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RaijinXBlade wrote:
Kevvl breaks the charge shot rule a lot. He ditched the rule completely in X7 and X8, which is good because it just drags on without it. Anyway, just watch HideofBeast instead. Complete with great gameplay and excellent commentary, you can't go wrong.
I stick with kevyll.
I quit TASing.
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Hello. I'm interested in this run to watch. But could anyone take EXTRA-LIFE in Eagle's level without elevators?
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agwawaf wrote:
But could anyone take EXTRA-LIFE in Eagle's level without elevators?
You mean heart tank? sparky and I have tried before, but we were never able to wall-jump the left side up to the heart tank, even with charged Shotgun Ice.
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Yes, I meant it. I tried it a few days ago and I was never able to do it as well. Anyway, thanks for replying.
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I am aware that Hetfield90 has had trouble with Vile, so I'll post what I figured out by disassembly, if it helps. There are four courses of action that Vile may take, possibly based on distance between Vile and X, or based on RNG, or both: - If the distance between Vile and X is 160 pixels or greater, then Vile may either begin by dashing/walking, or jumping back. If the RNG value at that time is even, Vile will begin by dash/walk. Otherwise, Vile will jump back. -- If Vile begins by dash/walk, then the next RNG value will determine whether Vile dashes or walks. If it is 2 or 7 mod 8, then Vile will dash. Otherwise Vile will walk. -- This also occurs at the beginning of the fight. - If the distance between Vile and X is between 32 and 159 pixels, then Vile will choose between dash/walk. If the RNG value at that time is 2 or 7 mod 8, then Vile will walk. Otherwise Vile will dash. (Note that this is backwards from the above.) -- This also occurs when Vile begins walking from 160 pixels or more away and first closes the distance to less than 160 pixels. - If the distance between Vile and X is less than 32, then Vile will choose between jumping backward or forward. If the RNG value at that time is 0, 3, or 4 mod 8, then Vile will jump forward. Otherwise, Vile will jump backward. (This hasn't been tested well, since it doesn't factor into the optimal strategy.) -- This does not apply for the situation below. - If Vile has chosen to walk or dash up to X, then when he is close enough, he will either jump back or jump straight up. If the RNG value at that time is 0 mod 8, then Vile will jump straight up. Otherwise, Vile will jump backward. Applying to TAS, the optimal manipulation is as follows: - First, manipulate Vile to start dashing right away (RNG value is even, and the next value is 2 or 7 mod 8). The alternative, walk first and then dash 5 frames later when within 160 pixels of X, is a bit slower. - X should be walking towards him at the same time. When Vile is close, X should shoot him; this freezes him in midair about 8 pixels off the ground when he attempts to jump. Whether Vile attempts to jump straight up or jump back before he is frozen doesn't seem to matter much (jumping back just moves him back one pixel). - At this time, X should jump up, remaining close to Vile but at least 32 pixels away, and get hit by the ball that Vile shoots. - At about this time, Vile will (since X is at least 32 pixels away) choose to dash or walk in midair. He should be manipulated to walk, so RNG should be 2 or 7 mod 8. Vile will then attempt to walk, and simply fall down to the ground. (If he attempts to dash, he will still fall to the ground, but towards X, which doesn't allow the following to work.) - About 20 frames later, Vile will be on the ground and choose to dash/walk towards X. He should be manipulated to walk, so RNG should be 2 or 7 mod 8. - As a result of this, Vile will arrive just as X does his "helpless" pose; this immediately triggers the next scene and Vile doesn't have to walk any distance. This is very difficult to manipulate; the flexibility of this strat is almost nothing. In particular, the manipulation for RNG to be 2 or 7 mod 8 after Vile is frozen requires two RNG values which are 2 or 7 mod 8, with one of them 24 values in advance of the other. (I did get 23 in advance a few times, but that was when I shot Vile with a green charged shot, which doesn't seem to be possible in this strat.) By the way, some other MMX disassembly I did a long time ago: http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=284826#284826
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Damn, that’s amazing FractalFusion. I wish I knew how to disassemble games. Do you know any guides I could learn from?
Skilled player (1243)
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Fractal, have you ever messed with these dash speed gap jumps in the climb before Vile in Sigma 1? https://www.mediafire.com/?l0g04e45e1b82dr They're pretty easy to set up in Sigma 1, but I am wondering if it is possible to do on the first ladder in Kuwanger's stage. It seems like the ladder gaps in both stages have the same width and distance from the wall, but I can't seem to get it.
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Hetfield90 wrote:
Fractal, have you ever messed with these dash speed gap jumps in the climb before Vile in Sigma 1? https://www.mediafire.com/?l0g04e45e1b82dr They're pretty easy to set up in Sigma 1, but I am wondering if it is possible to do on the first ladder in Kuwanger's stage. It seems like the ladder gaps in both stages have the same width and distance from the wall, but I can't seem to get it.
I think it depends on the player X and Y position. I don't know too much other than that. By the way, the file you uploaded has no extension, but I eventually figured out that it was a SMV file. Now I know why the SMV format requires the file to begin with "SMV".
I wish I knew how to disassemble games. Do you know any guides I could learn from?
I used Geiger's Snes9x Debugger, which I think is the best tool so far, even though it is a little buggy (aren't all emulators like that anyway? :) ). It supports breakpoints, which is by far the most useful thing to have when disassembling. Be warned that TASing, even now, is at the low end of reasons for disassembly. For the majority of stuff, you will never need to use disassembly. The main reason I use disassembly is to find out how RNGs work, and how the game uses the RNG to make decisions (basically, stuff that is almost impossible to figure out without disassembling and is relevant to the TAS). Before you even start disassembling, you will need to know how to find addresses using RAM Search. Finding the RNG isn't always easy either (but one thing that helps is that it is more chaotic than almost all other addresses). Once you know the RNG address, you then use the debugger to set read/write breakpoint on the RNG, and then whenever the RNG is read from or written to, the debugger will breakpoint and you can then follow the code. (There is a bug where if you load a savestate, you have to open the breakpoint window and click OK for it to work again.) From there, there really isn't any single process that must be followed. See this page for more information.
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The ladder trick I test in Kuwanger first ladder is work. The character's position is in (213,112) and (210,108),but very strange thing is position (213,112) not success every time.
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Oh nice. Thank you for testing that parrot14green. I haven't gotten very far in kuwanger yet(namely because of an unsuccessful camera-less elevator climb, lol) so I'll definitely go back and implement that. I am sure sub pixels are the reason the lower coordinate sometimes doesn't work, but luckily the higher one is more optimal.
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Is it possible to kill the enemy in Eagle's Stage and force a drop to get up to the heart tank sooner with the ufo glitch?
My name is Forensics.
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I believe FractalFusion and Agwawaf both tried this and said it wasn't possible.
Joined: 7/16/2009
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Maybe you guys have already looked into it, but can you do the boomerang thing on the rolling platforms in Armadillo's stage?
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The spiked carts in dillo are considered enemies instead of miscellaneous, so they can't be grabbed like other platforms.
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Link to video Here is the v2 WIP so far if anyone is interested. It is 1136f (~19s) faster than the published run up to and including Eagle's stage. There is also a much higher quality/60fps video on my twitch.
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Holy shit those tricks in Eagle's stage looked totally awesome! Very keen on your future progress. Keep it up!
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Experienced player (774)
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Hahaha. Bro, those new tricks blew my mind! Loving it :D
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
Joined: 5/12/2009
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That Eagle stage was amazing! Congratulations and keep up the great work!!!
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That Storm Eagle stage was magical.
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Godly Storm Eagle stage! Kreygasm
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In eagle's stage why got on the airship seems not optimal? If early,the two cannons will remain in boss fight.
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That was some sick Vile manipulation in the intro stage. Storm Eagle was absolutely epic, lol. Question: is double dashing not slower? I thought you needed to jump in order to not slow down at the end of a dash. Another thing, I don’t understand the strategy for boss fights. Why do you switch around charged shots and non-charged? I thought normal dash-shots would be the fastest.
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Question: is double dashing not slower? I thought you needed to jump in order to not slow down at the end of a dash.
Any time you input a dash or a jump from dash speed, X's horizontal movement is halted for 1 frame. So it generally doesn't matter which one you do, as long as you minimize the number of total dash/jump inputs for any given segment.
Another thing, I don’t understand the strategy for boss fights. Why do you switch around charged shots and non-charged? I thought normal dash-shots would be the fastest.
The fastest way to defeat a lot of bosses in X1-3 is to alternate between charged and uncharged shots while using the travel time of uncharged shots to gain a head start on the charge time of the succeeding charged shot. This is because you can't start a charge while another charged shot is on screen, but you can while an uncharged shot is. So the idea is to fire charged shots from point blank range so they hit the boss as quickly as possible after you become fully charged, then create as much distance as possible between you and the boss and fire the uncharged shot so that it connects when the boss's immunity frames expire. The more distance you can get, the earlier you can fire the shot and start your next charge.
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parrot14gree wrote:
In eagle's stage why got on the airship seems not optimal? If early,the two cannons will remain in boss fight.
The two cannons cause so much lag that it is faster not to have them in the Eagle fight.
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Thanks your reply Fractal :) I also figure out how to skip re-Boom Kuwanger fight,I didn't know could it save time. There are 3 demo wips show you the Process. emulation:snes9x-1.43-rerecording-v17 1.http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1757752589/Mega%20Man%20X%20%28U%29%20%28V1.1%29-SF1_Phantomgrab1-BKskip1.smv In this case,if the postion on/down the second gate the boss will appear and then touch the first gate,the third gate will open. 2.http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/989142243/Mega%20Man%20X%20%28U%29%20%28V1.1%29-SF1_Phantomgrab1-BKskip2.smv Most zip horizon by took damage cause it is not have enough width of the wall. 3.http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1261475728/Mega%20Man%20X%20%28U%29%20%28V1.1%29-SF1_Phantomgrab1-BKskip3.smv basically it is like previous wip. The camera is locked,I need to zip down to lift it. As far as i know the skip step. 1.Usage phantom grab trick to error camera location(This trick seems to require approaching first gate). 2.Let the boss appear except go through first gate. 3.Let The first gate slot(7E1628 or 7E1658 or.....) is set to 1 and touch it,the third gate will open. Another find:Invincible megaman http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1581335901/Mega%20Man%20X%20%28U%29%20%28V1.1%29-SF1_Phantomgrab1-BK_Invincible.smv note:I don't know could it apply to other bosses.
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