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JMC47 wrote:
phire chased down the bug with the collision. It appears to be a bug in the non-SSE4.1 codepath. It will be fixed as soon as the code is reviewed. Thanks for the report!
It alao solved another problem with an older issue! The only other issue i can think of would be recording from somrthing other than power-on, but i havent tested that with newer revisions yet. Im still usin 4.0.2 :p
Joined: 6/21/2014
Posts: 25
Alright, I think I've found the fastest route for this section. I just wanted to compare the two routes but ended up with a hybrid of the two, because it turns out that doing the cutscene skip allows you to bypass the first enemy spawn in the Zoo! Here's the video, it's heavily edited to show off the route. I don't have the patience or skill to pull that off in a single run :p. Good thing there's TASing. Link to video From the video description: The rewind trick at 1:04 allows you to bypass the cutscene, the load trigger and the enemy spawn trigger. The spawn trigger is separate from the others, however it seems like it's impossible to load the zone without watching the cutscene. This means I have to die on purpose in the end, to load in the rest of the zone. The last clip is a slightly faster way to get on top of the wall for this purpose. A lot of time is lost waiting for Farah to get through the door, which is unfortunate. Again, the load trigger could solve this issue. I'm honestly not sure if this way to do the Zoo is faster than just doing it normally, I think you'll have to try both.
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err this is gonna be noobish, do you know where the enemy spawn trigger is in the warehouse? (I'll probably have more stupid questions in the future if you have skype or something lol)
Joined: 6/21/2014
Posts: 25
Don't worry I only figured it out a few days ago! It's under the switch you can see at 0:32 in Satvaras vid, so it's a bit out of the way. Honestly I don't know if that's faster either. I think doing that rewind trick saves about 10 seconds, disregarding the spawn trigger. I guess you'll just have to test the different ways of doing it. FWIW I think the fastest way to hit the spawn is to run up there and do a torpedo attack back the way you came. I PM'ed you my Skype user.
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Asco wrote:
Don't worry I only figured it out a few days ago! It's under the switch you can see at 0:32 in Satvaras vid, so it's a bit out of the way. Honestly I don't know if that's faster either. I think doing that rewind trick saves about 10 seconds, disregarding the spawn trigger. I guess you'll just have to test the different ways of doing it. FWIW I think the fastest way to hit the spawn is to run up there and do a torpedo attack back the way you came. I PM'ed you my Skype user.
Ah Thanks haha Found the spot. Counting by visual it seems that moving the crate and doing like satvara does takes around 40 seconds while from your video its about 32. lets see how long it takes to hit this trigger and get back in position.
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Keep up the Great Work Solar! :D
Current: Rayman 3 maybe? idk xD Paused: N64 Rayman 2 (with Funnyhair) GBA SMA 4 : E Reader (With TehSeven) TASVideos is like a quicksand, you get in, but you cannot quit the sand
Joined: 6/21/2014
Posts: 25
A route suggestion for sand clouds and sand use: 1 in Zoo: Cutscene skip, Cage wallrun 1 in Zoo Corridor: Cliffs wallrun, Baths wallrun 1 Above the Baths: 2 jumps in Ancient ruins 1 in Ancient Ruins: Jump to ledge*, kill 2, Drawbridge skip, Ledgewalk at Turning bridge** 1 in A Broken Bridge: Waterfall drop, Reavers clip to savepoint 1 in Waterfalls: Perhaps a drop at ladders, Reservoir skip Full after "What did you call me?" - fight Hall of Learning: Jump over gap or ledgewalk*** Observatory: Load trigger, 1 kill****, Fight skip (corridor wallrun). 1 in Prison escape: Wallrun to button =7 ... And then cutscene skip after elevator. *If Daybreak fight can be skipped completely, don't do ledge jump. ** Test jump. ***Needs testing. **** If possible, from the last guy in HoL. This route only works if you can skip the prison fight, but that seems viable for a TAS. Oh, and you need to use no more than 7 clouds because if you grab #8 you will get another sand tank, which again means you will need to kill more enemies to get Haste.
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Posts: 25
And because you can't really do one without the other, a possible route for kills: 12 First fight 17 King fight 1 Warehouse 2 Daybreak 25 Long fight 5 Hall of Learning (do 1 freeze-kill) = 62 +2 on elevator. =64 (You need 64 retrieves to get 4 power tanks, which allows you to use Power of Haste for the Elevator fight)
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Any progress?
Editor, Expert player (2086)
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Warepire wrote:
Any progress?
He's still on vacation I believe.
effort on the first draft means less effort on any draft thereafter - some loser
Active player (440)
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Correct, we're still on our honeymoon :).
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Haha yeah Im still on vacation for another week then I start school so progress will start up again but be slower (that might be better for Asco to check my work though)
Joined: 6/21/2014
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Hope you're enjoying your vacation. In the meantime I've found a Hall of Learning skip :D. This, and the realisation that the rewind tricks in the waterfalls section don't actually save time RTA (because you have to hit the save point, die and respawn to progress) means that the route I made is already outdated. I'll make a new one once I've tested a few more things. Link to video
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Asco wrote:
Hope you're enjoying your vacation. In the meantime I've found a Hall of Learning skip :D. This, and the realisation that the rewind tricks in the waterfalls section don't actually save time RTA (because you have to hit the save point, die and respawn to progress) means that the route I made is already outdated. I'll make a new one once I've tested a few more things. Link to video
Thats incredible!!
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Link to video Overall im estimated at about 4 minutes faster than single segment probably just a little less for segmented speedruns timing. Still have about an hour of the RTA speedrun left..
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Posts: 25
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWi5HvM5Uus this is the fastest single segment run I've seen, exactly 1:39 from gaining control to losing control of the prince. He's at 31:25 for getting the ladder in the zoo. Using the same timing you are at 25:38 or so. Using Uyama's run instead (1:40:29) he's at approximately 30:45 RTA at that point. So it's more like 5 or 6 minutes ahead :). The segmented run can skip the 2 minute cutscene after the king fight, so it's not really an interesting comparison.
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Link to video If you've seen the previous video, start at 26 minutes and 52 seconds on this video :)
Joined: 9/8/2014
Posts: 2
Really nice work so far. That fight with the Prince's dad was great. So many double knockdowns. Good to see all the tricks put together so fluently. Looks like you found a few new ones yourself or I haven't come across those yet. At 30:26 where you land on that ledge is normally where we stop so Farah can catch up. You can change the camera angle and see when she runs underneath you on toward the next section. I think if you proceed onward past that ledge at that point it will end in a game over if she didn't catch up. Might be able to move a little further on from that ledge but not too far if I recall correctly. Depends on how she responds.
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Reaver wrote:
Really nice work so far. That fight with the Prince's dad was great. So many double knockdowns. Good to see all the tricks put together so fluently. Looks like you found a few new ones yourself or I haven't come across those yet. At 30:26 where you land on that ledge is normally where we stop so Farah can catch up. You can change the camera angle and see when she runs underneath you on toward the next section. I think if you proceed onward past that ledge at that point it will end in a game over if she didn't catch up. Might be able to move a little further on from that ledge but not too far if I recall correctly. Depends on how she responds.
Thanks reaver! Almost all new tricks were found by Asco! I accidently found the bookcase push trick. And now we wait for Farah! Ill try to get a better position for jumping farther to the end of the pole swing!
Joined: 6/21/2014
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Hey Reaver, good to see you're still interested in the game! About the waiting for Farah part, if you do the jump to the pole like in my routing video, then change to landscape camera (this sometimes helps with Farah, can't hurt at least) you will save a little time getting to the poles and waste a little time where you have to wait anyway: Link to video At 0:25 - Since you have to wait on the other side for a bit you might as well save a little time on the jump.
Joined: 9/8/2014
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Yeah still interested. Can't record anymore at the moment though. Working away from home for some time. I'll turn up and chip in with help/ideas but I don't have access to the game here and can't test/record anything. Asco, I think the PC version has a different timing for the rewind glitch, although it might be more comparable in a TAS. This is the first time I've seen anyone use that method for getting up to the higher platform in the baths. Posted it years ago, but everyone stuck with the other method :)
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Yeah I've read through the SDA thread to make sure I don't spend time rediscovering already known stuff :). I agree about different timing on PC - Solar said my method didn't work for him. I use that method in all my runs! I could never reliably prevent the game over in the baths even with waiting for Farah on the ledge so now I get Farah into the crack by moving the statue, hiding in the trap room next to the baths for a few seconds (which gets her to go into the crack) and then doing your rewind trick to the platform. Even with the wasted time it should still be faster than the old wallrun method and I'm pretty damn reliable on that rewind trick. I didn't actually time whether it's faster than getting up to the ledge and then doing the rewind jump, but I suspect it is. Anyway, you should check out my YT channel if you want to see the any new discoveries. My latest vid shows how to save 20 seconds on the Palace Defense Puzzle using a new glitch. :)
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Looking real good! Keep it up.
Post subject: Question, people please answer!
Active player (475)
Joined: 2/1/2014
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Question, Community please answer! So as of recent WIPs, going around one corner no matter how I go around it.. I lose my "body" model. So unless I do a quick death somewhere(possible 5 secs or so Lost), I will have no body for the rest of the game. So Choose, Continue on without my body model? or Do a quick death to add back in my body? edited: sorry terminology shit.. 5 seconds added to final time if I use a death to fix my body
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