Which version of the BSNES core is good? I am mostly using the BSNES vanilla version but I heard that the v115+ was also good.
Edit: This is also apples to the NES emulator as well.
Joined: 5/25/2007
Posts: 399
Location: New England
Just wanted to post a big thank you to the devs, especially those who worked on the N64 core. I haven't used BizHawk too much over the years, sticking to FCEUX for my NES runs, but fired it up to have a look at N64 F-Zero X and wow, compared to mupen the ability to search/poke/freeze memory addresses and do Lua scripting has been a huge treat the past few weeks!
I have a WIP version of the MC6800 which is used in all the Adam's peripherals, so it's closer then it was, but I don't yet have a proof for it. The only system that used the chip was the APF MP1000, and I lack the motivation to work on such a boring system. Also, the expansion pack for the colecovision that makes most of the Adam games (or ports of them) workable makes it a low priority for me.
Still, if someone made an APF MP1000 core to proof out the MC6800, I'd be willing to help put everything together to get a proper Adam core going, but otherwise no.
ColEm is open and now supposedly has complete Coleco Adam emulation. How feasible would it be to port the Adam portion of it to Bizhawk?
Great to see Nintendo DS emulated by Bizhawk. Just a question: how to use the mic in Bizhawk's NDS core? I only know this function in DesMume, but in Bizhawk 2.7 I didn't find any settings for the DS microphone. I await response. Thanks.
Great to see Nintendo DS emulated by Bizhawk. Just a question: how to use the mic in Bizhawk's NDS core? I only know this function in DesMume, but in Bizhawk 2.7 I didn't find any settings for the DS microphone. I await response. Thanks.
There is no support for custom mic samples currently. All the core does right now is blast white noise constantly, which you can adjust the volume of using the Mic Volume axis. Custom mic samples will be implemented eventually.
The last two posts above were previously in the Encoders sub-forum (more precisely, the "Ask a question, get an answer" topic, even though the question at hand is not related to encoding.
I have a question about the BSNES v115+ core in BizHawk. I read once that the core itself was somewhat experimental in Bizhawk. I wanted to use it but what I would like to know if it safe to use?
I have a question about the BSNES v115+ core in BizHawk. I read once that the core itself was somewhat experimental in Bizhawk. I wanted to use it but what I would like to know if it safe to use?
Not sure what you mean by "safe" (if "safe" is "won't fuck up your PC" then yes it's safe and we would not ship a core that does malware level bs in any capacity for releases). "Experimental" more means unfinished/potentially has issues with sync/etc. That core in particular is perfectly fine and I see it getting released officially sooner or later.
Per a recent discussion regarding the Nintendo VS. System (http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=22928):
For the sake of convenience, it would be nice if the DIP switches were descriptively labeled, rather than simply being numbered.
For the sake of accuracy, it would be nice if the DIP switches were set to factory default settings by default, rather than the DIP switches all being set to "off" by default.
I recognize that these concerns are of limited priority.
I think this is the most complete resource available for dip switches and their effects.
Implementing what you described would be a lot of work, since the name of each switch would have to vary by game, but most of the information seems to be there.
Maybe just compiling all the info into a one document reference would be a good start? I'm personally not interested, but such a thing would be nice to have.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Joined: 7/3/2021
Posts: 147
Location: Udaipur, Rajasthan, India, God'sBeautifulWorld
I am so pleased to the developing team for adding some new cores like Flash core or 3ds core.
Flash is actually more important in terms of short games. It has enough of those.
BizHawk is already a multi system emulator then let's also have a flash core to get mote variety in the games.
Putting a core into Bizhawk (either by porting or making the core) is not a trivial task. The dev team is also just a bunch of volunteers doing what they want. Don't expect any core requests to be fulfilled any time soon. Maybe eventually they'll be done, but that will take time and someone with the know-how wanting it.
(and of course always the option of doing it yourself and PR'ing it)
Lua feature request (assuming it isn't lurking somewhere in the functions already): gui.hold(). This function (no arguments) would save all user-drawn gui pixels for a quick redraw on a subsequent frame. The useless context that made me think of it is my Ising model project, but I imagine it would have occasional practical uses too. One might draw a HUD onscreen and overlay the gauges with lines and fills that indicate the player state. The closest thing we have is gui.drawImage. Although I haven't really tested that function's use, I'm guessing it's computationally expensive to frequently take a screenshot and load that file. I'm not even sure if gui.drawImage supports an alpha channel.
Joined: 8/30/2020
Posts: 128
Location: Sydney, Australia
First candidate build for the upcoming 2.8 release.
Please help us check for regressions, especially in TAStudio and the rest of the TASing workflow. Remember: if it's not reported then it won't be fixed!
...I should go through this subforum at some point
I contribute to BizHawk as Linux/cross-platform lead, testing and automation lead, and UI designer. This year, I'm experimenting with streaming BizHawk development on Twitch. nope
Links to find me elsewhere and to some of my side projects are on my personal site. I will respond on Discord faster than to PMs on this site.
Hey look buddy, I'm an engineer. That means I solve problems. Not problems like "What is software," because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. I solve practical problems. For instance, how am I gonna stop some high-wattage thread-ripping monster of a CPU dead in its tracks? The answer: use code. And if that don't work? Use more code.
Joined: 7/3/2021
Posts: 147
Location: Udaipur, Rajasthan, India, God'sBeautifulWorld
There are a lot of interesting LUAs for fceux like the jetpack and HitBox lua. They are so good to experiment with, but when I thought to TAS with those LUAs in BizHawk, it malfunctioned.
I know that LUAs are meant for changing a specific software's code but will it be possible to open fceux LUAs in BizHawk or make those LUAs apply-able for BizHawk?
Lua scripts generally have to use emulator implemented functions (such as reading memory), which will obviously vary from emulator to emulator. Half the time these functions share the same name (somewhat out of coincidence, somewhat due to simplicity of naming some functions), the other half other of the time there will be an equivalent function under a different name. Or maybe there's just no equivalent and you're screwed over. But there isn't any way to automatically "convert" scripts besides some giant regex (which even is not guaranteed to work). BizHawk's lua functions are fairly well documented, so it shouldn't be too hard to convert scripts.
I know that LUAs are meant for changing a specific software's code but will it be possible to open fceux LUAs in BizHawk
Lua scripts can be used for various tasks, not just manipulating the game's memory. Everything CPP said is spot on. However, it is technically possible to write a script that works on both emulators, but it's not easy, and sometimes not possible depending on what you're trying to accomplish. It's possible in Lua to check if a function exists before trying to use it, and thus you can potentially write something that figures out which function to use, etc. There's no automated way to do this either. This is specifically something the script writer must do; not something emulators will do for you.
If you really want the same functionality that a script made for FCEUX provides, then I suggest opening the script in a text editor, learning what exactly it's doing, and then try to rewrite it given Bizhawk's API.