This is an autoportrait of the girl who drawn me and Apple Bloom together (can be found on the previous page of this topic):

All of her drawings look kinda special, but she seems to be really expert at drawing, just like MUGG, but completely different style… Don’t you think so?
She’s a very special person for me, since she’s some kind of my opposite not only by gender. I am a Russian who is extremely obsessed with Indonesia. She is an Indonesian who has a Russian obsession… I beleive, she even knows Russian language at least a little, because there are some indirect proofs of that. Also, I already know IRL some Indonesians being able to speak Russian fluently, despite the extreme complexity of Russian language, which should be hard to learn for Indonesians, whose native language is even easier than English… :)
These are her drawings in a bit different style

She’s one of my favorite artists now (but there are also some others) :)