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Both are great to watch. I also really like to read detailed descriptions. It helps me as a viewer better see what is going on and why. Also it will be really useful if you ever submit the run :) At Facility it was a nice touch to start the diversion-sequence and then go get the other objective.
TASes: [URL=]Mr. Nutz (SNES), Young Merlin 100% (SNES), Animaniacs 100% (SNES)[/URL]
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Thank you! I will most certainly be submitting this run. My favorite part about speedrunning and TASing is the planning process. Routing a game that not many people (or sometimes nobody) speedrun and finding more efficient ways to do things is so much fun. I did the same thing with 007: Nightfire and Goldeneye: Rogue Agent and I will certainly TAS those games in the future. When I made the 8:42 Facility TAS (before starting the full-game TAS), two RTA runners told me about some better ways to move through certain room along with some new tricks. Getting over the bathroom stall door and completing an objective during a required waiting section were two time saves I was told about after making that video. Since then, I've worked with them to re-route this game with a TAS in mind. InfiniteSheldor and JamesBong are the two RTA runners I'm talking about and without them, the TAS would definitely be slower than it is at this point.
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Derakon wrote:
It's always nice to know the why of decisions made in a TAS. And you can re-use the posts for your eventual submission. So I say, keep 'em coming so long as they're not too much work. :) Level looked good. I can't remember -- can you switch weapons when sprinting? Would it be possible to take out the AK-47 only immediately before you shoot the computers? I guess it gets equipped automatically when you pick it up, right? Maybe if you grabbed an earlier one, switched back to the pistol, then switched the AK in again when you got to the computer room? That seems unlikely to save time, but maybe it would.
Unfortunately, no. You have to stop sprinting to switch weapons. I switched to the AK-47 as late as possible while still being able to shoot the enemies and computers in the first room. I could have switched to the AK-47 while going up the second set of stairs but i would have lost time from the slower fire rate in the first room and i would have had to cut off a sprint to switch to the AK-47 while going up the stairs. I tried both ways just to make sure of which was faster and taking out the AK-47 earlier ended up being slightly faster. I'm guessing it was because of the faster fire rate in the first room and being able to sprint up the stairs. Another small time save at the end was switching to the pistol just after shooting all of the computers. I couldn't immediately sprint after shooting the computers so i had time to switch weapons. Switching back to the pistol afterward saved a few frames.
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Okay, fair enough! Good to see that you're being thorough. :)
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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PurpleSunDeryl found a way to get through the floor in Dam: Edit: This appears to only be useful in this particular spot in Dam. As far as I know, there isn't any other place like this in the game. We are still looking but I believe this was caused by a developer oversight when making the map.
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I just finished the Nightclub level: The first 5 minutes of the level are extremely straightforward. Move from point A to point B as quickly as possible. One major difference between Nightclub and the first three levels is that Nightclub contains a lot of smooth turns. Going up the first set of stairs at the beginning is an example of this. The first real trick in this level is manipulating Sgt. Garcia's spawn point (Garcia is the woman in the pink dress at 2:05 in the video). She can spawn in three different locations. One spawn point is faster than the other two because she is closer to her destination. I got really lucky while making this TAS because i didn't need to manipulate anything. She was just already in the optimal place so I was able to continue normally. After the cutscene where Zukovsky dies, I have to go back into his office to complete an objective. There is a safe hidden behind a painting in the office. For some reason, the camera just decided not to move to Bond's location as he opens the safe, which causes a really funny graphical glitch. It almost looks like i'm using Free-cam here. After completing the first objective, i move through the nightclub toward the next checkpoint. There really isn't much to say about this part. It's just all about optimal movement. The breach sequence (at 5:17 in the video) is the next interesting thing to happen. I shot the three closest guards first since they do the most damage to me. There is another guard in the back that i shoot last. I had to shoot him in the head three times since this game has damage drop-off (enemies farther away take less damage than enemies up close). I couldn't move during the breach so i had a little bit of time to reload before regaining control. As i move through this room, the next door opens and three guards are on the other side. But there was a major problem here. If i killed the guard in the middle, the door would close (which loses time because i have to open it). But the collision from the guards prevented me from moving through the door without losing a ton of speed. So I killed the guard on the left and something very weird happened. The door closed itself then immediately opened again. As the door closes, the guard in the middle is pushed through it. (This happens at 5:28 in the video). I was able to use my crosshair placement to manipulate where the guard ends up. I'm not really sure why that happens, but my crosshair at this point was a little more to the left than i would have liked it to be. I apologize if it looks a little strange but the guard would have respawned directly in front of me if i didn't. I managed to run past both guards and get through the door very quickly and i'm pretty happy with that result. After collecting the body armor, i need to go into a certain room to complete an objective. Here is the situation: Four guards will spawn in the room with the objective. Two of those guards will run to the next room and the other two will stay in that room. One of those two guards will hide and the other one opens the door and starts shooting at me. As he opens the door, i was able to kill him and the two runaway guards as soon as they spawn. But there is an interesting situation with the two runaway guards. They run to a certain hiding spot in the next room. You can shoot a fire extinguisher to kill both of them in 1 shot instead of 2 shots like i did in this TAS. So why did I kill them now instead of later? In the room i'm about to go into, there is an objective which requires the cell phone. I can't get out the phone until after pressing A to open the door (so i got the phone out as soon as possible in this TAS). I had some time to kill the two guards before i was able to open the door so i didn't lose any time from killing them sooner. If i would have killed them later, i would have had to aim toward the fire extinguisher and shoot (which means i couldn't be sprinting at that point) so it would have lost frames. Anyway, I have some time to kill here since i can't open doors while i'm using the phone. I also couldn't open the next door before completing the objective since it closes as soon as you move away from it. In this time, I was able to show off the fact that one of the guards doesn't even know i'm here. Pretty funny. The rest of the level is all about optimal movement. I have to go pretty far out of the way to complete an additional objective, but it is required on 007 classic. This means I have to go through the large room at the end twice. Nothing I can really do about that since it's required. Overall, i'm really proud of the 7:23 time and I can't wait to see what's possible in the later levels.
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Not the most interesting mission, but it looked fine to me. Nice work!
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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Yeah the cutscenes kinda ruin the mission, unfortunately. The next level will be a lot more interesting since there is only one cutscene at the beginning. It'll also have hovering in it!
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Just finished the Carrier mission: Carrier is a really awesome level. It starts off with about 2 minutes of boring stuff but after that it gets crazy. There's a huge room right at the beginning that has a ton of bad guys in it. You're intended to slowly kill all of the enemies and use your phone to unlock the gate. But enemies are really not a problem in a TAS so I just run past them all. I take a ton of damage here but it's worth it since the second half of the level is mostly stealth. It's also faster to kill enemies later in the level than it is to kill them here. I have some time to kill after using the phone so i moved behind cover to reduce damage taken. I get out an SMG after going through the next room since it makes killing enemies much faster. I always kill enemies in-between sprints since you can't shoot and sprint at the same time. It takes barely any time to kill enemies here with the Sigmus 9. When i get to the aircraft carrier, i do the first useful hover in this run. Hovering is done by mashing A and B sequentially. A is to sprint and B is to reload. By mashing these two buttons very quickly, you will cause Bond to fall down slower than he normally would. This only works when going down stairs and its use is limited since you can't skip checkpoints. This hover allows me to get on top of the carrier and get to the second floor without going to the first floor. I haven't timed this hover precisely but it saves at least 10 seconds. It also prevents enemies from spawning in that room, which is convenient. (I shot a bullet before doing the hover so my sprint would be long enough to complete it. For me to have enough energy to sprint long enough for the hover, i had to cut off an earlier sprint and shooting is the fastest way to do that.) Another huge time save in this level is falling down the ladders in this level, which i didn't know was possible until now. I knew it was possible in other levels but i couldn't fall down these ladders when i initially routed this game. I also found a really cool trick that saves a few frames when it's done. After shooting, there is a certain amount of time before you can reload, sprint, equip the silencer, or use the cellphone. This delay lasts for about 8 frames (if i recall correctly). However, it is possible to cancel that delay by pressing L for one frame, waiting one frame, then doing the action you wanted to do. This saves ~6 frames each time this is done, which is pretty nice. I don't know for sure how much time this would have saved in the previous levels but i don't remember having any problems with this delay before Carrier. But I know for sure this will save some time in later levels. At 3:30, I go into a room with 3 different objectives. 2 of these objectives require using the cellphone and 1 of them is to defuse a bomb. There is a guard in front of the bomb, which i must kill before vaulting over the rail later on. I kill him with 1 headshot as soon as i can (I could have shot him earlier but a headshot from farther away would have not been enough damage to kill). Then i use the delay cancel trick mentioned above to get my phone out sooner. While i'm waiting for the phone to finish doing its thing, I pick up some very convenient body armor. I kill the next two enemies then cancel the delay again to complete the next phone objective. Then i disarm the bomb and get out of there. After rescuing the last hostage, I go to the cargo bay, which is a pretty difficult room in a real-time speedrun. But this isn't a real-time speedrun, so it's not very difficult. Once i get to the button at the end of the room, i have to wait for the cargo lift before i can go to the next section. This gives me lots of time to play around and shoot some bad guys. I switch to another SMG to make this room a little bit more fun. The rest of the level is very straightforward. The movement at the end may look strange, but it's only because the camera is moving around while explosions are happening. This where the game starts really picking up. More action and less boring stuff from here on. The next level is Outpost, which is pretty fun. I'm really proud of how the TAS has been going so far and I can't wait to start working on the next level. Edit: updated the video with a higher-quality version.
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Yeah, this is looking great! The carrier entry was pretty WTF: I was thinking "I don't remember being able to walk on this...wait, he just went through a wall!" The rest of the level looked very clean, too. For any future "autoscroller" sections like the elevator, though, you might consider letting some goons live a little longer instead of killing everything ASAP. Bond can afford to toy with his enemies, right? :) Assuming it doesn't cost you time of course.
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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Great segment :) The hover & entry was a nice surprise. I don't know this game, it looked like you were supposed to walk on there and then poof you go through it.
TASes: [URL=]Mr. Nutz (SNES), Young Merlin 100% (SNES), Animaniacs 100% (SNES)[/URL]
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Derakon wrote:
Yeah, this is looking great! The carrier entry was pretty WTF: I was thinking "I don't remember being able to walk on this...wait, he just went through a wall!" The rest of the level looked very clean, too. For any future "autoscroller" sections like the elevator, though, you might consider letting some goons live a little longer instead of killing everything ASAP. Bond can afford to toy with his enemies, right? :) Assuming it doesn't cost you time of course.
That's a good idea. Kinda like the enemy during the cutscene in facility. I'll keep that in mind for any future waiting sections (there's still a few of those left)
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Just finished the Outpost level: This level is pretty straightforward. My only two objectives are to break open 5 weapon crates and pick up the flight recorder. Other than that, my goal is to sprint through this level as fast as possible. There are three enemies at the beginning that need to be killed. If i didn't kill them, I would almost immediately lose stealth and get swarmed by armored guards. I need to conserve as much health as possible since I won't be getting any body armor. With this in mind, I was able to just barely make it through the whole level (I was one hit away from death at the very end). My movement may look strange in this level, but the level geometry is very different than it appears. The rock walls that you see all over the place are way bigger and sharper than they appear. Some parts of the ground cannot be walked on, either. So my movement may look weird but it was necessary. This level takes place during a cross-fire between the Russian military and the Janus Special Forces. I was able to run through some large, open areas since most of the enemies were busy shooting at other people. The only enemies I killed were ones that were required, or enemies that were in my way. I can pretty much ignore everybody else. I picked up a sniper near the end of the level and used it to kill a particular enemy. This enemy also has a sniper and he almost always killed me when i was out in the open. It probably would have been possible to kill him with the AK-47 but I chose to use the sniper since it didn't lose any time. It was also pretty entertaining to finally get a quickscope in this TAS. As far as i'm aware, this is the only point in the game where I can use the sniper without wasting time. I spent so much time working on the last 5 seconds of the level (before getting to the final door). My health at this point is so low that basically any enemy anywhere on the map could kill me in a few shots. My movement was so carefully planned to minimize damage. I'm moving in very specific ways so I can dodge as many bullets as possible. It looks really simple but there is a lot going on with enemy manipulation. Crosshair placement, movement speed, and my direction will directly affect how much damage I take. I wasn't satisfied with my original result so I re-TASed the final part again. In the end, I was one single hit away from death when i reached the final door. I'm very proud of the result I have here. The next level, Bunker, is also pretty straightforward, but it has hovering so I can't wait to show that off.
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Just finished the Bunker level: (It took me a while to finish this level because I was busy with exams last week.) This is longest and most entertaining level so far. There are lots of really cool headshots, a hover, and a waiting section where I get to have a lot of fun with the shotgun. This is what I would consider the turning point of the game. All levels prior to this had a lot of story cutscenes that broke up the good gameplay. From here on, each level will have a cutscene at the beginning lasting roughly one minute, followed by several minutes of cool gameplay. Some levels (like this one) have some short cutscenes between different sections but most of them don't. I think everything until the first breach is pretty straightforward. It just focuses on optimal movement and killing enemies as quickly as possible. It's very important that I maintain stealth through this level since enemies can come from basically anywhere and do a ton of damage to me or get in my way and waste time. After the breach, I get the nightvision goggles and equip them. Otherwise this section of the level would be pitch black. After killing some enemies and defusing a bomb, I do a really cool hover that lets me get down to the lower section earlier than intended. Unfortunately I can't complete objectives here and the next area won't load if I do this hover. However, we can backtrack to the intended checkpoint which will fully load the room I hovered into. The hover looks like it saves a lot of time but it really saves about 3 seconds. If we didn't have to backtrack, it would save a lot more time. The waiting section in this level is really cool. I have about 50 seconds to do whatever I want, and i really take advantage of that. Some of the later levels have very similar waiting sections and they will be just as entertaining as this one. The rest of the level is pretty straightforward. Optimal movement, killing required enemies, body armor. I take a ton of damage for the rest of the level because of enemies shooting me from a distance. I could kill them but it really wasn't that much of a problem. There is a ton of body armor in this level and it barely loses time to pick any of it up. I ended the level with just barely enough health to survive, so that was pretty good. Overall, i'm really happy with my result here and I can't wait to see what the rest of the game is like. If you like this level, you're gonna love Archives. It's just like this level but it has a solid 10 minutes of non-stop action. Stay tuned.
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That was fun to watch, I loved how you played around during the waiting times. I'm very interested to see how you do the next levels. Keep it up!
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Looking good! The backtracking after the hover really hammers home that something screwy is going on, especially when you reach the elevator, it drops 6 inches, you turn around, and suddenly there's guards everywhere. Also, nice job getting a dead guard to glitch through the floor. :) Keep it up!
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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Just wanted to give a brief update on the progress of this TAS since it's been almost a month since i finished the bunker level. I'm still working on it. Archives is the longest level in the game and optimizing it has been really hard. There is one particular room where you have to blow up all the servers to complete an objective. I have spent over 12 hours on just this one room. After getting through it, the objective did not complete. After lots of trial and error, i found out that it doesn't count a server as being destroyed if you blow it up too quickly. It takes 7 frames and 2 bullets to destroy each server. Shoot on the first frame, wait 6 frames, then shoot another bullet. If you just hold R and spray bullets, it takes one more frame and two more bullets (per server) for whatever reason. (There are 25 servers if i remember right) Unfortunately, the faster method where I only shoot 2 bullets instead of 4 doesn't work. It destroys the servers but the objective doesn't complete. So i have to resort to the slightly slower method (which i guess isn't technically slower since the faster method doesn't work). I've spent a lot of time on this one room and i'm pretty happy with my result. I also managed to destroy part of a server with the same bullets that were used to headshot two enemies. It looks really cool, but part of me is still upset that the faster method doesn't work. Anyway, i'm still making progress through Archives. I've been really busy with schoolwork and exams so i haven't had as much time to TAS as I would like. But now that's mostly over so I can get back to work. Archives is easily the most action-packed and hilarious level so far, so I look forward to finishing it.
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I finally finished Archives: This level took over a month to finish. The main reason being that I had exams for two weeks after finishing the Bunker level. I still worked on the TAS during the weekends, though. For the past two weeks, I've been working on this level almost every day. I will be visiting my parents during fall break so I won't be working on the next level until I get back. Archives is one of, if not, the most action-packed levels in this game. Nearly every room has some kind of crazy aim-bot style shooting. My favorite part of the entire TAS starts at 4:20 in the YouTube video. I have to wait for an elevator for two minutes, which gives me time to play around with the enemies. I also wrote "rip sheldor" on a nearby wall as a shoutout to InfiniteSheldor. He is a real-time Goldeneye Wii speedrunner who helped me route this game for the TAS. I tried my best to make the waiting parts as hilarious and entertaining as possible. I also have to wait for another minute or so after the elevator, which gives me even more time to play around. I had a lot of fun working on this level and I hope all of you enjoy it. The next level is Tank, which is the only driving level in this game.
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Ah, so that is what that text said! You turned away from it immediately after finishing writing, and while it came back on-screen later I couldn't make out what the second word was. Oh well. The playaround sections were great. I especially liked the part when waiting for the tank where you had four goons aiming at you, but there were several other good moments. Nice work! Too bad we have to say goodbye to the grenade launcher now. Nothing but bullets from here on out...
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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Derakon wrote:
Ah, so that is what that text said! You turned away from it immediately after finishing writing, and while it came back on-screen later I couldn't make out what the second word was. Oh well. The playaround sections were great. I especially liked the part when waiting for the tank where you had four goons aiming at you, but there were several other good moments. Nice work! Too bad we have to say goodbye to the grenade launcher now. Nothing but bullets from here on out...
Yeah i can understand that. I should have shown the text on screen for more time when i went past it the second time. I was originally gonna draw "fuckin' 112 baby!" in reference to Ryan Lockwood's streets 1:12, but the game doesn't let you have that many bullet holes on the wall. I was really bummed out about that. There actually are grenade launchers in some of the upcoming levels. I know for a fact that Solar has at least one but It's pretty far out of the way, so the TAS won't be getting it unless an enemy drops one.
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I just finished Tank: This level was really fun to TAS. It's the only driving level in this game so I had to optimize this level in a different way than all the other levels so far. Aleckermit has the IL record for this level at 4:08 on Operative difficulty. It's a really optimized run so I'm happy to have beaten the time by so much. The reason I save so much time in this TAS is because I found out that shooting the main cannon actually pushes the Tank upward. In most cases, this loses time so I try to limit the number of times I shoot. But there are three exceptions to this: 1) Going uphill. Shooting the main cannon causes the front side of the tank to raise up. This means that shooting before going up a steep slope will save time in most cases. You can also save time by shooting before falling down since the tank will land flat on the ground and keep moving. This is used many times throughout the level and saves frames every time. There are only two times where I don't do this. The first time being at the very beginning since I didn't have enough speed to take advantage of this. The second time was also near the beginning where I go (mostly) around a hill before the 2nd text box. 2) Sometimes you won't lose speed after shooting if you are on flat ground. Sometimes you do, so I only shot the cannon while on flat ground if it didn't lose time. An example of this is at the very end where I shoot some bad guys before completing the level. 3) Locking on to enemies while shooting doesn't cause knockback. I lock on to enemies when shooting normally would waste time or be more inconvenient for some reason. There are also times where I lock on to enemies for entertainment value since it's pretty funny when the rockets curve to blow up an enemy. intentional knockback is the biggest movement tech in this level, and it's really the only thing you can do to save time over just holding forward.
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I just finished Station: This level was really easy to TAS. The entire mission has only one objective - get to the end of the level. The hardest part of this level was optimizing the breach at the end. I originally did that part with the Assault Rifle but i didn't realize how much faster pistols actually were for breaches. Using the machine pistol saved over a second, which was really cool. After the breach, I have to shoot 8 locks to get out of the train. I only had four bullets at this point, but you can shoot in-between two locks to shoot both of them with one bullet. Do this four times and you can shoot the eight locks with four bullets. It doesn't matter how quickly you do this part since you have to wait a certain amount of time before the final cutscene starts anyway. As for the rest of the level, there really isn't much to say about it. The entire level is simply going from point A to point B as fast as possible. The only thing I had to be careful of was my ammo and my health. Thankfully, there are two quick sets of body armor that let me run past as many enemies as I could. Only four levels left to go! Memorial, Jungle, Solar, and Cradle. The TAS is currently at ~1:13:00 and had roughly 35 minutes left to go.
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Looking good! The tank level is pretty sharp, though I forget how to tell how close to death the tank is. Looks like it has regenerating health even on classic mode? Nice job with the ammo use in Station. Who needs to reload, anyway? :)
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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Derakon wrote:
Looking good! The tank level is pretty sharp, though I forget how to tell how close to death the tank is. Looks like it has regenerating health even on classic mode? Nice job with the ammo use in Station. Who needs to reload, anyway? :)
Thanks! I forgot to mention that Tank is the only level with regenerating health, even on 007 classic difficulty. You can tell how close to death the tank is by how much fire is on the tank. The point where the TAS is closest to death is at the circle part on the highway.
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I finally finished the Memorial level: I apologize for the inactivity. I've been busy with my classes and the 007: Nightfire TAS took priority for a little while (no, that project isn't dead. Gamerfreak is working it now). But I had a ton of free time this weekend so I spent a lot of time on this TAS. Memorial is a pretty straightforward level. The first 3 minutes of the video is mostly focused on stealth. This saves time because enemies don't spawn and get in my way. You can see an example of losing stealth at 2:25 in the video. This didn't actually cost me time since I was able to get through the group of enemies. However, in most cases it does so I avoided getting caught when possible. Every enemy killed was required to maintain stealth. Starting at 2:45, stealth doesn't matter anymore. This is because keeping stealth from this point on would be slower than just running through all the enemies. I ran into the building and secured the room as quickly as possible. After the cutscene, I need to complete the first additional objective (higher difficulties have more objectives). I kill every enemy possible and complete this objective. There was one enemy left over but it's not a big deal. Now the Night Vision section begins. The rest of the level, starting here, is easily the hardest part of the entire game. I used to speedrun this game on 007 classic and it wasn't uncommon for me to spend 10 minutes here. This TAS makes this part look like a cakewalk. The room at 3:45 is a weird one. It's the only room in the entire game that forces you to maintain stealth. If you lose stealth, you fail the mission. After vaulting over the railing, I shoot two enemies to my right who will definitely see me later on. There is some quick body armor I pick up, then I kill two more enemies before completing the next objective. This is where stealth is very important. There is one guard who, sadly, is impossible to kill before getting the armor or completing the objective (without wasting time). This enemy will always see you when you have your phone out because the phone makes noise (but apparently shooting 4 bad guys doesn't). Unfortunately, it is impossible to get past this guy before putting the phone away, so I masked the waiting time to the best of my ability. After taking the picture, i turn around slower than i could have and move to the next area slower so I put the phone away 1 frame before he would have seen me. Looking back, I think i could have done a better job with this by being closer to the objective when i took the picture, but my inputs here didn't lose time so it's not a big deal. When I start putting the phone away, I start moving at full speed again. All that's left is one objective, then a final run to the end. Overall I think this level turned out pretty good. There are only three levels left now! Jungle, Solar, and Cradle. Jungle is gonna be great because there is a ton of hovering which completely breaks the level. Stay tuned.