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This is my improvement to my viral yet controversial run in which I attempted to get the Minimum Presses in Super Mario Bros. This is the 8th attempt at this feat, this time completing the game in 05:48.04 and 142 presses, a 3 press improvement.

Game Objectives

  • Emulator used: FCEUX 2.1.5
  • Attempts to complete the game with the least amount of button presses possible
  • Avoids wasting time
  • Aims to maximize score / kills without jeopardizing the above goals
  • Takes damage to save presses
  • Heavy luck manipulation

The Run

See this section of my previous submission for details on the majority of the run that went unchanged.


1-1: 13 presses (-1).

andrewg reminded me that I could have Mario stop in his tracks by holding down. As such, it became apparent that you can wait for the Goombas to move out of the way if you continue to hold down after going down the pipe. This saves one press.

8-2: 16 presses (-1).

Perfect enemy manipulation allows me to use one jump instead of two during the section before the final stairs. This requires two Bullet Bills. Room for error? There is none: after moving past the pipe, the jump must start and end at an exact frame or the trick will not work. I attempt to move past the pipe at the earliest time that allows me to both land on the second Bill and propel myself off of the final Koopa. This the one press I previously needed to jump past the second to last set of stairs.

8-3: 13 presses (0).

Because the enemies move based on a global timer, I had to do a lot of work in TASEdit to fix this stage. During this process, I realized that it's possible to make the second grounded Hammer Bros. deactivate if I pass it at the wrong time. This makes it impossible to manipulate the final grounded Hammer Bro, so this was avoided.

8-4: 26 presses (-1).

andrewg pointed out that I could hold A after exiting the pipe in the water section and avoid pressing A again to swim. In order to pull this off, I had to hold down earlier on to slow down enough to land in the pipe with a full jump. This saves one press.

Lua Script

See this section of my previous submission for details on the Lua script used to display the input in the encode.

Special Thanks

Thanks to andrewg for his improvements in 1-1 and 8-4. Again, thanks to FractalFusion for creating this amazing Lua script. I also would like to thank him, along with MUGG, for creating some of the previous MP TASes of this game. Finally, thanks to LexSfX for helping out with encoding.

adelikat: Claimed for judging

DarkKobold: Agreed with adelikat, Taking over judging.

DarkKobold: Sadly, there was cheating involved with this submission. Thus, 3 yes votes should be removed from the voting.

DarkKobold: In general, these runs would be rejected on feedback alone. However, I believe that a decision is required on the minimum presses category in general. To not belabor this any longer, these types of runs just don't fit with the publications on the site. A TAS should be able to stand on its own merits. This category requires a script to evaluate the number of presses, a DDR-style output to show the buttons, and etc.
That said, there are plenty of forums out there that have their own side competitions outside the publication of the site. BrandonE has set up a page to track these minimum press runs. I am all for that. However, I don't believe that this category merits a publication on the standard site.
Also, while a technical challenge, I don't believe it produces interesting movies. It has been compared to "No B" run of SMB. However, it is easy for the audience to identify with the concept of not hitting B. It is fundamental to the gameplay. No one playing SMB counts the number of times they press a button while playing the game, or the number of jumps they make, and etc. These super technical categories don't really fit with the aims of the site.

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People watch this on youtube found no entertaining stuff. Voted no
Jungon wrote:
if I was to have a Tool-Assisted real life ... I'd.. I could abuse death, just to see if it saves time ..
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if this chimera of epic proportions does get accepted,can it replace the smb walkathon? the run's goals are both restrictive and slow not like i want this to get accepted but gotta ask
TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
Expert player (2533)
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A pure SMB walkathon was already replaced by a warpless version of walkathon by Mars, which provides lots of new and interesting things that haven't shown in other TASes, and I think that's not easy to be replaced by other kinds TASes of SMB.
Recent projects: SMB warpless TAS (2018), SMB warpless walkathon (2019), SMB something never done before (2019), Extra Mario Bros. (best ending) (2020).
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The walkathon has completely different goals, and indeed for a long time we didn't know if it was even possible to complete the warpless walkathon. The game fully expects that you would use the B button and structures many jumps so that you normally would have to. In contrast, there's no question that a minimum-presses run would be able to beat the game; it's just an optimization problem.
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Warpless walkathon should definitely be kept. This run is interesting too, though.
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om, nom, nom... om, nom, nom... nom nom
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The run was a enjoyable to watch, since I'd read a bit of the background. But the enjoyment came mainly from being impressed by your endeavours and the technical background. I love the fact that you have done this and are striving to perfect this new goal. However, when taken on its own merits, from the perspective of someone who is not aware of the background, the video is not fun to watch. BUT, I don't believe that prior knowledge should never be a prerequisite - after all, with most games, we need to be aware of the normal limitations of the game to be astounded by the subversions. Gamers might be aware of common rules across platformers, for example, so whilst they don't know that particular game, they can still enjoy watching it do obviously unintentional things. I nearly always find that I enjoy watching a TAS more after reading the author's comments and maybe read a bit about the bg of the game and the tricks being used. So, I think that we should consider this run in its totality - not just the final product of what we see in the encoded video but also the pleasure of witnessing the end-product of a new form of goal and its place in our current history. I think that this run is an impressive feat and would have voted yes, for what it's worth.
I'm just some random guy. Don't let my words get you riled - I have my opinions but they're only mine.
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Posts: 40
Was this submitted under the old system? Because, under the new system, I don't see why this wouldn't pass. We decided that not being entertaining was only a downside to certain categories, and that technical feats could stand on their own. I also don't understand the idea of having a movie that was rejected actually published, with rendered videos.
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trlky wrote:
Was this submitted under the old system? Because, under the new system, I don't see why this wouldn't pass. We decided that not being entertaining was only a downside to certain categories, and that technical feats could stand on their own. I also don't understand the idea of having a movie that was rejected actually published, with rendered videos.
I'm not sure I follow. The new system, vault, allows publication only of simple categories (100%, any% glitched and non glitched. Ok, the latter part I'm not as sure about but you get the idea). You can't vault 'minimum buttons pressed', so it has to go in moon, and if it was able to go in moon, it would already be published.
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He's asking if this was submitted before the tiered publication system was implemented. It was. I'd agree with UnGrueing this and having it reconsidered for Moons.
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boct1584 wrote:
I'd agree with UnGrueing this and having it reconsidered for Moons.
As Patashu said, if it was able to go to Moons, it'd already be published. Viewer response has been pretty mediocre on these kinds of runs. Judging by the votes and posts in this thread, this run very likely wouldn't make it to Moons. <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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