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We all worked on this. Complaining at one another what should work and stuff.
Thanks RGamma for the encode
Fastest movement is sliding.
This is how we managed to get a really good time for a 106%.
  • Requires: Free DSP ROM (A few of us couldn't find the right DSP)
Then again those ball levels and the swimming levels, we had to put a lot of effort into those.
It was crazy!
Now these are all the runners that helped...
The submission didn't accept the amount of names.

-ziplock-, /*-, aaa2, AB1, Abahbob, abeshi, Acmlm, addbball, Adebis, adelikat, AGGRESSiON, Aglar, aglasscage, agwawaf, airman2, Airwe, ais523, AjAX, AKheon, ALAKTORN, alden, AlejaKaiser, Alexandre, alexis_neuhaus, alexpenev, alexph, Alorxiel, alpha1233, Alter, AmaizumiUni, Amaraticando, amaurea, AndiHoffi, andrewg, Andy, AndyD, andymac, andypanther, AngerFist, Animadverto, AnotherGamer, AnS, AOi, Apo123, apple bapple, applepieman, Aqfaq, Arc, architorture, arkiandruski, Arne_the_great, Arnold0, aroduc, ars4326, arukAdo, Arykado2, asdfgary, Ash Williams, asutoro, Atma, Atomnium, atro city, axelito, Azite, Azorae, £e Nécroyeur, Bablo, BackwardLongJump, Bag of Magic Food, bahamete, bangbaew, Baxter, BBkaizo, beelzebub, benbenrx8, Bernka, Bestiajerules, Bhezt Rhy, BioSpark, birozombie, Bisqwit, blackshellbowser, Bladegash, Blaze, blechy, Bleh, blitzag, bloobiebla, bloodyspare, Blublu, bob whoops, bobmario511, Bobo the King, BobyPoula, Boco, boct1584, BoltR, bortreb, braceyj, Brandon, BrotherMojo, Brushy, Buddybenj, Burning Death, BYRAIN, byrz, BZero, c-square, C0DE RED, caitsith2, Callmewoof, Captain Forehead, Cardboard, Carl Sagan, Carmealio, carretero, catnap222, CeSaR74, cetaka, Chamale, charles1q2w, ChaucersSquire, Cheetah 7071, Cheez, Chef Stef, Cherry, chis, chupapi, ch_mand, cideprojekt, coconou, ColorAndPSK, Comicalflop, computerbird, Contendo, CoolBumpty, Cooljay, CoolKirby, cpadolf, criticaluser, cstrakm, CtrlAltDestroy, curtmack, Dacicus, Dadoc, daisukejigen, Dammit, daniayaw, Daniel Maroto, dantynbelmont, Dan_, Dark Cloud, Dark Fulgore, Dark Mana, Dark Noob, Dark Rain, DarkKobold, DarkMoon, dark_rocco, DaShiznawz, Dasrik, das_64, DaTeL237, dave_dfwm, David Wilson, DDRKhat, Deathray, DeHackEd, Deign, DennisBalow, Dessyreqt, devanwolf, Deviance, devindotcom, dex88, dezbeast, DiamondPhoenix, Diego Montoya, diggidoyo, Diman, DJ Skull, DonamerDragon, DootBeep, Dooty, Dragonfangs, dragonmiles18, dragonxyk, DS13, DudicalRat, DukeNukem007, dunnius, dwangoAC, ECCO, echo314, Ego Buff, Egor305, EgxHB, electrospecter, emi3d, emu, Equinox, Eratyx, ermacone, erokky, errror1, ersatz, Espyo, EvilRiu, Exim, Explosion Pills, Exxonym, 西坡, Fabian, FatRatKnight, feasel, feitclub, Felipe, feos, Ferret Warlord, FerretFaucet, fetofs, FFGamer86, finalfighter, fiskerN, Fladdermus, flagitious, flashthe, Fleetze, Flip, Flygon, foda, Foone, ForgoneMoose, FractalFusion, Frenom, fsvgm777, funnyhair, FunStyle, fuzi2, FuzZerd, FVDTSUYOSA, gab950912, GabCM, gabrielwoj, gamerfreak5665, Gamerskillsfull, gather, gbreeze, Gemini-Man, GeminiSaint, Genisto, georgexi, georgiek, GGG, gia, Gigafrost, Ginger, girfanatic501, gleison, GlitchMan, GlurG, GManiac, gocha, God-Hand, GoddessMaria15, Goemon, goldfish, Goldude, goofydylan8, Goofyman, got4n, grassini, Greenalink, grillo, Grincevent, GSGold, gstick, GTimeKiller, guacho80, GuanoBowl, Gunty, Gvozdevik, hadock, Halamantariel, Hanzo, hanzou, HappyLee, happy_mario, HardCoreMangeur, Haze Rever, Hâthor, hegyak, Heidman, Heisanevilgenius, heldtogetherwithtape, hellagels, hellfire, henke37, Hero Chaos Chao, hero of the day, HHS, highness, hikaru, Hiryuu, hisatoki, Hoandjzj, hogehoge61, Hongbaichaoren, hopper, Hotarubi, Huffers, Hutch, ideamagnate, iiro2, Ilari, inakilbss, Infinite Combos, INfintido, inichi, Invoker, inzult, Iriasu, irthemann, Ismaw34, IsraeliRD, IvanovishGC, izanamu, Jack Lv, Jackic, janus, jaysmad, JayTheBrainMann, jc564, jecy, jerfo, JetlagJad, jhp, Ji-chan, Jigwally, jimsfriend, JKRtas, jlun2, jnx, Johannes, Johnnypoiro, jonathangm, Josh, josh l., Josh the FunkDOC, jprofit22, jse, juancito87, JuanValdez, julianch, Jungon, JWinslow23, JXQ, K, KaitouKid, kaizoman666, Kale, kamengtaiv, KameZa, KamiKaze, Kaz, kchrules, Keirden, kengenken, KennyBoy, ketomei, Ketsueki, keylie, KFCMARIO, khv-user, kirbymuncher, kirkq, Kiske, klmz, KMFDManic, knbnitkr, kooz, kopernical, KP9000, krieg747, krieger, Kriole, kristmortal95, Krocketneo, kuja, kuja killer, Kumquat, Kurabupengin, Kyman, Kyrsimys, LagDotCom, lapogne36, laranja, laughing_gas, LAVOS5, leandroff5, lezard, LFNMai, Lieza McDohl, Lil_Gecko, LIMO, link_7777, lithven, LLCoolDave, Lollorcaust, Lollybomb, Lord Tom, lordofvt, Lord_of_Olympia, Lorenzo_The_Comic, LSK, lu9, Luke, LYF, m.i, macK, magus, Malleoz, mamuuuut, Marcokarty, Marcolaranja, Marik the Gamer, marioprincess, Mars608, Mart, Marx, marzojr, Master of Pigs, Masterjun, mat1er, mat89, mataniko, MATCH6974, maTO, MattyXB, Matyu, max12187566, Maximus, Maza, mazzeneko, mazzic, Mc GeeK, McBobX, McHazard, Megafrost, megaman, Mephistus, MESHUGGAH, Michael Fried, MICKEY_Vis11189, MiezaruMono, mike89, MikeRS, mil94, milquetoast, Minaya, mindnomad, Mister, Mitjitsu, mkdasher, mky, mlw7, mmarks, mmbossman, monthenor, mookish, Morrison, Mothrayas, motogiri, Mr. Kelly R. Flewin, MrGrunz, MrIvan97, mrlemonlame, Mro314, MrOmicron, MrWint, mrz, mr_roberts_z, Mr_Sweed, mtbRc, mtvf1, mugg, Mukki, mushroom, mvpetri, mz, Mzscla, N?K, Nahoc, namespoofer, namflow, Nanahocha, nanogyth, Naohiro19, NaturelLorenzo6000, NDS_Emil, NecroVMX, nEilfox, Neofix, neo_omegon, Newpants87, nfq, Nibelung, nicklegends, nico, nico30620, nicorido, nifboy, Nightcom, nineko, nintendo, NintenKai, Nisto, Nitrodon, NitroGenesis, nitsuja, nji9, Nodn, Nomade, Noob Irdoh, Noodlez, numerics, NxCy, Oasiz, Odongdong, OgreSlayeR, okaygo, Olivebates, OmegaForce, omegaredzero, OmegaWatcher, OmnipotentEntity, oneeighthundred, orugari, ouendan, Ouzo, ozort, p0rtal_0f_rain, p3r, p4wn3r, Palidian, Panda, PangaeaPanga, parrot14gree, partyboy1a, Pasky13, Patryk1023, paul_t, pdk, pekopon, Perfect Death, perfectacle, Peristarkawan, phantom321, Phil, philipptr, phoenix1291, Pictian, PikachuMan, Pike, pirate_sephiroth, pirohiko, Player1, plusminus, pom, poptart1234, Power Rangers, praetarius3, PreddY, prettyBoyRage, primorial#soup, prower, ptorflaxendrosis, QBOB, QoiZ, qqwref, Quibus, quietkane, Quietust, Qwerty6000, raboni, RachelB, Radz, Ragowit, Randil, RattleMan, rchokler, red-crowned-crane, ReichMan, reiki, Remafer, Remzi, RetroHolo, Rick, Rikku, RingRush, Rising Tempest, Robert_Ordis, rockfistus, Rolanmen1, RT-55J, Rum, Rushnerd, Ryuto, S@G, sack_bot, Sacrifices, Sam, Sami, Samoht, Samsara, samurai goroh, saomoore94, Saturn, scahfy, Scepheo, ScouSin, scrimpeh, scubed, Scumtron, SDR, Selene, SeNn, sergio89, sgrunt, shadow byrn, SHADOW_538, SharpKitten, Shinryuu, ShinyDoofy, Shiru, shisu, Silver, Sir VG, sirstarmagic, skamastaG, sksk1990, skychase, slamo, sleepz, sliverjazz, Slotermeyer, SmashFiles, snc76976, Soig, solarplex, some pickles, SonicBoom737, sonicmason, sonicpacker, Sonikkustar, Sopreti, Sotel6, SoulCal, soulrivers, sp00ky, sparky, speedofsound92, spezzafer, Spikestuff, spoonshiro, Spoony_Bard, SprintGod, sprocket2005, starpower60, STBM, Sticky, STV_Brozer, stx-Vile, SuperChan1990, SuperMario12, superninja, Supper, suwei, Swordless Link, Synahel, t3h Icy, Tailz, tall, Tanooki Teabag, TaoTao, Tarion, TASeditor, TASVideoAgent, Tatsuhiko, teammy, Tee-N-Tee, teh noj, TehSeven, teowind, Terimakasih, terrarising, tetora_X, TGPrimus, THC98, the BEST taser, The Dust Bunny, The Mario with Famtasia, TheAxeMan, Thedarksnw, theenglishman, thegreginator, TheHepper, TheKDX7, TheKoopaPatrol, TheLegendaryJirachi, TheRandomPie_IV, therealssjlink, TheSwordUser, Thevlackdemonn2294, TheYoungStarsOfTheWorld, TheZlomuS, TheZZAZZGlitch, the_nightrider, Thorning, tianwodeai, Tilus, tim333, TimmyAkmed, Tinister, tmont, Tompa, tool23, Toothache, tormed, Torn, Torn338, totodiletrainer01, totoro, Touch-me, Townsocks, tpfire123, Trask, trazz, TrenchAce, TRT, True, Truncated, Tseralith, Tuggummi, Tuplanolla, turbofa, turgish, turska, turtle, tviks, Twisted Eye, TylerArtrip, Ubercapitalist, Uintathere, umekor, unagi, unclejed, upthorn, Valagard, Vampier, VANDAL, VanillaCoke, Vatchern, vecna, Vector188, Vegetable, ventuz, Vespa, veup, videogamefreak, Viewer, VIPer7, VladimirContreras, Vlass14, VolcanoStormWind, Volkov, vsmk3, Vykan12, Waffle, Wak017, Walker Boh, Warp, was0x, waymuu, wazkatango, weatherton, Weirwindle, White Gastra, wicked, WiiS360, windeu, WinEpic, woabclf, Wodball, wonamik, WST, wwmarx, wyster, x2poet, Xaphan, xebra, xenos, XHAOS, xipo, Xkeeper, xoinx, XTREMAL93, xxNKxx, xxstimpzxx, Xyphys, y479021776, yagz, yep2yel, YoungJ1997lol, YtterbiJum, yuigenron, Yunshui, Yuzuhara_3, Zakatos, zefiris, Zene01, ZENEO9, Zer0, Zerstorung, Zettaijin, zggzdydp, zidanax, Zoizite, Zowayix, Zurreco, Zus, zvsp & zyr2288
NitroGenesis: Hi! I am a robot. I took a few screenshots of this movie and placed them here.

Bisqwit: Rejected on the account of it not being reproducable.

Joined: 7/30/2013
Posts: 79
It was really fun to participate in this movie. :)
Editor, Experienced player (529)
Joined: 11/8/2010
Posts: 4051
Wow, y'all didn't waste any time finishing this up! Yes vote for great justice.
Former player
Joined: 8/1/2004
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Location: Seattle, WA
My role was just to run up the rerecord count as best I could, apparently.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 757
Yep Yep Yep! 2nd TAS I've ever done ;) Of course, knowing my luck, someone's going to find a reason to reject it. x.x;; Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
Player (25)
Joined: 4/23/2005
Posts: 435
Location: Germany
Yes vote, just because my name appers in this TAS. ^^
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
Joined: 3/22/2011
Posts: 55
I'm so glad you all helped me on this, I never could have done it on my own. (Even though I did the absolute hardest input all by myself. You know the part, the trick that makes everything else in the run look sloppy and amateurish.) So yeah, we make a great team! Looking forward to the next one. Love you guys.
Joined: 5/2/2009
Posts: 656
Amazing. Talk about a collaborative effort.
My first language is not English, so please excuse myself if I write something wrong. I'll do my best do write as cleary as I can, so cope with me here =) (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
Joined: 6/5/2005
Posts: 139
I lol'd when I saw p0rtal_0f_rain's name listed as a contributor.
I like stuff...
Skilled player (1683)
Joined: 7/1/2013
Posts: 453
As much as I'd like to have contributed to this effort, I can't take credit for the work that... well, those other Players did. My name was obviously included by some sort of oversight, so please omit my name from the submission text. My thanks to you.
Banned User
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Location: Finland
Could this be considered disruptive flooding? And I'm asking seriously.
Expert player (2748)
Joined: 10/12/2011
Posts: 6501
Location: The land down under.
Warp wrote:
Could this be considered disrupting flooding? And I'm asking seriously.
It was for a bit then they figured out how to fix it in IRC but every update we do... it goes back to normal. This is normal:
New reply by Warp (WorkB: #4239: -ziplock-, /*-, aaa2, AB1, Abahbob, abeshi, Acmlm, addbball, Adebis, adelikat, AGGRESSiON, Aglar, aglasscage, agwawaf, airman2, Airwe, ais523, AjAX, AKheon, ALAKTORN, alden, AlejaKaiser, Alexandre, alexis_neuhaus, alexpenev, alexph, Alorxiel, alpha1233, Alter, AmaizumiUni, Amaraticando, amaurea, AndiHoffi, andrewg, Andy, AndyD, andymac, andypanther, AngerFist, Animadverto, AnotherGamer, AnS, AOi, Apo123, apple bap
This is the fix:
New reply by Spikestuff (WorkB: #4239: -ziplock-, /*-, aaa2, AB1, Abahbob, and 826 others's GC Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex "100%, Wombat, 360 no Spin" in 00:29.87): [a:42]
The fix was also done for the forums too... unless someone updates... Edit: For future reference if someone places an update on the submission.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Skilled player (1449)
Joined: 7/15/2007
Posts: 1468
Location: Sweden
This jsut goes to show that when earth is threatened by alien supermen and our only chance for survival is to make the best damn TAS of all time, all the TASers of the world can really come together, put our differing opinions on the merits of speed/entertainemnt tradeoffs, ingame timers and arbitrary code execution aside and create something genuinely amazing. Becasue that is what we were doing right?
Agare Bagare Kopparslagare
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Cpadolf wrote:
This jsut goes to show that when earth is threatened by alien supermen and our only chance for survival is to make the best damn TAS of all time, all the TASers of the world can really come together, put our differing opinions on the merits of speed/entertainemnt tradeoffs, ingame timers and arbitrary code execution aside and create something genuinely amazing. Becasue that is what we were doing right?
Yea Pretty much. Don't forget while we were doing this 4/5ths of us were drunk.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Joined: 3/2/2010
Posts: 2178
Location: A little to the left of nowhere (Sweden)
Sir VG wrote:
*looks over the players list* RIP zidanax. We miss you, bro.
RIP zidanax
Active player (287)
Joined: 10/8/2006
Posts: 356
Luckily I was able to figure out how to skip directly from the title screen to the introduction using a peculiar button sequence that tricks the game into executing the introductory scenes, or this never would have happened.
Player (128)
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If this one gets published , TASvideos will began to end up
Jungon wrote:
if I was to have a Tool-Assisted real life ... I'd.. I could abuse death, just to see if it saves time ..
Editor, Experienced player (895)
Joined: 1/23/2008
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Location: Finland
Sorry that I didn't have that much time to participate making this TAS. I'll probably be more active in our next collective TAS project.
Experienced player (591)
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3yrs of work!
Current: Rayman 3 maybe? idk xD Paused: N64 Rayman 2 (with Funnyhair) GBA SMA 4 : E Reader (With TehSeven) TASVideos is like a quicksand, you get in, but you cannot quit the sand
Active player (463)
Joined: 12/24/2010
Posts: 298
Location: CT, USA
Can't wait to get started doing the commentary on this run. It'll be tougher than working on the TAS, for sure.
Post subject: Hi, tasvideos irc channel!
Editor, Skilled player (1449)
Joined: 3/31/2010
Posts: 2123
I like this run.
Expert player (2748)
Joined: 10/12/2011
Posts: 6501
Location: The land down under.
VanillaCoke wrote:
Can't wait to get started doing the commentary on this run. It'll be tougher than working on the TAS, for sure.
800 TASers talking at once... This is the hardest part.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Joined: 6/23/2009
Posts: 2227
Location: Georgia, USA
Aw man, I knew I should've actually submitted a run before now. Then I could've ended up as part of this incredible project! Also, RIP zidanax...
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Active player (310)
Joined: 8/21/2012
Posts: 429
Location: France
Aaaah... Now I remember having worked on this one! It's been a while and I thought it was cancelled. I was part of the ram watch team, we had a lot of fun participating in this project: Link to video
Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3590)
Joined: 11/3/2004
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I'd vote yes, but I don't think authors should vote on their own submissions.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
Site Developer, Expert player (2059)
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TASVideos Plays Crash Banicoot
Warning: Might glitch to credits I will finish this ACE soon as possible (or will I?)