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In the first fortress, it would be wise if you slowed down when flying to the whistle secret. You hit the wall and come to a dead stop, it would be better to go fast, slow down and not hit the wall and then speed up again. I enjoyed the run quite a bit. I'd like to see more work with this. I wonder if there are any other SNES exclusive glitches that can be exploited.
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
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Kitsune: http://tasvideos.org/15M.html 9 years old and not that optimized, but it exists at least. All levels are started and ended as small Mario. I would like to see a improved version of all levels, either on the NES or SNES version
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Tompa wrote:
Kitsune: http://tasvideos.org/15M.html 9 years old and not that optimized, but it exists at least. All levels are started and ended as small Mario. I would like to see a improved version of all levels, either on the NES or SNES version
It doesn't kill every Hammer/Fire/Boomerang/Giant Hammer Bros. though. So I don't consider it a 100% run. Plus, it desynchs less than half way through, so I won't even download that one again. I hate it when speed runs or TASes desynch.
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Two things:
  • I could be wrong but I think the game notifies you when all the levels have been completed. You can switch between the worlds and your inventory is full of P-Wings. My definition for 100% would be having all the levels completed so that this outcome happens. If you beat any hammer bros. they will be revived after you completed the game. I think they're even revived while you switch between worlds. Completing all the hammer bros. would feel closer to 100% but on the other hand would be pointless. Same with the mushroom houses or coin ships. The game doesn't reward you if you complete them (you just get an item, but we're not going for "all items", are we?). Simply put, I don't like the idea of beating all the hammer bros. EDIT: Tompa told me about problems with the way the game notifies you of having all stages completed. You apparently get P-wings just by completing the game and you can switch to other worlds after arriving in world 8 (on the SNES verrsion). Beware that I only played the GBA version. However, in the GBA version of SMB3, the level icons on the map are numbered and they will have a star on it (or other such symbol) after completing every level. If this is the same in the NES/SNES versions, use that as the indicator for "all levels" (though the game might give you a special cutscene or a notification). Anyway, my suggestion stays the same: Avoid beating hammer bros and visiting mushroom houses.
  • If a run gets done, I'd like to see it on the NES version as I mentioned before. The left+right bug looks ugly to me. I would totally dislike an all-levels run that features the left+right bug all the way through! The player can't do it on the console and it feels completely foreign and ugly (to me). So please do it without pressing left+right or just do it on the NES version.
EDIT: If someone is willing to work on the run, I'd like to co-author or watch progress to point out possible improvements.
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I disagree with NOT doing the Hammer Bros. They would break up the routine of just going from level to level. Besides, we NEED a 100% run. >:3
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Kitsune wrote:
No we don't. The current long run doesn't skip too many levels and most of the skipped levels are autoscrollers. Autoscrollers are mainly boring, so there's no real need for them. Hammer Bros. aren't really entertaining and are mainly just waiting time for the box to appear and the level to end. Mushroom houses are just "runbdone", so they would also be nothing more than waiting time..
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I can agree on not using the Mushroom Houses, but I stand firm on the Hammer Bros. Besides, it's really up to the TASer, not us.
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Kitsune is right. It is up to the TASer to decide. Also a 100% run would do quite nicely, including the Hammer Brothers as they can waste time on the Overworld. Oh yeah, I should give my critique on the run now. It was greatly entertaining for me, even though there could be a few improvements to be made here and there. As MUGG have mentioned before, for World 1-2, just move slightly to the left and then press left+right(makes me have to work a little harder on my non-TAS run of that level for the GBA). And also, it looks like there were a bit of things that could've been avoided and improved on, such as in World 8-1, where you bumped into the wall. Something tells me that it's avoidable. The title screen can be sorta quickened. And also the Boom-Boom fights could also be quicker, but other than that, it is a great run. --- Post edited by a mod: Please refrain from using color codes on normal text for readability's sake.
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Kitsune wrote:
Besides, it's really up to the TASer, not us.
It is, but I doubt the TASer would deliberately want to make the run longer and have more waiting periods.
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Posting here because I don't want to derail this thread.
Masterjun wrote:
As an example I used Super Mario All-Stars where SMB3 reads one of the uninitialized values and if that is 0x80 (so you basically have a 1/256 chance on a real SNES) allows you to change the powerup status when pressing select: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSdFdJGr5xA
1. Wow? This might actually make some parts of a SMB3 playaround rather interesting. 2. Any other effects that can occur? 3. How abuseable is this for a speed-oriented TAS?
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Someone made a My Little Pony themed hack of this game. Which includes a port of a hack by Herooftime1000. 3 of 4 games were modified graphically. What's left is Super Mario Bros. 3 to edit.
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I'm... er... going to ignore that completely off-topic MLP reference. If you do decide to tackle this, please use lsnes so I can console-verify the run. If you find things that would be substantially different than the existing NES runs you'll probably stand a better chance of having the run accepted. (I am an inclusionist and believe that this run, if completed at the required levels of skill, *should* be allowed to stand as its own game seeing as it's for a completely different console but I have lost this argument a couple of times before myself so you might want to ignore me.) Best of luck!
I was laid off in May 2023 and became too ill to work this year and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD is stalled. I'm dwangoAC, TASVideos Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; when healthy, I post TAS content on YouTube.com/dwangoAC based on livestreams from Twitch.tv/dwangoAC.
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We could make a verification movie for max score by warping to world 8 then save and quit, then reload the game and get warp whistles, keep going until you have 27 warp whistles. During the max score TAS, Complete every level in world 6 except the airship, then warp back to world 5, rinse and repeat. Getting 27 warp whistles on the NES version requires a different method due to it not having a save feature. It requires dying lots and lots times so that the levels can be repeated after a game over. I recommend doing it with 2 players 'cause you don't need to repeat the first two levels. Player 1 completes level 1, Player 2 dies in level 2, Player 1 completes level 2, Player 2 gets a warp whistle from level 3, Player 1 dies in level 4, Player 2 gets a warp whistle from the fortress, keep dying until you get a game over, Player 1 selects end, Player 2 selects continue. The only downside is that you can't save, and despite said method in getting the warp whistles is quicker on 2 players, it's slower to get the max score on said mode; unless you use a save hack. Without getting a game over, the most warp whistles you can get is 3, or 4 in the Famicom version thanks to a glitch. Speaking of the Famicom version, you can do the rinse and repeat part indefinitely due to said glitch, and it's quicker than the NES version, but the enter level screen transition is a little slower. The NewGame+ for the NES version gives you 28 P-Wings at start. The GBA version is also unique. Get 2 warp whistles as usual. Is it possible to finish a level at exactly 000? You have to beat the game just once in order to select any level as many times as you like. If it's possible to beat a level with 000 left, then only do it with Mario for a NewGame+ verification movie. For Mario, make it to the end without killing any enemies, getting any coins or power-ups, and breaking blocks. 1-1 Mario gets a flower panel with 000 left, 1-2 Luigi completes level after getting 80000 points, Card game Mario gets a flower, 1-3 Mario gets defeated by a Koopa Troopa, Luigi gets warp whistle, 1-4 Mario falls off, 1-Fortress Luigi gets warp whistle, 1-4 Mario falls off (again), Luigi uses warp whistles to get to world 8. 8-Tanks Luigi defeats a Boomerang Bro. to get a star. 8-Battleships Mario uses a flower before entering in order to defeat Boom-Boom while scoring no points, finish at 000. 8-Airship Luigi finishes the level, 8-1 Mario gets a flower panel with 000 remaining, 8-Hand Trap Luigi falls in lava, 8-2 Mario gets a flower panel with 000 left and gets a 3UP to bring the remaining lives from 2 back up to 5. 8-Fortress Luigi finishes the level, 8-Super Tank Mario completes level with 000 left, 8-Bowser's Castle Luigi defeats Bowser, game complete. Now get 35 warp whistles to start with for the max score TAS. There is be another way to get max score, the e-Reader cards.
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Won't it be faster for the NES version to use that ACE glitch and give yourself max whistles, then proceed with the run? That would allow the whistle collection to be included, although I'm not sure how the audience would feel using this glitch just for whistles (unless the run itself proves very entertaining, I guess).
Post subject: Super Mario All Stars (All games)
Player (88)
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Hi, I just started a run of All Stars with the "All games any%" category. The goal of this category is to beat the 4 games (smb1, smb2j, smb2 and smb3) back to back. I know it is always better to have a run of a game on its original console but I think it makes an interesting run because of some differences. For example, smb2 has a different route on this version than the NES version. Also, there is the big speed glitch in smb3 which is funny to watch. Here is the RTA world record so you can see what the run looks like: http://www.twitch.tv/producks/v/18981392
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Sounds like it would be a nice watch, actually. Looking forward to it.
Enter the Matrix is a piece of garbage but I'm gonna finish it if it kills me.
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It is possible to farm P-Wings early on. The fastest way to do it is to defeat Boom-Boom, so that the lock is unlocked every time you save and reload your file. Every time you unlock a new world, the map data resets so that it only applies to the highest world reached. So if you save & quit in world 6, load game in world 2, and save & quit in world 4, the map data for world 6 doesn't get overwritten.
Post subject: Re: Super Mario All Stars (All games)
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vince1919 wrote:
Hi, I just started a run of All Stars with the "All games any%" category. The goal of this category is to beat the 4 games (smb1, smb2j, smb2 and smb3) back to back. I know it is always better to have a run of a game on its original console but I think it makes an interesting run because of some differences. For example, smb2 has a different route on this version than the NES version. Also, there is the big speed glitch in smb3 which is funny to watch. Here is the RTA world record so you can see what the run looks like: http://www.twitch.tv/producks/v/18981392
Not sure would it be better to split the runs. On one hand, the RNG would make this look somewhat different. On the other, the same RNG will potentially make doing it separately better than all at once.
Emulator Coder
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I highly advise splitting the runs. We already have the lost levels and Super Mario World (for the larger version) as separate runs. I can't think of any advantage of running all the games in a single TAS, unless you are playing all of them simultaneously, or are using a glitch in one to propagate something massive into the others. If you're doing the normal runs, I can't say each by itself would be accepted, but you'll have a better chance of viewing the strength of each on its own submitted separately. (And trying to shove it all down our throats at once claiming all-or-nothing isn't doing yourself any favors.)
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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It is possible to do a 2-Player Newgame+ by using only Jugem's Clouds, Music Boxes, and Hammers. Occasionally opening shortcuts to conserve items. With only a 56-item limit between players, it can be feasible. But that method seems arbitrary, don't you think so?
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Instead of doing all the games, I will do Super Mario Bros. 2 since I think it is the run with the best chance to get accepted with the different route.
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I am done with 1-1 in Super Mario Bros. 2. Here is the movie file: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/28421470792584397 EDIT: I improved 1-1 by 3 frames.
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Sorry for triple post. Just to say that I am done with 1-2. Movie file: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/28557826271783905
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I am planning to redo the TAS I have done. One thing I noticed is that the japanese version of All-Stars is faster on the title screen and is used by speedrunners. I was thinking of using it myself since it is a few seconds faster (haven't tested). Other than that, there is no differences.I also have to fix a few oversights I did (especially the second half. I think I rushed it a bit). Should I switch versions or should I stick to the US version?
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You're welcome to use whatever version you want, but per this section of the Movie Rules, we do not consider switching versions for faster text to be an "improvement."
Previous Name: boct1584