Cutsceneless encode:


  • Emulator used: Bizhawk 1.6.0
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Manipulates luck
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Still saves the animals

About the run

Not long after the making of the Arbitrary Code TAS total found another way to trigger the ending early. When you get far enough OoB X-Ray starts behaving oddly and writes over a lot of RAM addresses. The further down you are the more gets overwritten, and getting far enough down allows the escape sequence to be triggered (and the trigger to save the animals!). This lead to an improvement of 7102 frames over the previous run, and a run which definitively obsoletes both the ACE TAS and the previous X-Ray TAS (although I have hopes that the former can be utilized in the future as a starting point to make something interesting with the usage of arbitrary code execution).
Besides that there's not much to say. Nothing particularly new happens until the very end, and I didn't manage to find any improvements over the old X-Ray TAS in comparable parts except for an odd quirk I found when making the 100% run that reduces the door lag slightly when escaping the Bomb Torizo, and everything else beside the OoB stuff is fairly straight forward.

Thanks to

Big thanks to total for finding the X-Ray glitch (or rather, finding that you could trigger the ending with it), as well as for providing me with a lua script for hitbox detection that helped a lot when navigating OoB. Also thanks to the Super Metroid speedrunning community for pushing this category further and further

feos: I did numbers, and they are going to be surprising for some people.
  • 17 people want this submission to obsolete the 2 glitched runs.
  • 12 people want this submission to not obsolete anything else.
  • 5 people want it to obsolete the in-game time run as well.
There's also the very in-game time run's submission thread, where 46 people want that run to be published alongside to the real-time one, and 15 people don't want it. And the judge's decision was to publish it as a separate branch.
So the community's decision was back then to have that run separately, and now it's to not touch it. However, if a new version of the real-time run is made, that issue will be brought back up, since these 2 are the runs with the most content overlap. It's just currently, Saturn's movie is way more up-to-date than Tako & Kriole's.
So I'm accepting this submission to Moons, to obsolete "GT code, game end glitch" and "X-Ray glitch" by the "game end glitch" title. If some real playaround-style arbitrary code movie is made, all the content from the ACE run will most likely be seen again there, and even more, so that people don't miss it for too long.
As for the borderline between this (and the 2 glitched) runs, and all the rest - it is killing Mother Brain. Glitched runs skip that, as well as bosses, other runs don't. Killing Mother Brain is the thing that is obviously intended by the developers, and required to beat the game, so doing so means the run used the intended route. Ignoring it means it used the unintended (glitched) route.
Guga: Processing...

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scahfy wrote:
If a 2160p encode is shoddy, your monitor must be huge. He uploaded an unedited encode here.
Not the encode quality... it was the cut scenes missing and transitions that came off as shoddy. The encode you linked on the other hand... now THAT felt much better. So... based on that; O.O;; Wow... I so did not see this coming. This is absolutely... wow. I give it a yes for it being entertaining by far. I also now understand this double rainbow... er... obsoletion convo. I agree. Double agree actually, to double obsoletion. I don't know how often that's ever going to happen... but I agree to run with it. Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
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Posts: 42
Wowies. Absolute yes vote, and to obsolete both runs in question (even though I supported, and still do, the ACE run being published)... Not much more to say regarding that! As for the cutscene-less temp-encode, I love it, and would always love to see more official encodes with .lua scripts and other enhancements such as: -Super Metroid out-of-bounds overlay, 'world map', and I also have a saved encode someone made with current/old Reverse Boss Order with a black Samus 'ghost' that represented the old run. A favorite, because it's so interesting to see the tiny differences that make the runs different! -Chrono Trigger with levels/stats info -Sonic 3 'Atlas' encodes/camhack to follow Sonic -Super high resolution Goldeneye/Super Mario 64 And other such things. I'm at the level of obsession where I have specific emulator folders set up just for certain movies and games, but professionally-made encodes are preferred!
Currently obsessed with: Mega Man 2 hacks, SFA3, Super Metroid Zero Mission, MM8BDM (Skulltag MegaMan mod, it's amazing!)
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Obvious Yes. Why does the encode say "No Cutscenes," but still include the 2 minute long intro?
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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"no door transitions, elevator rides or item fanfares", or, "no cutscenes after landing on crateria" was a bit too long. As for it being there in the first place, laziness.
Agare Bagare Kopparslagare
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Mr. Kelly R. Flewin wrote:
Why spend all that time on a game and put up a shoddy encode? I mean seriously, any value to the run is greatly diminished. It's not like it was some bug that caused that... it was someone who felt the need to cut n' splice the video. This isn't some torrented tv show where they edit out the commercials... it's like taking a porn movie and anytime there''s anything sexual, it's spliced out, leaving 2 mins of dialogue in a 1h30m movie.
Preparing a cutsceneless encode is more like taking a porn movie and cutting out the dialogue. People do not watch TASes for the cutscenes, much like they do not watch porn for the dialogue, so I see no harm in leaving them out.
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Eszik wrote:
Obviously yes vote‚ but I found this run really less entertaining than the ACE run‚ which was really different from the other SM runs‚ showcasing some funny glitches such as the pause glitch (I dont remember the exact name).
I agree. The ACE route is unique from norfair to the end; this run is stuff you've seen before, followed by a few seconds of WTF-glitch and an outro. Although the glitch is awesome and groundbreaking (kudos to total!), the ratio of entertaining to boring is reaching zeldaesque levels. Unfortunately I have to agree for now that it has to obsolete the ACE run, since the ACE run doesn't do anything besides finishing the game. Though if anyone were to use the ACE glitch to do something more interesting, I'd be all for reinstating the ACE category.
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Yeah I'm hoping that will happen. I would have done it myself if I had good enough knowledge to do actually do it.
Agare Bagare Kopparslagare
Post subject: Let the games begin!
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Great run, I think it should obsolete: [2558] SNES Super Metroid "GT code, game end glitch" by amaurea, Cpadolf & total in 14:52.88, because this movie is faster, and doesn't abuse the game as much. [1978] SNES Super Metroid "X-Ray glitch" by Cpadolf in 21:25.12, because this movie is faster, and doesn't abuse SRAM. Further, [2220] SNES Super Metroid "low%, Speedbooster" by NameSpoofer in 44:18.62 and [2202] SNES Super Metroid "low%, Ice Beam" by Saturn in 42:37.13, since this game gets less percent, and doesn't disqualify itself with rewriting the game or abusing SRAM. And [1908] SNES Super Metroid "ingame time" by Saturn in 39:15.30 and [1368] SNES Super Metroid by Taco & Kriole in 38:41.52, since it's faster than each of them in their respective categories, and doesn't disqualify itself with rewriting the game or abusing SRAM.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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The run uses a glitch to overwrite RAM in order to trigger a game ending event. I don't think it should obsolete a any% run without any major skips or game breaking glitches.
Agare Bagare Kopparslagare
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Cpadolf wrote:
The run uses a glitch to overwrite RAM in order to trigger a game ending event. I don't think it should obsolete a any% run without any major skips or game breaking glitches.
And what about [1978] SNES Super Metroid "X-Ray glitch" by Cpadolf in 21:25.12, did it overwrite RAM too? If no, then this can't obsolete it. If yes, then [2558] SNES Super Metroid "GT code, game end glitch" by amaurea, Cpadolf & total in 14:52.88 should be obsoleting [1978] SNES Super Metroid "X-Ray glitch" by Cpadolf in 21:25.12.
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Nach wrote:
And what about 1978M, did it overwrite RAM too? If no, then this can't obsolete it. If yes, then 2558M should be obsoleting 1978M.
You've heard of Moons, right?
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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feos wrote:
Nach wrote:
And what about 1978M, did it overwrite RAM too? If no, then this can't obsolete it. If yes, then 2558M should be obsoleting 1978M.
You've heard of Moons, right?
You realize that Moons isn't an arbitrary dumping ground for every single run which might do something slightly different than another run, right? There has to be clear non-arbitrary reasons which can be applied objectively across the board to differentiate runs.
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Nach wrote:
There has to be clear non-arbitrary reasons which can be applied objectively across the board to differentiate runs.
"Non-arbitrary" is subjective. Entertainment is subjective. Moons allow arbitrary goals as long as they are entertaining. If one goal run looks a lot like some other goal run, people notice it. Cross-branch obsoletions can be legitimately done exactly as it is happening here right now. A direct question is asked, direct answers a given. If you feel all existing Super Metroid runs are so freaking similar they all should obsolete each other, no problem. I will base my judgment on opinion of majority though. Not that I will rely on it completely, but if some notion is the same for, say, 90% of the viewers posted here, it will be highly considered.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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Nach wrote:
And what about [1978] SNES Super Metroid "X-Ray glitch" by Cpadolf in 21:25.12, did it overwrite RAM too? If no, then this can't obsolete it.
It didn't overwrite and RAM, but what you say would only be true if you think that we need a different run for every type of glitch. I've always though that the "glitched" vs "non glitched" was, most of the time, a sufficient distinction even if the specifics are always going to be a little bit arbitrary.
Agare Bagare Kopparslagare
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feos wrote:
If you feel all existing Super Metroid runs are so freaking similar they all should obsolete each other, no problem.
I don't feel that way, I'm throwing this out there so it can be properly discussed. Since no one else is discussing it, you should be inviting more questions on how people feel this run compares to the other branches, and which it should obsolete (if any).
Cpadolf wrote:
Nach wrote:
And what about [1978] SNES Super Metroid "X-Ray glitch" by Cpadolf in 21:25.12, did it overwrite RAM too? If no, then this can't obsolete it.
It didn't overwrite and RAM, but what you say would only be true if you think that we need a different run for every type of glitch. I've always though that the "glitched" vs "non glitched" was, most of the time, a sufficient distinction even if the specifics are always going to be a little bit arbitrary.
The question is, is the techniques in this run closer to either of the runs you proposed it obsolete. If the old X-Ray run has a reason to be more "legitimate", than this, it shouldn't obsolete it just because both use the same item somewhere. You seemed to propose X-Ray is the decisive factor, and happen to obsolete another based on time. I'm suggesting to look at RAM corruption as the decisive factor, and not necessarily obsolete because of using particular items.
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Nach wrote:
The question is, is the techniques in this run closer to either of the runs you proposed it obsolete. If the old X-Ray run has a reason to be more "legitimate", than this, it shouldn't obsolete it just because both use the same item somewhere. You seemed to propose X-Ray is the decisive factor, and happen to obsolete another based on time. I'm suggesting to look at RAM corruption as the decisive factor, and not necessarily obsolete because of using particular items.
The thing is that it's using the same glitch for both this submission and 1978M, however this submission goes even farther out of bounds than 1978M, which causes the RAM corrpution. For all intents and purposes, this submission takes the X-Ray glitch to a much greater extreme. It also is the current fastest way to complete the game and causes a "game-end glitch". I don't feel that it should obsolete the other low% runs which use different items than the X-ray. Those runs still maintain a resemblance to normal gameplay.
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Yes vote. D e e R F o r C E For those interested, here's a link to the encode with the door transitions intact:
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Did you guys know that "wat" is "yes" backwards?
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As I posited when I made the topic about removing certain movies from obsoletion chains, the question we should ask when thinking about what to obsolete/not obsolete is, "What does this movie do similarly to, and differently from, the movies being suggested to be obsoleted? How much content overlap is there?" This movie uses the X-Ray glitch as a means to the end of arbitrary code execution, completing the game more quickly than both runs using only one or the other of those glitches. ([1978] SNES Super Metroid "X-Ray glitch" by Cpadolf in 21:25.12 and [2558] SNES Super Metroid "GT code, game end glitch" by amaurea, Cpadolf & total in 14:52.88) I agree that both of those movies should be obsoleted. Now, how does it compare to the longer runs? It really doesn't, in my opinion. The "traditional any%, realtime" run, for lack of a better descriptor, is nothing like this because it actually plays the game mostly as intended. ([1368] SNES Super Metroid by Taco & Kriole in 38:41.52 The same goes for the "traditional any%, in-game time" run, as well as for both "low-glitch low%" runs and the "Reverse Boss Order" run. [1908] SNES Super Metroid "ingame time" by Saturn in 39:15.30, [2202] SNES Super Metroid "low%, Ice Beam" by Saturn in 42:37.13, [2220] SNES Super Metroid "low%, Speedbooster" by NameSpoofer in 44:18.62 and [2078] SNES Super Metroid "Reverse Boss Order" by Saturn in 46:42.38 I will say, however, that I really liked the way that the most recent TAS did what it did, and I think it would be a shame if it was completely lost because of being obsoleted. I'd personally really like it if that movie was linked in the description for this one (when this one is published) and noted as using the same glitches to a lesser extent, similar to how primordial#soup's run of Pokemon Blue is mentioned in the description for p4wn3r's run of Pokemon Red. (That mention should probably be removed, since the Red run no longer obsoleted the Blue run.)
Previous Name: boct1584
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boct1584 wrote:
This movie uses the X-Ray glitch as a means to the end of arbitrary code execution, completing the game more quickly than both runs using only one or the other of those glitches. ([1978] SNES Super Metroid "X-Ray glitch" by Cpadolf in 21:25.12 and [2558] SNES Super Metroid "GT code, game end glitch" by amaurea, Cpadolf & total in 14:52.88) I agree that both of those movies should be obsoleted.
What is your logic for each of those not obsoleting the other, but that this should obsolete both of them?
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Nach wrote:
You seemed to propose X-Ray is the decisive factor, and happen to obsolete another based on time. I'm suggesting to look at RAM corruption as the decisive factor, and not necessarily obsolete because of using particular items.
I might have worded myself poorly but that is not what I think. I think the common factor between all 3 of these runs is that they use glitches to skip major portions of the game and to trick the game into ending itself without completing the objectives necessary to do so (whether it is glitching to the room behind MB to trigger the escape sequence or straight up telling it to go to the ending). I don't even think that the previous X-ray run qualifies as RAM corruption because it simply makes use of stuff that is left in RAM by the letting game act as intended. So I think all 3 of them, by different methods, compete for the same spot (fastest completion by any means) and that only 1 of them should remain published. I didn't agree with the current two glitched any% runs being published alongside each other both as any% (though would have supported the old X-ray run to be published as a low% run before this one beat it in that regard as well), and I don't think there's any good reason not to obsolete both of them with this run. But I also think that there's no good reason to obsolete the other any% runs with this one. The ingame run is iffy as it is but its existence isn't positively or negatively affected by this one, and if it is to be retroactively obsoleted it should be unrelated to the publishing of this run. Same goes for the 14% runs, I think. EDIT:
Nach wrote:
What is your logic for each of those not obsoleting the other, but that this should obsolete both of them?
Not that I agreed with the decision, but I think the arbitrary code run was published for being, at the time, the fastest completion by any means, but those means were very controversial and the X-ray run was left up because it was the fastest completion without any debug codes or arbitrary code execution. But the controversial means no longer protects the X-ray run and the faster time doesn't protect the arbitrary code run.
Agare Bagare Kopparslagare
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Discussion about this run obsoleting the current ingame-time run has been split to this topic. Having that run obsoleted is a discussion that doesn't directly apply to this run, as other runs would already have obsoleted it in that case. <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
Joined: 6/4/2009
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hi, this run should obselete the Xray scope run and the previous ACE run BUT this branch regrouping behavior (glichted % + ACE %) should ONLY apply to this run and not become a generality. This run manage to showcase the Xray scope glitch and then manage to showcase some ACE, keeping the old runs would be redundant. the folowing cases should be applied : - if a new faster ACE run appear, it would obselete this run (cutting the glitched branch ) - if a new glitched run NOT using the Xray scope glitch but faster than the Xray scope submition appear, it should be counted as a separate category (glitched %) even if it's slower than this run - if a new faster Xray scope run appear but without ACE then the run SHOULD be obseleted (cutting the ACE branch) until a new faster ACE run appear in short : we tie the branches together until something big separate them again
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Nach wrote:
boct1584 wrote:
This movie uses the X-Ray glitch as a means to the end of arbitrary code execution, completing the game more quickly than both runs using only one or the other of those glitches. ([1978] SNES Super Metroid "X-Ray glitch" by Cpadolf in 21:25.12 and [2558] SNES Super Metroid "GT code, game end glitch" by amaurea, Cpadolf & total in 14:52.88) I agree that both of those movies should be obsoleted.
What is your logic for each of those not obsoleting the other, but that this should obsolete both of them?
[1978] SNES Super Metroid "X-Ray glitch" by Cpadolf in 21:25.12 uses X-Ray wall climbing to gain access to Tourian early, and then uses RAM manipulation via the death in Brinstar to skip Mother Brain. [2558] SNES Super Metroid "GT code, game end glitch" by amaurea, Cpadolf & total in 14:52.88 uses arbitrary code execution, and there's not too much to say about it compared to the other one. Those two runs accomplished the same goal via very different means, thus why if I'd been discussing it with the community at the time I'd've agreed with the decision that was ultimately reached, to keep 1978 published and create a new branch for 2558. I'm usually the first to argue in favor of keeping as many branches as possible, but as others have pointed out, this submission uses both of the same major glitches that the previous two "glitched" runs used, and uses them more effectively to beat both runs. Thus, both 1978 and 2558 should be obsoleted, in my opinion.
Previous Name: boct1584
Joined: 1/24/2013
Posts: 9
Well, it clearly should obsolete 1978. X-ray glitch done better, and all. I withhold judgement on 2558: While the time improvement is undeniable, it's FAR less entertaining, and doesn't honestly strike me as comparable.