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I think "press aim diagonally up" is just a fancy term for "push R"
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KDR_11k wrote:
I think "press aim diagonally up" is just a fancy term for "push R"
Right, sorry about that. Pushing R in midair makes me do a vertical shinespark, not a diagonal one. Fortunately, upon further experimentation, a standing diagonal shinespark (which *does* work with R... how odd) will get me where I was trying to get to go.
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To super jump from the ground you have to press jump without going into a spin jump, pressing up will have you go upwards without any delay, pressing R will have you go diagonally and pressing right or left, depending on which way your facing, (press the direction you're facing.) will have you go straight forward. In the air, you have to press R or up to go into the super jump state, holding jump will have you go up or diagonally upwards without delay at this point, so make sure not to hold jump while going into super jump state. To go upwards, press up while in super jump state, to go diagonally up, press R and to go forward, press the direction Samus is facing. Note: For Samus to super jump, the jump button must be held down, or she will go straight up after a while. Therefore, also release every direction when you want to super jump diagonally, since it's fairly easy to hit up or forward before R and go in the wrong direction. Another note: Everything has been tested in Super Metroid: Redesign too, and there's no difference between the two games. Hopefully no one will ever have to ask this again at this forum, but they can simply read this to get some clarity.
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Because of course they will look at the bottom of page 8 for help on that!
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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So why was the descision made that there don't actually need to be save points? like anywhere?
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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Because the game was designed to be played on an emulator?
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
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So Boco could complain more?
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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I, too, think that there are too few save points. There are some parts where you are obviously supposed to use save states. Parts where failure almost always leads to death and where you clearly can't succeed on the first try because you need to quickly jump or shinespark while running in full speed. So why put them in at all if you're not supposed to use them?
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I couldn't complain about the ingame savepoints. Sure there were not many of them but there were always some right before a difficult part or a boss. It would be no problem to beat this hack without using Emulator tools, it's just somewhat harder and requires some practice on some parts to pass.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on http://www.freewebs.com/saturnsmovies/index.htm Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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A winner is me! Clear time: 18:35 Item Collection Rate: 66.8% I'm surprised my time isn't a lot higher. I spent a lot of time wandering around and I think I might have left the ZSNES running in the background for a few hours without knowing it once.
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Clear Time: 14:19 Item Collection Rate: 79.7% even saved the animals, just to annoy JXQ. :p btw, why is samus allowed to walljump after losing the boots?
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Tub, the boots aren't on the inventory screen in the first place. You keep them like the morph ball + bombs. Also, *cough*
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Yay, 18:30 with 81%! The escape sure was… nervous.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Argh! I'm in panic in the Lost Cavern... Can anyone give me a clue how to come further? How to found the right way or something :). By the way: This hack owns! EDIT: Bah, found out myself...
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You found out? Is there a way to get past the lost caverns? If so : Don't tell me how. I just want to be sure. Thanks >_>
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Indeed it is a way. Can be a little hard to found out at first, but when you do it is simple.
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Okay, I've finally completed the game with 15:58 on the clock and 85,1% of the items and am ready to give my review. The pros: The world is huge and the level design is brilliant! There are tons of items and lots to do. The game is difficult. It's no breeze like the original SM. The game feels more like a puzzle than an action game. The puzzles are very inventive and fun. The Screw Attack makes moving around delightfully speedy. The best thing about this hack: preserving the shinespark! Shinesparking has always been the greatest thing about SM, and in SM:R it's really been put to use and there's many places where shinesparking is required. The ways in which you have to use the shinespark are extremely inventive. Sometimes you just notice a couple of speedblocks somewhere and instantly you start searching for a place with enough room to get a speed boost. And that place can be many screens away! The physics of preserving the spark are also very intuitive and easy to learn. The cons: Grey doors. Some grey doors open only after you've defeated a certain boss, but you cannot know this until you have beaten the boss and checked the door. Some morphball corridors force you to stay in morph ball form even if there is room to stand up. I also don't like the new morph ball physics. The spring ball I do love. Didn't like the walljumping. I liked how it gave freedom in the original, but in SM:R I mostly feel like it's painful and mandatory. I HATE IBJing in this one. Maybe it just takes time to learn but I could never get it right. It's not intuitive at all. I might just suck, but I thought that Tourian was a bit too difficult. How can you free yourself from a Metroid's clutch? Sometimes I got caught by a Metroid and couldn't really do anything because the doors leading out of the room were both sealed. The escape was also pretty tedious and I thought it was too long. Overall I think this is probably the best hack I've ever played. The pros easily outweigh the cons. I'm certain that I will be playing this hack again. Just not for a while.
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Location: Mullsjö, Sweden
I find it very hard to found all the Chozo Statues... I need 2 or 3 more. Have been looking for hours...
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Whoever made this was a sadist. And drunk. It's neat but,,, not designed for a casual player. Only the most ridiculous SM experts could beat this monstrousity without savestates and slowdown. It took me 2 hours to get through that hot part, having frame advanced the entire thing,,, I made it with 2 hp left. Not to mention the stupid amount of backtracking. It takes like an hour to go back to crateria and get the bombs after the walljump boots. Backtracking can be cool, but you shouldn't have to backtrack across the entire known universe three successive times to progress the game. Also, it seems all sequence breaking tricks have been dummed down or removed all together. Why bother having a massive world to move through, if there's a set path to do everything? might as well just break it down into a series of levels. This hack, while showing decent effort at least, and seemed to have been well thought out,,, (on the surface anyway), just falls into the same unplayable crap as most other hacks. There'll never be another Outlands,,, it seems.
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Rising Tempest wrote:
Also, it seems all sequence breaking tricks have been dummed down or removed all together. Why bother having a massive world to move through, if there's a set path to do everything? might as well just break it down into a series of levels.
So why is is that you can complete the game without ever beating Kraid? Or that it is possible to complete the game without ever getting Hi-jump or the grappling beam? Or that you can get Screw Attack before Space Jump? Maybe you're just not that great at finding this stuff.
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Kyrsimys wrote:
So why is is that you can complete the game without ever beating Kraid? Or that it is possible to complete the game without ever getting Hi-jump or the grappling beam? Or that you can get Screw Attack before Space Jump? Maybe you're just not that great at finding this stuff.
Do any of these breaks require infinite bomb jumping? Because that just about requires frame perfection in this hack.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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JXQ wrote:
Do any of these breaks require infinite bomb jumping?
Getting early Power Bombs and Wave beam do. All the other items depend on what will you get before them.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Infinite bomb jumping doesn't require frame precision, just decently quick reactions/timing. I've done over 20 bomb jumps in a row, which is enough to get just about anywhere you need to with ibj, except for early wave. That's just sick :P
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yeah, except that you must not fail once when getting power bomb early, or you'll have to restart the whole maze. joy for anyone who dares to try it unassisted!
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I'd not dare to say there are more than 20—30 people in the world who could do all the IBJ maze unassisted. Sadly, I'm not among them.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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