• uses fceu-0.98.15-rerecording
Each of the 8 levels is divided into a sidescroller and a maze/shooter level. The sidescrollers are meant to allow you to build up your life and bombs by getting powerups, and you can die 3 times there before a game over. Once inside the fortress you have to find the life core and kill it, then get to your escape ship before the place blows. If you die once in here its game over. This game has two quests. I use a password to play the second one because it is identical to the first quest for the first four levels, and the last four levels use the same maze, but the tunnels go to different places. Also there are much more enemies in the second quest.
Sidescroller goals
  • Kill all enemies (acually quite hard to do)
  • Get all Energy and Bomb powerups
  • Be entertaining and surprising
Fortress goal
  • Aims for fastest time (takes damage to do this)
More details: Once in the fortress pushing up, left, or right, or firing a weapon takes energy. Pushing down does nothing to speed up your fall. Falling gives you back energy, as does riding an elevator or taking a pipe. Elevators are like 2-way streets - you can go back and forth in them. Pipes are like 1-way streets - if you go through a pipe you just came out of it might take you somewhere else. This is why you see me going back in pipes I just came out of.
Firing weapons and getting hit moves you around (it's in space!), and it's actually faster to face backwards all the time and let the kickback carry you around.
This game has a lot of lag, and firing the bombs can add a lot of lag. That is why I don't use them unless I absolutely need to. But then killing enemies can reduce lag as well, so I use the bombs if it is a favorable tradeoff.
The one glitch I use is to move through the screw things. Just face away from them at a certain distance and fire, and you can pass through them. Also, I found that when pressing up against the wall if your back is to the wall you are closer than your front. Also in one room in level 5 I have to move down, then up, because otherwise the screen does not scroll properly (see the thread for this game in the forum for an exp.).
The route I believe is optimal, and I used DDCecil's FAQ on gamefaqs with a couple of minor route changes.
How to improve: Figure out the acceleration precicely to make the movement optimal, and do more experimenting with reducing lag. (note to potential improvers, cutting and pasting does not work for this game)
At the end of the movie be sure not to miss the Star Wars theme ripoff during the credits!

adelikat: This a bad game choice for TASing. Too much of the game is an auto-scroller. And a boring auot-scroller at that. The vertical levels are interesting but not enteresting enough. Rejecting

adelikat: Accepting for publication to the Vault

natt: Processing..

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1040: tool23's NES Air Fortress in 41:08.37
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FCEU crashed on me soon after the reactor in the final stage was defeated. >_< Overall, I'm very impressed with what I saw. At least I have reason to download the AVI now. Yes vote from me.
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Joined: 12/2/2005
Posts: 149
I think you really have to be familiar with this innocent looking and strangely addictive game to understand how nice this run is. Air Fortress is murderous rage-inducing hard. The only way to realistically complete this game in real time is to very very slowly clear out every room and advance cautiously, especially in the second quest. The path to the exit must be cleared in advance or there's no way an escape is possible. You fly through every room straight to the core then straight to the exit like it's just a stroll in the park, and it really does look that easy even when I know for a fact there's enough damage coming at you every second to kill you twice over. Stellar showmanship. Easiest yes vote I ever cast.
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i just got some FDS error message at around 27000 frames in. what was that? it didnt affect the game. it looks nice thusfar. the outside areas could have used more movement (you sit still for a while, though im not so nitpicky cause i just end up FF'ing those parts in most movies of autoscrolling). even if this doesnt get published, i think a music video of it played at 1600% would go well to something fast paced and upbeat (and be around 3 minutes long as well). doesnt have to sync up... hell, the cover song of "happy together" from freaky friday does well up until fortress 8. nice movie still.
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What is with the 2 FDS errors? Also, why did you die in one flying section? I don't think that you should die unless it is useful in some way. The shaking at some parts was a little funny.
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thanks for the responses everyone, this took a long time to make, and I wont have time to work on other things for a little while. (gotta finish school, move, and find a job...) hmm, i'm not sure what the errors are, does it still play ok without desynching? i did try to do some hex-editing, but gave up on that. i don't think that should cause errors tho. also, i think midway through i clicked the button to 'allow more than 8 sprites per scanline' because sometimes things start dissappearing, like in RCR, but it didn't really seem to make a difference. I think i left it clicked for the rest of the movie. I died in the one spot just for fun, i felt like the sidescrolling parts were starting to get repetitive. it doesn't take any time off in any case.
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<3 air fortress. awesome job mr person dude! *easily votes yes* *or would if he could* >_>
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YOU ARE NOW APPROACHING THE 1ST FDS EJECT ERROR: FRAME 26500...ish YOU ARE NOW APPROACHING THE 2ND FDS EJECT ERROR: FRAME 145000...ish The autoscrollers ended up getting fast-forwarded. Not that there was more you could do; they just go so slow. On the other hand, the levels themselves were a treat to watch and well-optimized as far as I could tell, so I am voting yes. However, if there is some type of code that only plays the fortresses themselves, I think that should be used instead. Edit: Also, Farmel must be ecstatic. Perhaps beyond description!
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Emulator Coder, Experienced player (727)
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Meh vote from me. The game's way too repetitive, and the sidescroller levels are too slow, so I end up fast-forwarding whole levels. But it seems this TAS made everything that could be made with such material.
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This game was hard as hell for me when I played it as a kid. I could never get anywhere in it. It was played very well IMHO so I'm voting yes. Good job!
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I remember playing this game when I was younger and thinking to myself that this thing was impossible to beat. Nice work.
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Crashes on final stage, after blowing up the core.
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om, nom, nom... blech, stale!
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Could someone make a video encode of this please? It would be greatly appreciated even if it isn't publish worthy for the site. The description also doesn't explain the energy mechanic that well. During the auto-scrollers you have no health so taking any damage or colliding with anything solid will kill you, one of the purposes of the auto-scroller sections in the game is to provide you with power-ups to use when in a Fortress. Collecting E power-ups boosts your maximum energy which is only available for use while in a Fortress. The only ways for you to die while in the Fortress are, your maximum health limit drops to 0 or your health drops to 0. The only way your maximum health can be reduced is by taking damage while in a Fortress. Energy while in a Fortress is constantly regenerated while not using your Jetpac to move around as well as when you're not shooting. Moving around via Jetpac constantly consumes energy while every shot you perform also consumes specific amounts of energy, not doing either of these will result in your energy rapidly regenerating up to your current maximum.
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Sorry to bump this, but to follow up on the previous post, is there an encode available anywhere? I can't seem to find one. Thanks
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I guess this is another run that is worthy for publishing now (at least if it is technically solid - haven't viewed the run yet to know).
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Maybe I will get to see this run after all!
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  File: Air Fortress (U) [!].nes
CRC-32: b8fd02b7
   MD4: 39a431c87747f526d2536a7bf1244064
   MD5: 8087e6f5349d84fb6f14e67bc3cbb386
 SHA-1: 1b72fc01e717b2f498960dc52bf31d2f0f2feeb3
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Link to video I see we're still not voting on whether to accept submissions out of the vault and just relying solely on judgement...=/
I think.....therefore I am not Barry Burton
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Pasky13 wrote:
I see we're still not voting on whether to accept submissions out of the vault and just relying solely on judgement...=/
I think most people actually can't decide the technical quality of a run. If it is some fairly unknown game, it's unlikely that the voters ever played the game. We need some expert (who hopefully chooses the right decision) for that. And: Everyone has the opportunity to write down his or her opinion about the quality in the submission thread. And as far as I know, some experiments with more difficult voting options already failed in the past. Just one example: If we ask "how should this submission be handled?" and give the choices "reject!", "Vault", "Moon", "Star" for answering, everyone needs to know about the tiers. Answering "Did you find this movie entertaining?" doesn't require any knowledge about the tiers at all. The less knowledge necessary for voting the better. (Feel free to move this post to somewhere else or to create a topic out of it if it is worth to be discussed more in detail.)
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [2164] NES Air Fortress by tool23 in 41:04.31
Active player (367)
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This movie should have the 'Uses a level password' and 'Second quest/Post-game completion' tags.
Whale eat again