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Cool stuff! As someone who despises stealth, it is always enjoyable for me to see a TAS doing such parts so quickly and efficient.
Current project: Gex 3 any% Paused: Gex 64 any% There are no N64 emulators. Just SM64 emulators with hacky support for all the other games.
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Posts: 405
So this movement tech just got found: You can reload before your sprint ends to save time on movement. It allows you to sprint more often than you would be able to otherwise. I don't know anything about the trick other than the fact that it's possible. I assume this would save quite a bit of time over the whole game, which kinda sucks for me since i'm nearly done with the TAS. There have been quite a lot of new improvements found in earlier parts of the game, so it's possible that i'll eventually make another Goldeneye Wii TAS that obsoletes the one i'm almost done with now. But because TASing takes such a long time (and this is a 2-hour game), improvements will almost certainly be found during the TASing process, so i'm not too upset about it. It's just something i'll have to implement in the future.
Active player (468)
Joined: 3/30/2012
Posts: 405 As far as I can tell, this is the optimal way to move in Goldeneye Wii, and it saves about 1 second for every 6 seconds of movement. Obviously, this is huge for a speedrun and a TAS. So now i'm in a pretty tough spot right now. I will most likely continue the TAS and submit it, since I'm almost done anyway. I'll probably come back and make another GE Wii TAS once i'm done with another project I want to work on.
Joined: 7/2/2007
Posts: 3960
Yeah, that always sucks. I support your decision though. Much better, in my opinion, to finish a project despite known improvements, than to start over and risk having to start over again if some other new technique is found.
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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I just finished the Jungle level: This TAS beats the Jungle level on 007 Classic difficulty in 6:36, way faster than I expected it to be. The two objectives in this level are to destroy all of the drone guns and blow up the ammunition caches. At the start of the level, I do a hover around the left side of the plane to skip going around it. Hovering is a glitch that allows you to climb over certain obstacles by sprinting and reloading repeatedly. This hover saves a few seconds of travel time. I lose stealth for a moment here but it's not a big deal. After vaulting over the log, I sprint into the wall to skip a long animation where bond slides down a steep slope. By sprinting into the wall here, Bond will fall all the way down instead of doing the animation, which saves a few seconds. I do two hovers in the waterfall area (3:07). These hovers let me climb up to the next area instead of going the normal way. I destroy two drone guns and kill a few enemies before going on to the next section. I also do a hover at 3:30 to save a few seconds. The area at 3:40 is one of the more complicated parts of the level. There are two drone guns and two ammunition caches i need to destroy here. I shoot one drone gun while turning to the right when i enter the area. There is an ammunition cache to my right, but I can't destroy it right now or else it will explode and kill me. The fastest way to destroy the cache without dying is to go down the stairs a little bit, turn around, then shoot it. The TAS does this pretty well. (It's possible to shoot the ammo cache from other places, but this is the fastest way to blow it up). Then i go down the stairs, destroy another ammunition cache off in the distance, then shoot a nearby drone gun. After vaulting over the railing, I turn to the left and run toward a closed gate. You're intended to use the smartphone to hack the lock and wait for the gate to open. However, it's possible to hover over the wall around the gate and skip doing that. This hover was theorized to be possible but we didn't know for sure until I TASed it here. Thankfully, it's completely possible. The rest of the level is really simple. Sprint to the end and kill Xenia. I'm really glad I was able to do this level pistol-only and without picking up any armor. This TAS looks really clean, and i'm proud of the time I got here. There are only two levels left: Solar and Cradle. Also, I chose not to use the new Sprint Cancelling technique in this level since I was almost done with it when that trick was found. I will start sprint cancelling in the next level, Solar.
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So freaking clean! One thing that isn't entirely clear in this run is that, at the waterfall hovers, Fitter skips an objective marker. This means no objective markers appear for a while. In most levels (especially ones with elevators), this would softlock the game, however, in Jungle, it does something that makes the rest of the level both easier and harder. Easier: It despawns three enemies at 3:30 (yet their conversation about 'the Agency' is still triggered), as well as a truck carrying a handful of enemies in the area at 3:40. In a TAS, these enemies wouldn't be a huge deal, but might have lost a bit of time and health as Fitter could have lost stealth to the truck enemies, spawning more enemies at the gate. Harder: It despawns all checkpoints up until 4:29, as well as a large crate to hide in at 4:14, that also contains armour. It's much more interesting and useful for RTA than TAS, but it's worth noting.
Finished TASes: Bonsai Barber Currently working on Super Mario Galaxy 2 Green Stars (not likely to be on TASVideos due to savestate anchor and no verification movie). Cancelled but might return: FAST Racing League
Active player (468)
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Posts: 405
I just finished the Solar level: I was able to save a ton of time with the new sprint cancelling technique. To do this, simply interrupt your sprint exactly half a second before it ends. Then you will be able to sprint almost immediately afterward. It won't work if you cut off the sprint earlier than that and it is slower to cut it off later. I believe sprint cancelling saves roughly 1 second per 6 seconds of movement. You can interrupt a sprint by reloading, shooting, switching weapons, aiming down sights, falling, or slowing down for 1 frame. Reloading is the most convenient way to cancel a sprint, but it causes the screen to blur for a few frames because of some crazy depth-of-field thing the developers put in the game. It's really annoying, but disabling fog in dolphin gets rid of it. I'll make a comparison video today to show you what it looks like without disabling fog. Anyway, I'm really proud of the result I got here. Lots of fast movement, fast killing, and fast hovers. There is also the one and only checkpoint reload in this entire run. After completing a phone objective, I did a hover to fall down and skip going down a really slow elevator. You can only finish the level by going back and getting the checkpoint at the bottom of the elevator, then restarting from that checkpoint. I think it saves 15-20 seconds of real time. Only one more level left: Cradle. Cradle is the longest level in the game. the IL world record is a little over 12 minutes, but there are a ton of cutscenes and quick-time-events, so it shouldn't take too long to TAS. At this rate, the TAS will be finished and submitted to TASvideos by the end of May.
Joined: 7/2/2007
Posts: 3960
Looking pretty slick! I'm anticipating seeing your run on the workbench. Good luck! :)
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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Posts: 405
Thanks! I've been having a lot of problems with my computer lately, I think windows is messing up on me. My computer just seems to crash randomly. I always keep backups of everything (including all my TASes) so I won't lose anything, but i took my computer to a repair shop to get it fixed. I imagine reinstalling windows should fix it, so that's gonna set me back a few days. Hopefully everything works fine. Edit: I don't know for sure if windows is the issue, but that's what I think it is. I just hope it's not a hardware failure
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Alright, i'm back, and my computer is working. Unfortunately my graphics card overheated. I feel like an idiot because I didn't clean my computer like I should. I cleaned my computer sometimes but nowhere near as often as I should, so dust built up in the GPU fans and caused it to die. But now I've upgraded from the GTX 780 to the 1050ti and my computer is working well now. But i've learned my lesson about cleaning my computer. Anyway, i'll be working on the start of Cradle this weekend and should have the TAS finished by the end of May, but I'm not gonna rush it. I'd rather take a little longer to make this last level as good as possible than to finish on a deadline.
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Posts: 405
It is done. The TAS is finally done. I found a really easy way to get all the enemies at the start to spawn in the same place, so I saved over a minute from the control section alone. The final in-game time was 10:41. I will make an encode this weekend and submit it to TASvideos soon after. I'm happy to have finally finished my first good full-game TAS!
Joined: 7/2/2007
Posts: 3960
Congratulations! What's the overall time looking like?
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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Posts: 405
TAS timing is 1:40:45. Not sure what the RTA time is yet. There is some time at the beginning spent changing settings and stuff, so that could possibly be sub 1:40. I'm dumping the video right now so I should know at the end of the day. I'm going to stream the whole video this weekend and submit it after that.
Active player (468)
Joined: 3/30/2012
Posts: 405 I'm going to livestream the whole TAS this Saturday at 2:00 PM CST (8:00 PM BST) and I'm going to do live commentary. Soon after, I'll upload it to YouTube and submit it to TASvideos
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Alright, it's been a little over 3 months since I finished the TAS, and I just wanted to take some time to reflect on what I've learned from TASing this game, as well as talking about some new improvements that could be made in the future. First, Goldeneye Wii is the first full-game TAS that I am really proud of, and I'm thankful for all the people who enjoyed watching it and all the nice feedback I got from it. I've done other TASes before, but nothing on this scale. The small, but dedicated GoldenEye Wii speedrun community helped me so much with routing and optimizing the TAS. I spent weeks routing the game and doing full-game speedruns in preparation for the TAS, so I'm happy that it turned out the way it did. As good as I think it is, the TAS isn't perfect. There are still several minutes of possible time save due to a new movement technique and lots of smaller time saves throughout the game. I've mentioned most of these in my submission notes but I want to post them here, too. The first, and most significant time save is Sprint Cancelling. By cutting off a sprint exactly 15 frames (half a second) before it ends, You can start another sprint almost immediately. You can cut off the sprint later than that, too, but you won't save as much time. This means you can basically sprint forever, with 3-frame gaps of walking between each sprint. The best part is that you can interrupt the sprint any way you want. Reloading, shooting, and slowing down for 1 frame are the most common ways to quickly cut off a sprint. The best example of this is the Solar level in the current published TAS. It's hard to say exactly how much time this saves throughout the whole game, but it seems to save 1 second for every 6 sprint cancels. Obviously, this is huge, and would cut off several minutes from the current TAS. The rest of the known improvements I listed in the submission notes are: Dam, after completing the final objective, you can fall through the floor and skip going down the nearby stairs. Saves around 2 seconds Facility, there is a hover in the atrium that saves 4 or 5 seconds Bunker, you can hover over a scientist to skip going down some stairs, saving 8 seconds Bunker, picking up a grenade launcher during the playaround section would have made killing later enemies faster and possibly more entertaining Station, there is a faster route I didn't know about, saves a few seconds I will probably improve this TAS in the future, but I want to finish all my current projects before I even consider it. Right now I'm working on a TAS for GoldenEye: Rogue Agent and It's coming along very well. 007: Nightfire is another game that is just begging for a new TAS. I've been working on it for a very long time, and I believe it will be done in the coming months. As for potential future projects, I love Gamecube era FPS games. I think it's really the start of the modern age of gaming. I'm really interested in Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, TimeSplitters, and other James Bond games, too. I'm glad I've gotten involved in the speedrunning and TASing community because I see limitless potential in these kinds of games.
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I had a lot of free time today, so I made a quick TAS for the Airfield mission on the lowest difficulty, Operative. The current published TAS plays on the highest difficulty, 007 Classic, because it is generally more entertaining to watch than the lower difficulties. Additional objectives are required on higher difficulties, which means there is more gameplay and the route is more interesting. However, I think there is merit to speedruns on the lowest difficulty because it is the fastest way to finish the game. I don't have any immediate plans to make a full-game TAS on Operative, but it's something I wouldn't mind doing in the future since it would be very different than the published 007 Classic TAS. This TAS takes advantage of a movement technique mentioned in my last post called Sprint Cancelling. By cutting off a sprint exactly half a second before it ends, you can almost immediately begin another sprint. This means you spend more time sprinting and less time walking. This level is pretty straightforward besides that. The only weird thing I do is restart a checkpoint near the beginning of the stage since it saves some in-game time. Some specific checkpoints will put you slightly farther ahead of where you were when you got the checkpoint, and this is one of them. This saves in-game time because the timer doesn't count in the pause menu or the loading screen. A full-game TAS wouldn't do this because full-game runs aim for real time while individual level runs aim for in-game time.
Active player (468)
Joined: 3/30/2012
Posts: 405 This is a tool-assisted speedrun (TAS) of the first level in GoldenEye: 007 for Wii. It's not a perfect run, but it's a really solid completion of the Dam time trial that I am really proud of. This TAS is 28 seconds faster than the current world record run, mostly because of optimized movement and fast glitch execution. After the intro cutscene, the player is tasked with killing two enemies in the guard tower straight ahead of the starting area. The fastest way I've found to kill these enemies is to shoot them from a distance as early as possible. I get a headshot on the closest one, which makes him take a step backwards. This makes him line up with the enemy beside him, which makes it possible for me to shoot both of them with the same bullets. The next four bullets travel clean through the first guard's body and hit the next guard in the head. A bullet that hits more than one enemy is called a collateral, and those will happen frequently in GoldenEye Wii TASes. With the first headshot and four collateral shots after, I am able to kill the first two enemies with five bullets. They don't die in one headshot each because they are too far away for one bullet to kill them. This damage drop-off is a frequent issue with killing far-away guards in this game. Once the enemies are killed, it's time to run toward the guard tower and kill another enemy by the green truck. This doesn't save any time, but it's entertaining. There are two other enemies walking past the truck that Trevelyan is scripted to kill, which is why I don't shoot them. Once all that is done, I stand in a certain place so the next group of enemies will spawn. Then I run toward them as soon as I'm able to. I have to wait for the five enemies to come through the door before I can kill them, so that gives me time to pick up an AK-47 that a guard drops near the beginning of the level. I quickly headshot the five guards with four bullets then run to the green truck, where the next part of the mission will begin. It doesn't matter how quickly I do any of this since you have to wait for Trevelyan to finish his scripted actions, but quickly killing enemies like that is really entertaining, so I'm willing to spend more time to make the TAS look superhuman without looking robotic. The next part of the stage is autoscroller, so there is not much to say about that. I try to make the gameplay interesting but there is not much to shoot at. There is a pretty interesting glitch near the end of it that makes the lighting act weird, but there isn't anything special about this part. There is no way to speed up the autoscroller as far as I know. During the breach, I shoot the three enemies as quickly as possible, then I shoot a padlock on the door behind them. This opens the door during the breach, which means I don't have to shoot the lock during real gameplay. At this point, I need to briefly talk about two important techniques we use in GoldenEye Wii speedruns and TASes. The first of which is Sprint Cancelling. If you interrupt a sprint half a second before it ends, you can start another sprint almost immediately. This means there is little to no walking time between sprints. You can cancel a sprint by shooting, reloading, switching weapons, falling, slowing down, strafing, etc. Anything that stops you from sprinting can be used to cancel a sprint. The later you cancel you sprint, the longer it takes. If you cancel it too early, you become unable to sprint for a short time, which loses about half a second. Each successful frame-perfect sprint cancel saves a little under 0.2 seconds. The next technique I use here is called Hovering. When you sprint down a slope, you temporarily reset your falling speed. It happens for such a short time that you may not even notice it. But if you interrupt your sprint with a reload, you can sprint again the next frame. This means that you can reset your falling speed every other frame for a short time, which allows you to almost hover in place while going down slopes. This is used to cut corners in many places, get out of bounds, and get over short walls if there is a downward slope nearby. It's a surprisingly useful technique. After hovering down the first set of stairs, I turn to the right and reload a checkpoint right as I press the button to open the big sliding door. This saves about two seconds of in-game time, which is what this Time Trial TAS aims for (A future full-game TAS would aim to save real time instead of in-game time, so this wouldn't be done there). From there, I take good lines and sprint cancel everywhere to get to my next objective faster. The next important part of the run is at the chopper, a.k.a. "Holiday Snaps". There are two enemies that run down the stairs, which I completely ignore. They do a lot of damage to me, but I pulled through in the end. The problem with speedruns and TASes of this game is that you do not regenerate health while sprinting. As a result, health management is a crucial part of speedrunning this game on the higher difficulties. The top of the Dam is, without a doubt, the hardest part of a Dam Time Trial run because you will be sprinting constantly, which means you will not regenerate health at all. To make matters worse, there is a really insane sniper on the other side of the dam that was a nightmare to deal with here. The enemies inflicted so much damage that I could not avoid without losing time, so I had to kill more enemies than I would have liked. Killing enemies takes time because you have to turn to shoot them. So theoretically, a few frames could be saved for each enemy I have to kill here. I had to slow down slightly near the end of the dam to prevent the sniper from killing me. Otherwise, this TAS plays the top of the dam really well. After completing the objective in the sniper tower, I head into the elevator toward rendezvous point. There is one final objective I'll complete on the way there. I have to shoot a locked door so I can go in through the other side. I also do what's called a "ladder skip", where I sprint at a good angle and fall down to the floor below insead of climbing down the ladder. Next, I head to the room with the last objective in it. Here, you're expected to complete the objective then turn around and head back down the stairs. Instead, I'll be falling through a small hole in the ground, which is a little bit faster. Normally, you would miss the objective here because Bond puts the phone away while he's falling. But there is a small ledge in the out of bounds space that I can land on. This means I can fall out of bounds, look around for a second, then clip all the way through as early as the game will allow. From there, I do a final few sprints to the finish and hover down another staircase to cut a corner a little tighter. While this TAS was a blast to make, and I'm really proud of the end result, it is certainly improvable. Here is a list of improvements that could be made to this TAS some day: 1) I kill a guard at 6:24. It's possible for that guard to be in a different place, but I was unable to manipulate them. I'm sure a frame or two could be saved here if the guard cooperated a little better. 2) Starting at 7:00, I take a ton of damage that could have possibly been reduced or avoided. Taking this damage early on meant that I had to kill more enemies on top of the dam and slow down a little to avoid the sniper's bullets. There is potential to save a few frames per kill here, plus about 1/4 of a second for slowing down a little. Aside from that, this TAS is really good and I'm proud of the final result. I plan to TAS another time trial mission over the next week or two. and potentiall start another full-game TAS in the near future.
Active player (468)
Joined: 3/30/2012
Posts: 405 Here's another Time Trial TAS I've done. This time, it's for Facility. Check the YouTube description for detailed notes on this run. I don't plan to do too many more time trial TASes since a lot of my efforts would be duplicated in a future full-game TAS. Instead, I'm going to TAS a few more interesting Time Trial runs and maybe a few Operative levels before eventually starting on the full-game 007 Classic TAS. Depending on how long that takes and how much I care to do more GoldenEye Wii TASes after that, I may do a TAS on Operative as well, since it's a pretty interesting speedrun with a lot of sequence breaks that aren't possible on higher difficulties. The lack of additional objectives also changes the route significantly.
Active player (468)
Joined: 3/30/2012
Posts: 405 Here's a Time Trial TAS I did of Archives Agent. It cuts several minutes off the world record and incorporates the newly-discovered elevator skip to save a few minutes of waiting near the end of the level. Check the YouTube description for more detailed notes about this run.
Former player
Joined: 6/30/2010
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Location: Zurich, Switzerland
You're doing a great job with these, entertaining me with a modern FPS even though I don't even like these. I'm looking forward to your next full-game TAS!
Current project: Gex 3 any% Paused: Gex 64 any% There are no N64 emulators. Just SM64 emulators with hacky support for all the other games.
Active player (468)
Joined: 3/30/2012
Posts: 405 I've started a new TAS that will obsolete the current published one. Check the description in the YouTube video for an in-depth explanation of what's going on.