This seems like a good thread to remind everyone about the presentations from
cppcon2014, which are available on their
youtube channel.
I highly suggest these four, but browse the channel for any other specific topic that might be relevant to you.
Scott Meyers, Type Deduction and Why You Care, video
Pretty dry topic, but important nonetheless. From the author of "Effective Modern C++", so skip this if you bought the book. Or skip the chapter and watch the video.
Herb Sutter, Back to the Basics! Essentials of Modern C++ Style, video
Several widespread design choices have been revisited for C++11/14. If you're using the newest standard, watch this to avoid writing "legacy style" code.
Walter E. Brown, Modern Template Metaprogramming, part 1, part 2
Very advanced stuff, but also very very useful for the few times when you really need it.
Andrei Alexandrescu, Optimization Tips - Mo' Hustle Mo' Problems, video
If you need a reminder how very small code changes can have large impacts on your code base's performance. Andrej is from facebook, so they have both a very large codebase and a server farm large enough that even tiny performance regressions can cost a lot in server and power costs.