After his failed takeover of Mario's castle in the previous game, Wario decides to go after a statue stolen by Captain Syrup. Armed with a new glitch, he finishes over two minutes faster than his previous attempt.
This is not that run.
  • Abuses a heavy glitch
  • Uses memory corruption
  • Skips the final boss
  • Executes memory as code
  • Finishes with zero coins without a coin counter

How to skip a game

This glitch happens because Wario tries to leave the path.
The course skip glitch works like this: when checking movement on the map screen, the game first reads the directional input to see which direction has been pressed. It does this in the order LUDR. It then checks this against the open paths to see if Wario can move in that direction.
Once that's done, it checks which direction has been pressed again... but this time, it checks in the order RLUD. Then it starts moving Wario along the path in the direction that's been pressed.
What all this means is that Wario can continue down any closed path to the right if both right and the direction of an open path are pressed on the same frame. This works fine if there's actually a path to the right like there is with course 1. If there is none, the game ends up jumping somewhere it shouldn't, determined by the last course entered. If that's course 1 or 3, it ends up in RAM.
Once execution is in RAM, the problem is actually doing anything useful with it. This is what there is to work with. For consistency with the trace log below, all addresses are given using System Bus.
Execution starts at A7D8, near the end of map data. Most of what's here can't be changed much and has to be worked around, but the number of frames since the last time Wario moved (A7E8) and the last input combination (A7E2 and A7F1) are useful.
A800-A8FF is mostly empty. At the start of this block are things like total number of coins, lives, hearts, treasures collected, last course entered, etc. These would be very useful if it didn't take so long to set anything up. Getting enough of anything to do anything would require taking a detour to get a bunch of coins, playing through one of the time-consuming bonus games at the end of the level, waiting on the coin screen, and even finishing extra courses. It's faster to just avoid this comletely.
A900-A9FF normally contains information used during gameplay such as Wario's position, camera position, etc. Almost all of this region is zeroed when returning to the map screen. The only manipulable thing left is a frame counter at A905.
AA00-AAFF has the most potential. Temporary sprites such as the jet hat flame have data stored here as long as they're active. When they're no longer needed, everything is cleared except for their position on screen. This gives a much larger range of instructions for less time cost, but there can only be a few of these at once.
AB00 is the end of the line. It's the start of some graphics related data relating to the last course entered, and cannot be manipulated. There must be a return instruction somewhere before this point or else the game will crash.
Adding on how memory execution is mostly limited to single-byte instructions when so many of the useful ones require two or three, and there's very little than can be done this quickly. At least, not directly.

Stage-by-stage comments

Course 1

  • The obvious thing to do would be to finish this course as quickly as possible and then use the opened path to do the glitch on course 2. The problem with that is there is no jet hat in course 1, so the coordinates of the flame can't be used for code. And even if there was, or something like the breakable blocks were used instead, everything there is zeroed after the level ends. The only way to keep it is to leave through the door at the entrance, which course 1 doesn't have. So instead the level is skipped as usual.

Course 2

  • This course ends with one less heart than the other run by grabbing a second coin from a block. This is necessary to change the heart count during the glitch from 6 to 5. 05 is a safe instruction to execute, but 06 is fatal.
  • Aside from that, there are no changes to the level, and it finishes at the same time as the other run.

Course 3

  • There are two frame rules on the map screen: 16 frames for the fade in, 4 for the fade out. Losing 4 frames before entering manipulates the frame counter after leaving, and costs no time.
  • Up to three jet hat flames can be active at once (AA00-AA2F), and the most recent one has a copy later down (AAE0-AAEF). While it's possible to fit every needed instruction into the coordinates of these flames, it would require the X coordinate to be the return instruction, which would mean using the jet hat off the left side of the screen. Possible, but the screen wrap glitch is very slow.
  • Putting the return instruction on the Y coordinate also requires going offscreen, this time up top. The camera doesn't follow Wario offscreen, so it's just a matter of getting enough height. A midair enemy bounce is enough to reach the required position.
  • Destroying the closest block creates another temporary sprite. It doesn't last long enough to be used for anything, but it shifts the copy of the return instruction down (to AAF0-AAFF) where it can't be overwritten. Then Wario returns to the entrance while placing the other jet flames.

The glitch

  • The executed code doesn't start the ending immediately. Too much has to be done to get that to work. Instead the plan is to change address A8C7 to anything nonzero. This will activate an otherwise inaccessible debug mode which allows a jump to the ending from inside any level.
  • There's no way to enter a level normally after getting out of RAM, as Wario is still trying to walk down that "path" and will jump right back into RAM. Instead, changing A8C4 to 01 will force the game mode to the "Course No. xx" screen.
  • Debug mode includes a level select feature which could be used to reach a faster loading course, but there's no time to use it before hitting the frame rule.
  • The rest is simple: start course 3 again, pause, and unpause while pressing Down+B.
  • The unusual ending has nothing to do with the zero coin finish. During the coin countdown, whenever two money bags are on screen at the same time, the first one to reach Wario will disappear instead of being caught. But it doesn't have to be a money bag. This will happen with any temporary sprite, including the jet hat flame that started when Down+B was pressed. So Wario leaves carrying zero money bags.

Trace log of the glitch

02C2:CD 00 40  CALL #4000h     A:04 F:50 BC:b0b4 DE:2c8a HL:a905	Apologies to everyone in
4000:FA C3 A8  LD A,(#A8C3h)   A:04 F:50 BC:b0b4 DE:2c8a HL:a905	the discussion thread who
4003:EF        RST 28H         A:01 F:50 BC:b0b4 DE:2c8a HL:a905	can't minimize this.
0028:87        ADD A,A         A:01 F:50 BC:b0b4 DE:2c8a HL:a905
0029:E1        POP HL          A:02 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:2c8a HL:a905	Going to start this from a
002A:5F        LD E,A          A:02 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:2c8a HL:4004	while before the glitch to	
002B:16 00     LD D,#00h       A:02 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:2c02 HL:4004	show what causes it.
002D:19        ADD HL,DE       A:02 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:0002 HL:4004
002E:5E        LD E,(HL)       A:02 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:0002 HL:4006
002F:23        INC HL          A:02 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:00af HL:4006
0030:56        LD D,(HL)       A:02 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:00af HL:4007
0031:62        LD H,D          A:02 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:40af HL:4007
0032:6B        LD L,E          A:02 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:40af HL:4007	Right here the addresses
0033:E9        JP (HL)         A:02 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:40af HL:40af	controlling the game mode
40AF:FA C4 A8  LD A,(#A8C4h)   A:02 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:40af HL:40af	are used to determine what
40B2:EF        RST 28H         A:00 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:40af HL:40af	gets executed next. One of
0028:87        ADD A,A         A:00 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:40af HL:40af	them is the target address
0029:E1        POP HL          A:00 F:80 BC:b0b4 DE:40af HL:40af	A8C4.
002A:5F        LD E,A          A:00 F:80 BC:b0b4 DE:40af HL:40b3
002B:16 00     LD D,#00h       A:00 F:80 BC:b0b4 DE:4000 HL:40b3	If it's unchanged after
002D:19        ADD HL,DE       A:00 F:80 BC:b0b4 DE:0000 HL:40b3	this glitch, the game will
002E:5E        LD E,(HL)       A:00 F:80 BC:b0b4 DE:0000 HL:40b3	repeat most of what happens
002F:23        INC HL          A:00 F:80 BC:b0b4 DE:00b7 HL:40b3	here up to the jump to RAM,
0030:56        LD D,(HL)       A:00 F:80 BC:b0b4 DE:00b7 HL:40b4	and there will be no way
0031:62        LD H,D          A:00 F:80 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b4	out of the map screen.
0032:6B        LD L,E          A:00 F:80 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b4
0033:E9        JP (HL)         A:00 F:80 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
40B7:3E 01     LD A,#01h       A:00 F:80 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
40B9:EA 5A A9  LD (#A95Ah),A   A:01 F:80 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
40BC:FA A1 A7  LD A,(#A7A1h)   A:01 F:80 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
40BF:A7        AND A           A:00 F:80 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
40C0:20 04     JR NZ,40C6h     A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
40C2:CD B6 22  CALL #22B6h     A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
22B6:FA C5 A8  LD A,(#A8C5h)   A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
22B9:F5        PUSH AF         A:01 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
22BA:3E 08     LD A,#08h       A:01 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
22BC:EA C5 A8  LD (#A8C5h),A   A:08 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
22BF:EA 00 21  LD (#2100h),A   A:08 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
22C2:CD F2 4B  CALL #4BF2h     A:08 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
4BF2:FA 9C A7  LD A,(#A79Ch)   A:08 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
4BF5:EF        RST 28H         A:04 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
0028:87        ADD A,A         A:04 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
0029:E1        POP HL          A:08 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:40b7
002A:5F        LD E,A          A:08 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:40b7 HL:4bf6
002B:16 00     LD D,#00h       A:08 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:4008 HL:4bf6
002D:19        ADD HL,DE       A:08 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:0008 HL:4bf6
002E:5E        LD E,(HL)       A:08 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:0008 HL:4bfe	The ending sequence starts
002F:23        INC HL          A:08 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:0002 HL:4bfe	when A8C3 is 09, but making
0030:56        LD D,(HL)       A:08 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:0002 HL:4bff	this change doesn't help.
0031:62        LD H,D          A:08 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:4bff	
0032:6B        LD L,E          A:08 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5dff	Without the final boss
0033:E9        JP (HL)         A:08 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02	defeated or a Captain Syrup
5D02:CD AF 72  CALL #72AFh     A:08 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02	sprite in course 3, the
72AF:FA 94 A7  LD A,(#A794h)   A:08 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02	ending sequence will stop
72B2:A7        AND A           A:00 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02	partway through.
72B3:C8        RET Z           A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5D05:FA 94 A7  LD A,(#A794h)   A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02	Changing A8C4 to later in
5D08:A7        AND A           A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02	the sequence won't help
5D09:C0        RET NZ          A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02	either, because setup for
5D0A:CD 53 60  CALL #6053h     A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02	the ending happens in the
6053:FA 92 A7  LD A,(#A792h)   A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02	skipped parts. The game
6056:A7        AND A           A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02	just doesn't continue or
6057:C8        RET Z           A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02	crashes outright.
5D0D:FA 92 A7  LD A,(#A792h)   A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5D10:A7        AND A           A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5D11:C0        RET NZ          A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5D12:CD 1C 5D  CALL #5D1Ch     A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5D1C:CD 6A 5A  CALL #5A6Ah     A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5A6A:FA A4 A7  LD A,(#A7A4h)   A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5A6D:E6 0F     AND #0Fh        A:2a F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5A6F:C0        RET NZ          A:0a F:20 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5D1F:CD 29 5D  CALL #5D29h     A:0a F:20 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5D29:FA A7 A7  LD A,(#A7A7h)   A:0a F:20 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5D2C:A7        AND A           A:00 F:20 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5D2D:20 4F     JR NZ,5D7Eh     A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5D2F:FA E7 A7  LD A,(#A7E7h)   A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5D32:FE 00     CP #00h         A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5D34:C2 D8 5F  JP NZ,#5FD8h    A:00 F:c0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5D37:FA E4 A7  LD A,(#A7E4h)   A:00 F:c0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5D3A:A7        AND A           A:00 F:c0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5D3B:C2 33 5E  JP NZ,#5E33h    A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5D3E:F0 81     LDH A,(#FF81h)  A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02	FF81 is the combination of
5D40:E6 09     AND #09h        A:b4 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02	buttons held on this frame,
5D42:20 30     JR NZ,5D74h     A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02	but not the previous one.
5D44:CD 1F 5E  CALL #5E1Fh     A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02
5E1F:CD 93 5F  CALL #5F93h     A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02	Button order is DULRSsBA.
5F93:21 29 56  LD HL,#5629h    A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5d02	Input on this frame is
5F96:FA 9E A7  LD A,(#A79Eh)   A:00 F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5629	DLRsB.
5F99:87        ADD A,A         A:0f F:a0 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5629
5F9A:5F        LD E,A          A:1e F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:5d02 HL:5629	First check: have Start or
5F9B:16 00     LD D,#00h       A:1e F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:5d1e HL:5629	A been pressed? In this
5F9D:19        ADD HL,DE       A:1e F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:001e HL:5629	case no.
5F9E:2A        LD A,(HL+)      A:1e F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:001e HL:5647
5F9F:5F        LD E,A          A:8e F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:001e HL:5648
5FA0:66        LD H,(HL)       A:8e F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:008e HL:5648
5FA1:6B        LD L,E          A:8e F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:008e HL:5648
5FA2:C9        RET             A:8e F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:008e HL:568e
5E22:CD A3 5F  CALL #5FA3h     A:8e F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:008e HL:568e
5FA3:7E        LD A,(HL)       A:8e F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:008e HL:568e	Next check the paths that
5FA4:47        LD B,A          A:a0 F:00 BC:b0b4 DE:008e HL:568e	can be taken from where
5FA5:F0 81     LDH A,(#FF81h)  A:a0 F:00 BC:a0b4 DE:008e HL:568e	Wario is. Have any of those
5FA7:EA E2 A7  LD (#A7E2h),A   A:b4 F:00 BC:a0b4 DE:008e HL:568e	directions been pressed?
5FAA:CD 22 62  CALL #6222h     A:b4 F:00 BC:a0b4 DE:008e HL:568e
6222:A0        AND B           A:b4 F:00 BC:a0b4 DE:008e HL:568e	Both, actually.
6223:C8        RET Z           A:a0 F:20 BC:a0b4 DE:008e HL:568e
6224:78        LD A,B          A:a0 F:20 BC:a0b4 DE:008e HL:568e	(This isn't a check against
6225:EA 6B B1  LD (#B16Bh),A   A:a0 F:20 BC:a0b4 DE:008e HL:568e	which paths are open, just
6228:54        LD D,H          A:a0 F:20 BC:a0b4 DE:008e HL:568e	which ones exist.)
6229:5D        LD E,L          A:a0 F:20 BC:a0b4 DE:568e HL:568e
622A:FA 9C A7  LD A,(#A79Ch)   A:a0 F:20 BC:a0b4 DE:568e HL:568e
622D:FE 04     CP #04h         A:04 F:20 BC:a0b4 DE:568e HL:568e
622F:28 24     JR Z,6255h      A:04 F:c0 BC:a0b4 DE:568e HL:568e
6255:FA 0B A8  LD A,(#A80Bh)   A:04 F:c0 BC:a0b4 DE:568e HL:568e
6258:4F        LD C,A          A:02 F:c0 BC:a0b4 DE:568e HL:568e
6259:FA 6F B1  LD A,(#B16Fh)   A:02 F:c0 BC:a002 DE:568e HL:568e
625C:47        LD B,A          A:00 F:c0 BC:a002 DE:568e HL:568e
625D:2E 7F     LD L,#7Fh       A:00 F:c0 BC:0002 DE:568e HL:568e
625F:26 00     LD H,#00h       A:00 F:c0 BC:0002 DE:568e HL:567f
6261:CD EC 62  CALL #62ECh     A:00 F:c0 BC:0002 DE:568e HL:007f
62EC:7A        LD A,D          A:00 F:c0 BC:0002 DE:568e HL:007f
62ED:EA 69 B1  LD (#B169h),A   A:56 F:c0 BC:0002 DE:568e HL:007f
62F0:7B        LD A,E          A:56 F:c0 BC:0002 DE:568e HL:007f
62F1:EA 6A B1  LD (#B16Ah),A   A:8e F:c0 BC:0002 DE:568e HL:007f
62F4:7D        LD A,L          A:8e F:c0 BC:0002 DE:568e HL:007f
62F5:91        SUB C           A:7f F:c0 BC:0002 DE:568e HL:007f
62F6:20 02     JR NZ,62FAh     A:7d F:40 BC:0002 DE:568e HL:007f
62FA:FA 69 B1  LD A,(#B169h)   A:7d F:40 BC:0002 DE:568e HL:007f
62FD:67        LD H,A          A:56 F:40 BC:0002 DE:568e HL:007f
62FE:FA 6A B1  LD A,(#B16Ah)   A:56 F:40 BC:0002 DE:568e HL:567f
6301:6F        LD L,A          A:8e F:40 BC:0002 DE:568e HL:567f
6302:FA 6B B1  LD A,(#B16Bh)   A:8e F:40 BC:0002 DE:568e HL:568e
6305:47        LD B,A          A:a0 F:40 BC:0002 DE:568e HL:568e
6306:C9        RET             A:a0 F:40 BC:a002 DE:568e HL:568e
6264:28 43     JR Z,62A9h      A:a0 F:40 BC:a002 DE:568e HL:568e
6266:CD 12 64  CALL #6412h     A:a0 F:40 BC:a002 DE:568e HL:568e
6412:CD 21 64  CALL #6421h     A:a0 F:40 BC:a002 DE:568e HL:568e
6421:FA 9E A7  LD A,(#A79Eh)   A:a0 F:40 BC:a002 DE:568e HL:568e
6424:21 96 64  LD HL,#6496h    A:0f F:40 BC:a002 DE:568e HL:568e
6427:CD 99 5F  CALL #5F99h     A:0f F:40 BC:a002 DE:568e HL:6496
5F99:87        ADD A,A         A:0f F:40 BC:a002 DE:568e HL:6496
5F9A:5F        LD E,A          A:1e F:00 BC:a002 DE:568e HL:6496
5F9B:16 00     LD D,#00h       A:1e F:00 BC:a002 DE:561e HL:6496
5F9D:19        ADD HL,DE       A:1e F:00 BC:a002 DE:001e HL:6496
5F9E:2A        LD A,(HL+)      A:1e F:00 BC:a002 DE:001e HL:64b4
5F9F:5F        LD E,A          A:6f F:00 BC:a002 DE:001e HL:64b5
5FA0:66        LD H,(HL)       A:6f F:00 BC:a002 DE:006f HL:64b5
5FA1:6B        LD L,E          A:6f F:00 BC:a002 DE:006f HL:65b5
5FA2:C9        RET             A:6f F:00 BC:a002 DE:006f HL:656f
642A:FA E2 A7  LD A,(#A7E2h)   A:6f F:00 BC:a002 DE:006f HL:656f	Right here is where the
642D:CB 6F     BIT 5,A         A:b4 F:00 BC:a002 DE:006f HL:656f	important part starts.
642F:20 0C     JR NZ,643Dh     A:b4 F:20 BC:a002 DE:006f HL:656f
643D:3E 01     LD A,#01h       A:b4 F:20 BC:a002 DE:006f HL:656f	This checks the direction
643F:18 06     JR 6447h        A:01 F:20 BC:a002 DE:006f HL:656f	that's been pressed --
6447:CD 99 5F  CALL #5F99h     A:01 F:20 BC:a002 DE:006f HL:656f	assuming there's only one
5F99:87        ADD A,A         A:01 F:20 BC:a002 DE:006f HL:656f	-- in the order LUDR.
5F9A:5F        LD E,A          A:02 F:00 BC:a002 DE:006f HL:656f
5F9B:16 00     LD D,#00h       A:02 F:00 BC:a002 DE:0002 HL:656f	This is compared to the
5F9D:19        ADD HL,DE       A:02 F:00 BC:a002 DE:0002 HL:656f	unlocked paths to see if
5F9E:2A        LD A,(HL+)      A:02 F:00 BC:a002 DE:0002 HL:6571	Wario can actually move in
5F9F:5F        LD E,A          A:00 F:00 BC:a002 DE:0002 HL:6572	that direction.
5FA0:66        LD H,(HL)       A:00 F:00 BC:a002 DE:0000 HL:6572
5FA1:6B        LD L,E          A:00 F:00 BC:a002 DE:0000 HL:0272	Left is pressed, so he can.
5FA2:C9        RET             A:00 F:00 BC:a002 DE:0000 HL:0200
644A:C9        RET             A:00 F:00 BC:a002 DE:0000 HL:0200
6415:FA 0B A8  LD A,(#A80Bh)   A:00 F:00 BC:a002 DE:0000 HL:0200
6418:4F        LD C,A          A:02 F:00 BC:a002 DE:0000 HL:0200
6419:FA 6F B1  LD A,(#B16Fh)   A:02 F:00 BC:a002 DE:0000 HL:0200
641C:47        LD B,A          A:00 F:00 BC:a002 DE:0000 HL:0200
641D:CD 6E 64  CALL #646Eh     A:00 F:00 BC:0002 DE:0000 HL:0200
646E:7C        LD A,H          A:00 F:00 BC:0002 DE:0000 HL:0200
646F:B5        OR L            A:02 F:00 BC:0002 DE:0000 HL:0200
6470:28 D9     JR Z,644Bh      A:02 F:00 BC:0002 DE:0000 HL:0200
6472:7C        LD A,H          A:02 F:00 BC:0002 DE:0000 HL:0200
6473:FE FD     CP #FDh         A:02 F:00 BC:0002 DE:0000 HL:0200
6475:28 E4     JR Z,645Bh      A:02 F:50 BC:0002 DE:0000 HL:0200
6477:7D        LD A,L          A:02 F:50 BC:0002 DE:0000 HL:0200
6478:FE FD     CP #FDh         A:00 F:50 BC:0002 DE:0000 HL:0200
647A:28 DF     JR Z,645Bh      A:00 F:50 BC:0002 DE:0000 HL:0200
647C:79        LD A,C          A:00 F:50 BC:0002 DE:0000 HL:0200
647D:A4        AND H           A:02 F:50 BC:0002 DE:0000 HL:0200
647E:20 DB     JR NZ,645Bh     A:02 F:20 BC:0002 DE:0000 HL:0200
645B:FA E2 A7  LD A,(#A7E2h)   A:02 F:20 BC:0002 DE:0000 HL:0200
645E:47        LD B,A          A:b4 F:20 BC:0002 DE:0000 HL:0200
645F:EA F1 A7  LD (#A7F1h),A   A:b4 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:0200
6462:FA 69 B1  LD A,(#B169h)   A:b4 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:0200
6465:67        LD H,A          A:56 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:0200
6466:FA 6A B1  LD A,(#B16Ah)   A:56 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:5600
6469:6F        LD L,A          A:8e F:20 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:5600
646A:FA E2 A7  LD A,(#A7E2h)   A:8e F:20 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568e	Once it's been decided that
646D:C9        RET             A:b4 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568e	yes, Wario can move that
6420:C9        RET             A:b4 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568e	way, the game checks again
6269:C9        RET             A:b4 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568e	to see which direction
5FAD:A0        AND B           A:b4 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568e	(assuming only one) was
5FAE:CB 67     BIT 4,A         A:b4 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568e	pressed.
5FB0:20 11     JR NZ,5FC3h     A:b4 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568e
5FC3:3E 01     LD A,#01h       A:b4 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568e	This time it's in the order
5FC5:18 0A     JR 5FD1h        A:01 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568e	RLUD.
5FD1:CD 88 5F  CALL #5F88h     A:01 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568e
5F88:F6 00     OR #00h         A:01 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568e	Right's been pressed, so he
5F8A:C8        RET Z           A:01 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568e	tries to move down the path
5F8B:F6 00     OR #00h         A:01 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568e	to the right.
5F8D:28 F1     JR Z,5F80h      A:01 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568e
5F8F:23        INC HL          A:01 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568e
5F90:3D        DEC A           A:01 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568f
5F91:18 F8     JR 5F8Bh        A:00 F:c0 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568f
5F8B:F6 00     OR #00h         A:00 F:c0 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568f
5F8D:28 F1     JR Z,5F80h      A:00 F:80 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568f
5F80:7E        LD A,(HL)       A:00 F:80 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568f
5F81:21 60 57  LD HL,#5760h    A:ff F:80 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:568f	Problem is, there is no
5F84:CD 99 5F  CALL #5F99h     A:ff F:80 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:5760	path to the right.
5F99:87        ADD A,A         A:ff F:80 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:5760
5F9A:5F        LD E,A          A:fe F:10 BC:b402 DE:0000 HL:5760
5F9B:16 00     LD D,#00h       A:fe F:10 BC:b402 DE:00fe HL:5760
5F9D:19        ADD HL,DE       A:fe F:10 BC:b402 DE:00fe HL:5760
5F9E:2A        LD A,(HL+)      A:fe F:00 BC:b402 DE:00fe HL:585e
5F9F:5F        LD E,A          A:19 F:00 BC:b402 DE:00fe HL:585f	
5FA0:66        LD H,(HL)       A:19 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:585f
5FA1:6B        LD L,E          A:19 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee5f
5FA2:C9        RET             A:19 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee19	So the game starts looking
5F87:C9        RET             A:19 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee19	for the path information
5FD4:CD 53 5E  CALL #5E53h     A:19 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee19	in places it shouldn't. In
5E53:2A        LD A,(HL+)      A:19 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee19	this case it looks at EE19,
5E54:FE FF     CP #FFh         A:7e F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1a	an echo of CE19, which is
5E56:28 19     JR Z,5E71h      A:7e F:50 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1a	part of the layout of
5E58:EA E6 A7  LD (#A7E6h),A   A:7e F:50 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1a	course 3.
5E5B:2A        LD A,(HL+)      A:7e F:50 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1a
5E5C:EA E7 A7  LD (#A7E7h),A   A:7e F:50 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5E5F:7E        LD A,(HL)       A:7e F:50 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5E60:EA E5 A7  LD (#A7E5h),A   A:7e F:50 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5E63:FA E3 A7  LD A,(#A7E3h)   A:7e F:50 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5E66:C6 03     ADD A,#03h      A:00 F:50 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5E68:EA E3 A7  LD (#A7E3h),A   A:03 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5E6B:3E 01     LD A,#01h       A:03 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5E6D:EA E4 A7  LD (#A7E4h),A   A:01 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5E70:C9        RET             A:01 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5FD7:C9        RET             A:01 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5E25:FA E4 A7  LD A,(#A7E4h)   A:01 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5E28:C0        RET NZ          A:01 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5D47:FA E4 A7  LD A,(#A7E4h)   A:01 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5D4A:A7        AND A           A:01 F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5D4B:C0        RET NZ          A:01 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5D22:CD 70 61  CALL #6170h     A:01 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
6170:FA 0B A8  LD A,(#A80Bh)   A:01 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
6173:CB 6F     BIT 5,A         A:02 F:20 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
6175:C8        RET Z           A:02 F:a0 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5D25:CD C8 4B  CALL #4BC8h     A:02 F:a0 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
4BC8:CD 6F 53  CALL #536Fh     A:02 F:a0 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
536F:FA E5 A7  LD A,(#A7E5h)   A:02 F:a0 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
5372:EF        RST 28H         A:7e F:a0 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
0028:87        ADD A,A         A:7e F:a0 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
0029:E1        POP HL          A:fc F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:ee1b
002A:5F        LD E,A          A:fc F:00 BC:b402 DE:0019 HL:5373
002B:16 00     LD D,#00h       A:fc F:00 BC:b402 DE:00fc HL:5373
002D:19        ADD HL,DE       A:fc F:00 BC:b402 DE:00fc HL:5373
002E:5E        LD E,(HL)       A:fc F:00 BC:b402 DE:00fc HL:546f
002F:23        INC HL          A:fc F:00 BC:b402 DE:00d8 HL:546f
0030:56        LD D,(HL)       A:fc F:00 BC:b402 DE:00d8 HL:5470	And when it tries to use
0031:62        LD H,D          A:fc F:00 BC:b402 DE:a7d8 HL:5470	that information to decide
0032:6B        LD L,E          A:fc F:00 BC:b402 DE:a7d8 HL:a770	where to go next, there's a
0033:E9        JP (HL)         A:fc F:00 BC:b402 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	jump to SRAM.
A7D8:64        LD H,H          A:fc F:00 BC:b402 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7D9:7C        LD A,H          A:fc F:00 BC:b402 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7DA:10        STOP 0          A:a7 F:00 BC:b402 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8

That STOP is part of the map data that can't be manipulated. The only way around it would be to
have an A7D8 (Y position on the map) or A7D9 (X position) so that the STOP is instead part of a
multi-byte instruction. When execution resumes it's in V-Blank, which has been removed here.

A7DC:07        RLCA            A:a7 F:00 BC:b402 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	Once that's done it's time
A7DD:02        LD (BC),A       A:4f F:10 BC:b402 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	to move on to executing the
A7DE:64        LD H,H          A:4f F:10 BC:b402 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	written code.
A7DF:02        LD (BC),A       A:4f F:10 BC:b402 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7E0:00        NOP             A:4f F:10 BC:b402 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	Remember, the target
A7E1:00        NOP             A:4f F:10 BC:b402 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	addresses are A8C7 and A8C4.
A7E2:B4        OR H            A:4f F:10 BC:b402 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7E3:03        INC BC          A:ef F:00 BC:b402 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7E4:01 7E 7E  LD BC,#7E7Eh    A:ef F:00 BC:b403 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7E7:7E        LD A,(HL)       A:ef F:00 BC:7e7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7E8:07        RLCA            A:64 F:00 BC:7e7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7E9:00        NOP             A:c8 F:00 BC:7e7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	Getting A = C8 is easy. From
A7EA:00        NOP             A:c8 F:00 BC:7e7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	there one instruction will
A7EB:00        NOP             A:c8 F:00 BC:7e7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	is enough to reach C7.
A7EC:00        NOP             A:c8 F:00 BC:7e7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7ED:00        NOP             A:c8 F:00 BC:7e7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7EE:04        INC B           A:c8 F:00 BC:7e7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7EF:00        NOP             A:c8 F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7F0:00        NOP             A:c8 F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7F1:B4        OR H            A:c8 F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	However that instruction,
A7F2:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	DEC A, is 3D, which isn't
A7F3:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	a particularly fast one to
A7F4:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	set up.
A7F5:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7F6:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	Instead the input is used
A7F7:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	to set up a more indirect
A7F8:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	but faster method.
A7F9:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7FA:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7FB:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7FC:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7FD:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7FE:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A7FF:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A800:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A801:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A802:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A803:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A804:0E 00     LD C,#00h       A:ef F:00 BC:7f7e DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A806:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f00 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A807:00        NOP             A:ef F:00 BC:7f00 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A808:05        DEC B           A:ef F:00 BC:7f00 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	<-- This instruction is the
A809:05        DEC B           A:ef F:40 BC:7e00 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	number of hearts...
A80A:03        INC BC          A:ef F:40 BC:7d00 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A80B:02        LD (BC),A       A:ef F:40 BC:7d01 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	<-- ...and this one is why
A80C:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:7d01 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	it's important to have five
A80D:01 00 00  LD BC,#0000h    A:ef F:40 BC:7d01 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	and not six.
A810:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A811:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	As the code reads now, a
A812:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	write occurs to the ROM
A813:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	address 7D01. A write to
A814:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	this memory area says
A815:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	whether a write to another
A816:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	are should change the RAM
A817:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	bank or the high bits of
A818:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	the ROM bank.
A819:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A81A:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	Wario Land 1 only has one
A81B:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	RAM bank and 32 ROM banks,
A81C:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	so this write is completely
A81D:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	meaningless.
A81E:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A81F:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	However, with 6 heats, that
A820:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	instruction will be 06 05,
A821:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	or LD B,#05h, and the write
A822:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	will be to 0401.
A823:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A824:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	A write to this memory area
A825:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	says whether SRAM -- which
A826:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	is where this code is --
A827:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	should be enabled or not.
A828:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	In this case the write will
A829:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	disable it.
A82A:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A82B:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	And that would be bad.
A82C:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A82D:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A82E:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A82F:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A830:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A831:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A832:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A833:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A834:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A835:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A836:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A837:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A838:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A839:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A83A:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A83B:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A83C:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A83D:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A83E:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A83F:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A840:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A841:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A842:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A843:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A844:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A845:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A846:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A847:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A848:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A849:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A84A:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A84B:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A84C:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A84D:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A84E:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A84F:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A850:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A851:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A852:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A853:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A854:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A855:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A856:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A857:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A858:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A859:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A85A:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A85B:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A85C:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A85D:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A85E:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A85F:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A860:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	Remember how there was next
A861:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	to nothing here? This is
A862:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	how much nothing there is
A863:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	here.
A864:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A865:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A866:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A867:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A868:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A869:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A86A:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A86B:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A86C:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A86D:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A86E:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A86F:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A870:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A871:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A872:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A873:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A874:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A875:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A876:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A877:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A878:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A879:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A87A:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A87B:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A87C:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A87D:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A87E:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A87F:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A880:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A881:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A882:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A883:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A884:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A885:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A886:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A887:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A888:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A889:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A88A:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A88B:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A88C:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A88D:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A88E:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A88F:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A890:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A891:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A892:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A893:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A894:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A895:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A896:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A897:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A898:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A899:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A89A:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A89B:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A89C:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A89D:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A89E:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A89F:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8A0:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8A1:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8A2:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8A3:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8A4:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8A5:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8A6:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8A7:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8A8:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8A9:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8AA:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8AB:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8AC:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8AD:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8AE:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8AF:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8B0:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8B1:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8B2:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8B3:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8B4:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8B5:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8B6:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8B7:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8B8:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8B9:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8BA:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8BB:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8BC:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8BD:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8BE:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8BF:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8C0:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8C1:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8C2:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8C3:01 00 08  LD BC,#0800h    A:ef F:40 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8C6:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8C7:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8C8:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8C9:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8CA:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8CB:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8CC:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8CD:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8CE:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8CF:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8D0:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8D1:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8D2:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8D3:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8D4:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8D5:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8D6:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8D7:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8D8:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8D9:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8DA:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8DB:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8DC:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8DD:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8DE:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8DF:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8E0:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8E1:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8E2:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8E3:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8E4:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8E5:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8E6:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8E7:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8E8:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8E9:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8EA:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8EB:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8EC:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8ED:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8EE:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8EF:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8F0:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8F1:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8F2:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8F3:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8F4:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8F5:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	About getting to C7...
A8F6:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8F7:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	The address that needs to
A8F8:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	be used for that is a frame
A8F9:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	counter that gets zeroed
A8FA:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	when Wario leaves course 3.
A8FB:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A8FC:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	By the time he reaches
A8FD:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	course 2 it's going to be
A8FE:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	in the 80s.
A8FF:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A900:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	A badly chosen instruction
A901:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	will require waiting up to
A902:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	256 frames before doing the
A903:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	glitch.
A904:00        NOP             A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A905:85        ADD A,L         A:ef F:40 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	<-- But this one here only
A906:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	needs a few frames of extra
A907:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	waiting time.
A908:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A909:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A90A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A90B:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A90C:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A90D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A90E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A90F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A910:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A911:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A912:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A913:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A914:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A915:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A916:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A917:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A918:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A919:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A91A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A91B:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A91C:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A91D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A91E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A91F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A920:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A921:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A922:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A923:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A924:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A925:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A926:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A927:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A928:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A929:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A92A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A92B:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A92C:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A92D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A92E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A92F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A930:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A931:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A932:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A933:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A934:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A935:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A936:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A937:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A938:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A939:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A93A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A93B:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A93C:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A93D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A93E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A93F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A940:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A941:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A942:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A943:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A944:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A945:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A946:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A947:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A948:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A949:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A94A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A94B:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A94C:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A94D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A94E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A94F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A950:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A951:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A952:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A953:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A954:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A955:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A956:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A957:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A958:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A959:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A95A:01 00 00  LD BC,#0000h    A:c7 F:10 BC:0800 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A95D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A95E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A95F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A960:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A961:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A962:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A963:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A964:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A965:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A966:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A967:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A968:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A969:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A96A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A96B:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A96C:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A96D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A96E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A96F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A970:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A971:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A972:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A973:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A974:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A975:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A976:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A977:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A978:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A979:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A97A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A97B:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A97C:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A97D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A97E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A97F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A980:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A981:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A982:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A983:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A984:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A985:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A986:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A987:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A988:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A989:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A98A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A98B:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A98C:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A98D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A98E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A98F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A990:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A991:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A992:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A993:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A994:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A995:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A996:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A997:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A998:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A999:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A99A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A99B:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A99C:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A99D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A99E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A99F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9A0:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9A1:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9A2:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9A3:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9A4:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9A5:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9A6:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9A7:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9A8:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9A9:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9AA:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9AB:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9AC:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9AD:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9AE:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9AF:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9B0:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9B1:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9B2:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9B3:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9B4:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9B5:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9B6:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9B7:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9B8:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9B9:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9BA:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9BB:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9BC:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9BD:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9BE:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9BF:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9C0:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9C1:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9C2:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9C3:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9C4:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9C5:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9C6:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9C7:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9C8:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9C9:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9CA:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9CB:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9CC:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9CD:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9CE:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9CF:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9D0:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9D1:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9D2:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9D3:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9D4:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9D5:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9D6:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9D7:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9D8:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9D9:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9DA:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9DB:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9DC:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9DD:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9DE:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9DF:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9E0:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9E1:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9E2:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9E3:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9E4:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9E5:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9E6:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9E7:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9E8:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9E9:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9EA:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9EB:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9EC:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9ED:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9EE:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9EF:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9F0:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9F1:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9F2:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9F3:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9F4:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9F5:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9F6:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9F7:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9F8:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9F9:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9FA:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9FB:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9FC:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9FD:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9FE:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
A9FF:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
AA00:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
AA01:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
AA02:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
AA03:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
AA04:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
AA05:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
AA06:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
AA07:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
AA08:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
AA09:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
AA0A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8
AA0B:6F        LD L,A          A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7d8	Coordinates of the leftover
AA0C:24        INC H           A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a7c7	jet hat flames start here.
AA0D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c7
AA0E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c7	There's much more control
AA0F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c7	over what happens here so
AA10:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c7	the rest is more or less
AA11:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c7	sane.
AA12:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c7
AA13:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c7
AA14:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c7
AA15:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c7	First use the previous
AA16:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c7	set up to get HL to A8C7.
AA17:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c7
AA18:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c7
AA19:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c7
AA1A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c7
AA1B:32        LD (HL-),A      A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c7	Then use decrement and
AA1C:32        LD (HL-),A      A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c6	store instructions to
AA1D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c5	change both addresses.
AA1E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c5
AA1F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c5	Fortunately they're very
AA20:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c5	close together.
AA21:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c5
AA22:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c5
AA23:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c5
AA24:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c5
AA25:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c5
AA26:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c5
AA27:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c5	A8C6 can be safely changed
AA28:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c5	as well, but A8C5 is the
AA29:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c5	current ROM bank.
AA2A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c5
AA2B:2D        DEC L           A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c5	Change that, and the game
AA2C:34        INC (HL)        A:c7 F:50 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4	eventually returns to the
AA2D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4	wrong bank and executes the
AA2E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4	wrong code.
AA2F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA30:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4	Bad idea.
AA31:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA32:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA33:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA34:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA35:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA36:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA37:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA38:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA39:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA3A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA3B:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA3C:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA3D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA3E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA3F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA40:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA41:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA42:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA43:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA44:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA45:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA46:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA47:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA48:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA49:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA4A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA4B:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA4C:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA4D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA4E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA4F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA50:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA51:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA52:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA53:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA54:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA55:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA56:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA57:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA58:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA59:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA5A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA5B:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA5C:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA5D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA5E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA5F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA60:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA61:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA62:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA63:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA64:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA65:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA66:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA67:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA68:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA69:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA6A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA6B:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA6C:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA6D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA6E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA6F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA70:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA71:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA72:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA73:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA74:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA75:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA76:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA77:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA78:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA79:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA7A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA7B:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA7C:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA7D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA7E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA7F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA80:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA81:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA82:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA83:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA84:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA85:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA86:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA87:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA88:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA89:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA8A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA8B:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA8C:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA8D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA8E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA8F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA90:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA91:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA92:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA93:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA94:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA95:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA96:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA97:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA98:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA99:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA9A:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA9B:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA9C:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA9D:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA9E:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AA9F:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAA0:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAA1:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAA2:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAA3:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAA4:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAA5:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAA6:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAA7:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAA8:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAA9:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAAA:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAAB:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAAC:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAAD:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAAE:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAAF:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAB0:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAB1:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAB2:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAB3:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAB4:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAB5:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAB6:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAB7:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAB8:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAB9:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AABA:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AABB:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AABC:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AABD:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AABE:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AABF:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAC0:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAC1:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAC2:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAC3:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAC4:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAC5:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAC6:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAC7:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAC8:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAC9:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AACA:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AACB:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AACC:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AACD:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AACE:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AACF:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAD0:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAD1:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAD2:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAD3:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAD4:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAD5:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAD6:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAD7:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAD8:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAD9:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AADA:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AADB:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AADC:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AADD:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AADE:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AADF:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAE0:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAE1:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAE2:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAE3:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAE4:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAE5:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAE6:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAE7:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAE8:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAE9:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAEA:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4
AAEB:6F        LD L,A          A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c4	Now that that's done, all
AAEC:24        INC H           A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a8c7	that's left is to get past
AAED:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7	the duplicate coordinates
AAEE:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7	(which turned out not to be
AAEF:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7	useful for this glitch)...
AAF0:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7
AAF1:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7
AAF2:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7
AAF3:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7
AAF4:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7
AAF5:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7
AAF6:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7
AAF7:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7
AAF8:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7
AAF9:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7
AAFA:00        NOP             A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7
AAFB:D9        RETI            A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7	...and return.
4BCB:7E        LD A,(HL)       A:c7 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7
4BCC:EA DB A7  LD (#A7DBh),A   A:00 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7
4BCF:21 0F 2C  LD HL,#2C0Fh    A:00 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:a9c7
4BD2:FA D8 A7  LD A,(#A7D8h)   A:00 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:2c0f
4BD5:EA D4 A7  LD (#A7D4h),A   A:64 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:2c0f
4BD8:FA D9 A7  LD A,(#A7D9h)   A:64 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:2c0f
4BDB:EA D5 A7  LD (#A7D5h),A   A:7c F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:2c0f
4BDE:FA DB A7  LD A,(#A7DBh)   A:7c F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:2c0f
4BE1:EA D7 A7  LD (#A7D7h),A   A:00 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:2c0f
4BE4:FA DA A7  LD A,(#A7DAh)   A:00 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:2c0f
4BE7:EA D6 A7  LD (#A7D6h),A   A:10 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:2c0f
4BEA:CD B6 2B  CALL #2BB6h     A:10 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:2c0f
2BB6:FA D7 A7  LD A,(#A7D7h)   A:10 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:2c0f	There's nothing important
2BB9:16 00     LD D,#00h       A:00 F:10 BC:0000 DE:a7d8 HL:2c0f	past the end of the memory
2BBB:5F        LD E,A          A:00 F:10 BC:0000 DE:00d8 HL:2c0f	execution. The rest is just
2BBC:CB 23     SLA E           A:00 F:10 BC:0000 DE:0000 HL:2c0f	the game continuing without
2BBE:CB 12     RL D            A:00 F:80 BC:0000 DE:0000 HL:2c0f	any other side effects.
2BC0:19        ADD HL,DE       A:00 F:80 BC:0000 DE:0000 HL:2c0f
2BC1:2A        LD A,(HL+)      A:00 F:80 BC:0000 DE:0000 HL:2c0f
2BC2:5F        LD E,A          A:2e F:80 BC:0000 DE:0000 HL:2c10
2BC3:7E        LD A,(HL)       A:2e F:80 BC:0000 DE:002e HL:2c10
2BC4:57        LD D,A          A:2c F:80 BC:0000 DE:002e HL:2c10
2BC5:26 AF     LD H,#AFh       A:2c F:80 BC:0000 DE:2c2e HL:2c10
2BC7:FA 0C A9  LD A,(#A90Ch)   A:2c F:80 BC:0000 DE:2c2e HL:af10
2BCA:6F        LD L,A          A:00 F:80 BC:0000 DE:2c2e HL:af10
2BCB:FA D4 A7  LD A,(#A7D4h)   A:00 F:80 BC:0000 DE:2c2e HL:af00
2BCE:47        LD B,A          A:64 F:80 BC:0000 DE:2c2e HL:af00
2BCF:FA D5 A7  LD A,(#A7D5h)   A:64 F:80 BC:6400 DE:2c2e HL:af00
2BD2:4F        LD C,A          A:7c F:80 BC:6400 DE:2c2e HL:af00
2BD3:7D        LD A,L          A:7c F:80 BC:647c DE:2c2e HL:af00
2BD4:FE A0     CP #A0h         A:00 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c2e HL:af00
2BD6:D0        RET NC          A:00 F:50 BC:647c DE:2c2e HL:af00
2BD7:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:00 F:50 BC:647c DE:2c2e HL:af00
2BD8:FE 80     CP #80h         A:f0 F:50 BC:647c DE:2c2e HL:af00
2BDA:C8        RET Z           A:f0 F:40 BC:647c DE:2c2e HL:af00
2BDB:FA D6 A7  LD A,(#A7D6h)   A:f0 F:40 BC:647c DE:2c2e HL:af00
2BDE:CB 77     BIT 6,A         A:10 F:40 BC:647c DE:2c2e HL:af00
2BE0:28 06     JR Z,2BE8h      A:10 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c2e HL:af00
2BE8:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:10 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c2e HL:af00
2BE9:80        ADD A,B         A:f0 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c2e HL:af00
2BEA:22        LD (HL+),A      A:54 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c2e HL:af00
2BEB:13        INC DE          A:54 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c2e HL:af01
2BEC:FA D6 A7  LD A,(#A7D6h)   A:54 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c2f HL:af01
2BEF:CB 6F     BIT 5,A         A:10 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c2f HL:af01
2BF1:28 06     JR Z,2BF9h      A:10 F:b0 BC:647c DE:2c2f HL:af01
2BF9:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:10 F:b0 BC:647c DE:2c2f HL:af01
2BFA:81        ADD A,C         A:f8 F:b0 BC:647c DE:2c2f HL:af01
2BFB:22        LD (HL+),A      A:74 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c2f HL:af01
2BFC:13        INC DE          A:74 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c2f HL:af02
2BFD:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:74 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c30 HL:af02
2BFE:22        LD (HL+),A      A:00 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c30 HL:af02
2BFF:13        INC DE          A:00 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c30 HL:af03
2C00:E5        PUSH HL         A:00 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c31 HL:af03
2C01:21 D6 A7  LD HL,#A7D6h    A:00 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c31 HL:af03
2C04:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:00 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c31 HL:a7d6
2C05:AE        XOR (HL)        A:10 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c31 HL:a7d6
2C06:E1        POP HL          A:00 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c31 HL:a7d6
2C07:22        LD (HL+),A      A:00 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c31 HL:af03
2C08:7D        LD A,L          A:00 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c31 HL:af04
2C09:EA 0C A9  LD (#A90Ch),A   A:04 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c31 HL:af04
2C0C:13        INC DE          A:04 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c31 HL:af04
2C0D:18 C4     JR 2BD3h        A:04 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c32 HL:af04
2BD3:7D        LD A,L          A:04 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c32 HL:af04
2BD4:FE A0     CP #A0h         A:04 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c32 HL:af04
2BD6:D0        RET NC          A:04 F:50 BC:647c DE:2c32 HL:af04
2BD7:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:04 F:50 BC:647c DE:2c32 HL:af04
2BD8:FE 80     CP #80h         A:f0 F:50 BC:647c DE:2c32 HL:af04
2BDA:C8        RET Z           A:f0 F:40 BC:647c DE:2c32 HL:af04
2BDB:FA D6 A7  LD A,(#A7D6h)   A:f0 F:40 BC:647c DE:2c32 HL:af04
2BDE:CB 77     BIT 6,A         A:10 F:40 BC:647c DE:2c32 HL:af04
2BE0:28 06     JR Z,2BE8h      A:10 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c32 HL:af04
2BE8:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:10 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c32 HL:af04
2BE9:80        ADD A,B         A:f0 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c32 HL:af04
2BEA:22        LD (HL+),A      A:54 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c32 HL:af04
2BEB:13        INC DE          A:54 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c32 HL:af05
2BEC:FA D6 A7  LD A,(#A7D6h)   A:54 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c33 HL:af05
2BEF:CB 6F     BIT 5,A         A:10 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c33 HL:af05
2BF1:28 06     JR Z,2BF9h      A:10 F:b0 BC:647c DE:2c33 HL:af05
2BF9:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:10 F:b0 BC:647c DE:2c33 HL:af05
2BFA:81        ADD A,C         A:00 F:b0 BC:647c DE:2c33 HL:af05
2BFB:22        LD (HL+),A      A:7c F:00 BC:647c DE:2c33 HL:af05
2BFC:13        INC DE          A:7c F:00 BC:647c DE:2c33 HL:af06
2BFD:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:7c F:00 BC:647c DE:2c34 HL:af06
2BFE:22        LD (HL+),A      A:01 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c34 HL:af06
2BFF:13        INC DE          A:01 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c34 HL:af07
2C00:E5        PUSH HL         A:01 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c35 HL:af07
2C01:21 D6 A7  LD HL,#A7D6h    A:01 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c35 HL:af07
2C04:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:01 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c35 HL:a7d6
2C05:AE        XOR (HL)        A:10 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c35 HL:a7d6
2C06:E1        POP HL          A:00 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c35 HL:a7d6
2C07:22        LD (HL+),A      A:00 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c35 HL:af07
2C08:7D        LD A,L          A:00 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c35 HL:af08
2C09:EA 0C A9  LD (#A90Ch),A   A:08 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c35 HL:af08
2C0C:13        INC DE          A:08 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c35 HL:af08
2C0D:18 C4     JR 2BD3h        A:08 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c36 HL:af08
2BD3:7D        LD A,L          A:08 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c36 HL:af08
2BD4:FE A0     CP #A0h         A:08 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c36 HL:af08
2BD6:D0        RET NC          A:08 F:50 BC:647c DE:2c36 HL:af08
2BD7:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:08 F:50 BC:647c DE:2c36 HL:af08
2BD8:FE 80     CP #80h         A:f8 F:50 BC:647c DE:2c36 HL:af08
2BDA:C8        RET Z           A:f8 F:40 BC:647c DE:2c36 HL:af08
2BDB:FA D6 A7  LD A,(#A7D6h)   A:f8 F:40 BC:647c DE:2c36 HL:af08
2BDE:CB 77     BIT 6,A         A:10 F:40 BC:647c DE:2c36 HL:af08
2BE0:28 06     JR Z,2BE8h      A:10 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c36 HL:af08
2BE8:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:10 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c36 HL:af08
2BE9:80        ADD A,B         A:f8 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c36 HL:af08
2BEA:22        LD (HL+),A      A:5c F:10 BC:647c DE:2c36 HL:af08
2BEB:13        INC DE          A:5c F:10 BC:647c DE:2c36 HL:af09
2BEC:FA D6 A7  LD A,(#A7D6h)   A:5c F:10 BC:647c DE:2c37 HL:af09
2BEF:CB 6F     BIT 5,A         A:10 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c37 HL:af09
2BF1:28 06     JR Z,2BF9h      A:10 F:b0 BC:647c DE:2c37 HL:af09
2BF9:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:10 F:b0 BC:647c DE:2c37 HL:af09
2BFA:81        ADD A,C         A:f8 F:b0 BC:647c DE:2c37 HL:af09
2BFB:22        LD (HL+),A      A:74 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c37 HL:af09
2BFC:13        INC DE          A:74 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c37 HL:af0a
2BFD:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:74 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c38 HL:af0a
2BFE:22        LD (HL+),A      A:02 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c38 HL:af0a
2BFF:13        INC DE          A:02 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c38 HL:af0b
2C00:E5        PUSH HL         A:02 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c39 HL:af0b
2C01:21 D6 A7  LD HL,#A7D6h    A:02 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c39 HL:af0b
2C04:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:02 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c39 HL:a7d6
2C05:AE        XOR (HL)        A:10 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c39 HL:a7d6
2C06:E1        POP HL          A:00 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c39 HL:a7d6
2C07:22        LD (HL+),A      A:00 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c39 HL:af0b
2C08:7D        LD A,L          A:00 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c39 HL:af0c
2C09:EA 0C A9  LD (#A90Ch),A   A:0c F:80 BC:647c DE:2c39 HL:af0c
2C0C:13        INC DE          A:0c F:80 BC:647c DE:2c39 HL:af0c
2C0D:18 C4     JR 2BD3h        A:0c F:80 BC:647c DE:2c3a HL:af0c
2BD3:7D        LD A,L          A:0c F:80 BC:647c DE:2c3a HL:af0c
2BD4:FE A0     CP #A0h         A:0c F:80 BC:647c DE:2c3a HL:af0c
2BD6:D0        RET NC          A:0c F:50 BC:647c DE:2c3a HL:af0c
2BD7:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:0c F:50 BC:647c DE:2c3a HL:af0c
2BD8:FE 80     CP #80h         A:f8 F:50 BC:647c DE:2c3a HL:af0c
2BDA:C8        RET Z           A:f8 F:40 BC:647c DE:2c3a HL:af0c
2BDB:FA D6 A7  LD A,(#A7D6h)   A:f8 F:40 BC:647c DE:2c3a HL:af0c
2BDE:CB 77     BIT 6,A         A:10 F:40 BC:647c DE:2c3a HL:af0c
2BE0:28 06     JR Z,2BE8h      A:10 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c3a HL:af0c
2BE8:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:10 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c3a HL:af0c
2BE9:80        ADD A,B         A:f8 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c3a HL:af0c
2BEA:22        LD (HL+),A      A:5c F:10 BC:647c DE:2c3a HL:af0c
2BEB:13        INC DE          A:5c F:10 BC:647c DE:2c3a HL:af0d
2BEC:FA D6 A7  LD A,(#A7D6h)   A:5c F:10 BC:647c DE:2c3b HL:af0d
2BEF:CB 6F     BIT 5,A         A:10 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c3b HL:af0d
2BF1:28 06     JR Z,2BF9h      A:10 F:b0 BC:647c DE:2c3b HL:af0d
2BF9:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:10 F:b0 BC:647c DE:2c3b HL:af0d
2BFA:81        ADD A,C         A:00 F:b0 BC:647c DE:2c3b HL:af0d
2BFB:22        LD (HL+),A      A:7c F:00 BC:647c DE:2c3b HL:af0d
2BFC:13        INC DE          A:7c F:00 BC:647c DE:2c3b HL:af0e
2BFD:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:7c F:00 BC:647c DE:2c3c HL:af0e
2BFE:22        LD (HL+),A      A:03 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c3c HL:af0e
2BFF:13        INC DE          A:03 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c3c HL:af0f
2C00:E5        PUSH HL         A:03 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c3d HL:af0f
2C01:21 D6 A7  LD HL,#A7D6h    A:03 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c3d HL:af0f
2C04:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:03 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c3d HL:a7d6
2C05:AE        XOR (HL)        A:10 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c3d HL:a7d6
2C06:E1        POP HL          A:00 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c3d HL:a7d6
2C07:22        LD (HL+),A      A:00 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c3d HL:af0f
2C08:7D        LD A,L          A:00 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c3d HL:af10
2C09:EA 0C A9  LD (#A90Ch),A   A:10 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c3d HL:af10
2C0C:13        INC DE          A:10 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c3d HL:af10
2C0D:18 C4     JR 2BD3h        A:10 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c3e HL:af10
2BD3:7D        LD A,L          A:10 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c3e HL:af10
2BD4:FE A0     CP #A0h         A:10 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c3e HL:af10
2BD6:D0        RET NC          A:10 F:50 BC:647c DE:2c3e HL:af10
2BD7:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:10 F:50 BC:647c DE:2c3e HL:af10
2BD8:FE 80     CP #80h         A:f8 F:50 BC:647c DE:2c3e HL:af10
2BDA:C8        RET Z           A:f8 F:40 BC:647c DE:2c3e HL:af10
2BDB:FA D6 A7  LD A,(#A7D6h)   A:f8 F:40 BC:647c DE:2c3e HL:af10
2BDE:CB 77     BIT 6,A         A:10 F:40 BC:647c DE:2c3e HL:af10
2BE0:28 06     JR Z,2BE8h      A:10 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c3e HL:af10
2BE8:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:10 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c3e HL:af10
2BE9:80        ADD A,B         A:f8 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c3e HL:af10
2BEA:22        LD (HL+),A      A:5c F:10 BC:647c DE:2c3e HL:af10
2BEB:13        INC DE          A:5c F:10 BC:647c DE:2c3e HL:af11
2BEC:FA D6 A7  LD A,(#A7D6h)   A:5c F:10 BC:647c DE:2c3f HL:af11
2BEF:CB 6F     BIT 5,A         A:10 F:10 BC:647c DE:2c3f HL:af11
2BF1:28 06     JR Z,2BF9h      A:10 F:b0 BC:647c DE:2c3f HL:af11
2BF9:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:10 F:b0 BC:647c DE:2c3f HL:af11
2BFA:81        ADD A,C         A:08 F:b0 BC:647c DE:2c3f HL:af11
2BFB:22        LD (HL+),A      A:84 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c3f HL:af11
2BFC:13        INC DE          A:84 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c3f HL:af12
2BFD:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:84 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c40 HL:af12
2BFE:22        LD (HL+),A      A:04 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c40 HL:af12
2BFF:13        INC DE          A:04 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c40 HL:af13
2C00:E5        PUSH HL         A:04 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c41 HL:af13
2C01:21 D6 A7  LD HL,#A7D6h    A:04 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c41 HL:af13
2C04:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:04 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c41 HL:a7d6
2C05:AE        XOR (HL)        A:10 F:00 BC:647c DE:2c41 HL:a7d6
2C06:E1        POP HL          A:00 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c41 HL:a7d6
2C07:22        LD (HL+),A      A:00 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c41 HL:af13
2C08:7D        LD A,L          A:00 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c41 HL:af14
2C09:EA 0C A9  LD (#A90Ch),A   A:14 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c41 HL:af14
2C0C:13        INC DE          A:14 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c41 HL:af14
2C0D:18 C4     JR 2BD3h        A:14 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:af14
2BD3:7D        LD A,L          A:14 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:af14
2BD4:FE A0     CP #A0h         A:14 F:80 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:af14
2BD6:D0        RET NC          A:14 F:50 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:af14
2BD7:1A        LD A,(DE)       A:14 F:50 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:af14
2BD8:FE 80     CP #80h         A:80 F:50 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:af14
2BDA:C8        RET Z           A:80 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:af14
4BED:C9        RET             A:80 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:af14
5D28:C9        RET             A:80 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:af14
5D15:21 E0 A5  LD HL,#A5E0h    A:80 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:af14
5D18:CD 98 2B  CALL #2B98h     A:80 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
2B98:FA C5 A8  LD A,(#A8C5h)   A:80 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
2B9B:F5        PUSH AF         A:08 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
2B9C:3E 14     LD A,#14h       A:08 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
2B9E:EA C5 A8  LD (#A8C5h),A   A:14 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
2BA1:EA 00 21  LD (#2100h),A   A:14 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
2BA4:CD 60 59  CALL #5960h     A:14 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
5960:FA A4 A7  LD A,(#A7A4h)   A:14 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
5963:E6 0C     AND #0Ch        A:2b F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
5965:C0        RET NZ          A:08 F:20 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
2BA7:F1        POP AF          A:08 F:20 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
2BA8:EA C5 A8  LD (#A8C5h),A   A:08 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
2BAB:EA 00 21  LD (#2100h),A   A:08 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
2BAE:C9        RET             A:08 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
5D1B:C9        RET             A:08 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
22C5:F1        POP AF          A:08 F:c0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
22C6:EA C5 A8  LD (#A8C5h),A   A:01 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
22C9:EA 00 21  LD (#2100h),A   A:01 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
22CC:C9        RET             A:01 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
40C5:C9        RET             A:01 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0
02C5:CD DF 11  CALL #11DFh     A:01 F:a0 BC:647c DE:2c42 HL:a5e0

Noxxa: Replaced submission file with a 16-frame improvement and removed extra input.
feos: Accepting to Moons as a new branch.

Experienced player (591)
Joined: 2/5/2011
Posts: 1417
Location: France
Don't understand whats going on <.<
Current: Rayman 3 maybe? idk xD Paused: N64 Rayman 2 (with Funnyhair) GBA SMA 4 : E Reader (With TehSeven) TASVideos is like a quicksand, you get in, but you cannot quit the sand
Joined: 6/23/2008
Posts: 160
Goodness! Ultimate desync manages to RIP Wario Land! Yes vote for this version!
Encoder, Player (35)
Joined: 10/22/2014
Posts: 425
I am very close to figuring out how to replicate this glitch from scratch :D There are 9 addresses which are important for triggering the level selection glitch, 8 of which are related to the jet powerup, and one which has something to do with hitting blocks. 0A05 - Oscillates between 13, 14, and 15 while boosting, else 0 (Must be 0) 0A09 - 1 for 3 frames after ending a boost, else 0 (Must be 0) 0A0B - Y Pos when boost starts (Must be 111) 0A0C - X Pos relative to screen during boost (Must be 36) 0A1B - Y Pos when first boost (while 0A09 = 1) starts (Must be 50) 0A1C - X Pos relative to screen when first boost (while 0A09 = 1) starts (Must be 50) 0A2B - Y Pos when second boost (while 0A09 = 1) starts (Must be 45) 0A2C - X Pos relative to screen when second boost (while 0A09 = 1) starts (Must be 52) 0AFB - Changes after hitting a block; pattern unclear (Must be 217) Every single one of the values specified must be correct while Wario is on the world map for the glitch to work. Normally, the game sets all these values to 0 whenever he goes through a door, but when he exits the level from where he came, the game forgets to do so. Then you just move Wario to another level on the second possible frame, press Down+Left+Right+Select on the fourth frame Wario is facing forwards, and press Start the next frame. Wario should enter the level, but the screen position will be messed up. Once you get in the level, pause, then input Down+B+Start two frames afterwards. If the addresses were not the correct values, the game sends you to the main menu instead. Also, none of this seems to work with anything but exiting stage 3 and moving towards stage 2. Pressing Down+Left+Right still does glitchy stuff, but nothing like the game end glitch. I haven't tested moving towards stage 4 instead, but that would be slower anyways.
Just a Mew! 〜 It/She ΘΔ 〜
Experienced player (585)
Joined: 2/23/2008
Posts: 266
Location: CA, USA
I like the updated submission text, nice to be able to get an idea on why this credits warp works. Assuming the input file gets updated, big yes vote here. Very funny submission.
Joined: 11/26/2012
Posts: 70
I don't post here often, but I frequently check submissions. This is the funniest TAS submission I've seen on this site. I almost wish it was saved for April Fool's Day, but either way it was very entertaining. Well done on both the TAS and the execution of the reveal.
Editor, Expert player (2353)
Joined: 5/15/2007
Posts: 3949
Location: Germany
This will activate an otherwise inaccessible debug mode
The debug menu in this game is in fact accessible. Read here Unfortunately this may possibly invalidate this submission. I remembered back when we did the Earthbound debug menu runs, those were only possible to publish because the debug menu was not normally accessible in the game either. And it got put into a "special exception" category too. So should we ignore the fact the debug menu can be accessed pressing select while the game is paused? We could argue 'why didn't you simply pause the game to access the debug menu'? If I misunderstood something, then I'm sorry. ---
Earthbound in 30 minutes judgement wrote:
FractalFusion: This run uses a glitch which passes through a debug menu which cannot otherwise (as to our knowledge) be accessed by means apart from external codes. If the debug menu was easily accessed by an internal code, that would be a different story. As it stands, it can only be assumed as part of the glitch process, and it will be allowed. In the apparently non-existent event that such an internal code is found later, the published run will be placed in the impure category and any further runs going through the debug menu will likely be rejected.
Skilled player (1769)
Joined: 9/17/2009
Posts: 5001
Location: ̶C̶a̶n̶a̶d̶a̶ "Kanatah"
A simple debug mode remains in the game, accessible by pressing Select 16 times while the game is paused. A blinking cursor should appear. Hold B and press Left/Right to move it. Press Up/Down to change the values of your number of lives, coins, hearts, and the timer. Holding A + B and moving the cursor all the way to the left will highlight the Wario head; unpausing will change your current form (in the order of Small, Normal, Bull, Jet, Dragon). (Note that pressing Select a 17th time will make the cursor disappear. However, if you press Select 256 times after the initial 16 presses, the cursor will appear again. This happens because memory address AC85 which stores the Select presses loops after 256 presses.)
I don't think the debug menu this TAS enters and the one described are the same. :P
Encoder, Player (35)
Joined: 10/22/2014
Posts: 425
jlun2 wrote:
A simple debug mode remains in the game, accessible by pressing Select 16 times while the game is paused. A blinking cursor should appear. Hold B and press Left/Right to move it. Press Up/Down to change the values of your number of lives, coins, hearts, and the timer. Holding A + B and moving the cursor all the way to the left will highlight the Wario head; unpausing will change your current form (in the order of Small, Normal, Bull, Jet, Dragon). (Note that pressing Select a 17th time will make the cursor disappear. However, if you press Select 256 times after the initial 16 presses, the cursor will appear again. This happens because memory address AC85 which stores the Select presses loops after 256 presses.)
I don't think the debug menu this TAS enters and the one described are the same. :P
Yep, they aren't the same at all. The easy debug mode only allows you to modify lives, coins, time, etc. and has no effects outside of the pause screen. The debug mode accessed in this TAS has numerous weird effects, such as fixing the background in place, pressing select to go to tiny Wario and back to Jet, and of course, skipping to the ending in the pause menu.
Just a Mew! 〜 It/She ΘΔ 〜
Senior Publisher, Player (227)
Joined: 5/28/2009
Posts: 1226
Location: Luxembourg
Nice glitching there. However, I have a doubt whether this constitutes valid completion. Namely, the game's supposed to go in a post-completion state after you beat the game (which reveals where the treasures are located): (note: the 19 flashes as well, and the locations of the treasures are revealed) However, after playing back this submission, this isn't the case: (the locations of the treasures are not revealed after choosing the file, though admittedly, it's a pretty cosmetic change) Perhaps one could "über-glitch" to Course 40/the final boss, then beat it, which may create the "post-completion" save (which would technically constitute valid completion). I'm abstaining from voting.
Steam Community page - Bluesky profile Oh, I'm just a concerned observer.
Skilled player (1769)
Joined: 9/17/2009
Posts: 5001
Location: ̶C̶a̶n̶a̶d̶a̶ "Kanatah"
I thought we didn't care about post game state as long as the game can still boot afterwards. :|
Senior Judge, Site Admin, Expert player (2265)
Joined: 11/13/2006
Posts: 2831
Location: Northern California
Maybe the trigger for the post-game stuff happens before the ending sequence, or maybe it's tied into something else? Either way, I don't think it matters at all.
TASvideos Admin and acting Senior Judge 💙 Currently unable to dedicate a lot of time to the site, taking care of family. Now infrequently posting on Bluesky
warmCabin wrote:
You shouldn't need a degree in computer science to get into this hobby.
Joined: 10/12/2013
Posts: 279
Location: France
jlun2 wrote:
I thought we didn't care about post game state as long as the game can still boot afterwards. :|
Wasn't there a debate about that a few months ago?
Active player (381)
Joined: 7/12/2010
Posts: 22
Anty-Lemon wrote:
jlun2 wrote:
A simple debug mode remains in the game, accessible by pressing Select 16 times while the game is paused. A blinking cursor should appear. Hold B and press Left/Right to move it. Press Up/Down to change the values of your number of lives, coins, hearts, and the timer. Holding A + B and moving the cursor all the way to the left will highlight the Wario head; unpausing will change your current form (in the order of Small, Normal, Bull, Jet, Dragon). (Note that pressing Select a 17th time will make the cursor disappear. However, if you press Select 256 times after the initial 16 presses, the cursor will appear again. This happens because memory address AC85 which stores the Select presses loops after 256 presses.)
I don't think the debug menu this TAS enters and the one described are the same. :P
Yep, they aren't the same at all. The easy debug mode only allows you to modify lives, coins, time, etc. and has no effects outside of the pause screen. The debug mode accessed in this TAS has numerous weird effects, such as fixing the background in place, pressing select to go to tiny Wario and back to Jet, and of course, skipping to the ending in the pause menu.
Right, and this one also changes the functionality of that one by making selecting the Wario head instantly complete the course. They're completely separate. ...though I should probably show that this one's actually inaccessible, huh? I'll get on that.
fsvgm777 wrote:
Nice glitching there. However, I have a doubt whether this constitutes valid completion. Namely, the game's supposed to go in a post-completion state after you beat the game (which reveals where the treasures are located): (note: the 19 flashes as well, and the locations of the treasures are revealed) However, after playing back this submission, this isn't the case: (the locations of the treasures are not revealed after choosing the file, though admittedly, it's a pretty cosmetic change) Perhaps one could "über-glitch" to Course 40/the final boss, then beat it, which may create the "post-completion" save (which would technically constitute valid completion). I'm abstaining from voting.
If that ends up being required a new run's not going to happen for a while. If I try it with this setup, the glitch that freezes the background also locks up the game during the final boss. Though I'm not sure I understand what the problem is? Last I heard, a proper post-completion state/save wasn't required. Also, I found a faster way to set up the jet flames in course 3. Can someone replace the submission with this?
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This will enter the history books! Probably the most epic way to ever discover a memory corruption glitch, ever. I voted yes.
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Since the "desync" run is the one up for judging now, I'll vote Yes! Well done.
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McHazard wrote:
Post #375865
Good call. I also did a judgment on such a run, and it was rejected for not leading the game into its usual completion routines (at all). Then I accepted this one because the game really tried to fully end, but was too glitched. So the main question is, does this run make the game run basic ending routines?
fsvgm777 wrote:
(the locations of the treasures are not revealed after choosing the file, though admittedly, it's a pretty cosmetic change)
I have a deja vu :) As back then, I'd say the game doesn't need to have all the usual stuff present, especially if it's collected by actually playing the game, and then it simply shows the stats. However, if something that's usually being done during ending isn't being done, then we should dig into it.
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That's because the current game is saved "as completed" (I don't know the mechanics, it just gets the flags it needs for the cosmetic changes) before the cutscene reached in this movie. What happens in a normal gameplay, and can be seen in the ~20min run: _lots of levels and stuff _The player beats the final boss _sound of victory, flagging the save in the background _cutscene A: Syrup throws a bomb _cutscene B: The tower is destroyed, revealing Peach's statue, and Mario takes it away _cutscene C: Wario brushes the lamp and asks to the genie a castle (other stuff going on) What is happening here: _starting level 3 _cutscene C: Wario brushes the lamp and asks to the genie a castle So the save doesn't have the time to be correctly flagged. To get the cosmetic changes (save pipe in another color, map displaying levels with a treasure to take), you need to beat the final boss. Or use some ACE to flag the save, I don't know. I just noticed something funny about the ending. You may look at the different endings, Wario gets the 5bags ending while he carries 0 of them.
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Thanks a ton, Zarmakuizz! I believe it's all we need.
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Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [2749] GB Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 "game end glitch" by McHazard in 01:31.15
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So I should of posted this sooner. But I'm going to have to give some bad news. This TAS abused an emulator bug, and is therefore invalid. The bug in question is regarding the stop opcode. This opcode puts the GB into "stop mode" and this mode can only be exited with a button press (and this button press needs to be seen by the cpu). This is impossible as bits 4 and 5 of FF00 would be set (and this can be verified looking at the tracelog a bit further back than what is provided in this submission). Old gambatte code was broken and did not follow this at all, and this submission happens to abuse that broken code. I guess as the author points out, it would be possible to avoid the stop opcode, however from my testing it seems like a completely different setup would be required for this to work in the end, so a completely new TAS would be needed to properly do the game end glitch without freezing at stop. I guess the nameless branch can probably obsolete this branch, at least until someome figures out an actual valid use of this ACE.
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If there's no known way to glitch this to game end, on new gambatte or gbhawk (those are good now, right?), then indeed we'll have to backwards-obsolete this branch.
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The test speed_change_cancel.gbc expects a speed change (which uses STOP) to be exited if a button is pressed even though joypad interrupts are not set in register FFFF. Maybe this is only for speed change, but not sure. There is also another test called joy_interrupt.gbc that the notes say behaves differently on GBA SP from GBC/GB. At any rate I have tried a resynced version of this run on GBP and it doesn't work, so seems like knowledge is incomplete here.
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Alyosha wrote:
The test speed_change_cancel.gbc expects a speed change (which uses STOP) to be exited if a button is pressed even though joypad interrupts are not set in register FFFF. Maybe this is only for speed change, but not sure.
1. This is a DMG game, speed change is locked out. 2. Button press exits stop mode, interrupts don't have anything to do with stop. EDIT: For the joy_interrupt, the differences in the behavior (ie switch bounce) are really just due to how the buttons are hooked onto the system, if someone were to theoretically make some tasbot for the DMG, it would not have the effects of switch bounce (the same would also apply if you manage to hook a keyboard or some other controller to the DMG). Also looking at that test, it 0's out rP1 regardless, which as I've said allows button presses to go through lol I guess in the end this is overall moot. Movie doesn't work on console or updated emus, so it can be obsoleted by nameless branch.
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Yeah, I was holding out hope that this problem would go away once the dev team better understood when STOP is bugged. But whatever it is, not working on console is pretty conclusive. :/ That doesn't mean this branch is doomed, because I DID find a way to avoid executing a STOP at all. If I activate the glitch while standing at course 5, Wario's Y position will be the start of a 3-byte instruction, which reaches just far enough to get past the STOP. Unfortunately that instruction is [LD SP,1054], which is a pretty awful one to have to work around. It also seems to be the only option, at least as far as standing at different courses goes. I haven't figured out a setup that'll fix SP on top of activating the debug mode, but I've got a few ideas. This isn't over yet.
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McHazard wrote:
Yeah, I was holding out hope that this problem would go away once the dev team better understood when STOP is bugged. But whatever it is, not working on console is pretty conclusive. :/ That doesn't mean this branch is doomed, because I DID find a way to avoid executing a STOP at all. If I activate the glitch while standing at course 5, Wario's Y position will be the start of a 3-byte instruction, which reaches just far enough to get past the STOP. Unfortunately that instruction is [LD SP,1054], which is a pretty awful one to have to work around. It also seems to be the only option, at least as far as standing at different courses goes. I haven't figured out a setup that'll fix SP on top of activating the debug mode, but I've got a few ideas. This isn't over yet.
Are you working on it right now, and should I wait with backwards-obsoletion?
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.