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It is Riou and Jowy (Highland) one more time in Rockaxe Castle as they fight against Gorudo and 5 M-Knight's. After that, Jowy continues to lay low. That's one thing I remember.
Joined: 1/26/2009
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nfq wrote:
if i remember correctly, he joins already after the greenhill liberation. it isn't dependent on how long you wait, you just have to reach a certain point in the game.
So if you talk to him for the first after the greenhill liberation and ask him about money, you won't be able to recruit him?? From my test, he just seem to come back after a long time, just like kinisson, richmond(when asking for investigation) and maybe other
nfq wrote:
by the way, it might be faster and cheaper to use mostly only magic in the TAS, because sharpening weapons takes a lot of time and money.
Look like there are an even better way: it took me a long time to figure out... but this is actually 100% legit, since the probability is very low and I feel like it work on every monster/boss :D At least, I can't use this combo on every battle(most time nanami take one slot for herself in the party, etc..). Thought I prefer watch a suikoden run like this, than a boring kindness rune glitch on every battle. Should I go foward on this?
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BadPotato wrote:
From my test, he just seem to come back after a long time, just like kinisson, richmond(when asking for investigation) and maybe other
hm... i was probably wrong about that one. but i doubt it takes such a long time that you wouldn't have the chance to recruit him, because i made a TAS earlier where i didn't take all the 108 characters (i just aimed for fastest time: kindness rune, armor shop 999,999 glitch etc), and still he had time to get the 300,000 potch before i had finished the game (i think he had the money when i was about to leave to tinto).
Should I go foward on this?
sure. why not?
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Again, it's probably something you could use once to be awesome. Ideally you would show off several 'broken' ways of killing bosses. :)
Voted NO for NO reason
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Alright, I'm willing to continue my works on this game. Actually, these last thing that I've wroking on was trying to get a successful squirrel unite against lucas blight(third round), but I was keeping failling again and again :/ So far... maybe I'm just unlucky, since the 5 squirrel are very low level, but I can't get it work. (Thought, maybe I didn't test enought either... or this just won't work for this specific battle) Arf! anyway ^_^
nfq wrote:
i made a TAS earlier where i didn't take all the 108 characters (i just aimed for fastest time: kindness rune, armor shop 999,999 glitch etc), and still he had time to get the 300,000 potch before i had finished the game (i think he had the money when i was about to leave to tinto).?
I'm very sorry for this long reply, but do you still have your .pxm ?!! (if you don't the final time and your comment about it are welcome, thought ) Even if this isn't optimal(thought mine isn't either), this should be a big help. Also, I have a technical question. - I read here, that some konami devlopper are using the remaincing cpu cycle for the random number generator.... - In addition, few investegation(actually I feel like, in this topic... I didn't know what I were talking about) are talking about some "seed system"... since this may explain why you can get "stuck" into a predetermined situation(like your unable to get the an annoying squirrel or a specific drop from monster) I didn't do any memory search or annoying statistic since a long time, so I'm probably inneficient right now, but do you have any idea how to find/use them? Actually, I still have my pxm so I'll try to finish my test-run and then been able to rewrite a decent route with the same objective/challenge, while in same time gather technical information for speedrunning... I'm sure there still some surprises.
Player (94)
Joined: 5/10/2005
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BadPotato wrote:
I'm very sorry for this long reply, but do you still have your .pxm ?!!
no, i didn't even do it on a TAS emulator, just a normal emulator (epsxe) with some kind of "gpurecorder" plugin. the only thing it could do is use save states (limited by one "slot"), but i could also slow the game down down by lowering the frame rate from the graphics plugin menu. my time was 6:21 i don't know anything about memory addresses and technical stuff like that
Joined: 1/26/2009
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I updated the current route.. this should clear my mind a bit about everything I done before, from the beginning of the run: ---------------------- Goal/Challenge:
    [*]Manipulate Luck [*]Do not abuse programming error/unglitched [*]No uncouncious status/out of battle [*]Best Ending
---------------------- LEGEND: -!!!- : Those highlighted in red are mistake or something that I could improve. -???- : Those highlighted in blue are questions, suggestions, untesting stuff, information to fill etc.. ==> : Those highlighted in green are commentary or extra information. ---------------------- PS1 POWER ON * Title Screen > New game * Hero Name : A -!!!- Quite uncreative, I mean call the hero "B" or something else won't loose any time, since I have to give him an another different name at Greenhill. In fact, calling the hero "Riou"/"Ryo" isn't that bad either time-wise and this might help for general entertainement. * So Jowy talk with us... > choose sleep * Menu > Remove boots from the hero and jowy and set the dialog text "fast" -!!!- Removing boots for skipping the small Barbara gossip isn't a good idea, since we might want more extra boots for selling purpose(can sell them for 400potch each one). * _Leave the camp and go to north_ * Fight with highlanders > Get Medecine ==> Doing unite attack isn't the best idea, since the animation is quite long and it won't kill the "Commander soldier", so standard battle with multiple hit should be quicker(despite we use a FlamingArrow scroll, from Jowy). -!!!- Picking the medecine enemy drop is useless, MegaMedicine[x2] or the cape should a bit more worthfull to sold. * Accept to scratch the rock -???- I'm still very unsure if this could save some time to "don't scratch the rock". Actually we can see the the result of choice in a future flashback(when getting the true rune), but I don't know if there any other side effect. * Intro/Flashback cutscene * Viktor fishing us from death. * Some Polh jobs -!!!- Pushing the first two box looks cooler. * Polh ask for 2 boots, 3 flints and a bag of flour. * Don't talk to Barbara. -!!!- Uh oh, we can get some easy money here. Just ask for 2 boots, equip one on the hero... then ask for 3 more boots. (the hero can wear maximum 2boots) * Ask 3 flints to the blacksmith -???- There a way to keep 2 other extra flints in the items party... but this is probably useless, since we can sell this. * Talk to Polh for buying the missing flour in Ryube. * Gengen and tuta accept to help us and join the party. * Going for Ryube.. doing the floor quest and come back. -!!!- Remove any valuable items from Tuta and Gengen should be handy for getting more money. -???- Ryube Shop list (maybe there some item missing, this data are from my own testing and infos from GameFaqs): Ryube Item shop : Medecine[x6](100potch), EscapeTalisman(500potch), Antitoxin[x4](200potch) Ryube Item shop rare: MegaMedecine[x3](500potch)X4 FlammngArrows[x2](700potch)X6 Ryube Armor shop: Bandana[Def+1](50), LeatherHat[Def+2](100potch), Robe[Def+1](100), Tunic[Def+2](200potch), Leggings[Def+2](200potch) Ryube Armor shop rare: BrassArmor[Def+6](1000potch)X2 Weaponsmith: level 2 max ==> example: "FlamingArrows[x2](700)X6" The [x2] means that the quantity for one slot items is 2, (700) means that we can bought this for 700potch and X6 means that from my own testing we can have up to "6 remaining FlamingArrows scroll" from the rare item list. * Going back to MercenaryCamp(Gengen&Tuta leave the party, etc..) * Some Polh jobs again * Jowy manage to spot the hero and help getting out of here... it fail. * No big deal, the second escape attempt work. * Going to Ryube * Bolgan,Rina&Eilie join the party ==> When Eillie trow her knife in our face, that deal maxHP/2... If the hero has at 1hp should be set a 0hp, but won't be in uncouncious status, weird(minor glitch). -!!!- Remove the junk(boots, mega/medecine, etc) from the caracther, sell and buy as many FlamingArrows scroll as possible. I'm still unsure if the AngryBlow scroll(lightning) should be in the junk pot, as well. * Go to the Sparrow Pass aera. * Get the Fire Wall rune scroll from chest ==> Should help the DoubleHead Snake boss(I can get this item when comming back from kyaro, as well). * Fight with the Mist Shade boss(800hp) (weak against fire) -!!!- The caracther affinities should work fine with scroll as well. So a better strategie would be to spam FlamingArrows again and again(but keep at least one). Althought, this still need more test here and there. ==> The loot is about 2000potch with KindnessDrops[x4]. * Go to Kyaro town -!!!- Before Bolgan, Rina&Eilie leave the party we should remove from them any valuable item (do not sell the sacrifice jizo, since it's a requirement to recruit Adlai with his elevator) -???- Kyaro shop list: Kyaro Item shop : Medecine[6](100potch), Antitoxin[x4](200potch), EscapeTalisman(500potch), Glove[Def+2](300), CheekGuards[Def+3](1000) Kyaro Item shop rare: AngryBlow[x2](700)X5,Winged Boots[Def+14/Spd+10](10200potch)X? * Do not recruit Mukumuku, right now. ==> It's somewhat quicker to recruit Mukumuku in the path Greenhill-MuseBorder, because all you need is a free slot and he's instant join you. -???- Althought recruiting Mukumuku might still have few benefits, because he as an "E affinity with fire". This means that he could deal few powerfull attack with FlamingArrows/Fire wall against the DoubleHead Sneak(fire weakness)... Need some test to know how good is the ratio between the powerfull attack and the animation time with fire rune. * Meet Nanami behind the grandpa dojo (she join the party). * Get the genkaku famous vase(medium) : value 3000potch -???- Easy money, but this require some time for appraising, does this worth? * Fight with highlanders(use FlamingArrows scroll) > Get hazy rune (sold for 2500potch) * Flik and Viktor come save us (they join the party) * Jowy ask for going to save nanami... deny.. 3time(timesaver) ==> This is a timesaver and anyway, she should show up after we got the true rune(with Mukumuku, if we recruit him before). * Going to Sparrow Pass * Get an Celadon urn from the BonBons (a requirement for Lebrante) -!!!- It sound like we can buy a Celadon urn for about 7666potch in Gregminster... This way, I suppose that we can recruit him after killing Luca Blight. * Get 7 double beat rune from the CutRabbit -???- 2-3 runes should be enough? Now luck manipulation should be easier/quicker with lua-script. * Get 3 Peeing boy ornament from BanditC. (sold them in a tradder post for about 31998potch in SouthWindows --> instant recruit for Gordon) -???- Get all those items is long and painfull... I heard that there a way to raise the market value for the "Crystall ball" in the Kobold village for a hillarous price... but I still need to test this further, since the might ve ancient text better. * Get an EscapeTalisman in the chest and FlamingArrows from Killerbee. -!!!- Probably my biggest error in the run... just don't do this. Those item are quicker to just bought them. * Going to MercenaryCamp ( Fliktor leave and now we can recruit people) -???- Mercenary Camp shop list: Mercenary Camp Item shop : Medecine[x6](100potch), Antitoxin[x4}(200potch), EscapeTalisman(500potch), Cheeks Guards(1000potch) Mercenary Camp shop rare: Gautlet[Def+4](1700potch)X2 Weaponsmith: level 3 max * Going to Ryube * Pay some food to Rikimaru(3000potch) and recruit him. -!!!- Instead, it sound like it would be better to directly fix the bird's ness in the forest, since we have to spare some before Kinnison&Shiro show up. * Talk to Millie and accept to help her. -!!!- Before we doing this, we should buy some addionnal FlamingArrows in the item shop and then recruit Rikimaru. ==> By the way, Millie is alway located at NorthEast of Ryube... the only time where she's walking around south is while we have to bought flour with Genen&Tuta. * Once in the forest we can start to enter in some random battle and fleeing them. ==> We have to flee from 50battles in order to recruit Stallion and we have to spare some time for Kinisson&Shiro, so let's just flee, flee, flee. * Fight with bonaparte(600 hp) (weak against fire) ==> The hero have to knockdown the monster(once each turn, beside the last one), whileJowy&Millie should use some FlamingArrows scroll, since they can deal some extra domage their excellent affinity. * Got 3 killer rune(easier for critical hit) -!!!- There no time to get such items. * Spare time with random/fleeing battle. * Recruit Kinnison&Shiro * Leave the forest * Enter in the Inn ask for saving, leave and repeat once again ==> This way, Pilika should show up quicker... * Go to Toto village(metting Pilika event) -???- Toto Shop list : Toto Item shop : Medecine[x6](100potch), EscapeTalisman(500potch), Cape[Def+1](400potch), Wooden Shoes[Def+1](100potch) Toto Item shop rare: Antitoxin[x4](200potch)X3, Feathered Hat[Def+3,SPD+3,Wind resist](500potch)X2 Appraiser : 50potch * Appraise item if there any. * Talk with pilika in her house and accept to bought an amulet for her dad. * Go to Muse City -???- Muse Shop list: Muse Item Shop: Medecine[6](100potch), Antitoxin[x4](200potch), Needle[x4](200potch), ThroatDrops[x4](200potch), EscapeTalisman(500potch), SacrificialJizo(5000potch) Muse Item Shop rare: Leggings[Def+2](200potch)X3,FlamingArrows[x2](700potch)X5, SunBadge[Def+4,Regen](3700potch)X1 Muse Armor Shop: Bandana[Def+1](50potch), Feathered Hat[Def+3,SPD+3,Wind resist](500potch), Tunic[Def+2](200potch), LeatherCoat[Def+4](700potch), BrassArmor[Def+6](1000potch), WoodenShield[Def+2](300potch), Boots[Def+3](800potch) Muse Armor Shop rare: PointedHat[Def+5,prevents ballon](12000potch)X5, GuardRobe[Def+7](1700potch)X2, Circuret[Def+7](3500potch)X1 Muse Rune Shop: Fire(6000potch), Earth(4000potch), Titan(6000potch), Unicorn(6000potch) Muse Rune Shop rare: Water(7000potch)X2, Fury(15000potch)X1 Appraiser: 100potch Blacksmith: Closed * Sells 1 Peeings boys, genkaku vase, Jowy Astreide ring and any other items. Then bought the wooden amulet. -!!!- I made a little mistake.... do not sell the SacrificeJizo (required in order to recruit Adlai). -???- I'm still unsure if I should buy some fury rune... those a quite expensive(15000potch). * Get out of Muse and walk to Toto Village. * The village is already ruined. Talk with Pilipka&Apple * Go to Mercenary Camp * Talk with Fliktor * Ask the blacksmith to raise the hero's level weapon up to 3. ==> I made few test and I feel like sharpening won't help to deal more domage in dual. Althought, there aren't any lost time there, since you have to sharpen your weapon up to level 16, in order to recruit Genshu. * Accept to bring the FireSpear(+2000potch) * Go to Ryube, enter into the forest and meet Tsai * Back to Ryube, the place is burned up by Luca Blight. * Come back to Mercenary Camp. * Dual with Flik * New Army Name > A * First tactical wars(7 combat animations) ==> The main strategie is to manipulate luck... sometime you can have different result if you let Apple handle your turn. * Second tactical war(0 combat animation) ==> Just move the hero unit outside of the Mercenary Camp. * The Highlander are in the forteress. * Talk to Jowy and accept to rescue Pilika. * Fight with Highlander > Get MegaMedecine[x2] -!!!- This is probably an useless item. * Go in the main office and escape the aera with Pilika. * Once outside, the new team should be: Shiro, Rikimaru, Jowy, Hero and Millie (require some luck there and Zamza isn't aivable). * Go to Toto village * Recruit Hanna * Get the true rune -???- There it's possible to recruit Templeton at the Mercenary Camp or just wait to recruit him next him your around the place(this should be after beating Luca Blight). If you do not recruit him now, you have to get every other possible recruit, in order to have the Castle level 3, before the first visit at ToranRepublic. * Go to MuseCity and talk with the Guard. * Meet Nanami and her in the party. ==> If you did recruit Mukumuku before, you have to remove someone else from the party. * Go in the WhiteDeerInn.. sleep there and accept to explore the SindarRuin with Alex. WhiteDeerInn Item shop: Medecine[x6](100), ThroatDrops[x4](200), LeatherCape[Def+5](1300), Leggings[Def+2](200) WhiteDeerInn rare Item shop: SacrificalJizo(5000)X2, ??? WhiteDeerInn Rune shop: Fire(6000), Earth(4000), Pixie(4500), Kite(8000) WhiteDeerInn rare Rune shop: ??? * Attach few rune on the teams. -!!!- If you forget to keep the SacrificalJizo, you can buy another one here, but this is quite an anooying error. ==> Millie have to be level 12, at least to get a new rune slot. * Enter into the SindarRuins * Get the AngryBlow scroll in the chest !!!- This scroll is about the animation duration and deal about the same domage(with the magic user) as FlamingArrows Scroll against DoubleHeadSneak... but the time to get this item is quite long too, this should be skipped. * Get the FireLizard rune in the chest. -???- This is a good items, but it's possible to have another one in a random battle... so how many are enough? * Get a random battle against salamander and rape them with TwinklingBlade(30%SuddenDeath) with Jowy Blackrune. ==> This battle should help Jowy to unlock his third rune attack(level 13)... this should deal about 700DMG to 1 enemy. -!!!- The enemy can drop a FireLizard rune with the right luck, might be nice to get one next time. -???- There is a MagicDrain rune that can be found in a chest(sell value is 15000potch). Might worth a detour. * Fight with DoubleHeadSneak(2500hp) (weak against fire) > Drop Spark -!!!- The some long/weak attack that can be removed like the multiple Nanami hit or ShinningLight from the Bright rune. -???- I think there could be a way to cast an extra FireWall attack, if we get Mukumuku earlier and we attach to him a FireRune. Althought, recruit him is quite long too. Need more testing there. * Open the treasure chest and get back to the WhiteDeerInn with an EscapeTalisman. * Accept to help Hilda to cure her sickness. * Get the HeallingHerb and bring them back. * Go to MuseCity and talk to the guard in order to enter in city(prison isn't a problem, we just want to go in). * Once in the city go in the tavern and leave Pilika there. * Meet Elza&Clive * Enter in the City Hall and talk with Anabelle * Talk to Jess and accept to become a spy for the union-state. * Come back to the Muse tavern ==> It's possible to recruit Tuta there, but there seriously no need since she should join us automatically, once we got our castle and the hero is the official leader. * Talk to Leona to fix the teams(Hero, Nanami and Jowy are enough). * Talk to Anita(first time). * Leave Muse city ==> While doing this, Elza should appear and give a SoundSet#1 as gift (required in order to recruit Connel). * Go to the HighlandBorder and let's infiltrate the camp. * Answer yes to the guard. * Before leaving the place, get the FireSealing rune in the chest and enter into the Jillia hut for tea time. Once over flee the aera. * First fight with Highlander * Jowy leave the party. * Second fight with Highlander > Silence rune(selling value 4500potch) -???- I'm still unsure if there some good use for this rune, but since it's the only one in the game... why not? ==> The Hero and Jowy leve should grow up 22, while Nanami is about 30. Proof that this game don't need any glitch to become powerfull. * Let's go back to MuseCity and visit the City Hall. * Go at the pub and talk with Flik&Viktor. * Talk to Anita(second time) * Once again proceed at the City Hall and talk to Anabelle about the spying report. * Talk to Nanami at the gate of Muse City and deny to stay with her. * Keep waiting at the tavern and Nanami should bring Jowy back. * Talk to anita(third time) and recruit her. * Go in Jowston Hill and accept to watch the discussion between the union-state leader... * Talk to Viktor and agree about helping them with Muse defense. * Tactic war(16 battles animations) > Keep Gilbert alive(wounded is ok). ==> I feel like the main strategie is just let our allie/enemy kill themself. Once an unit is dead, he can't play anymore and waste all the turn with those battle animation. * Once the skirmish's over go to sleep (while this time, Jowy is talking with Kage). * Go to the City hall and speak with Anabelle. * Come back at the tavern and Jowy leave the party. ==> Remove all valuable items from him. * Talk to Jowy in front of the City Hall. * Now there should be nightfall, go at the City Hall and enter in the Anabelle room. * Talk to Anabelle for the last time. * Go at the tarvern and bring Pilika in the convoy party. * Flee the city. * Go to Coronet. * Talk to the Highlander near the boat(south of the city). * Meet Bolgan, rina and Eilie at the Inn. * Talk with Tai ho and Yam koo in there house. Challenge them at the Chinchirorin mini-game and win. ==> It's impossible for Tai ho lost at start, right at the start or slip the dice outside of the bowl. * Talk to Bolgan,Rina&Eilie about the boat, come back at the docks. * Accept to get in the boat and travel to Kuskus. Kurkus Armor shop: ?? Kurkus Item Shop: ?? * Talk with the blacksmith * Raise Hero weapon to level 6. * Raise nanami weapon to level 6 and embed it FireLizard. * Talk to the old women near the bridge(must to be done to recruit Oulan) * Go to South Windows and talk with Viktor. SouthWindows Item shop: ?? SouthWindows Armor shop: ?? SouthWindows Rune shop: ?? SouthWindows trader shop: ?? * Go in the Inn and recruit definitely Flik&Viktor. * Sells 2 PeeingBoys in the tradding post(31995potch x2) * Buy a CrystalBall -!!!- I was doing some testing and I didn't remove this from the run. -???- Althought, if we bought a bit more of these CrystalBall, I heard that it's possible to get a ridiculous high price in the kobold village with the market balence. * Go in the SouthWindows CityHall and talk with Granmeyer. -!!!- The a Frienship rune in one those bonzai(selling value 17500potch), this should be picked up now. * Accept to investigate NorthWindows with Freed Y. in the group. * Buy a wooden shield in the armor shop, in order to recruit Adlai later. -!!!- There no need to bought this, because we can simply remove the wooden shield from Freed Y. (his shield slot is unlocked). * Get the final team at the Inn.. (Hero, Nanami, Viktor, Freed Y, Eilie) * Go at the rune shop and attach DoubleBeat to Viktor&Freed Y, Fire on Eilie and FireSealing on Nanami. -!!!- I forgot to buy a wind rune(required in order to recruit Adlai) and some Lightning rune(should be usefull against the PestRat). * Go to North Windows, then talk Neclord and choose to run away! * Go to the Cave of the Wind. * Open the chest with 3000potch and the one with the BlueGate rune, shoud be very usefull. (the last one is medecine..) * Talk to Kahn and let him join the party(he have some good item on like FirewallWall x3) * Fight against the StarDragonSword (2500hp) * Go to North Windows and enter in the castle. * Get the Darkness rune * Heal the teams and fight against the abomination (4000hp) -!!!- While in the menu, we should remove the wooden shield from Freed Y. * Once the monster dead, Kahn leave the party. * The other friend remaining from SouthWindows popup and talk about SouthWindows is now under SolonJhee/Highland control. * Talk with Flik,Viktor&Apple and accept to look for recruiting Shu, as last hope. (Apple join the convoy party) * Go to Kuskus and recruit Oulan next to the Bridge. ==> The party have to be 100% girl, despite the hero. Kurkus Armor shop: ?? Kurkus Item Shop: ?? * Go to Raddat Raddat Item Shop: ?? * Meet Shu in his house * Go in the tavern and keep the arrassing Shu... * Talk with Richmond and give him 1500potch. * Sleep at the Inn and meet Richmond again. * Talk to shu at the city bridge. * Challenge Amada into a dual. * Search for the lost piece and recruit Shu. * Come back to NorthWindows and head for the HeadQuarter room. * Talk with Viktor and Shu, then go to sleep. * Go in the HeadQuarter room and listen the Shu strategy. * Tactical war against SolonJhee(18 combat animation) -!!!- This is quite hard luck manipulate, but I think there could be some large improvement there. * After winning the battle, Shu ask us to become leader. * Go to sleep. ==> At this point, it's possible to have an extra plot scene about Genkaku background. * Go in the HeadQuarter room and become the new and official leader of Liberation army. * Recruit Tuta and doctor Huan * New castle name > "A". -!!!- This name is somewhat non-entertaining... * Leknaat will appear... recruit Luc then got to sleep. * Meet fitcher by the castle entry. * Come back to the HeadQuarter room and accept to help TwoRiver. But we need a boat first. * Go to the tavern and fix the team: Hero, Nanami, Freed Y. * Get out of the castle and go to Raddat Raddat Item Shop: ?? * Recruit Yoshino ==> Freed Y. must be in the team. * Challenge and defeat Amada ahin, then recruit him. * Play/loose one time against the Richmond game. ==> We have to play at least once to recruit him. * Go to SouthWindows * Recruit Alex&Hilda * Recruit Zamza * Go to ==>we cant recruit Clive for now, we have to escort amada at our castle first * Recruit Alex and his wife.. * Recruit Zamza * Go to the rune shop and buy about 5 Lightning rune and 1 Wind rune. * Recruit Adlai then we are *teleported* at our castle. * Go to the HeadQuarter room and accept to escort Fitcher. * Add some character in the party. ==> At this point we can use : Rikimaru, Nanami, Eilie, Rina, Bolgan, Tuta, Hanna, Millie, Shiro, Zamza, Gengen, Kinnison, Freed Y, Anita, Oulan, Tsai, Luc, Yoshino. (Flik and Viktor aren't aivable) * The new team should be : Hero, Nanami, Zamza, Rina, Yoshino and Luc. ==> I choose Yoshino, because she have a strong affinity with the Lightning rune. * Sail the boat and go to Lakewest -???- Lakewest shop list: Lakewest item shop: ?? * Get the Kindness rune in the backet (Selling value: 11000potch). * Go to TwoRiver and let Chaco steal all our potch. Two River[human district] Item shop: ?? Two River[human district] Rune shop: ?? Two River[winger district] Item shop: ?? Two River[kobold district] Item shop: ?? Two River[kobold district] Armor shop: silver hat, ?? * Sell the kindness rune at the HumanDistrict Item shop. * Go to the WingerDistrict and chase Chaco. * Come back to the HumanDistrict and talk to Fitcher * Enter in CityHall and talk to Makai&Ridley * Go to the Inn, recruit Hans and sleep -???- It's possiblie to have about 30 000potch or 300 000potch from him, before recruting him, but it would be nice to know how long exactly we have to wait. (Let's say that after Luca Blight is down, the money isn't that important anymore). * Go to the CityHall, talk to Makai and accept help him with the Kobold discussion. * Go the rune shop. * Attach the Lightning, Darkness and BlueGate rune... * Head for the KoboldDistrict and talk with guard. * Return to the WingerDistrict and chase Chaco again. * Enter in the sewer * Get the Resurrection Rune in the chest. * Chase Chaco... try to get back money and his reference. * Fight against the PestRat (5000HP) > Poison rune is dropped. * Get out of the sewer and talk to Ridley * Come back to HumanDistrict and meet Kiba&Klaus. * Go in the CityHall and talk to Makai. * Go to the Inn and sleep. * Fight and defeat the Highlanders. * After all the battle, talk to Shu in the CityHall. * Recruit Chaco and leave 2River. * Head for Lakewest and sail the boat. * Come back to Castle, then go in the HeadQuarter Room, then sleep. * The next day, go to the HQ room and accept to help with reconnaissance mission atGreenHill university. ==> Once we accept that mission, we aren't enable to recruit anyone... * New squad: Hero, Flik, Nanami, Gengen, Luc ==> We need 1 free slot in order to recruit Mukumuku, after clearing up GreenHill and Gengen is required by Gabocha. * Take the boat and sail to LakeWest * Talk to Hix&Tengaar in the Inn(first time). * Pass thought TwoRiver and go to GreenHill. * Meet Fitcher there and enter in greenhill city as a "student". * New "Hero" name: "AA" * New Nanami name: "A" * Flik name: "Blueno" (no difference, he keep his name) * Visit the aera and Meet Nina * Go in the University and talk to Emilia and recruit her. * Go to sleep in the dormitory. * Look for what the Highlander are doing in Inn and come back to sleep in the dormitory. * Talk to Nina in the university(the shadow corner) * Go to the south at the main square and rescue Fitcher from the villagers. * Sleep at the dormitory. * Look for the ghost upstair and downstair. * Chase Flik and open the backdoor. * Run thought the forest and meet Shin&Teresa * Once the discussions are overs we should be *Teleported* back to our dormitory. * Go to the main square and try to talk with Jowy. * Come back to Teresa hideout, while raping the Highlander. * Talk to Teresa. * Come back to the campus place and fight some other Highlander. * Take Teresa with us and escape thought the forest. * Talk to Jowy in the forest. * Once outside walk on the route between Greenhill-MuseCheckpoint and recruit Mukumuku. * Go to the MuseCheckpoint and recrut Meg&Gadjet. * Go to TwoRiver * Buy some KoboldPie, FriedTacos, DarkChowder in the KoboldDistrict item shop. -???- I'm still doing some test with KoboldPie/DarkChowder. I think there could be some way to use the Panic/Boost status to our advantage... but I need to do more test about this. * Recruit Gabocha in his house. * Recruit Jeane in the HumanDistrict rune shop. * Leave TwoRiver and go to the KoboldVillage. * Talk to Hix and accept to help him to cure Tengaar from the "Curse of the Unicorn". We have o bring a BlueStone first. * Get the Exertion rune in the LargeMortar and leave the place. * Eat some FriedTacos and go to LakeWest. * Recruit Taki in her house. * Recruit Tetsu in his house. * Get in the boat and sail to Kurkus. * Recruit TaiHo&YamKoo * Go to Raddat and recruit Stallion. * Get a coin from the guy in the tavern and recruit Richmond. * Go to SouthWindows and recruit Clive. * Get the BlueStone at the item shop. * Come back to the Castle and talk to Shu in the HQ room, then sleep. * Return to the HQ room and accept the invitation to the Matilda Kingdom. * New teams: Hero, Flik, Stallion, Luc (and keep Nanami in the convoy party). * Sail the boat to LakeWest and recruit Shilo in the Inn. * Head to the KoboldVillage, get Hix the party, give the BlueStone to the Kobold chef and accept to bring a RedFlower. * Leave the place, pass thought TwoRiver and walk between the path to TwoRiver-GreenHill to recruit Makumaku. * Go to Forst Village. * Recruit Wakaba -???- It's possible to get the IronHammer in the armory for about 2000potch, I'm unsure if this is usefull. * Recruit Tony. * Leave the place and go to the GreenHill-Matilda Checkpoint. * Pass thought the forest, but do not recruit Viki, right now! ==> Because we still have Hix in our party and we can get the RedFlower while been teleported by Viki. But once we want to teleport back to Rockaxe castle, this isn't possible because we never explore this aera. * Meet Milkotov at the end of the forest and let him escort us to Gorudo in the Rockaxe castle. * Talk to Gorudo and go to sleep. * Go to the royal room, talk to Gorudo and accept to help them with the refugee. * Tactical war(7 battle animations) * Once the war's over, go out of the castle and get the Violence rune in the Appraiser Shop. ---------| The folowing route is still under testing |--------- * Sell any useless items to free up some place in the inventory. * Buy about 5 Down rune(25 000potch each one) ==> Allow knockdown 30%. The rune must be embeded on a weapon. * Aller au rune master et acheter environs 5 runes "Down" (pour faire des knockdown plus facillement... doit être "embeded" sur l'arme en allant voir un blacksmith). * Attach some rune (Fire/Resurrection/Double-Beat/Killer/Spark/Violence) that might help for the fight against the Harpy. -???- I'm still unsure about the rune strategy, because for some raeson I'm unable to knockdown the Harpy. I might need more testing. * Go to HighWay Village, talk with Humphrey/Futch, but do not accept to help them right now. ==> There is some time to spare, because the Viki timer have to spend some time, before she show up again. * Go to the forest, meet Viki, recruit her and accept to teleport back to the castle. * Once in the castle, ask Viki to teleport us to the Cave of Wind. * Get the RedFlower * Go back to the castle -???- I'm still unsure if the teams are ok, so we still have an another chance change this. * Talk to Viki and ask her to teleport us to Rockaxe Castle * Go to the Matilda-Muse Border. * Talk to Miklotov, accept to help him with the Muse investigation and put him in the Convoy Party. -???- The enemy from this aera can drop some Double-Stricke rune... should I get some? * Enter in Muse, kill the soldier near the JowstonHill door. * Leave Muse * Go to Coronet and embed some "Down rune"(or exertion) on some characters. * Come back to Matilda-Muse Border and head for the Rakutai Mountain. -???- I'm unsure if the chest are worth for something good. * Fight the Harpy(7400HP - no weakness) -???- As I said earlier, I'm still unsure how I can beat this, since I'm unable to knock her down. (knockdown status).. I still didn't do any brute force bot for this, so I'll give some other testing, before working on an another route. * Once the monster is killed, recruit Humphrey&Futch * Go to the Rockaxe Castle. * Talk to Camus,Miklotov&Gorudo * Recruit Camus&Miklotov and flee by the forest. * Talk to Shu and we are *teleported* once again in our castle. * Go to the HQ room, and go to sleep. * Return to the HQ room; Victor/Shu explain Raddat is under the Kiba/Highland control. Accept to invistigate Raddat. * New team : Riou, Stallion, Victor, Chaco. * Talk to Viki and ask her to teleport us to the KoboldVillage. * Get Hix back in the teams, give the RedFlower to the KoboldChef.. then accept to bring him the GreenBell. * Go to Two-River City * Pass thought the sewer and recruit Sid in his hideout. * Get the GreenBall and leave the place ==> Sadly, it seem that the EscapeTalisman aren't working in this place. * Leave TwoRiver and head back to the KoboldVillage. * Talk to the KoboldChef, enter in the forest and retrieve Tengaar. * Recruit Hix&Tengaar. * Return to the Kobold Village * Talk to Yuzu, accept to help her and recruit. * Go to LakeWest * Take the boat, enter in our caslte and talk to Wiki for teleport to Raddat. * The place is full of Highlander... leave the place * Come back to the Castle * Go to the terrace and recruit the cook Hai Yo ==> This way, we don't have to pass by the main hall(this allow to skip an extra cutscene with Eilie) * Go to the HQ room. * Talk to Shu and accept to deploy army and attack Raddat. * Tactical war(0 battle animation) > Withdraw ==> This the battle where the kobold are leaving the battlefield, because they are on frontline) * Talk to Shu and accept to deploy army near forest next to the castle. * Guerre tactique: Le but est de résister à l'envahisseur pendant un * Tactical war (? battle animation) > Victory * Accept to free Kiba&Klaus and recruit them. ==> Now, we should have enough character to get the castle level 3, if my calculation are correct. * Go on the side of our castle to see Sheena running off on the back of some girls. * Come back to the HQ room. * Talk with Shu and accept an Alliance between Union-States&Toran * New team: Riou, Viki, Victor, ...?????? (Freed Y in the convoy party?) **** Finish this, I got a bit lazy to fill information for item shop, etc...(sometime GameFaqs have some wrong info, it's sound like they use info from the japanase guide, but for some raeson this isn't alway trustable) ------------------------------------- Time: ~3h42 In-Game time: ~3h47 Erf, about half of the game? WIP: ==> So actually, I'm in the Mathilda aera and I try to figure a way to knockdown the Harpy with the down rune(should be possible). I'll try to manipulate luck harder and from diffrent way and see what happen... Beside that, I made a lua-script that allow to reading thought the movie with the Eternal SPU(or any sound plugin): First, download this collection of desynchless savestate (mirror) and uncompress in the sstates folder(from pcsxrr folder). If you have some doubt about my savestate package, you can also run this script, that is going to create all the savestate, but make sure that movie synch well, before. After, you can uncheck the movie synch mode(or use a better sound plugin), then just download(save in the pcsxrr folder) and run this script for watching the full wip without the sound issue(or almost). Yeah!! Writting these script probably take less time, than encoding manually with the SPU plugin... so, I'll encode this, once I got more action in the run. edit: note : Recently I've been wondering if there could be any glitch with the Chimera Rune, that pretty much transfer positive/negative status to someone else... I'll should look at this later.
Player (94)
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I started making a Suikoden 1 TAS 1½ years ago or so,
Youtube video:
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I converted the file with an old pxmconverter and it synced perfectly all the way to the Gremio death scene with pcsxrr v0.1.3a :) Here the new pxm with a savestate. I wonder how fast you can go thought the game. I turbo the whole run and I feel like the harder boss so far was the zombie dragon in your headquarter castle, because it require several level grinding. Now thinking about it, does the "bride glitch" is working on the boss? I remember watching a youtube video about that earlier... the guy skipped neclord that way, but took half his max money. I don't remember if I tested this either. You probably have only few frame, once you enter in the battle to do the glitch.
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Wow, thanks a lot badpotato! Pretty strange that a converter could fix it. I tried it and it worked :) I wonder if my Golden Sun 2 TAS could be fixed with some kind of converter too. Yeah, the zombie dragon fight took a long time, because of low levels and bad characters. Later when I get Grenseal and Alen, boss fights become really quick because I can do like 2000 HP damage with their combo attack. The bribe glitch works for all bosses and enemies but I didn't use it because it would make the run so easy and boring :P Also, I think it doesn't take away any of your money. It's actually easy to do, even without TASing.
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Here's some more glitch related with the castle level 3 for suikoden 2: ==> ==> Suikoden 1 : A cat pass thought the wall ==> Thought I'm unsure if there is something interesting to do with that On a somewhat unrelated note: Here is a non-genso "suikoden" run: ==> I know that there is a similar game on NES(in english), called Bandit Kings of Ancient China(水滸伝・天命の誓い). I think that this run was done with the minimal recruit.
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Player (37)
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Small revival of this thread to mention two separate reports of a bug in Greenhill which triggers the ending cutscenes and credits. Posts quoted below, followed by a summary of the takeaways:
I just recalled the worst bug I've ever seen during Greenhill liberation. After beating Lucia and reaching the screen that shows hero behind the Greenhill academy (last screen before entering the academy), the screen suddenly changed into a screen of a path with trees on its sides (just like the path to Sindar ruin), faded black, then it showed the exact screen of Muse where Hero and Nanami waited for Jowy, again without characters. Then, the craziest of all, it suddenly changed to ending 108 stars screen as if I ended the game at that time. As it was still in Greenhill Liberation I didn't have 108 stars yet of course and thus the game showed the bad ending. I went mad as no matter how I reset psx or change memory card, the thing still stays the same whenever I wanted to continue the story to liberate Greenhill. It was not CD problem as well. I didn't have the slightest possibility why this happened. My brother was playing as well and his save data did not face such bug. Anyone knows why this happened? In all cases I deleted this save data already though...
I well, i just arrived at Greenhill, i go north and i save nina, then i continue to north where i think its the academy, but when i enter the area the game just start to show me the 108 stars.. and what happened to them, looking like i finished the game.....anyone know of this a way to fix? (withtout involving loading a different save because i only have 1 save... which is inside of Greenhill
Originals available here and here. -Both events occurred when entering Greenhill Academy grounds, but the two claims are at different parts of the story and even enter from different directions. -The descriptions of what happens are slightly different, but I believe the second could just be omitting some of the details. -It is in some way tied to save data since neither poster was able to get around it by reloading save data. Possibly happens from save corruption of story flags. Neither specifies whether they're on emulator or not, which could be part of it. Either way, it's worth disclosing in case somebody tries a TAS in the future. With some knowledge on the requirements/setup, a TAS could reasonably finish in under an hour. What I think is happening is that there's a particular memory flag that is set that indicates it is currently in the credits sequence. When the player enters the Greenhill area, a script checks for the flag to determine if it should arrange objects according to the ending cutscene in that same location. Since it finds it, it may force a jump to the remaining cutscenes and full credit sequence after. That's my best guess at least. As far as I know, no other instances of this glitch have been reported.
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So I've been thinking for a bit on potentially making a Suikoden II TAS before getting back into full runs again because I'm an idiot. Just due to the ability to have absolute control over luck manipulation, I think there could be some pretty interesting routing choices to work through. To help reduce the tedium though, I'm looking at building up a few lua scripts to ease the endeavor as I go. I'm listing them here in case anybody else has additional input, but I'll go about actually building them up sometime in the future. Some are definitely possible, others would be nice but might not have an easy solution. -Dialog input ready indicator. If there's some flag that gets set as dialog inputs become responsive to progression, it would save a LOT of time to have that available. Otherwise I can probably work off of visual cues, but automating the several hundred dialog boxes away would make it a lot more reasonable. -Encounter indicator. I can easily set up something to determine the remaining grace period, but determining how many RNG calls before an encounter is a much trickier problem. I might be able to come up with something, but I might not. -Upcoming encounter group indicator. Somewhat related to the previous bullet, but I still don't know the exact mechanic behind group selection. This would help in making sure that the few times I need a specific group, I can automate for it. -Delay & test script. For battles, a lot of times I'll need to rely on abusing multiple critical hits or otherwise. This would be tedious to test extensively by waiting for following RNG updates, so I can instead pre-calculate the next 1000 or so RNG values and find the first one that meets my condition (KO of boss). -Stat growth predictor. Similar to the above, if I can pre-process the RNG calls well enough, I can predict how many "good" level ups I can get for one or all stats, and find an optimal RNG value to use. -War battle sequencer. War battles are tricky to manipulate because there's relatively few ways to affect RNG outside of performing attacks. Ideally, I'd limit attacks to just those necessary to advance, but exhaustively testing different options would be maddening. Having a script to go through and move units procedurally would help this, but may end up being more work than it's worth. -Loading Zone indicator. I have my doubts that this is possible due to how the game is structured, but being able to see the exact regions that the game uses to initiate events would go a long way in potentially finding other skips. ======================== Unrelated to this post, the details of my prior post from 2014 have been figured out in greater detail. The technical stuff is all available in this thread: We still have no idea how to reproduce, but we at least understand the mechanism. It is likely related to a corrupted save file, but if a specific story flag is set related to the end of the game, it will go into the credits sequence. The exact memory location is 0x8006AEFE.
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Reviving this thread to discuss updated route ideas in an effort to improve the existing TAS. An encode of the WIP is here, up to the Muse War Battle: Link to video There are some minor improvements possible in this WIP, including getting a counter in the first fight to finish the battle sooner. However, the main thing I'd like to discuss is long-term planning for boss battles and theoretical strategies for dealing with them. Current RTA routes currently plan around consistent damage output setups - ones that should work no matter what a boss does, or have relatively little chance of failure. The TAS can go in the complete other direction - rely on (mostly) extreme luck to get critical hits and perfect boss patterns where necessary. This mainly comes from abusing the Kindness glitch in conjunction with other powerful runes and unites. This all has long-term benefit in cutting out longer spell animations from enemies and allies alike. A major issue is to decide which runes/abilities to lean on throughout different sections of the game. Several are captured below:
    Double Beat - attacks 2 independent times Fury - 1.5x damage multiplier Double-Strike - 1.5x damage multiplier Kite - 0.5x damage to all enemies Violence - when conditions met, grants Berserk status and 3x multiplier to next attack (total 4.5x) Down - 30% to cause Unbalance status Spark - other party members will execute their actions at the same time as the user 100 Kobold Attack - Gengen/Gabocha Unite. 3x damage to all enemies 5 Squirrel Attack - Chance to cause instant death even to bosses
Most "unique" runes that provide 2x or 3x damage multipliers don't really matter here, since a crit (x3) is at least on par with them for no rune slot cost. The most versatile of these options is the famed Double Beat, which is available early in the game for the cost of one extra battle. It stacks well with crits (though makes twice as much to manipulate) and also works with Fury, Double-Strike, and Violence. This seems like a bit of a no-brainer, though the benefits may not show up until Abomination. On the flip-side, crits often have a side-effect of inflicting Unbalance on enemies, including bosses. If the main goal is to limit animations (especially from bosses), then Double Beat might be skippable in favor of causing Unbalance with the first crit. The cost is some extra menu-ing time, but should make consecutive crits easier. This can be further improved with the Down rune, but that may be unnecessary since you can cause Unbalance without. 100 Kobold Attack and 5 Squirrel Attack can only really apply in the very late game to spread damage among all targets, or to completely end the Beast Rune fight faster. I haven't really thought that far ahead, but there's a possibility for 100 Kobold Attack to shine in L'Ren if other alternatives will take too long to set up. In the early- and mid-game, there's also the option of attempting to pick up a Fury rune. For a TAS the luck in getting it to show up isn't a factor, but having enough potch on-hand to buy it will take some planning. It would help in making Kindness crits hit 50% harder, allowing for quick kills on some of the mid- and late-game bosses. In particular, it would make for some unique strategies against Luca, and otherwise reduce number of hits or crit manipulations on other bosses. Now the question of who should be the Kindness bearer. The RTA route plans around minimizing rune setup trips and maximizing benefit from a given bearer. Through the earlier portion of the game, this is usually Nanami or Eilie. Eilie is beneficial because she is available during the North Window segments, and can eventually also get Kite. Nanami is often a required character through the rest of the game, and her stats are amenable to good hit rate and crit rates. Rina is another strong contender, since she has 3 available slots and can also use Kite. Millie also has potential here. Meg and other generally good bearers don't shine as well in the TAS since their special runes actually count against them. Above is just some rambling thoughts toward figuring out this puzzle - don't regard the ideas as complete. But I think answering these questions up-front are necessary to properly plan the revised TAS.
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Currently wip: , up to finishing Greenhill event. For most bosses, kindness + violence is enough. For final boss and Seed + Culgan, maybe double beat + double strike is a good choice. 900 damage x2 x3(crit)=5400 damage for one beat, of course it's hard to manipulate two beat as crit. I think Rina is a proper character in later period. She has 3 rune slots that I can put double beat, double strike and kite on her.
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For a TAS, Violence should be unnecessary. The prerequisite for Violence is taking enough damage in turn 1, and then activating on the 2nd turn. With crit manipulation, I don't think any boss fight should ever last to the 2nd turn, including Beast Rune. Double-strike and Fury are close to the same thing as far as damage purposes. There might be a slight difference in the damage calculation formula (when the boost is applied relative to when enemy DEF is subtracted) but I don't recall right now. The catch is that Fury is only available in Muse rune shop for a rather large sum at that time, and double-strike is available as soon as soon as completing Hix & Tengaar's quest as a drop in Kobold Forest. Fury is ideal if you can accumulate that much potch in about ~30 seconds of loss (good drops, or selling Magic Drain from Sindar Ruins), but realistically isn't needed until Luca if you already have Double Beat. The only other variable in that is proper timing for a Rune Shop visit, and accounting for Kindness point accumulation. I agree that Rina is probably the best bet, however there's still plenty of room to play around with different strategies. For example, to switch from one Kindness bearer to another, you need to prepare them with deaths and actually transfer the runes. This is done in RTA because it's necessary for consistency, but there are possible setups for the late-game that don't involve Kindness at all (such as 5 Squirrels Unite). It's probably slower, but those kind of things still have to be thought through and assessed. As far as optimally building up deaths on possible bearers, the early game is the best opportunity for this. Deaths to the Sindar mob and Double Head are freebies, and you can possibly build up another during the Border investigation. The only ones that can make use of that opportunity, though, are Millie and Kinnison. To get deaths on Rina and/or Eilie, you need to account for that during the Matilda power-leveling trip, or somehow manipulate it in the Mist Monster fight. Mist Monster is actually a very valid point, because it could possibly be used to get Riou & Jowy into the correct level range for the Fort without the extra battle in Ryube. This isn't reliable enough for the RTA, but is definitely possible for the TAS. It would likely require a third turn against Mist Monster, but could save time in the long run if it gets rid of both an extra battle and accumulates some deaths for Eilie/Rina. This is my point about planning - there's so much that affects the entire route based on decisions even at the very beginning of the game. If you don't have a full plan for the whole game, it will absolutely come back and bite you later.
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I think violence should be used even in TAS, you can't beat some bosses without it by one hit. Making character die in Mist Monster fight is a good idea. It need to test how many level that Hero and Jowy can upgrade to. In RTA run, the author had to go Southwindow for allies there after Tworiver event. He need 3 allies to upgrade HQ to lv2, could them be Kinnison, Shiro and Taki? If so, the extra trip can be avoided, or go Radat and Southwindow after Greenhill event for Stallion recruitment, I still doubt about getting him before Matilda could save time. Anyway, I will continue current wip even if it's possible to improve.
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Which bosses do you think need violence? The only special case I can think of is Luca, who can't be defeated completely in one turn no matter what. Of the bosses, assuming you have double beat... Star Dragon Sword - 1x crit Abomination - 1x crit + 1, or 1x fury crit Pest rat - 2x crit, or 1x fury crit + 1x fury hit Harpy - 2x crit + 1x crit (2T), or 2x Fury crit Worm - same as Abomination Luca - discussed below Sierra - 1x crit Golem - 1x crit + 1 + magic, or 2x fury crit Neclord - same as Abomination Lucia 1 - N/A Lucia 2 - 1x crit + 1 + magic Bone Dragon - 3x crit + 1 (2T), or 2x fury crit + extra Lucia 3 - 2x fury crit Seed & Culgan - 2x Fury crit Beast Rune - more complicated. Luca is a special case because it is split up into multiple fights no matter what, but you only have one place to drop the kindness bearer. This has to be approached somewhat delicately, and there's some research that hasn't been done yet (such as whether double beat effect triggers Luca phase change). But in any case, the most benefit comes from doing most of his effective 13000 HP in phase 1, which skips phase 2, and ends phase 3 very quickly. There are several ways to do this, but it depends a lot on the rune load out beforehand. Beast Rune is an entirely separate entity which will require rune unites, but a 1T solution should definitely be viable. I can try to run some calculations soon for different most monster fights, also factoring in a battle with Cut Rabbits for the double beat. I know I checked this before and there were possible solutions, but they didn't work well for RTA because the Most Monster was too inconsistent, and a low level Riou is very inconsistent in the Flik duel. EDIT: I looked through the possibilities, and there's not a lot of great options on the table assuming Jowy goes through the Fort battles. If you still include a battle in Ryube, then there are options for a CutRabbit x3 fight and a 3-4 person victory against Mist Monster. Otherwise, you'd either have to prevent Jowy from joining in the Fort (which makes those battles take longer) or do something really out there like recruit Nanami in Kyaro. The last option is to take a non-optimal experience route such that Jowy is level 10 after the Fort. In this case, he has a manageable chance (~40%) to hit 100 MAG at level 26 with a Salamander battle. This isn't ideal because they are a longer fight than the MegaWatts, but may be a fair trade-off to avoid the extra Ryube battle entirely.
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You have a comprehensive view of bosses. Before that, you need to test probability that manipulate every attack as crit.
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How do you mean? The formula for crits is known. (TECH + LUCK/2)/16 = critical hit rate This was originally why Nanami was selected as one of the better Kindness Bearers, at least for as long as she's available. Tech can be improved from quite a few pieces of equipment, though Luck is harder. With proper leveling, most characters should be in the range of 10-12% crit rate. This isn't awful for manipulating double crits, given how often the RNG changes.
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I knew the formula. I just meant that practical tests is difficult than theory.