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jimsfriend wrote:
jimsfriend wrote:
Where is mario now?
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I did the level I promised you jimsfriend, but during the 10 day period I thought I'd work more on this, pretty much nothing happened. I've almost completely lost interest in the run, but I still don't want to say I'm giving up, since the interest does return from time to time. It's just been rarer and rarer lately, this is so far down on my mental priority list right now. Also, the quality is severely lacking, which makes me even less motivated. I don't want to produce the shitty run I'm making now. I'm sorry everyone.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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But my excel spreadsheet! You're 2/3 there. Even though most of the fun levels are done, I bet this will be done soon enough.
Fabian wrote:
but I still don't want to say I'm giving up
Muahahahaha for if you did, ... something. Also, water levels are supposed to suck. Nothing you can do about it.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Fabian, dont give up. You've already come so far and everyone is eagerly awaiting this run. If you feel like the quality is lacking, dont force yourself to play. It's better to take longer and have a nice polished run then just making it crappy and trying to get it over with. On a pretty much unrelated note: how many items can Mario grab at once? I have just been messing around with stuff but I've only ever been able to grab two at once. I also cant grab a spring and key at the same time, is this possible? If you walk up against a wall with 2 items then throw the items against the wall, they will bounce off and push Mario into the wall. Unfortunately, Mario dies whenever this happens. :(
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I've never succeeded at 3 items grabbed at once, but a spring + key is possible. I did it on my v2 (and maybe v3?) of SDW in Misty Star World. It's more difficult than others because picking up a springboard resets your horizontal momentum.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Damn, that means the most keys you can have in any SMW level is three. :(
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Yes but you can have many more in SDW if the level happens to be Boo's World 3 :)
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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That's the level with key pyramids? Also, when you pick up the key+spring (or any item+spring) make sure Mario grabs the other item before the spring and still runs into the spring before his arm animation finishes. Good practice is really close to a wall with a shell so if you fail, you tend to die. That way you really don't want to fail :)
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Took me a second to figure out how you did that. See you all in half a month.
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JXQ wrote:
I've never succeeded at 3 items grabbed at once, but a spring + key is possible.
Nearly any two "solid" items can be picked up at the same time. Shell+key, p-switch+spring, two baby yoshis, etc. are all possible, along with other combinations.
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I wanted to try out some stuff on Super Demo World but I cant get it to work. I tried to apply the patch to my SMW ROM file and it said patch applied successfully but then I cant play the game. I'm not sure if I patched it correctly. The yellow error text always comes up on snes9x. How do you get SDW to work?
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SDW:TLC should have white text in the emulator if you patched it correctly. Try using Lunar IPS to patch it.
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Okay sweet I got it to work. Now time for some 100% speed Demo World. ;)
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Well, I officially beat Super Demo World without "tool-assisted" playing. I played at 100% speed the whole time. I only used savestates on the map screen before entering a new level, so this didnt really affect the game. The only reason I did this is so if I died in the level, I could reenter it with a cape using my savestate. Without these savestates I wouldve just backtracked to the nearest Secret House and gotten one, which wouldve just been a pointless waste of time. This game is incredibly awesome and complex. The level design is brilliant. Definately one of my all-time favorite games (more so than SMW). I'd really like to do a non-tool speedrun of it (after I finish my SMW 11-run, of course), but it'd be very unlikely to be allowed by SDA. If I bought a flashcart and played it on console and that was allowed, I would definately do it. I wouldnt do a 120-run because that would be insane on console; I'd probably do a "warpless" minimalist run just going through every world. Luckily, I had watched Fabian and JXQ's 120 video a very long time ago, so I didnt remember any of the exits from it. That way I could go in fresh and try to find the exits on my own. I found it fun to watch the 120 video after I beat it and say to myself, "oh thats how you're supposed to do that" and "holy crap thats way faster than the way I did it." (When I rewatched the video just now I skipped over any of the "red" levels that I hadnt found the secret exit to yet so as not to spoil it, I just watched the exits I had already beaten.) For anyone who hasnt played this game, you've got to try it. I would recommend playing at 100% speed for a fun challenge. For me it was just hard enough to be fun but not so hard that it was frustrating. My vote for the 2 hardest levels are Pipe World 5 and #4 Crystal Castle, those levels took me awhile. ;) When I say I beat the game, I mean I beat Bowser. I plan to go back and find all the secret exits I missed and go through Star World and Boo's World. I will hopefully get 120 one day, but this might take a while.
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Pipe World 5. That level still give me nightmares when I think about it. Crystal Castle feels really easy nowadays, but yeah that took a loong time to beat for me too. I agree it's a super super awesome game for normal playing, you still have a few fun levels ahead of you :) About SMW stuff JXQ has helped me regain some motivation for my run. Today I actually did 4 levels, how freaky is that!
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Nice work Fabian, you're almost there. What level are you on now? For SDW, I downloaded a new version of the ROM (thanks JXQ) because my old one sucked. I figured I could transfer my savestates over but I was wrong. This means I have no levels completed so I will either have to go all the way back through the game or I will load a savestate from the JXQ + Fabian 120 video and just try and remember what levels I have to beat. I'm thinking the first option is a better choice. Since I know kind of how to get through the levels, I can try doing it fast. ;) I actually got really lucky when playing SDW and managed to get a decent number of exits. For example I found the secret exit in Pipe World 5 before the gate one which meant I had the vine item. This also meant I could get the secret exit in the Pipe Castle. When I was playing this game, I didnt even know there were Switch Palaces until towards the end of the game I realized there were outlines of blocks in some levels. Another hard level for me: Crystal Cavern 3 (I think it was 3 at least, the one with the moles you have to ride across those black plants.) I havent beaten it yet, I just gave up and took the CC4 route. I guess I could always go back and do it with a Yoshi to make it easier.
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The level is designed to make Yoshi useless. If you recall, there's a pipe at the beginning, one of those Yoshi can't pass through. This was actually a level I never had much trouble with, although I recall JXQ saying he did. Sucks having to redo it all, but maybe you find a few new exits along the way! I'm at the Reznor fight in the Forest Fortress. So just 5 levels left in the Forest, including the castle+switch palace.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Yeah doing it over again wont be that bad. I probably wont work on it for a while because I've been cranking out the SMW videos lately. I've done all the videos for my 11-exit levels and now I'm working on some random levels for the Individual Levels Runs. Both those links are to YouTube playlists. If you see something that could be imporved in any of these videos let me know. Not shown in my 11-exit levels are Donut Ghost House [Segment 1], Donut Ghost House [Segment 2], and Donut Plains 1 because they're .smv's. For SDW, how does Star World work? I remember hearing something about once you get in you cant get out so I was scared to do it in my SDW run even though I had found several exits to it.
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It's like this: You get to a star world, let's say Water Star World. The star in question is red. If you get the normal exit, you're shipped off to the next Star World (Crystal in this case). When you find the secret exit, the star you're standing on on the world map becomes yellow, and you can return to the regular world map. Problem is, once the star becomes yellow, instead of entering the Star World level, you warp back to the regular world map. So if you want to finish all levels, you need to do all regular Star World exits in a row. This assumes you don't know of the super secret L+R, which lets you enter the Star World level anyway, even if it's yellow. Also works to enter Castles you've finished the normal way if you want to find the secret exit afterwards.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Gotcha. I'm excited to find Boo's Secret because I remeber it having (from your video) some really cool items. Is it just the stuff from all the secret houses in the game or is there new stuff?
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There's lots of new stuff too, including some pretty useful things :) Don't want to spoil too much though so I'll leave it at that :)
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Levels I had trouble with: Desert Pyramid Water World 4 Crystal Cavern 3 Sky World 4 Ice Igloo Pipe World 2 Pipe World 4 Pipe World 5 Bowser's World 3 Bowser's Castle Misty Star World Bowser's Star World Backdoor Star World Boo's World 2 Boo's World 4!!!!!!!!!! I hate this damn level Big Boo's Tower Leet gamings skills, I have not. Also, Fabian, you can't L+R into a secret-beaten star world.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Well, I've got a very long way to go to get there ;). That'll motivate me to play this game more though (which may not be a good thing). As it is I have to pretty much tell myself that I cant play SDW until I work on my SMW run or else I'd just play SDW all the time.
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Yup, apparently I'm making stuff up now. That just makes the Star World tougher :)
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk