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tas of the legend of zelda a link to the past no shudden sword in ~3min40
~10000 rerecord but i have a problem with count rerecord in my file

feos: This run is sloppy, and it's visible to most of the viewers. However, this kind of a run can be accepted if done well, because different system ports runs don't obsolete each other (anymore). But yes, it will still look like some outdated SNES ALTTP run, so nothing much to expect entertainment-wise. Rejecting.

Joined: 2/9/2014
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Après ce jeu a pas l'air d'être le plus dur à optimiser du monde (ni le plus long)‚ donc je pense que tu peux continuer à travailler dessus :) Ne prends juste rien comme acquis : faut pas juste se dire "cette strat est sûrement la plus rapide"‚ il faut tester plusieurs façons de faire‚ les optimiser et les comparer :p
I problably made mistakes, sorry for my bad English, I'm French :v
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oui mais je suis tres passioné de jeux comme rayman sonic ou bien mario et plein d'autres j'ai chercher et j'ai 7 jeux que j'aimerait bien tasser
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im going to have to say no on this one do to lack of rerecords and optimization. put more effort into you movies, and try to TAS a game that has not already been fully optimized.
TAS Projects: MK64 ,and OotMQ any%
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i have optimised my run. i finish on 4min 48
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gamerretro2 wrote:
i have optimised my run. i finish on 4min 48
Compare ton nombre de frames avec ça: (lui il en a 16742).
Current: Rayman 3 maybe? idk xD Paused: N64 Rayman 2 (with Funnyhair) GBA SMA 4 : E Reader (With TehSeven) TASVideos is like a quicksand, you get in, but you cannot quit the sand
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ah bah je le bat pas j'ai 17630
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Current: Rayman 3 maybe? idk xD Paused: N64 Rayman 2 (with Funnyhair) GBA SMA 4 : E Reader (With TehSeven) TASVideos is like a quicksand, you get in, but you cannot quit the sand
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le probleme c'est que je n'arrive pas a monter rapidement les escalier apres que j'ai eu l'épée
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There is no point in submitting this category for the GBA version, as it is done in a much faster way on SNES already: The Four Swords Dungeon at least have some differences in it, making it worthy for a run. So either do "this" on SNES, improving my run, or the Four Swords Dungeons on GBA.
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no but it's possible on gba
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He's telling it will be rejected, there is no point doing it on GBa. Of course it's possible :P
Current: Rayman 3 maybe? idk xD Paused: N64 Rayman 2 (with Funnyhair) GBA SMA 4 : E Reader (With TehSeven) TASVideos is like a quicksand, you get in, but you cannot quit the sand
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dommage que se serait rejeté
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French: Si tu ne veux pas que ta run soit rejetée, tu devrait la travaillé "sérieusement". Depuis le début on tolère, mais saches que ta façon de procéder me déplaît un peu, car même si les jeux t'intéressent, je n'ai pas l'impression que tu les "maîtrise", bien sûr, on ne te demande pas de faire l'impossible (même si en réalité, le vrai boulot du TASeur C'EST de faire l'impossible), mais au moins de faire en sorte de progresser jusqu'a devenir *imbattable* sur "1" jeu (ou une serie de jeu), te spécialiser quoi. Les grands TASeur sont capables de jouer plusieurs types de jeux différents a un trés haut level, mais ce n'est pas ton cas. Je te suggère d'éviter la quantité et de mettre l'accent sur la qualité. Je pense que tu ne t'es pas encore rendu compte de la quantité de travail que ça représente. Regarde bien les tutos, va espionner les méthodes des "pros" en observant leurs film en "frame advance", et essai de les reproduire/améliorer, tu apprendra déjà pas mal de choses. Même chose en anglais/Same thing in english: English (approximative): If you don't want your movie to be rejected, you should work "seriously". From the beginning, we only watched, but now, I can say that your style of making TASes disappoint me, 'cause even if those games interrest you, I don't have the feeling you "mastered" them, of course, we don't ask you to do impossible things (even if the truth is that TASers' work IS to do the impossible), but at least, you could try to become better and better until getting *unbeatable* on "1" game (or a serie of a game). Some TASers are enough expert to play many type of games at very high level, but it is not your case. I suggest you to stop with quantity and try quality instead. I don't think you noticed the amount of work that this can represent. watch carefully the tutorials and other videos, go spy the "professionals" 's way of TASing wathing their movies in "frame advance", and try to reproduce/improve them, you will actually learn things from it.
~ [I]feeuzz
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la je suis sur une run de wario ware et j'optimise tout a la frame la j'ai déja fait 1 quart du jeu en 3 jour j'ai fait déja 3000 rerecord je m'y met a fond pour l'optimiser je l'aurait fini surrement dans 1 semaine mais je ne skip pas les cinematique pour que sa reste entertainement méme si je montre certain defaut du jeu
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We actually do have published TASes here of the GBA versions of SMB2 and SMW. Although I don't know the differences in this case.
Current project: Gex 3 any% Paused: Gex 64 any% There are no N64 emulators. Just SM64 emulators with hacky support for all the other games.
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Just finished a TAS using the old SNES route for beating the game, most copied from the latest published GBA TAS. 13791 frames in total. Can most likely be optimised further, such as using the JP version, but I don't care. The run saves a lot of time, compared to SNES, thanks to the faster text, especially in the Triforce Shrine, as well as faster screen transition. But because of the long intro at the start, that you can't skip, it ends up being 312 frames slower. The same route as the current SNES TAS can't be done on GBA. As the Superjump made up to the Hyrule Castle wall does not work. The second part of the glitch, with the doorway to reach Ganon, works differently in GBA as well, which seems impossible to do. And you can't use the Fake Flippers glitch, JP 1.0 only in SNES, for an alternative route which real time runners use to beat the game (See here for the record In conclusion: Doing this on GBA will just be the same as an old SNES route but slower due to GBA changes. I can't see any reason why it's worth to be published.
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om, nom, nom... blech, salty!
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As far as the SNES/GBA argument goes, the GBA port of SMW has different glitches which are exploited during that run compared to the original, so the TAS is visibly different and can't truly be replicated across consoles. I haven't looked into the SMB2 port all that much as I'm not as familiar with how the glitches in the original look, but I think in that case it's because there's at least one changed boss plus a lot of graphical difference (which because of both makes the GBA port more... TASworthy than the SMAS port. The SMAS port would actually have the same core issue that gamerretro2 ran into here). Unless and until unique bugs in the GBA version can be found that overcome the forced intro in it, as Tompa said the GBA route won't be significantly different from the SNES route, so Ganon-complete runs should be done on the SNES.
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