For me, console verification is the most impressive part of TASing. So I thought I would make this thread to see what games (with or without existing TASes) people would most want to see a console verification of.
Personally, I'm mostly interested in seeing new work on N64. This will probably need a new emulator, but I'm hopeful it might happen one day, and maybe there are still some games out there like SM64 and Mario Kart where verification is possible with Mupen. Anyway here are the games I most want to see console verified.
Perfect Dark
Rogue Squadron
Banjo Kazooie
Ocarina of Time
Diddy Kong Racing
Body Harvest
1080 Snowboarding
Mega Man X
Super Mario RPG
Donkey Kong Country 1/2
Punch Out Done!
Ninja Turtles
Oracle of Ages/Seasons Done!
Rockman 2, Bionic Commando, Metroid and Super C are relatively new (last two years, so should be under accurate enough emulation) starred runs that 1: Have no verification yet 2: Are under half an hour 3: For a system that I know can be verified. One or more of the four may have already failed verification attempts
Hi there. It was brought to my attention that there is a graphical quirk on emulator that seems to be less severe on real hardware. For that reason, I'd like to see a console verification of a Castlevania Aventure TAS, preferably the GB version. This movie file should work for the purpose: submission #6834
Specifically, I'd like to check if we get the same horizontal lines that start appearing from minute 14:57 onward of the following video:
Hi there. It was brought to my attention that there is a graphical quirk on emulator that seems to be less severe on real hardware. For that reason, I'd like to see a console verification of a Castlevania Aventure TAS, preferably the GB version. This movie file should work for the purpose: submission #6834
Specifically, I'd like to check if we get the same horizontal lines that start appearing from minute 14:57 onward of the following video:
"blue"-print run on definitive version
I see that in the twitch video you posted, what does it mean?
lol, that was my stream title, i tried to make a bad pun but kinda failed^^
well, basically the main issue is that the bizhawk emulator generates those weird lines when the screen scrolls leftwards specifically! and im sure those are not present in either hardware version of the game, only in bizhawk so far.
the timestamp in the stream video was just to demonstrate this specific issue, nothing else. to make a real hardware verification you only need any movie file that plays far enough in the game to reach a place that has the screen scrolling to the left side.
(funny enough, scrolling to the right like in super mario bros seems to work fine, only leftwards generates those weird texture lines while building the image...).
also, aside from those lines, every other graphical "problems" that you see are from the game itself, those are completely normal and fine. this issue here is only about the small lines of textures that appear while the image is generated.
ps: if anyone knows anyone who is in charge of bizhawk stuff, please tell them this left scrolling problem, because it is rather ugly and maybe it's easy to fix when scrolling right has no problems at all...
thank you for the help!
That movie file does not sync well with newer Bizhawk + GBC-in-GBA mode. RNG appears to be different, and I am not going to try and resync that thing.
So I went and just played this casually for a few minutes on my console (Gameboy Player) and got these horizontal lines too. This isn't an emulation error.
i just checked all the stuff i got sent and first thing i noticed is that there is no intro sequence of the gameboy anymore when i run that other bizhawk built (idk if it's the core or whatever i set up there now, im rather confused tbh), but that is besides my point.
the main thing is about the graphics bug thing, that is still present as i mentioned.
and since there are still people who think im freakin retarded, i made some screenshots that show what i mean, but i can't seem to post them here... maybe i am retarded after all :/
also, i made a movie file too, but i don't even think that matters, because you could basically record anything in the game that involves scrolling to the left and it will show the issue. i don't really understand why i should make a specific movie... the bug occurs consistently, just walk left in the game and it will happen on bizhawk (yes i use gambatte core but that makes no difference though)
Since 2.5 Gambatte no longer asks for firmware by default. It has to be enabled within the GB Settings. For console verification purposes tho, it must be used (with the GBC-GBA bios).
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Mazzin wrote:
the main thing is about the graphics bug thing, that is still present as i mentioned.
Yes because as CPP checked it's not actually an emulation bug since it is also occurring on the original console hardware. We can't fix bugs that were present in the original console.
hahaha actually...
you're right this time! i just dug out my own cartridge of the game and played it on my GBA SP and in fact i also saw those weird lines comming up even on the actual hardware.
so i appologise for my almost rant before! i was indeed wrong all the time.
i will check this again with my GBC later this week, but maybe i just never noticed it before since the screen is so damn small and only on emulator you have a big screen to look at...
also, i would appreciate if anyone could check if those lines also show up on the original non-color gameboy? because i cannot test this since i have only a color...
to my excuse i could say that i mostly played this game in the castlevania collection on my switch and there were no lines at all, but that is obviously another game basically and therfore doesn't have to work the exact same as the original GB version. so again, sorry for my stupidity, i just didn't play the original game after i discovered this graphics bug, but im actually glad that it comes from the game itself and not the emulator, because now i don't even feel bad for my WR run's quality anymore since it is already shown in the best possible way, nice.
thanks to everyone who tried to help and wasted their time for me.
at least i know better now :D
btw last question that still remains to me is which exact emulator build and stuff would i need to submit a new TAS run of this here?
so far i used bizhawk v2.4.2 on gambatte core and GBC setting to run my GB ROM. is that still fine or do i have to use something else like the build you sent me earlier? as i said there is no intro screen somehow and that makes no sense for a serious run... and i also need that intro screen to change the color palette of the game, so i can't skip that!
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The newer builds have some different sync settings, you'll want to download a release of 2.5.2 instead of a dev build but then set "Use Real BIOS" to true and console mode to GBC as CPP mentioned above. If you can track the firmware down you can also set GBA as the mode for maximum potential for sync with the GBP.
hahaha actually...
you're right this time! i just dug out my own cartridge of the game and played it on my GBA SP and in fact i also saw those weird lines comming up even on the actual hardware.
I think this misunderstanding was caused by the fact that these lines are 1 pixel thin and appear only for 1 frame, making them much harder to notice on GB and Pocket GB, due to motion blur. Instead on GBA it should be much easier to notice, due to more modern display... Maybe it's time we implement motion blur emulation for GB, like BGB does? :)
hahaha actually...
you're right this time! i just dug out my own cartridge of the game and played it on my GBA SP and in fact i also saw those weird lines comming up even on the actual hardware.
I think this misunderstanding was caused by the fact that these lines are 1 pixel thin and appear only for 1 frame, making them much harder to notice on GB and Pocket GB, due to motion blur. Instead on GBA it should be much easier to notice, due to more modern display... Maybe it's time we implement motion blur emulation for GB, like BGB does? :)
Both GBC and GBA both are barely (although still somewhat) affected by this "motion blur", they have much faster pixel response times than the DMG and MGB. Still, this is the fault of the LCD. You can see with a SGB (and somewhat the GBP) that there isn't any motion blur, simply because a TV's LCD has a way faster pixel response time. In fact, if you manage to hook up a capture device for the original Gameboy, you wouldn't get any motion blur. This was mentioned on that thread about GB in GBC: emulating this motion blur would be similar to emulation of scanlines of old TVs. Which I guess might satisfy some casual players, but that would probably only extend as far as that really.
Here is a movie that I'd really wish to see getting console-verified: #7247: Darkman425's GB The Final Fantasy Legend in 35:57.10
Don't mind the fact that the sync settings of this movie have GBA mode to False, it also synced after setting GBA mode to true.
Here is a movie that I'd really wish to see getting console-verified: #7247: Darkman425's GB The Final Fantasy Legend in 35:57.10
Don't mind the fact that the sync settings of this movie have GBA mode to False, it also synced after setting GBA mode to true.
Here is the movie that I need to be console-verified: [3936] NES Code Name: Viper by XTREMAL93 in 10:56.62
This is important for me because currently there is a submission made with a different emulator and I'm not sure how to deal with it. I could still judge it without it, but a console verification would make it much less controversial, and I really wish to avoid controversy as much as possible.
Here is the movie that I need to be console-verified: [3936] NES Code Name: Viper by XTREMAL93 in 10:56.62
This is important for me because currently there is a submission made with a different emulator and I'm not sure how to deal with it. I could still judge it without it, but a console verification would make it much less controversial, and I really wish to avoid controversy as much as possible.
Both movies desync on hardware for me. Perhaps RNG related? I don't have a way to initialize WRAM to test that theory. Alyosha or ViGreyTech may be able to test this.
Worth noting that [3936] NES Code Name: Viper by XTREMAL93 in 10:56.62 does not sync in the latest Bizhawk version.
Both movies desync on hardware for me. Perhaps RNG related? I don't have a way to initialize WRAM to test that theory. Alyosha or ViGreyTech may be able to test this.
Now I wonder if the latest BizHawk version can produce verifiable movies for this game.
Seems like a pretty standard MMC3 game, of which numerous examples have been console verified, so most likely it would work. But yeah anything pre-2.8 isn't really worth comparing against for accuracy.
My personal wishlist for console verification:
I would like to see GBA TAS runs be console verified on the same game, River City Ransom EX. (This is already approved for Playground) (This is already approved for Playground) (This is still pending judgement, as of writing.)