This tutorial hopefully shows you how to do this:

This tutorial works on both 32 and 64 bit of Dolphin!
First you need to modify my
Lua script starting at line 67 so that it is correctly adjusted for your Dolphin.
In the Lua script are the necessary steps explained to get correct addresses.
After editing the 5 variables
(DolphinIs64bit, GameRAMStartAddress, TexturesCreatedAddr, ArrayOfBytesAddress, FrameCounterAddress) you can add RAM Addresses after line 144 by entering
local VariableName = readBytes(AddressOffset+o,NumOfBytes,GiveAsTable)
VariableName: name you want to give that RAM Address, for example
AddressOffset: offset of the RAM Address, for example
0x8C6504 (xposition in PMTTYD).
NumOfBytes: number of bytes you want to read, for example
GiveAsTable: return a single table instead of multiple bytes, true or false.
Language: lua
local xpos = readBytes(0x8C6504+o,4,true)
local byte1,byte2 = readBytes(0x123456+o,2,false)
To convert the table to a hex string you can use my function tabletostr(x).
So for example you write now:
Language: lua
xpos = tabletostr(xpos)
For more functions like
readBytes in Cheat Engine see
here or
Now, you have to add it to the table t like this:
Language: lua
t = appendstr(t,"xpos: "..xpos)
-- or you can do it like this
t = appendstr(t,"xpos: "..xpos.." ohman even more to come "..ypos.." you get it")
When you have correctly modified the script you can run it in Cheat Engine by clicking on
Table >
Show Cheat Table Lua Script. There you have to paste the lua script and press on the
Execute script Button.[/i]
If you have any questions, please ask =D