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It's quite likely that I made a mistake with that blob. When I came at him in full speed, he didn't appear before I was past him, but maybe I could have slowed down less and still catched him. Anyway, I hated that idiotic Alien Isle level when I played this game before and it's just as or maybe more irritating now. I was one or more seconds ahead of you because I jumped the stairs faster but then those f***ing alien ships just didn't want to show up in the right places. Whenever I need to jump on top of them to get between the pillars they are nowhere to be found but as soon as I jump up a wall you can bet your only spare micromax hitpoint that they zoom there in seconds and start shooting. This means I actually finish the level a few seconds slower than you. ARRGH!! Nifboy, have you got any tips? How did you get the ships where you wanted them to be? Luck?
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Luck. Sheer, unadulterated luck, and a bit of patience (It took me a few different approaches to figure out just what I wanted to do). Try jumping out and pulling back; they seem to spawn about a screen away, as I noticed in the godawful waitfest that was Under Skull Mountain III. I'm gonna watch my vid again to see how I deal. Edit: Yeah, for the second set of cannon blocks I jump out, hit the cannons, and jump back. Both sets have a little bit of intentional delay, too. Try waiting a little bit, and if you can't make that work, wait a little longer, and so forth.
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I will try a fresh start on that level since I'm not completely satisfied with the undercaves of Beneath Twisted Hills either. Mostly it's that stair with the P-blocks and hidden cannon blocks, but there are other spots which could I could have done better too. Mostly the alien ships just linger on top of the next column, but when they do have the courtesy to stop by, they usually swoop across the top of the screen so it's impossible to jump on them. I must have downed at least 300 rerecords on that part already, that's why I'm a little upset. :/ But I will try waiting and different timing. Even though this is an higly irritating and difficult level when playing normally, Bloody Swamp has to be the worst. Played it? If not try a few lives without slowdown or savestates. :)
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Is Bloody Swamp the one with the huge rooms of rubber blocks or the one with the really crazy cannon/rock walls in your way? I know it's a wall-of-death level... The former I remember killing me many-a-time in my youth, the latter killing me many-a-time when I did some playing around in the game before I started speedrunning. Edit: Just checked, it's the one with the crazy cannon/ghost/rock walls. I hate it with a firey burning passion.
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There, I had some free time again and redid half of Beneath Twisted Hills, and managed to squeeze out a total of 4 seconds compared to nifboy's run. Also I managed to cram in a nice trick at the end with the timer still intact even though it was probably a load of frames slower. I also did a preliminary time on Alien Isle with slightly better results. I exit one second earlier than nifboy, but it's not really a fair comparison since I skip destroying the robot at the end and take a hit. Taking this into account I'm still a few seconds behind, but not by as much as before. I'll try to redo the end of the level today. I have an idea for the next level, The Land Below (I think that's its name) too, but I'll test if it works first.
Post subject: hey truncated :)
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Mail me any new runs you wish, i'll just upload them, and you know where to find them ! Can't wait to see that complete 'warpy' run :)
hello world !
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It'll probably be done this evening. If I don't get it done now, it won't be done for another month, since I'm going abroad. Thanks for the offer. I don't know how I'll do it yet, we'll see...
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?I?t??s? ?D?O?N?E? ?D?O?N?E? ?D?O?N?E?!?!?!? ? ? ? ?G?e?t? ?i?t? ?a?t? ?t?h?e? ?s?u?b?m?i?s?s?i?o?n?s? ?p?a?g?e?:? ? ?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?b?i?s?q?w?i?t?.?i?k?i?.?f?i?/?j?u?t?u?t?/?n?e?s?v?i?d?e?o?s?/?q?u?e?u?e?.?c?g?i???m?o?d?e?=?v?i?e?w?&?i?d?=?5?6? ? ?C?o?m?m?e?n?t?s? ?a?r?e? ?v?e?r?y? ?w?e?l?c?o?m?e?,? ?a?s? ?a?l?w?a?y?s?.? ? ? ? ?I? ?i?m?p?r?o?v?e?d? ?1?5? ?s?e?c?o?n?d?s? ?i?n? ?T?h?e? ?L?a?n?d? ?B?e?l?o?w? ?(?c?r?a?z?y? ?j?u?m?p? ?a?t? ?t?h?e? ?s?t?a?r?t?,? ?a?n?d? ?S?k?y?C?u?t?t?e?r?)?,? ?a?n?d? ?1?5? ?m?o?r?e? ?i?n? ?T?h?e? ?F?i?n?a?l? ?M?a?r?a?t?h?o?n? ?(?m?o?s?t?l?y? ?f?r?o?m? ?t?a?k?i?n?g? ?d?a?m?a?g?e? ?a?n?d? ?b?e?t?t?e?r? ?f?l?y?i?n?g?)?.? ?N?i?f?b?o?y??s? ?P?l?e?t?h?o?r?a? ?t?i?m?e? ?s?e?e?m?s? ?t?o? ?b?e? ?p?r?e?t?t?y? ?u?n?b?e?a?t?a?b?l?e?.? ? ? ? ?I??m? ?t?a?k?i?n?g? ?a? ?b?r?e?a?k? ?n?o?w?.? ?B?e? ?b?a?c?k? ?w?i?t?h? ?y?o?u? ?i?n? ?a? ?m?o?n?t?h?.?
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*applauds* I am impressed. That is a crazy jump at the start of The Land Below, and you handle the evil evil stairs Beneath Twisted Hills much better than I thought was possible.
Player (62)
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Nifboy congratulations by the best time. You are really crazy! You are a big player. Your record v5 is really cool!
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Okay, so I'm temporarily reviving this dead topic because I have started a new run on KC. So far I have done BLW1, BLW2, HWP1, HWP2, Elsewhere and USM1. Total time improved is 6.67 seconds, or 6 game timeunits. The intro is terminated a bit faster, all jumps are now as short as possible to increase running distance, and there are some new tricks, especially one at the start of BLW2, and one at the start of Elsewhere. As usual, no webspace, so you'll have to email me if you're interested.
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Mail me that run, I still have some spare webspace. x0u at wanadoo dot fr :]
hello world !
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Thanks a lot xou, but Highness has already offered to give me some space where I can upload, so I wont have to ask every time. Woods of Despair 1 & 2 now finished, 10 timeunits faster due to skipping SkyCutter a taking a shortcut with the samurai. Valley of Life and Black Pit then went 5 timeunits slower because I didn't have SkyCutter, so it payed off. I was THIS CLOSE to pulling off a beautiful 3-enemy bounce in WoD1 but it seems it's just not possible. Also I had to skip a cool jump in VoL i did in a test version because I did the beginning of the level faster and the enemy isn't in the right position any more. :( It's still faster than delaying the start though. Lion Hills and Wind Castle 1&2 only one timeunit faster due to not losing speed at one point and taking damage at different places than the previous run. In total so far about 12.4 seconds faster, and 14 levels to go... but now I will probably have to wait until next weekend before I can continue.
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Ok, give us that link so :]
hello world !
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Okay, if I've done everything right now the run in it's current state should be at: http://133an.sytes.net/~truncated/KC_v2_Truncated_uptoWindCastle2.gmv Edit: ROM version is (U) something. If you could play Nifboy's and my previous videos this one should also be okay because it uses the same ROM. Comments and critizism are most welcome. It's better to redo it now than later if there is anything. One thing which I'm unsure of is Woods of Despair 1. (First level after the flashy warp.) I avoid taking damage here from the bouncing blue ball, which would save a few frames, and instead take it on Valley of Life (two levels later) on the dragon just before the end, which also saves a few frames. But if I do it on the ball instead, i get less bonus on WoD1 which saves some real time, but not game time. (I would have taken damage on neither originally, but strangely enough the robot in WoD2 doesn't blast me while i destroy the blocks with the samurai.) What does everyone think?
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This is one of those games that really should focus on game time units IMHO. Sonic is in the same boat, as all these games "reward" skill with time-wasting bonuses...I say go for game time anyway. -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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Progress is slow... I only did two levels today, six seconds improvement in total. :) I had no idea my previous run was that bad. :( Thanks for the comments Josh. It's good to get a second opinion. Edit - Progress this weekend: Blizzard mountain -3 sec (better helmet grab, different climbing path) Caves of Ice -3 sec (different climbing route, better climbing) Nightmare Peaks -1 (don't know where this one came from) Nightmare Peaks -1 (jumps to the correct side when getting helmet. stupid mistake in previous version) Bagel Brothers -11! (found a new bug! glitched sword > jumping. it looks ugly though, but I can live with that.) Diamond Edge +-0 (actually faster in the beginning, but then I have to wait for dis/reappearing blocks) Hills Have Eyes -2 (frame precision jumps allowed me to clear the moving boards one cycle earlier) Secrets in the Rocks -3 (new trick in the beginning, only one headbutt needed instead of 3) That's it... six more levels to go, but they'll have to wait until next weekend, when I hopefully will get this done.
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Alrighty... progress update and a question. So I've finished Ice God's vengeance six seconds faster than last time, due to much better climbing technique, and a shortcut (or bug? I'm not sure which) I found. A lot of jumping and bouncing around, I satisfied with how this level plays. Beneath Twisted Hill also went okay, some slightly different jumps and paths gave me one extra second on the timer. Actually, the timer goes down one second one frame after I touch the flag, but I guess that's just how the game is programmed. I also got some extra points at the end instead of just standing and waiting. Next was Alien Ilse, which gave me the biggest probems last time due to erratic enemy behaviour. This time I got fantastic random in only a few tries on the first two enemies, but couldn't get what I wanted from the last one no matter what I did. So after a few hundred retries I gave up and settled for six seconds. The Land Below was easy. No triple enemy bounce this time though, I noticed it was slightly faster to just land i front of the last enemy and take damage. The last bouce, although giving incredible speed, sends you into the ceiling and hinders forward motion for a while. Now I'm at The Final Marathon (last level before final boss), and I'm sort of stumped. There's a block moving back and forth about ten seconds into the level, which I managed to pass in the last version. Now, I get there too late, even though I'm half a second faster than my previous movie. O_o ??? If I have to wait for the block to move away, I'll be about a second slower than last time. All moving/disappearing blocks have been the same regardless of when you get there previously, as far as I can tell. Only monster behaviour is different. This is a major WTF?! Any ideas? Just replaying more and more of the level? Delaying which frame it starts or something?
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Well.. Try to re-record the entire level. Maby it changes?
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Ok, so now I've tested some more and this is totally driving me nuts. I tried starting the whole level a frame later and replayed it differently all the way up to the block, still the same thing. I even tried hexediting my old jump onto the new version, no difference. It hits all the gaps correctly but still the block is in the same place. I noticed one thing though, if I fumble and miss gap so that I'm delayed a few frames (20:ish maybe), the block starts further away and I can make it trough in time. This is actually faster than doing the gap perfectly and waiting for the block to go away, but it looks like crap. I want to do the gaps good AND slip past the block, damnit. >:/ Based on this I think it's a timing thing (when I get there compared to when the level starts) and not depending on my position on the screen or which buttons I'm pressing (since the old jump gave identical results, but a fumbled jump doesn't). I'm giving up for now, I will have to postpone it to next weekend. Bah.
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I passed the pesky passage mentioned before by walking for ~20 frames so I got there later and got a different spawn for the moving block. It looks retarded but it's actually faster than moving ahead at full speed. I'm now at the final boss and not surprisingly it's doing it's best at thwarting my attempts to kill it quickly. If you've played this game or watched the previous submissions you know that you should jam him to the ceiling so the hits score faster. In my first attempt I was two frames from scoring all the hits in one go. "Okay, I'll just jump on top of him 2 frames later then" and so I did... now, I found, I was still 2 frames from scoring all the hits. Huh? Jumped on him another 10 frames later, and I'm still missing 2 frames. I mean WTF... I thought I understood the mechanics of this game by now but I can absolutely not understand how this works. Anyway, I'm giving up. I was hoping I'd get this done this weekend but no. It's 3 in the night and I'll have to postpone it yet another week. :(
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Truncated wrote:
I Jumped on him another 10 frames later, and I'm still missing 2 frames.
Yeah. I've had the exact same trouble in each of the (six so far?) times I've done it, although I wasn't counting frames. You do hold the jump button when you get close to the top so you hit the ceiling earlier, right?
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Plethora starts to move up pretty soon right? Doesn't matter if you release the jump button so that the trajectory get's smaller?
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>Plethora starts to move up pretty soon right? It moves up as long as you're above the middle of it, and down otherwise. >Doesn't matter if you release the jump button so that the trajectory get's smaller? I have a little trick, i cling to the side of the lift so that I'm below his middle point for a slighly longer time. Therefore I don't need to jump at all, I just press left to release. (This also causes a graphics glitch for some reason.) I hold the jump button when I'm close enough to the ceiling so that I can hit my head and fall down faster. (As nifboy said.) With frame count it's easy to tell when it starts being advantageous. Maybe I should just delay it for a second and see if I'm still missing two frames at the end. It will have to wait until next weekend in any case. Thanks for the input, I appreciate it.
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So close to the end and yet so much work. :D It's a pain to wait you know.
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