crunching (3-4 levels one day, technically not a good thing as I do better when I redo levels and take them slowly, I am now against bringing out THAT many levels a day) it lets people not wait forever for each new WIP to come out. So go ahead, I don't mind it also will let me track your progress level by level :P
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Yeah, that's a good point. When you release the WIPs one level at a time, people have the opportunity to view it one frame at a time to ensure frame-perfect...ness. :)
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and that way, when one level can be improved you can change it then before you've moved onto the next. hasn't happened to me yet (mostly because I redid every single level all 7 times that I restarted the run) but it sucks to release a big WIP and have one level in the beginning need improvement. Also the people here have very critical eyes, and it helps to have them do a level-by-level analysis each level you complete. Plus it makes the topic longer/more replies :P Anyone ever get that weird feeling that they'd love to go exploring all the backgrounds of the levels/maps in all DKC series? I know I do, I sometimes think the background is more interesting than the level itself
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OK, Springin Spider's Bonus corrected. And i could correct the way i entered the second bonus too (Thanks, Kroxien). Just this 2 changes and i could gain 2.3 seconds (138 frames). For some reason, i lost 1 frame in Boobing Barrel Brawl when i hexedited it, but the gain on SS was enough to me. Kremwood Forest V3b I was thinking in edit BBB and made Ellie shot water in the birds during some jumps, but maybe it can cause lags. I'll try it later and show it together with first Mekanos WIP.
Not more working on: DKC3 105% < Needs modified Nitsuja Snes9x+9, with reset recording.
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Nibelung wrote:
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Haha don't know what that's about but I'll look at the improvements tomorrow and tell you what I think of 'em.
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I did not notice the improvements, I should have read them before I watched it. I was so busy doing 711 rerecords on my latest level that I couldn't look at this earlier. 2.3 seconds is a good improvement, keep up the good work I can't wait to see more from you.
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