Game objectives

  • Emulator used: DeSmuME 0.9.9 and Advanced Bus-Level Timing OFF
  • Aim For Fastest Time
  • Manipulates luck
  • Takes Damage To Save Time

About the game

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia is the third Nintendo DS installment of the Castlevania.In the front, unlike two works, the map is stage form. If each stage is not cleared, the next stage will appear.

About the run

It aims at seeing ED by the fastest. A route does not separate from foundations greatly. Moreover, if there is glitch which can be used, it uses.


  1. Transformation LVUP glitch: ->
  2. Accessory glitch: ->
  3. Eligor leg clip: ->
  4. Arma Chiroptera invincibility: Damage will be canceled if highkick specific timing.
  5. Arma Chiroptera Backdash: It is quicker than the usual backdash about 17%.
  6. Transformation Triple Jump: Double Jump in the air after Transformation release if it jumps in Transformation in the state of having Double Jump.
  7. Rapidus Fio kick: Forward+Jump*2/Forward+Kick/blank -> Jump*2/blink/Jump/Forward/Forward+Kick/blank*2... It is quicker than usual Rapidus Fio about 40%.
  8. Volaticus Zipping -> If kick of a Volaticus state is carried out at a floor and a place with a wall, zipping will happen.However, it is leftward limitation.
  9. Treasure box Manipulation -> The contents of the treasure box are determined at the time of stage entrance. The memory address is as follows.
021007A22 bytesTreasure box 1
021007A42 bytesTreasure box 2
021007A62 bytesTreasure box 3
021007A82 bytesTreasure box 4
021007AA2 bytesTreasure box 5
021007AC2 bytesTreasure box 6
021007AE2 bytesTreasure box 7
021007B02 bytesTreasure box 8
021007B22 bytesTreasure box 9
021007B42 bytesTreasure box 10
021007B62 bytesTreasure box 11
021007B82 bytesTreasure box 12
This value is controlled by RNG described by address:021389C0. It is necessary to control this value before entrance. This RNG is used also for manipulation of glyph,or move manipulation of enemy.

Stage by stage comments


Skeleton of a tutorial is defeated except the indispensable use Heart, holding.Moreover, it Manipulate so that Heart Repair may appear in the treasure box of Monastery.


Warp Point is registered.It moves recovering Heart.Moreover, Secare is acquired from Bone Scimitar.Heart Repair comes out of a treasure box by prior Manipulation. Stage Boss is killed by Secare, Confodere, and Miss Skill which were acquired. Registered Warp Point is used for a return.With Wygol Village just before coming out of Monastery Tresure Box Manipulation of Ruvas Forest is performed.

Ruvas Forest

Macir is acquired. Meat and Heart Repair come out of a treasure box by prior Manipulation.

Kalidus Channel

It leaves Heart 45 or more. Moreover, treasure box Manipulation of Minera Prison Island is performed.

Minera Prison Island

Stage Boss is killed by Skill of Macir taken by Ruvas Forest, and Macir.Since the damage is insufficient, only a few compensates at this rate with sliding.Sage and Protect Ring come out of a treasure box by prior Manipulation. Since it drops in behind again, Warp Point on the way is registered. Heart MAXUP is acquired and HP MAXUP ignores. HP Repair is instead performed by Save Point. it stops on the way and comes out, and takes Falcis and rescue Abram. Moreover, Tin Man is killed and Strength Ring is taken.


It prepares, before going into a Brachyura room.The following is equipped.
  • Glyph
Palette APalette BPalette C
MacirDominus HatredFalcis
  • Equip
  1. Casual Clothes
  2. Strength Ring
  3. Protect Ring
Brachyura is divided into three steps. Since there is no time, the 1st step is attacked a little early using the skill of Macir and Dominus Hatred.The 2nd step and the 3rd step are attacked by time having a margin comparatively Macir. This saves HP and Heart.Before coming out of Lighthouse, treasure box Manipulation of the next stage is performed.

Kalidus Channel 2

Heart MAXUP is acquired. Since Save Point has a margin in HP, the necessities of caring not much, such as Dominus Hatred and damage, do not have it. However, from Save Point, HP is unrecoverable to Skeleton Cave. Here to Skeleton Cave needs to hold HP.Gold Ring comes out of a treasure box by prior manipulation. This is made into money.Before coming out of Kalidus Channel 2, treasure box Manipulation of the next stage is performed.

Tymeo Mountains

It moves, while holding HP. Archer Ring comes out of a treasure box by prior Manipulation. This is made into money.Moreover, Laura is rescue.Before coming out of Tymeo Mountains, treasure box Manipulation of the next stage is performed.

Misty Forest Road

Blow Ring comes out of a treasure box by prior Manipulation.This is used for the bottom raising of Attack Point. Vol Macir and Arma Chiroptera are taken on the way.Werebat has Arma Chiroptera.If these are taken, it will equip immediately.
Palette APalette BPalette C
Vol MacirConfodereFalcis
Vol MacirDominus HatredFalcis
MagnesNothingArma Chiroptera

Skeleton Cave

Arma Chiroptera invincibility seldom receives damage from here. Moreover, since Arma Chiroptera Backdash is quick, if possible, it maintains this state.It prepares, before going into the room of Maneater. Equip is the following.
  1. Casual Clothes
  2. Strength Ring
  3. Blow Ring
  4. (Blow Ring)
Blow Ring is doubly equipped by Accessory glitch. Maneater is killed by the skill of Vol Macir and Vol Macir.Since Maneater has four attack judgings, its best is done in it to hit against all if possible. Arma Chiroptera performs Last Attack and it starts Transformation LVUP glitch. A boss's last attack performs henceforth by Arma Chiroptera. The bottom raising of the capability is carried out by this. Ordinary Stone is acquired and George is rescued. And it comes out of Skelton Cave using Magical Ticket.

Wygol Village

Quest of sage is completed and potion and tonic are taken out to a store.And the following shopping is performed.
  • sell
  1. Gold Ring
  2. Archer Ring
  • Buy
  1. Potion->7
  2. Tonic->9
  3. Magical Ticket->9
  4. Battle Boots
This is the last shopping. A treasure box is Manipulation before coming out of a Wygol Village.

Somnus Reef

Wind Ring comes out of a treasure box by prior Manipulation.Anna and Serge is resqued on the way.It and Reinforced Sult are taken. Rusalka is killed by the skill of Falcis with which pallete C was equipped, and Falcis.Battle Boots and Reinforced Sult and Wind Ring are equipped in advance.
  • Equip
  1. Reinforced Sult
  2. Battle Boots
  3. Strength Ring
  4. Wind Ring
  5. (Wind Ring)

Tymeo Mountains 2 and Kalidus Channel 3 and Minera Prison Island 2

Marcel and Aeon and Monica are resqued for Heart recovery. Minera Prison Island uses the registered warp. Return uses Magical Ticket.MP MAXUP is taken in Kalidus Channel. It was judged that this loss was behind recoverable.

Giant's Dwelling

Daniela is resqued on the way.Miss Murder to it and Vol Falcis are dropped. Before going into the room of Goliath, this Vol Falcis is equipped.And it attacks by the skill of Vol Falcis and Vol Falcis.
Palette APalette BPalette C
Vol MacirConfodereVol Falcis
Vol MacirDominus HatredVol Falcis
MagnesNothingArma Chiroptera
Before coming out of Giant's Dwelling, the treasure box of Next Stage is manipulated.

Tristis Pass

Vol Grando is taken in an event. Irina of the hidden room is rescued.Moreover, Heart MAXUP is taken to serve also as recovery.Traveler's Hat comes out of a treasure box by prior manipulation.

Oblivion Ridge

It equips immediately after the battle start of Gravedorcus.Since the blow is a weak point, Gravedorcus equips Blow Ring. Moreover, Traveler's Hat is equipped simultaneously.
  • Equip
  1. Traveler's Hat
  2. Reinforced Sult
  3. Battle Boots
  4. Strength Ring
  5. Blow Ring
  6. (Blow Ring)
Gravedorcus uses Heart Repair, in order to kill early. Return uses Magical Ticket.

Ecclesia 2 and Wygol Village

The heart is recovered at Wygol Village.Manipulation of a treasure box is performed. Return uses Magical Ticket.

Argila Swamp

Tonic comes out of a treasure box by prior manipulation.

Mystery Manor

Wind Ring is equipped before Battle of Albus. Albus is Attacked by Vol Falcis of Pallete C. The battle back Dominus Agony is taken. Return uses Magical Ticket.The heart is recovered to 75 by Wygol Village.

Ecclesia 3

It prepares before the battle of Barlowe.
  • Glyph
Palette APalette BPalette C
Vol MacirConfodereVol Falcis
Vol MacirVol GrandoVol Falcis
MagnesDominus AgonyArma Chiroptera
  • Equip
  1. Traveler's Hat
  2. Reinforced Sult
  3. Battle Boots
  4. Strength Ring
  5. Wind Ring
  6. (Wind Ring)
It attacks by the skill of Vol Grando+Sword of palette B of high Attack Point. Furthermore, Dominus Agony is used in order to raise Attack Point greatly. Return uses Magical Ticket.

Castle Entrance

Heart MAXUP is taken to serve also as Heart recovery.


Wallman to Paries is taken. Dextro Custos is taken and it once comes out by Magical Ticket.

Castle Entrance 2

Tasty Meat is taken to next recovery. HP MAXUP is taken in order to recover HP which decreased.

Underground Labyrinth

Nitesco is taken to good timing. It moves so that it may leave, since HP is 133 or more required of Blackmore Battle. activate warp before Blackmore.Accessory glitch of Wind Ring and Nitesco equipmentis performed in front of the room of Blackmore.
  • Glyph
Palette APalette BPalette C
Vol MacirConfodereVol Falcis
Vol MacirNitescoVol Falcis
MagnesDominus AgonyArma Chiroptera
Blackmore is attacked by the skill of Nitesco+Sword and Nitesco. Rapidus Fio is taken for Blackmore in kill. If it takes, it will equip instantly.
Palette APalette BPalette C
Vol MacirConfodereVol Falcis
Vol MacirNitescoVol Falcis
MagnesRapidus FioArma Chiroptera
The method of movement is as follows.
  • Forward+Jump*2/Forward+Kick/blank -> Jump*2/blink/Jump/Forward/Forward+Kick/blank*2...
  • (16384*4+28672)->(28672*3+26272+23872+21472+19072+6144)/8=22889.75
It is behind recoverable although the loss for taking comes out.It once comes outside and returns to Underground Labyrinth by Warp Point again entered and registered into Castle. Shortening which uses Transformation Triple Jump on the way is performed.


Heart MAXUP is taken to serve also as recovery. The warp point is registered.

Mechanical Tower

The shortcut using Transformation Triple Jump is performed.Since Death Ring cannot recover time to take by a boss, it is disregarded. Since HP and MP become less insufficient, it recovers on the way. Since HP and MP become less insufficient, it recovers using Potion, Meat, and Tonic. The amount of recovery is a part required of Damage and Death Battle which are added on the way.Equipment will be prepared if it goes into the Death Room.Traveler's Hat is once removed for Damage adjustment of Transformation LVUP glitch. Moreover, Accessory glitch is not performed, either. Gryph remains as it is.
  • Equip
  1. Reinforced Sult
  2. Battle Boots
  3. Strength Ring
  4. Wind Ring
Equipment will be changed if it attacks by skill of Nitesco+Sword twice.
  • Equip
  1. Traveler's Hat
  2. Reinforced Sult
  3. Battle Boots
  4. Strength Ring
  5. Wind Ring
  6. (Wind Ring)
last attack Arma Chiroptera if it attacks by skill of Nitesco+Sword 4 times in this state.If Sinestro Custos is taken, it will go to Barracks by Warp Point.

Arms Depot

It moves to Arms Depot by the shortest route. Since HP becomes less insufficient on the way, it recovers by Potion. HP which is needed before Eligor is 133 or more. Moreover, Heart is automatically recovered to 60 on the way. Moreover, Heart is automatically recovered to 60 on the way. This is Heart and the same number which are needed by Eligor.It will prepare, if battle of Eligor starts. The following equipment is performed first.
  • Glyph
Palette APalette BPalette C
Vol MacirConfodereVol Falcis
Vol MacirNitescoVol Falcis
Dominus AgonyRapidus FioArma Chiroptera
  • Equip
  1. Traveler's Hat
  2. Reinforced Sult
  3. Battle Boots
  4. Strength Ring
  5. Blow Ring
  6. (Blow Ring)
Legs is first destroyed by Vol Macir+Dominus Agony. Since HP runs short again here, it recovers completely in Tasty Meat. Furthermore, equipment is changed below.
  • Glyph
Palette APalette BPalette C
Vol MacirConfodereVol Falcis
Vol MacirNitescoVol Falcis
MagnesDominus AgonyArma Chiroptera
  • Equip
  1. Traveler's Hat
  2. Reinforced Sult
  3. Battle Boots
  4. Strength Ring
  5. Wind Ring
In order to adjust HP, Accessory glitch does not carry out. If Eligor resumes action, Eligor leg clip will be performed. And Head is defeated by four skills of Nitesco+Sword.If a battle finishes, Dominus Agony of Pallete B will be returned to Rapidus Fio. If Arma Custos is taken, it will return by Magical Ticket. Heart is recovered to 60 by Wygol Village. Although 105 is required, the remainder is recovered automatically on the way.

Forsaken Cloister

It moves to Mechanical Tower by Warp Point of Castle Entrance. It goes to Forsaken Cloister by the shortest route from there. Pallete A is equipped with Custos and Cerberus gate is Opened. Eisbein is taken on the way.

Final Approach

Indispensable Volaticus is acquired. However, ordinary usage is not carried out but is made into Volaticus Zipping. This is used suitably. Since HP runs short on the way, it recovers by Eisbein. Moreover, Judgement Ring is taken on the way. The following equipment will be performed if it goes into Dracula Room.
  • Glyph
Palette APalette BPalette C
Sinestro CustosConfodereDominus Hatred
Dextro CustosNitescoDominus Anger
Arma CustosDominus AgonyDominus Agony
  • Equip
  1. Traveler's Hat
  2. Reinforced Sult
  3. Battle Boots
  4. Judgement Ring
  5. Wind Ring
  6. (Wind Ring)
Dracula is attacked by skills of Nitesco+Sword. Nine attacks are required. Since Heart runs short, it recovers by Heart Repair. The part which still run short is reduced by Nitesco. The acquired item is altogether consumed except for Amanita by a series of recovery.And the place which erased the message of "Data has been saved" is movie end.

Special Thanks

  • gocha: Made testrun was greatly consulted. Moreover, much technology which makes Volaticus Zipping and Rapidus Fio Movement the start is developed. I was allowed to refer also to Memory Address.
  • LuckyStarKid:The proposal that Arma Chiroptera became quick temporarily was found. This technology is used also within this TAS.

feos: Accepting to Moons.
Spikestuff: Gimme food, Good Guy!

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #4124: mtbRc's DS Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia in 34:38.32
Experienced player (591)
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waiting for encode before voting yes (wtf XD ?)
Current: Rayman 3 maybe? idk xD Paused: N64 Rayman 2 (with Funnyhair) GBA SMA 4 : E Reader (With TehSeven) TASVideos is like a quicksand, you get in, but you cannot quit the sand
Moderator, Expert player (4149)
Joined: 8/14/2009
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That was unexpected. A pleasant surprise :) Will watch and vote later. EDIT: Watched it, liked it. Very good technical run like usual. It contained some nice interesting and unexpected strategies. Voting yes. <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
Site Admin, Skilled player (1265)
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Can you make a fast encode?
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Editor, Skilled player (1448)
Joined: 3/31/2010
Posts: 2120
This is one of the few TASes lately that made me drop everything to watch it as quickly as possible, and disappointed I was not. Great run through and through, and I'm glad that the Volaticus clipping found some application after all. Yes vote, naturally. Now all we need is an all quest run.
Joined: 10/2/2005
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Help, I'm too hype, need an encode XD
Puzzle gamedev Famitracker musician Programmer, DDR grinder, enjoys the occasional puzzle game/shmup.
Editor, Expert player (2123)
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Any time mtbRc makes a submission here, that always means that he uploaded an encode to Nicovideo previously. Link to video Link to video Link to video Not sure why the time given in the Nicovideo description is different from here, but oh well. It's close enough. Edit: Strangely the Nicovideo encode uses Japanese voices, even though it is still the English version and the TAS is the same. Anyway, encode with English voices is in the post below this one.
Joined: 7/23/2012
Posts: 5
I dumped this so I could watch later in qualilty befitting high-quality glitchy-movement Castlevania TAS action (I hope; haven't seen it yet). Quick lazy encode, middling quality, if you want something downloadable and 60 fps:
Former player
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really awesome stuff, voting yes :)
Editor, Experienced player (905)
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The long-waited Shanoa's quest is finally here XD
Skilled player (1200)
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Nice improvement for gocha's testrun, Yes vote.
The king is always lucky.
Joined: 10/11/2010
Posts: 19
At long last, here it is. One of my favorites in the series. Definite yes. Never expected the Chiroptera transformation to be so useful in both mobility or invincibility frames. Nitesco sword, of course, tears into the bosses as if they were wet tissue paper. All-around well done, I am seconding an every-quest run.
Editor, Expert player (2123)
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Ingredients: - 1 Shanoa - 10 cups Metroidvania - 1 cup vandalism - 8 cups boss destruction - 16 cups floor shuffling - 1 giant enemy crab - 1 cup switching - 2 cups superfast mode - 1 Dracula - 3 tbsp ドゥエ - 1 tbsp ホァイ Directions: Mix all the ingredients together using 57103 rerecords. Keep mixing until NKT. Let it sit until IGAAAAAAAAA. Result: Yet another awesome Castlevania TAS. I watched it twice (the Nicovideo encode and cwizkim's encode), and I was impressed. I would vote Very Yes if there was such an option.
Post subject: Re: #4124: mtbRc's DS Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia in 34:38.32
Emulator Coder, Former player
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I knew the most of tricks in the run, however, it looks even better than I had expected. Great job, Lord mtbRc! † VOTED YES † ドゥゥゥゥゥゥゥゥン
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Player (40)
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This run are sick. Yes.
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
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nicely done
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encode on YouTube?
Joined: 1/24/2013
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IMO, it dragged a bit there in the middle, but once you got the one that increases your movement speed, it became awesome. I guess it's not possible to get that earlier?
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Wyatt wrote:
IMO, it dragged a bit there in the middle, but once you got the one that increases your movement speed, it became awesome. I guess it's not possible to get that earlier?
Nope, because you can't get to Drac's castle until you've saved everybody and fought Albus and the boss that follows, plus you need Wallman's glyph to get to the portion of the castle that has the movement glyph.
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
Joined: 7/2/2007
Posts: 3960
Unlike previous Castlevanias, this is a very linear game, and only opens up a bit once you beat Wallman (the guy that throws Bomberman-style bombs around). Unfortunately that does mean that Shanoa's movement options are a bit limited for much of the game.
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
Reviewer, Skilled player (1112)
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I started TASing Castlevania OoE on 2013 after my first NDS run but I didn't complete it because I was so busy. Now,I stop Tasing this run. About this run,Yes vote.
I still learn more about English.
I wrote:
Working is the best way to achieve goals in speedruning. Hardworking is a pain.
Joined: 8/24/2012
Posts: 9
FractalFusion wrote:
Ingredients: - 1 Shanoa - 10 cups Metroidvania - 1 cup vandalism - 8 cups boss destruction - 16 cups floor shuffling - 1 giant enemy crab - 1 cup switching - 2 cups superfast mode - 1 Dracula - 3 tbsp ドゥエ - 1 tbsp ホァイ Directions: Mix all the ingredients together using 57103 rerecords. Keep mixing until NKT. Let it sit until IGAAAAAAAAA. Result: Yet another awesome Castlevania TAS.
I find that adding a pinch ま゛か゛せ゛ろ゛ in there really enriches the flavor, although too much will have you saying [Oops][Here][Good work]. I don't post here often, but I really, really enjoyed this run. Great work, easy yes for publication.
Active player (310)
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I don't think it's bad to have the speed upgrade quite late, it gives a spectacular boost to the run for the finish. It was already very entertaining before that glyph anyway ^^.
Ambassador, Experienced player (714)
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This was frickin awesome as befits the Castleroid series. I'm with FF on a Very Yes vote. I first tried watching this on 0.9.8 and it desynced hilariously. Two big skeletons in one of the cave levels spent a minute or so humping each other before killing Shanoa.
Editor, Skilled player (1448)
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TheAxeMan wrote:
This was frickin awesome as befits the Castleroid series. I'm with FF on a Very Yes vote. I first tried watching this on 0.9.8 and it desynced hilariously. Two big skeletons in one of the cave levels spent a minute or so humping each other before killing Shanoa.
I had the same issue. Apparently, the game slows down without Shanoa. Some fiddling around with Savestates fixed it though.