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got4n wrote:
A major error on your program, when editing DTM, it does somethings that makes frame 9408 glitching out, everytime I make a savetsate then load it it says frame 9408 does have L Trigger 255 while she doesn't or the reverse thing.... EDIt: Also when copy/pasting frames it don't copy inputs :/
I'll look into that first bug, but I've tried opening and saving a movie (as a different file) myself and the resulting movie played back perfectly. The second bug is probably because you're using 0.0.2, I forgot to fix the copy/pasting to support multiple columns. Version 0.0.3 has it fixed. If that's not it, please let me know.
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Is it possible to change EFB from Virtual to Real and activate Skip EFB access to CPU for a DTM? I can't find it in your editor
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got4n wrote:
Is it possible to change EFB from Virtual to Real and activate Skip EFB access to CPU for a DTM? I can't find it in your editor
I'm using the names for the settings as they are in the code, so I admit they might not always be equally clear (and I'm not entirely done with their descriptions yet). Either way, it seems you want to disable EFB access, which is EFBAccessEnable to False, and you want the external frame buffer to be virtual, which is UseXFB to True and UseRealXFB to False. I might be wrong about this, as I'm not super familiar with Dolphin's code, but those should do the trick.
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Double posting because I've just finished a new version: some bug fixes (including the one got4n mentioned) and support for PCSX-rr, because that's pretty similar to PSXjin's binary format. Download here. And creaothceann, I've looked into using DataGridView.Virtual (which is pretty much what you suggested), but that would become a logistical nightmare, to the point where I think (and am pretty sure) the amount of overhead caused by it completely cancels out any improvements.
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Scepheo wrote:
Double posting because I've just finished a new version: some bug fixes (including the one got4n mentioned) and support for PCSX-rr, because that's pretty similar to PSXjin's binary format. Download here. And creaothceann, I've looked into using DataGridView.Virtual (which is pretty much what you suggested), but that would become a logistical nightmare, to the point where I think (and am pretty sure) the amount of overhead caused by it completely cancels out any improvements.
Also, another problem again: When copy pasting input from 3.5-1749 from a 4.0 or greater DTM, the frame count isn't growing, so basically this screw up movie :p
Current: Rayman 3 maybe? idk xD Paused: N64 Rayman 2 (with Funnyhair) GBA SMA 4 : E Reader (With TehSeven) TASVideos is like a quicksand, you get in, but you cannot quit the sand
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Scepheo wrote:
I've looked into using DataGridView.Virtual (which is pretty much what you suggested), but that would become a logistical nightmare, to the point where I think (and am pretty sure) the amount of overhead caused by it completely cancels out any improvements.
How so? ._.
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creaothceann wrote:
How so? ._.
Currently, what you see is what you get; basically the data in the DataGridView is the data in the movie file. If I were to make the grid virtual, I'd have to make a backing data source; this means that I A) have to convert back and forth to raw data every time a cell is changed, scrolled into view, clicked on or w/e, or B) I have to convert the entire thing to strings and use that as the data source, but that conversion is what's so slow. Then there's the fact that C#'s implementation of virtual is cell-based: I'd have to either cache any row-conversions, or do the conversion once for each column. Then there's row insertions and deletions that'd I'd have to handle manually, which would make copy-pasting very slow. The problem that your link details (the insertion of many rows) is something I'm already mitigating by inserting the entire set of rows in one go, which isn't really that slow. It's mostly the conversion from frame data to strings, but getting that out of the way in one go makes editing an as-smooth-as-possible experience. So yeah, instant loading would be pretty neat, but I'd rather have it take somewhat longer when loading, and have the editing be smooth than the other way around.
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Problem with v0.0.4 Opening and saving a NESHawk .bk2 file created with BizHawk v1.8.4 corrupts the movie file. When you save the file, close it, then reopen, I have noticed that every single frame has been replaced by System.String[] instead of actual input, and the emulator will claim it's a 0 frame movie.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Problem with v0.0.4
Thanks for reporting that, fixed it and made a new release, you can download it here. Note for mods: I just realized this thread may be more fit for "General" than "Tool-assisted laboratory", feel free to move it if you think so too.
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Once again double posting due to a new release. Two important new features, for which I'd very much like feedback: basic support for WiiMote and some basic functionality for exporting subtitles to .srt or .ass. There's also added support for VBA now, and of course some more bug fixes. You can download version 0.0.6 here.
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I can't seem to open any of my existing 4.0 and later DTMs, whether or not they use the Nunchuk. For most of them, I got a "Could not open...'capacity' must be greater than zero. Parameter name: capacity" error, but for one of them it was a "could not open...input stream does not match" error instead.
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CoolKirby wrote:
I can't seem to open any of my existing 4.0 and later DTMs, whether or not they use the Nunchuk. For most of them, I got a "Could not open...'capacity' must be greater than zero. Parameter name: capacity" error, but for one of them it was a "could not open...input stream does not match" error instead.
Dammit, I should really test my releases more thoroughly, every time I refactor stuff, something breaks. The capacity bug is fixed, but the "input stream does not match" is supposed to indicate that your file is faulty (every WiiMote packet should have a 0xA1 signature, the error indicates that it is missing). If that's not the case, I'd like to have a look at your file and see what's going wrong. Either way, download is here.
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Looks like that one file is in fact faulty, as it won't open in Dolphin either. Hope it didn't contain anything important. The others open just fine now, and I was able to change a button press in my Anubis II TAS by changing 6 "A"s in a row to "B". Thank you!
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Scepheo wrote:
Sorry about that, seems the zip was compressed with LZMA instead of Deflate. Try again, see if it works now.
So, it opens now, and it seems to work for the most part, but it bugs out whenever I try to copy over frames that have no input. This is what happens. The left is what I'm copying, the right is what gets pasted into the new file. Trying to save the file returns the error: "Requested value '80 80 9A' was not found." When I try to fix the cells manually by typing in the correct values, I still get an error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Am I doing something wrong?
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diggidoyo wrote:
Scepheo wrote:
Sorry about that, seems the zip was compressed with LZMA instead of Deflate. Try again, see if it works now.
So, it opens now, and it seems to work for the most part, but it bugs out whenever I try to copy over frames that have no input. This is what happens. The left is what I'm copying, the right is what gets pasted into the new file. Trying to save the file returns the error: "Requested value '80 80 9A' was not found." When I try to fix the cells manually by typing in the correct values, I still get an error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Am I doing something wrong?
It's an internal error I guess.
Current: Rayman 3 maybe? idk xD Paused: N64 Rayman 2 (with Funnyhair) GBA SMA 4 : E Reader (With TehSeven) TASVideos is like a quicksand, you get in, but you cannot quit the sand
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Thank you for the bug report diggidoyo, there was indeed an error in the copy-pasting logic. The bug fix version is available here. As for editing the fields manually, I didn't manage to reproduce that error, it worked fine for me. If you have more information, I'd like to take another look at it.
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Double posting yet again to announce the release of version 0.0.8. Now also supports PSXjin.
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When I copy/paste input to the end of a file, I then change the input and frame count to match the new number and also hit header->adjust frame count (which doesn't show any confirmation). I then play the file with dolphin, and although the frame counter on the bottom shows the correct number of frames left, the movie still ends playback at the original spot before I added input. I got it to work once but I can't figure out what I did. Am I supposed to do anything else to the file to get it to play till the end instead of stopping playback at the original spot?
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I'm not sure. I'll look into it. Regarding the confirmation: that's on purpose, but if people prefer having it, that's easy to add.
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Thanks. I do remember how I fixed it though. Simply by manually extending the original movie file in Dolphin with extraneous input until it's longer than the new input to be pasted in. Then it will play the new input correctly. There's probably a way to not have to do that, but it works for now.
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I'm pretty sure I've found the issue: Dolphin checks not only movie length (amount of actual data), but also video frame count and tick count to determine whether to stop playback. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the last two of those to without actually emulating the game. I'm not sure how best to handle this, so I tried two methods. Both will probably result in the reporting of wildly inaccurate movie data, but that's something I cannot help. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like you to test both of the menu options found under "Dolphin" in this test build, and see if either of them works without too much issues.
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Alright, I tested your options. The second one breaks the movie outright. Stops playback immediately. The first one works great, and I could even go back and manually type in the correct frame count and still have the movie play correctly. So, it must be just the tick count that I was missing. I didn't change that value when I was editing in the first place because I didn't know what it was. Thanks for your help.
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Thanks for testing, the first option will be included in the next release.
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Scepheo wrote:
Thanks for testing, the first option will be included in the next release.
I'm not sure if that's necessary. It was more my fault here for not updating the tick count as well as the frame and input count. As long as all three are manually updated in the new file it should be fine. It can still work as a sort of dummy proof feature, though.
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Soooo when will the new function be included? I wanna hex my Rayman 3 old fucking tas into new versions but can't manage, even when I edit tick count, frame ocunt, vi count and lag count it still says movie end before added input :(
Current: Rayman 3 maybe? idk xD Paused: N64 Rayman 2 (with Funnyhair) GBA SMA 4 : E Reader (With TehSeven) TASVideos is like a quicksand, you get in, but you cannot quit the sand