Note: A section of the final level has a copyrighted song playing during it, Attack on Sail Barge, that needs to be either muted or replaced to avoid a copyright claim.

Boy, oh boy! Super Star Wars! Notable as being some of the laggiest games in existence, this is probably the easiest one to TAS. IE, it's still really difficult to optimize.
The first thing that should be addressed is the use of Easy difficulty. Changing the difficulty reduces enemy HP and how many enemies spawn. It does NOT change anything else. So Easy mode is chosen for speed purposes.

Tricks and Glitches

Slide Cancelling

Pretty easy trick. Attack right when a slide is about to end, and you can slide immediately afterwards. Saves frames over the course of the run.

Slide Boosting

Slide boosting is basically using objects or enemies to boost you forward a great distance. This can be done either with taking damage, or getting smooshed behind an enemy or object to get the game to eject you. This can be used to clip through walls, as well.

Freeze Jumping

The biggest glitch in the run, whenever Luke uses his Freeze force move in midair, there will be a period of time where he can then jump again. This is used in every Luke level to skip platforms, and sometimes entire levels.

Luck Manipulation

Luck manipulation in this game is a fickle mistress, but it is possible via pressing different buttons to get different results. This can be used to despawn enemies, change enemy attacking patterns, and most importantly to manipulate stuff like Thermal Detonators from enemies.

Level by Level comments

Jabba Palace Approach

Lots of luck manipulation to reduce objects onscreen/drive in a straight line

Jabba Palace Approach II

First real level. Leia is chosen because she has a very powerful charge move and is the second fastest next to Luke. I manipulated a Thermal Detonator before the boss, and manipulated the boss to move away from Leia's shots so he'll take more damage.

Jabba's Dance Hall

Very difficult level to optimize, due to the sheer amount of lag and luck manipulation needed. I manipulated as many Thermal Detonators as possible here. The boss is similar to the first boss in that I make it move away from Leia's shots for extra damage.

Jabba's Palace

First Luke level. Frogs are used to clip through a wall to skip the lower section of the level. After that it's freeze jumps and manipulating the frog boss to not spawn as many projectiles to kill it faster.

Rancor Pit

Chewbacca is used over Luke because his spin attack can pierce below him, and also because his gun is very effective against the area boss. The Rancor itself is very tricky to finish quickly, so I manipulate 2 extra Thermal Detonators from the rocks it spawns.

Attack on Sail Barge

Freeze Jumps lets me skip straight to boss, which makes up for how little damage Luke does to it.

Inside Sail Barge

Leia may look different (and sexier), but the only real difference is that she can double jump. Pretty standard level.

Speeder Chase

I manipulate all of the Storm Troopers to the side so I can instantly destroy them by hitting them against the forest wall.

Ewok Village A

Very, very laggy level. I roll a certain distance away from the boss area to skip it.

Ewok Village B

A bit easier then the last level. I use a passing Stormtrooper to skip a few jumps, and boost off a mantis to skip this boss as well.


Very precise freeze jumps let me skip the entire level and go straight to the boss.

Falcon Shooting Stage

Another 3D shooter stage. What fun.


Leia is used over Han because she can clip through a wall and save time. Sorry Han. The boss is destroyed by the stars powerup.

Inside Death Star

Standard stage for the most part. I skip the twin mecha boss by causing lag killing an enemy.

Falcon Shooting Stage II

I kill enemies nearby me so I can pick up the item they drop and reduce lag.


Towards the end I trigger the end of the level by getting high enough to hit it. Skips a floor of the level.

Tower Entrance-Vader-

I use a spike ball to clip through the staircase and go directly to Vader. Vader himself is very easy thanks to the Force Saber.

Emperor's Chamber

I manipulate the Emperor to not move from his starting position, which lets me destroy him.

Death Star Destruction

5 minute scroller hooray~


Q: How much input was done by each author?
A: I did the majority of the input, while Tompa did a few improvements, in particular the beginning of the reactor and a bit in the rancor pit. He didn't want credit though, so it's just me I guess.
Q: Easy Mode is for scrub noobs!
A: Fine, do a run in the other difficulty modes and see how much fun you have. Easy Mode is the fastest mode there is, so I chose that.
Q: The last 5 minutes are booooooooooooorinnnnnnnnng
A: I like to view the last five minutes as an accumulation of the previous 2 games. This is the final SSW game, so an epic spaceship thingy is perfect for that.
Q: Is this optimized?
A: I'd say it's as good as it's going to get for right now. These games are extremely laggy and random, and I did the best I could. Those 138,000 rerecords aren't lying, it's really that difficult to optimize this game.


Thanks to Exonym, Samsara, Spikestuff, xy2, Mothrayas, and scrimpy. You all know why, you sexy ducks.
Special thanks to Tompa for helping optimize the earlier section of the run.

Suggested Screenshots

Up to you guys.

Tompa: Judge judge!
Tompa: Alrighty. First off: This is a fast-paced TAS which shows off a lot of neat moves and tricks. Optimising it is very struggling because of the high amount of lag as well as randomness.
Second off: The difficulty discussion. Easy was picked here because it would make a faster run through the use of more damage boosts, more tricks and glitches, slightly faster boss fights and shorten some levels. Two such levels are the Speeder Chase, where you have to kill twice as many enemies (20 compared to 10) in Jedi mode before you can finish the level, and the Falcon Shooting Stage, 28 Ties VS 12. Neither one of these make the run more enjoyable or more challenging, it only makes it longer. The Guidelines are recommendations in order to make a more entertaining run. In my eyes, Easy mode is the choice to use to accomplish this for the case of this run.
feos: Pub.

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I can't imagine how hard it was to tas this game as the game's physics looks really fucked up. Nevertheless, I saw enough to give this run a yes vote. Good job men!
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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I remember this game having a lot more bosses... Oh. Right. They're all skipped. As expected, this is another excellent random game TAS. The Super Star Wars series always makes for an entertaining watch, regardless of whether it's TASed or speedrun normally, and this one is no exception. Here's another Yes vote, because I'm a sexy duck.
TASvideos Admin and acting Senior Judge 💙 Currently unable to dedicate a lot of time to the site, taking care of family.
warmCabin wrote:
You shouldn't need a degree in computer science to get into this hobby.
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It's a very nice TAS, despite the minor flaws. It's a very painful to story to optimisie this... Lots and lots of lag and lots and lots of RNG. Making and optimised TAS is incredibly unlikely to accomplish because of that. Yes vote indeed!
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The Force is strong with this one. Yes vote for sure. While flying in to the Death Star with the Falcon it looks like you bumped into the walls. Does this not slow you down or did you not really bump or is there some other explanation?
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TheAxeMan wrote:
While flying in to the Death Star with the Falcon it looks like you bumped into the walls. Does this not slow you down or did you not really bump or is there some other explanation?
Ah that one time during the descent into the core, you mean? Couldn't avoid it.
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Samsara wrote:
Here's another Yes vote, because I'm a sexy duck.
I am fairly certain your duck-ness didn't factor into my yes vote.
I am still the wizard that did it. "On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." -- Satoru Iwata <scrimpy> at least I now know where every map, energy and save room in this game is
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Invariel wrote:
Samsara wrote:
Here's another Yes vote, because I'm a sexy duck.
I am fairly certain your duck-ness didn't factor into my yes vote.
You might not have noticed it, but your brain did. Addition: Having now attempted an SSW game myself, can I upgrade my Yes vote to a Double Yes? These games are insane to get done, let alone optimized, and my enjoyment of watching them get destroyed is increased a thousandfold now that I know the difficulty behind it.
TASvideos Admin and acting Senior Judge 💙 Currently unable to dedicate a lot of time to the site, taking care of family.
warmCabin wrote:
You shouldn't need a degree in computer science to get into this hobby.
Joined: 7/2/2007
Posts: 3960
That autoscroller at the end is a major entertainment-killer. The rest of the run is great though. Nice work!
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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Derakon wrote:
That autoscroller at the end is a major entertainment-killer. The rest of the run is great though. Nice work!
Yeah it totally is, but it's at least it's all in one section that you can mostly ignore.
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The first thing that should be addressed is the use of Easy difficulty. Changing the difficulty reduces enemy HP and how many enemies spawn. It does NOT change anything else. So Easy mode is chosen for speed purposes
Q: Easy Mode is for scrub noobs! A: Fine, do a run in the other difficulty modes and see how much fun you have. Easy Mode is the fastest mode there is, so I chose that.
Ok, isn't that the entire point of hardest difficulty? Seriously, of course easy mode will be fastest. How come no one bothered questioning this? By that logic, might as well quickly do a TAS of a game, say spongebob and obsolete it by using the easiest difficulty. Edit: In fact, when does "less hp" even draw the line? If less enemy spawning == not important, what's next? Have no enemies?
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jlun2 wrote:
Ok, isn't that the entire point of hardest difficulty? Seriously, of course easy mode will be fastest. How come no one bothered questioning this? By that logic, might as well quickly do a TAS of a game, say spongebob and obsolete it by using the easiest difficulty.
Ok, I guess I poorly explained that. Jedi Mode in the Super Star Wars games are not suitable for TASing because: *They give bosses more HP *You take more damage *more enemies spawn So point #1 means all the bosses are slower, #2 means less cool speed tricks, and #3 means more lag optimization, just for a movie that is virtually identical to the Easy Mode, only slower. So in the interest of entertainment and speed, for this run in particular, I decided that Easy mode is the best option. Obviously the use of hardest difficulty should be different based on the run. See the discussion thread on and the judgement ruling for more info on that, as this applies to all of the SSW games.
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Having fewer enemies seems like it'd be precisely a reason to NOT choose an easier difficulty, not a reason for it. Just about any of the run and gun games or shmups would be faster and easier to do on lower difficulties for the same lag reduction reasons, but if someone submitted a run to obsolete one of them based on that, I cannot see any way people would go for it. There's also no discussion of the difficulty chosen in the previous submission linked above, just Feos saying he didn't agree with it in his judgement. Past decisions should never be taken as binding, that was less important than the run's suboptimality, and it wasn't discussed at all. It's not great even as a precedent goes.
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Tangent wrote:
Having fewer enemies seems like it'd be precisely a reason to NOT choose an easier difficulty, not a reason for it.
I manipulate as many enemies as possible away anyway, so why would I want to do more work for a product that would be exactly the same as this run, only slower? Pretty stupid if you ask me. I shouldn't have to harp on this.
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arandomgameTASer wrote:
Tangent wrote:
Having fewer enemies seems like it'd be precisely a reason to NOT choose an easier difficulty, not a reason for it.
I manipulate as many enemies as possible away anyway, so why would I want to do more work for a product that would be EXACTLY THE SAME as this run, only slower? Pretty stupid if you ask me.
Why would we mandate that chess TASes have to be on hard for a product that would be EXACTLY THE SAME as if it was an easier difficulty, only slower?
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Tangent wrote:
Why would we mandate that chess TASes have to be on hard for a product that would be EXACTLY THE SAME as if it was an easier difficulty, only slower?
What chess TASes? You mean the ones that aren't published? Pretty poor example, tbh. The point is that Hardest difficulty in this game is boring, and stupid. There is zero reason for me to TAS on the hardest difficulty.
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Guidelines wrote:
Where a game has multiple difficulty levels, it is preferred to play on the hardest difficulty level (for more interesting gameplay) unless the only difference between difficulty levels is enemy/boss hit points, in which case the easiest difficulty levels are preferred in the interest of speed.
Warning: Might glitch to credits I will finish this ACE soon as possible (or will I?)
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arandomgameTASer wrote:
Tangent wrote:
Why would we mandate that chess TASes have to be on hard for a product that would be EXACTLY THE SAME as if it was an easier difficulty, only slower?
What chess TASes? You mean the ones that aren't published? Pretty poor example, tbh. The point is that Hardest difficulty in this game is boring, and stupid. There is zero reason for me to TAS on the hardest difficulty.
I thought we had started after the latest board game shenanigans. Fine, sports games then. Or 'racing' Or solitaire Or space pew pew All would be functionally identical on a lower difficulty. Do we really want people to go through and 'improve' those by doing so? For more direct comparisons, Fire Emblem runs have obsoleted easier difficulty runs despite being slower due to more and stronger enemies, as have (I think) Gunstar Heroes runs. If anybody submitted runs that had no differences to those but being on an easier difficulty so they'd be... easier, they'd be laughed right out.
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Tangent wrote:
*refers to just arandomgameTASer's post*
Did you just ignore Masterjun's post, or...? Don't really need to explain myself any further.
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arandomgameTASer wrote:
Tangent wrote:
*refers to just arandomgameTASer's post*
Did you just ignore Masterjun's post, or...? Don't really need to explain myself any further.
Yep. And since we've already established that there are a lot more differences in difficulty than simply enemy/boss HP, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. How about you? Which of those runs should be obsoleted by a run on an easier difficulty because that'd be much easier to make than on hard, and faster, while showing the same basic play?
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Tangent wrote:
Yep. And since we've already established that there are a lot more differences in difficulty than simply enemy/boss HP, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. How about you? Which of those runs should be obsoleted by a run on an easier difficulty because that'd be much easier to make than on hard, and faster, while showing the same basic play?
Ok I'm not going to have this argument with you. If you feel like there's some sort of problem with the difficulty I chose, that's your deal. I've given you ample reason why I chose Easy mode over Hard, and Masterjun has already explained why it's allowed via the site rules, so please stop derailing the thread on something that's already explained.
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Yep, it is my deal. That is correct. And in this discussion on this discussion forum, I'd like to convince others that it should be their deal too, and it is quite relevant to this thread as it is an aspect of this submission, as well as others. So it would be nice if you or someone else could address those points, which weren't even originally brought up by me in the first place.
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What would be nice is if you started a forum discussion somewhere other than this thread about how stringently the 'game difficulty' suggestion should be followed. I was looking for it earlier in the articles section itself about where game difficulty should only be 'hardest' if it offers some noticeable challenge, and otherwise 'easy' for speed is valid, but I got bored and went back to playing Clicker Heroes.
I am still the wizard that did it. "On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." -- Satoru Iwata <scrimpy> at least I now know where every map, energy and save room in this game is
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If an admin wants to split it, they can split it. The question was raised about why a lower difficulty was chosen, at least one seems to be the opposite of a valid reason for choosing a lower difficulty in a ton of other games. I think that in and of itself bears attention, even if it's just for eventual historic reasons for future runs instead of being sent to The Spinoff Zone.
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Tangent wrote:
The question was raised about why a lower difficulty was chosen, at least one seems to be the complete opposite of a valid reason for choosing a lower difficulty in a ton of other games.
1) A harder difficulty is slower 2) A harder difficulty is less entertaining 3) A harder difficulty is harder to TAS How much clearer do you want me to be? Would you like me to write a thesis on the pros and cons of each difficulty while I'm at it?
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