As copied from my message on discord, requested from feos...
"in the snes puyo puyo 2 movie, whenever you see this (left), it's an all clear. basically if you get an all clear, your next puyo pop will have 5 rows of nuisance puyo added to it
margin time doesn't really apply here - after 30/60/99/etc seconds, all nuisance puyos sent between players will be increased
180 flipping puyos doesn't really apply either, since the TASer tends to favor a low board as opposed to making tall columns
nuisance puyo countering happens a few times in the movie - basically, if there's nuisance puyo waiting to fall into your board, you can create a chain to mitigate or even counter it completely. sometimes the AI is able to make a 1-chain just before the nuisance puyo falls in, cancelling about 1 or less nuisance puyo from the TASer (needless to say, not enough to prevent being defeated). 1:29 is an example of this"

Additionally, in the kirby's avalanche encode, at 2:22, you can see that the opposing AI clears puyo while they have nuisance puyo waiting to fall. The cleared puyo go to the TASer instead of cancelling any of the waiting nuisance puyo.