I don't think we can necessarily make console-packaged movies the "definitive" version of a movie due to the inaccessibility of console verification to judges and the numerous platforms that don't have even a start at verification.
That being said, per dwangoAC's message I'm working to make sure that all resyncing efforts have been thoroughly documented and to improve how the publication page can store that information in the future. I've been adding documentation as needed while giving several more movies the verified flag.
for KiwiCracker - current documentation is on
runs.tas.bot. The
GBC page documents how movies are exported and played back across GB/GBC by exporting for GBI, there's some preliminary work on
GBA, and prepackaged GBI movies for several GB/GBC/GBA runs are available on the
runs page. Alyosha is using this same pipeline for some recent work on GBHawk. It's also been used by dwangoAC, entrpntr, and CasualPokePlayer. If you have more questions there's a thread on verification efforts that would be more appropriate.