Yeah, it's me again. Same person. Wow, instead of banning that account, they changed the password and the account name. Very clever. You've won a trophy. This is your trophy!

Nah, kidding.
Anyway, so well you are ASKING me why I'm TROLLING? Like you want to know what my MOTIVES are????
Well guess what? You guys are all confused. I do not troll just to be funny. That is not the point of trolling at ALL. It helps, but the entire point of trolling is
attention. You guys have obviously given me the ultimate trophy for trolling, a bunch of posts on my hoax topic.
Well my motives for trolling are kind of obvious.
I have no friends, no social life, and my life sucks. I'm not even going to explain further. I NEED to piss people off on the internet in order to get ANY kind of attention in my life.
I'll admit that on the internet I act stupid, but in real life, you'd be surprised, I'm actually (said by others) very intelligent and am a nice, polite person.
But the internet is DIFFERENT from real life.
Do you guys even have ANY IDEA what it's like to have a meltdown in a crowd? Do you know how much pressure the social system puts on me just for being different????
I mean I am 15 years old. I am less mature that most my age and my maturity hasn't even changed since I was 10 because I have high-functioning autism and probably for other reasons. I mean come on, I still love TELETUBBIES, and MONA THE VAMPIRE, and other kids my age are SKATING, BEING SOCIAL, BEING CONFIDENT, BEING NORMAL PEOPLE, and you expect ME not to be begging for attention on the internet?
I mean come on, you guys probably don't CARE about any of this, but if you are actually nice people, you would not ever be mocking me like this. Oh well, you guys are NO different from the bullies in the social world in my life.